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# @kbn/es
> A command line utility for running elasticsearch from source or archive.
## Getting started
If running elasticsearch from source, elasticsearch needs to be cloned to a sibling directory of Kibana.
To run, go to the Kibana root and run `node scripts/es --help` to get the latest command line options.
The script attempts to preserve the existing interfaces used by Elasticsearch CLI. This includes passing through options with the `-E` argument and the `ES_JAVA_OPTS` environment variable for Java options.
### Examples
Run a snapshot install with a trial license
node scripts/es snapshot --license=trial
Run from source with a configured data directory
node scripts/es source
## API
### run
Start a cluster
var es = require('@kbn/es');{
license: 'basic',
version: 7.0,
.catch(function (e) {
process.exitCode = 1;
#### Options
##### options.license
Type: `String`
License type, one of: trial, basic, gold, platinum
##### options.version
Type: `String`
Desired elasticsearch version
##### options['source-path']
Type: `String`
Cloned location of elasticsearch repository, used when running from source
##### options['base-path']
Type: `String`
Location where snapshots are cached
## Snapshot Pinning
Sometimes we need to pin snapshots for a specific version. We'd really like to get this automated, but until that is completed here are the steps to take to build, upload, and switch to pinned snapshots for a branch.
To use these steps you'll need to setup the google-cloud-sdk, which can be installed on macOS with `brew cask install google-cloud-sdk`. Login with the CLI and you'll have access to the `gsutil` to do efficient/parallel uploads to GCS from the command line.
1. Clone the elasticsearch repo somewhere
2. Checkout the branch you want to build
3. Run the following to delete old distributables
find distribution/archives -type f \( -name 'elasticsearch-*-*.tar.gz' -o -name 'elasticsearch-*-*.zip' \) -not -path *no-jdk* -exec rm {} \;
4. Build the new artifacts
./gradlew -p distribution/archives assemble --parallel
4. Copy new artifacts to your `~/Downloads/tmp-artifacts`
rm -rf ~/Downloads/tmp-artifacts
mkdir ~/Downloads/tmp-artifacts
find distribution/archives -type f \( -name 'elasticsearch-*-*.tar.gz' -o -name 'elasticsearch-*-*.zip' \) -not -path *no-jdk* -exec cp {} ~/Downloads/tmp-artifacts \;
5. Calculate shasums of the uploads
cd ~/Downloads/tmp-artifacts
find * -exec bash -c "shasum -a 512 {} > {}.sha512" \;
6. Check that the files in `~/Downloads/tmp-artifacts` look reasonable
7. Upload the files to GCS
gsutil -m rsync . gs://kibana-ci-tmp-artifacts/
8. Once the artifacts are uploaded, modify `packages/kbn-es/src/custom_snapshots.js` in a PR to use a URL formatted like:
// force use of manually created snapshots until ReindexPutMappings fix
if (!process.env.KBN_ES_SNAPSHOT_URL && !process.argv.some(isVersionFlag)) {
// return undefined;
return '{name}-{version}-{os}-x86_64.{ext}';
For 6.8, the format of the url should look like: