
13560 lines
473 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"id": "core.savedObjects",
"client": {
"classes": [
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsClient",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
"label": "SavedObjectsClient",
"description": [
"\nSaved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to\nuse Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side\nSavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects\nHTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects.\n"
"children": [
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsClient.create",
"type": "Function",
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 221
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"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 222
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"label": "options",
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"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 223
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject",
"text": "SimpleSavedObject"
"description": [
"\nPersists an object\n"
"label": "create",
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 220
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate",
"type": "Function",
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 256
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"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"signature": [
"(objects?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject"
"<unknown>[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions"
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"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBatchResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBatchResponse"
"description": [
"\nCreates multiple documents at once\n"
"label": "bulkCreate",
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 255
"tags": [
"returnComment": [
"The result of the create operation containing created saved objects."
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsClient.delete",
"type": "Function",
"children": [
"type": "string",
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"source": {
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"signature": [
"description": [],
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"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"signature": [
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsDeleteOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteOptions"
" | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 286
"signature": [
"(type: string, id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsDeleteOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteOptions"
" | undefined) => Promise<{}>"
"description": [
"\nDeletes an object\n"
"label": "delete",
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 283
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsClient.find",
"type": "Function",
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
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"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
", \"type\" | \"filter\" | \"fields\" | \"search\" | \"page\" | \"perPage\" | \"sortField\" | \"searchFields\" | \"hasReference\" | \"hasReferenceOperator\" | \"defaultSearchOperator\" | \"namespaces\" | \"preference\">"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 314
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(options: Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
", \"type\" | \"filter\" | \"fields\" | \"search\" | \"page\" | \"perPage\" | \"sortField\" | \"searchFields\" | \"hasReference\" | \"hasReferenceOperator\" | \"defaultSearchOperator\" | \"namespaces\" | \"preference\">) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic"
"description": [
"\nSearch for objects\n"
"label": "find",
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 313
"tags": [
"returnComment": [
"A find result with objects matching the specified search."
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsClient.get",
"type": "Function",
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, id: string) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject",
"text": "SimpleSavedObject"
"description": [
"\nFetches a single object\n"
"label": "get",
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 372
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [
"The saved object for the given type and id."
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet",
"type": "Function",
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"{ id: string; type: string; }[]"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"(objects?: { id: string; type: string; }[]) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBatchResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBatchResponse"
"description": [
"\nReturns an array of objects by id\n"
"label": "bulkGet",
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 395
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [
"The saved objects with the given type and ids requested"
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsClient.update",
"type": "Function",
"label": "update",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, attributes: T, { version, migrationVersion, references }?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject",
"text": "SimpleSavedObject"
"description": [
"\nUpdates an object\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 428
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"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 429
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"label": "{ version, migrationVersion, references }",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 430
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 426
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate",
"type": "Function",
"label": "bulkUpdate",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(objects?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject"
"<unknown>[]) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBatchResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBatchResponse"
"description": [
"\nUpdate multiple documents at once\n"
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject"
"description": [
"- [{ type, id, attributes, options: { version, references } }]"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 458
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [
"The result of the update operation containing both failed and updated saved objects."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 458
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 165
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
"label": "SimpleSavedObject",
"description": [
"\nThis class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server\nwith the {@link SavedObjectsClient}.\n\nIt provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects,\nbut doesn't include any type-specific implementations.\n"
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject",
"text": "SimpleSavedObject"
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"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject.attributes",
"type": "Uncategorized",
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 24
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"tags": [],
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"label": "_version",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 26
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"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
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"type": "string",
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"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 27
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"id": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject.type",
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"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 28
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject.migrationVersion",
"type": "Object",
"label": "migrationVersion",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 29
"signature": [
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"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectsMigrationVersion",
"text": "SavedObjectsMigrationVersion"
" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject.coreMigrationVersion",
"type": "string",
"label": "coreMigrationVersion",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 30
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject.error",
"type": "Object",
"label": "error",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 31
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectError",
"text": "SavedObjectError"
" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject.references",
"type": "Array",
"label": "references",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 32
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"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
"id": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject.Unnamed",
"type": "Function",
"label": "Constructor",
"signature": [
"description": [],
"children": [
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
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"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 35
"type": "Object",
"label": "{\n id,\n type,\n version,\n attributes,\n error,\n references,\n migrationVersion,\n coreMigrationVersion,\n }",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 36
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 34
"id": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject.get",
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"label": "get",
"signature": [
"(key: string) => any"
"description": [],
"children": [
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 59
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"signature": [
"(key: string, value: any) => T"
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"source": {
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"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
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"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 63
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"signature": [
"(key: string) => boolean"
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"source": {
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
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"signature": [
"() => Promise<",
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"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SimpleSavedObject",
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
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"signature": [
"() => Promise<{}>"
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"tags": [],
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"source": {
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/simple_saved_object.ts",
"lineNumber": 23
"initialIsOpen": false
"functions": [],
"interfaces": [
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"label": "SavedObjectsBatchResponse",
"signature": [
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBatchResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBatchResponse"
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"tags": [
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"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
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"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject",
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"<T> extends ",
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
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"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type",
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"source": {
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"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions",
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"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions.overwrite",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "overwrite",
"description": [
"If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false)."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 62
"signature": [
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"scope": "public",
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"source": {
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
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"source": {
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"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 71
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"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
"[] | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 66
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.namespace",
"type": "string",
"label": "namespace",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 76
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 75
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [
"\n(Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 38
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "overwrite",
"description": [
"If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false)."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 40
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion",
"type": "Object",
"label": "migrationVersion",
"description": [
"{@inheritDoc SavedObjectsMigrationVersion}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 42
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectsMigrationVersion",
"text": "SavedObjectsMigrationVersion"
" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.coreMigrationVersion",
"type": "string",
"label": "coreMigrationVersion",
"description": [
"A semver value that is used when upgrading objects between Kibana versions."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 44
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references",
"type": "Array",
"label": "references",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 45
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
"[] | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 34
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic"
"<T> extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsBatchResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBatchResponse"
"description": [
"\nReturn type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.\n\n*Note*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects\nclients.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "number",
"label": "total",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 107
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic.perPage",
"type": "number",
"label": "perPage",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 108
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "number",
"label": "page",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 109
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 106
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsStart",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsStart",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsStart.client",
"type": "Object",
"label": "client",
"description": [
"{@link SavedObjectsClient}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 18
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\">"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 16
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version",
"type": "string",
"label": "version",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 81
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.migrationVersion",
"type": "Object",
"label": "migrationVersion",
"description": [
"{@inheritDoc SavedObjectsMigrationVersion}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 83
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectsMigrationVersion",
"text": "SavedObjectsMigrationVersion"
" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references",
"type": "Array",
"label": "references",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 84
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
"[] | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 80
"initialIsOpen": false
"enums": [],
"misc": [
"id": "def-public.SavedObjectsClientContract",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsClientContract",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nSavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the {@link SavedObjectsClient}\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/saved_objects/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 138
"signature": [
"{ get: <T>(type: string, id: string) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>; delete: (type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions | undefined) => Promise<{}>; create: <T>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>; find: <T>(options: Pick<SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, \"type\" | \"filter\" | \"fields\" | \"search\" | \"page\" | \"perPage\" | \"sortField\" | \"searchFields\" | \"hasReference\" | \"hasReferenceOperator\" | \"defaultSearchOperator\" | \"namespaces\" | \"preference\">) => Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T>>; update: <T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, attributes: T, { version, migrationVersion, references }?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>; bulkCreate: (objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<unknown>[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<unknown>>; bulkGet: (objects?: { id: string; type: string; }[]) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<unknown>>; bulkUpdate: <T>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<unknown>[]) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<unknown>>; }"
"initialIsOpen": false
"objects": []
"server": {
"classes": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
"label": "SavedObjectsClient",
"description": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.errors",
"type": "Object",
"label": "errors",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 402
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsErrorHelpers",
"text": "SavedObjectsErrorHelpers"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.errors",
"type": "Object",
"label": "errors",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 403
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsErrorHelpers",
"text": "SavedObjectsErrorHelpers"
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.create",
"type": "Function",
"label": "create",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
" | undefined) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"description": [
"\nPersists a SavedObject\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 419
"type": "Uncategorized",
"label": "attributes",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 419
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
" | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 419
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 419
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate",
"type": "Function",
"label": "bulkCreate",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(objects: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject"
"<T>[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
" | undefined) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkResponse"
"description": [
"\nPersists multiple documents batched together as a single request\n"
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 430
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
" | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 431
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 429
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.checkConflicts",
"type": "Function",
"label": "checkConflicts",
"signature": [
"(objects?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject"
"[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCheckConflictsResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsCheckConflictsResponse"
"description": [
"\nCheck what conflicts will result when creating a given array of saved objects. This includes \"unresolvable conflicts\", which are\nmulti-namespace objects that exist in a different namespace; such conflicts cannot be resolved/overwritten.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 444
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 445
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 443
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.delete",
"type": "Function",
"label": "delete",
"signature": [
"(type: string, id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteOptions"
") => Promise<{}>"
"description": [
"\nDeletes a SavedObject\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 457
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 457
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 457
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 457
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.find",
"type": "Function",
"label": "find",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(options: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindResponse"
"description": [
"\nFind all SavedObjects matching the search query\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 466
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 466
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet",
"type": "Function",
"label": "bulkGet",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(objects?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkGetObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkGetObject"
"[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkResponse"
"description": [
"\nReturns an array of objects by id\n"
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkGetObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkGetObject"
"description": [
"- an array of ids, or an array of objects containing id, type and optionally fields"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 482
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 483
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 481
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.get",
"type": "Function",
"label": "get",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"description": [
"\nRetrieves a single object\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"- The type of SavedObject to retrieve"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 496
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"- The ID of the SavedObject to retrieve"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 497
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 498
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 495
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.resolve",
"type": "Function",
"label": "resolve",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsResolveResponse"
"description": [
"\nResolves a single object, using any legacy URL alias if it exists\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"- The type of SavedObject to retrieve"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 511
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"- The ID of the SavedObject to retrieve"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 512
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 513
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 510
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.update",
"type": "Function",
"label": "update",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateResponse"
"description": [
"\nUpdates an SavedObject\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 526
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 527
"type": "Object",
"label": "attributes",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 528
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 529
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 525
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.addToNamespaces",
"type": "Function",
"label": "addToNamespaces",
"signature": [
"(type: string, id: string, namespaces: string[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesResponse"
"description": [
"\nAdds namespaces to a SavedObject\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 543
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 544
"type": "Array",
"label": "namespaces",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 545
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 546
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 542
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.deleteFromNamespaces",
"type": "Function",
"label": "deleteFromNamespaces",
"signature": [
"(type: string, id: string, namespaces: string[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesResponse"
"description": [
"\nRemoves namespaces from a SavedObject\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 560
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 561
"type": "Array",
"label": "namespaces",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 562
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 563
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 559
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate",
"type": "Function",
"label": "bulkUpdate",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(objects: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject"
"<T>[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions"
" | undefined) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse"
"description": [
"\nBulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once\n"
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 574
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions"
" | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 575
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 573
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.removeReferencesTo",
"type": "Function",
"label": "removeReferencesTo",
"signature": [
"(type: string, id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions"
" | undefined) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToResponse"
"description": [
"\nUpdates all objects containing a reference to the given {type, id} tuple to remove the said reference."
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 584
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 585
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions"
" | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 586
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 583
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.openPointInTimeForType",
"type": "Function",
"label": "openPointInTimeForType",
"signature": [
"(type: string | string[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeResponse"
"description": [
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"\nOpens a Point In Time (PIT) against the indices for the specified Saved Object types.\nThe returned `id` can then be passed to {@link SavedObjectsClient.find} to search\nagainst that PIT.\n\nOnly use this API if you have an advanced use case that's not solved by the\n{@link SavedObjectsClient.createPointInTimeFinder} method."
"children": [
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"string | string[]"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 600
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 601
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 599
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.closePointInTime",
"type": "Function",
"label": "closePointInTime",
"signature": [
"(id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
" | undefined) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeResponse"
"description": [
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"\nCloses a Point In Time (PIT) by ID. This simply proxies the request to ES via the\nElasticsearch client, and is included in the Saved Objects Client as a convenience\nfor consumers who are using {@link SavedObjectsClient.openPointInTimeForType}.\n\nOnly use this API if you have an advanced use case that's not solved by the\n{@link SavedObjectsClient.createPointInTimeFinder} method."
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 614
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
" | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 614
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 614
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient.createPointInTimeFinder",
"type": "Function",
"label": "createPointInTimeFinder",
"signature": [
"(findOptions: Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
", \"type\" | \"filter\" | \"fields\" | \"search\" | \"perPage\" | \"sortField\" | \"sortOrder\" | \"searchFields\" | \"rootSearchFields\" | \"hasReference\" | \"hasReferenceOperator\" | \"defaultSearchOperator\" | \"namespaces\" | \"typeToNamespacesMap\" | \"preference\">, dependencies?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies"
" | undefined) => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.ISavedObjectsPointInTimeFinder",
"text": "ISavedObjectsPointInTimeFinder"
"description": [
"\nReturns a {@link ISavedObjectsPointInTimeFinder} to help page through\nlarge sets of saved objects. We strongly recommend using this API for\nany `find` queries that might return more than 1000 saved objects,\nhowever this API is only intended for use in server-side \"batch\"\nprocessing of objects where you are collecting all objects in memory\nor streaming them back to the client.\n\nDo NOT use this API in a route handler to facilitate paging through\nsaved objects on the client-side unless you are streaming all of the\nresults back to the client at once. Because the returned generator is\nstateful, you cannot rely on subsequent http requests retrieving new\npages from the same Kibana server in multi-instance deployments.\n\nThe generator wraps calls to {@link SavedObjectsClient.find} and iterates\nover multiple pages of results using `_pit` and `search_after`. This will\nopen a new Point-In-Time (PIT), and continue paging until a set of\nresults is received that's smaller than the designated `perPage`.\n\nOnce you have retrieved all of the results you need, it is recommended\nto call `close()` to clean up the PIT and prevent Elasticsearch from\nconsuming resources unnecessarily. This is only required if you are\ndone iterating and have not yet paged through all of the results: the\nPIT will automatically be closed for you once you reach the last page\nof results, or if the underlying call to `find` fails for any reason.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "findOptions",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
", \"type\" | \"filter\" | \"fields\" | \"search\" | \"perPage\" | \"sortField\" | \"sortOrder\" | \"searchFields\" | \"rootSearchFields\" | \"hasReference\" | \"hasReferenceOperator\" | \"defaultSearchOperator\" | \"namespaces\" | \"typeToNamespacesMap\" | \"preference\">"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 664
"type": "Object",
"label": "dependencies",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies"
" | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
"lineNumber": 665
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 663
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 401
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsErrorHelpers",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
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"lineNumber": 190
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 190
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsUnavailableError",
"type": "Function",
"label": "isEsUnavailableError",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsErrorHelpers",
"text": "SavedObjectsErrorHelpers"
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "error",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"Error | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.DecoratedError",
"text": "DecoratedError"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 194
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 194
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateGeneralError",
"type": "Function",
"label": "decorateGeneralError",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsErrorHelpers",
"text": "SavedObjectsErrorHelpers"
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "error",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 198
"type": "string",
"label": "reason",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 198
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 198
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isGeneralError",
"type": "Function",
"label": "isGeneralError",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsErrorHelpers",
"text": "SavedObjectsErrorHelpers"
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "error",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"Error | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.DecoratedError",
"text": "DecoratedError"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 202
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 202
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 72
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
"label": "SavedObjectsExporter",
"description": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.#savedObjectsClient",
"type": "Object",
"label": "#savedObjectsClient",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 37
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"errors\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.#exportTransforms",
"type": "Object",
"label": "#exportTransforms",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 38
"signature": [
"Record<string, ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportTransform",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportTransform"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.#exportSizeLimit",
"type": "number",
"label": "#exportSizeLimit",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 39
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.#log",
"type": "Object",
"label": "#log",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 40
"signature": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.Unnamed",
"type": "Function",
"label": "Constructor",
"signature": [
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.Unnamed.{\n- savedObjectsClient,\n typeRegistry,\n exportSizeLimit,\n logger,\n }",
"type": "Object",
"label": "{\n savedObjectsClient,\n typeRegistry,\n exportSizeLimit,\n logger,\n }",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.Unnamed.{\n- savedObjectsClient,\n typeRegistry,\n exportSizeLimit,\n logger,\n }.savedObjectsClient",
"type": "Object",
"label": "savedObjectsClient",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 48
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"errors\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.Unnamed.{\n- savedObjectsClient,\n typeRegistry,\n exportSizeLimit,\n logger,\n }.typeRegistry",
"type": "Object",
"label": "typeRegistry",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 49
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry",
"text": "SavedObjectTypeRegistry"
", \"getType\" | \"getVisibleTypes\" | \"getAllTypes\" | \"getImportableAndExportableTypes\" | \"isNamespaceAgnostic\" | \"isSingleNamespace\" | \"isMultiNamespace\" | \"isShareable\" | \"isHidden\" | \"getIndex\" | \"isImportableAndExportable\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.Unnamed.{\n- savedObjectsClient,\n typeRegistry,\n exportSizeLimit,\n logger,\n }.exportSizeLimit",
"type": "number",
"label": "exportSizeLimit",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 50
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.Unnamed.{\n- savedObjectsClient,\n typeRegistry,\n exportSizeLimit,\n logger,\n }.logger",
"type": "Object",
"label": "logger",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 51
"signature": [
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 47
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 42
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.exportByTypes",
"type": "Function",
"label": "exportByTypes",
"signature": [
"(options: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions"
") => Promise<",
"description": [
"\nGenerates an export stream for given types.\n\nSee the {@link SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions | options} for more detailed information.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 74
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 74
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter.exportByObjects",
"type": "Function",
"label": "exportByObjects",
"signature": [
"(options: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportByObjectOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportByObjectOptions"
") => Promise<",
"description": [
"\nGenerates an export stream for given object references.\n\nSee the {@link SavedObjectsExportByObjectOptions | options} for more detailed information.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportByObjectOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportByObjectOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 92
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 92
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 36
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportError",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
"label": "SavedObjectsExportError",
"description": [],
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportError",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportError"
" extends Error"
"children": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportError.Unnamed",
"type": "Function",
"label": "Constructor",
"signature": [
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 16
"type": "string",
"label": "message",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 17
"type": "Object",
"label": "attributes",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"Record<string, any> | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 18
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 15
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportError.exportSizeExceeded",
"type": "Function",
"label": "exportSizeExceeded",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportError",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportError"
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "number",
"label": "limit",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 27
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 27
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportError.objectFetchError",
"type": "Function",
"label": "objectFetchError",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportError",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportError"
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 36
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 36
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportError.objectTransformError",
"type": "Function",
"label": "objectTransformError",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportError",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportError"
"description": [
"\nError returned when a {@link SavedObjectsExportTransform | export tranform} threw an error"
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 45
"type": "Object",
"label": "cause",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 45
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 45
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportError.invalidTransformError",
"type": "Function",
"label": "invalidTransformError",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportError",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportError"
"description": [
"\nError returned when a {@link SavedObjectsExportTransform | export tranform} performed an invalid operation\nduring the transform, such as removing objects from the export, or changing an object's type or id."
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objectKeys",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 60
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 60
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 14
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
"label": "SavedObjectsImporter",
"description": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter.#savedObjectsClient",
"type": "Object",
"label": "#savedObjectsClient",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 30
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"errors\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter.#typeRegistry",
"type": "Object",
"label": "#typeRegistry",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 31
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry",
"text": "SavedObjectTypeRegistry"
", \"getType\" | \"getVisibleTypes\" | \"getAllTypes\" | \"getImportableAndExportableTypes\" | \"isNamespaceAgnostic\" | \"isSingleNamespace\" | \"isMultiNamespace\" | \"isShareable\" | \"isHidden\" | \"getIndex\" | \"isImportableAndExportable\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter.#importSizeLimit",
"type": "number",
"label": "#importSizeLimit",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 32
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter.#importHooks",
"type": "Object",
"label": "#importHooks",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 33
"signature": [
"Record<string, ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportHook",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportHook"
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter.Unnamed",
"type": "Function",
"label": "Constructor",
"signature": [
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter.Unnamed.{\n- savedObjectsClient,\n typeRegistry,\n importSizeLimit,\n }",
"type": "Object",
"label": "{\n savedObjectsClient,\n typeRegistry,\n importSizeLimit,\n }",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter.Unnamed.{\n- savedObjectsClient,\n typeRegistry,\n importSizeLimit,\n }.savedObjectsClient",
"type": "Object",
"label": "savedObjectsClient",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 40
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"errors\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter.Unnamed.{\n- savedObjectsClient,\n typeRegistry,\n importSizeLimit,\n }.typeRegistry",
"type": "Object",
"label": "typeRegistry",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 41
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry",
"text": "SavedObjectTypeRegistry"
", \"getType\" | \"getVisibleTypes\" | \"getAllTypes\" | \"getImportableAndExportableTypes\" | \"isNamespaceAgnostic\" | \"isSingleNamespace\" | \"isMultiNamespace\" | \"isShareable\" | \"isHidden\" | \"getIndex\" | \"isImportableAndExportable\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter.Unnamed.{\n- savedObjectsClient,\n typeRegistry,\n importSizeLimit,\n }.importSizeLimit",
"type": "number",
"label": "importSizeLimit",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 42
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 39
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 35
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter.import",
"type": "Function",
"label": "import",
"signature": [
"({ readStream, createNewCopies, namespace, overwrite, }: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportResponse"
"description": [
"\nImport saved objects from given stream. See the {@link SavedObjectsImportOptions | options} for more\ndetailed information.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "{\n readStream,\n createNewCopies,\n namespace,\n overwrite,\n }",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 64
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 64
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter.resolveImportErrors",
"type": "Function",
"label": "resolveImportErrors",
"signature": [
"({ readStream, createNewCopies, namespace, retries, }: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportResponse"
"description": [
"\nResolve and return saved object import errors.\nSee the {@link SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions | options} for more detailed informations.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "{\n readStream,\n createNewCopies,\n namespace,\n retries,\n }",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 88
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 88
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 29
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
"label": "SavedObjectsImportError",
"description": [],
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportError"
" extends Error"
"children": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError.importSizeExceeded",
"type": "Function",
"label": "importSizeExceeded",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportError"
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "number",
"label": "limit",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 27
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 27
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError.nonUniqueImportObjects",
"type": "Function",
"label": "nonUniqueImportObjects",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportError"
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "nonUniqueEntries",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 34
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 34
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError.nonUniqueRetryObjects",
"type": "Function",
"label": "nonUniqueRetryObjects",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportError"
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "nonUniqueRetryObjects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 41
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 41
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError.nonUniqueRetryDestinations",
"type": "Function",
"label": "nonUniqueRetryDestinations",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportError"
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "nonUniqueRetryDestinations",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 48
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 48
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError.referencesFetchError",
"type": "Function",
"label": "referencesFetchError",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportError",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportError"
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 55
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 55
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/errors.ts",
"lineNumber": 14
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
"label": "SavedObjectsRepository",
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.create",
"type": "Function",
"label": "create",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"description": [
"\nPersists an object\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 257
"type": "Uncategorized",
"label": "attributes",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 258
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 259
"tags": [
"returnComment": [
"- { id, type, version, attributes }"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 256
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.bulkCreate",
"type": "Function",
"label": "bulkCreate",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(objects: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject"
"<T>[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkResponse"
"description": [
"\nCreates multiple documents at once\n"
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject"
"description": [
"- [{ type, id, attributes, references, migrationVersion }]"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 350
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 351
"tags": [
"returnComment": [
"- {saved_objects: [[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }]}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 349
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.checkConflicts",
"type": "Function",
"label": "checkConflicts",
"signature": [
"(objects?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject"
"[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCheckConflictsResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsCheckConflictsResponse"
"description": [
"\nCheck what conflicts will result when creating a given array of saved objects. This includes \"unresolvable conflicts\", which are\nmulti-namespace objects that exist in a different namespace; such conflicts cannot be resolved/overwritten."
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 541
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 542
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 540
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.delete",
"type": "Function",
"label": "delete",
"signature": [
"(type: string, id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteOptions"
") => Promise<{}>"
"description": [
"\nDeletes an object\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 627
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 627
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 627
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 627
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.deleteByNamespace",
"type": "Function",
"label": "deleteByNamespace",
"signature": [
"(namespace: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions"
") => Promise<any>"
"description": [
"\nDeletes all objects from the provided namespace.\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "namespace",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 690
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 691
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [
"- { took, timed_out, total, deleted, batches, version_conflicts, noops, retries, failures }"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 689
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.find",
"type": "Function",
"label": "find",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(options: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindResponse"
"description": [],
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 751
"tags": [
"returnComment": [
"- { saved_objects: [{ id, type, version, attributes }], total, per_page, page }"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 751
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.bulkGet",
"type": "Function",
"label": "bulkGet",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(objects?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkGetObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkGetObject"
"[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkResponse"
"description": [
"\nReturns an array of objects by id\n"
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkGetObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkGetObject"
"description": [
"- an array of objects containing id, type and optionally fields"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 906
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 907
"tags": [
"returnComment": [
"- { saved_objects: [{ id, type, version, attributes }] }"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 905
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.get",
"type": "Function",
"label": "get",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"description": [
"\nGets a single object\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 993
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 994
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 995
"tags": [
"returnComment": [
"- { id, type, version, attributes }"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 992
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.resolve",
"type": "Function",
"label": "resolve",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsResolveResponse"
"description": [
"\nResolves a single object, using any legacy URL alias if it exists\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1035
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1036
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1037
"tags": [
"returnComment": [
"- { saved_object, outcome }"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1034
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.update",
"type": "Function",
"label": "update",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateResponse"
"description": [
"\nUpdates an object\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1160
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1161
"type": "Object",
"label": "attributes",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1162
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1163
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1159
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.addToNamespaces",
"type": "Function",
"label": "addToNamespaces",
"signature": [
"(type: string, id: string, namespaces: string[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesResponse"
"description": [
"\nAdds one or more namespaces to a given multi-namespace saved object. This method and\n[`deleteFromNamespaces`]{@link SavedObjectsRepository.deleteFromNamespaces} are the only ways to change which Spaces a multi-namespace\nsaved object is shared to."
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1232
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1233
"type": "Array",
"label": "namespaces",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1234
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1235
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1231
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.deleteFromNamespaces",
"type": "Function",
"label": "deleteFromNamespaces",
"signature": [
"(type: string, id: string, namespaces: string[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesResponse"
"description": [
"\nRemoves one or more namespaces from a given multi-namespace saved object. If no namespaces remain, the saved object is deleted\nentirely. This method and [`addToNamespaces`]{@link SavedObjectsRepository.addToNamespaces} are the only ways to change which Spaces a\nmulti-namespace saved object is shared to."
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1295
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1296
"type": "Array",
"label": "namespaces",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1297
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1298
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1294
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.bulkUpdate",
"type": "Function",
"label": "bulkUpdate",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(objects: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject"
"<T>[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse"
"description": [
"\nUpdates multiple objects in bulk\n"
"children": [
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject"
"description": [
"- [{ type, id, attributes, options: { version, namespace } references }]"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1401
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1402
"tags": [
"returnComment": [
"- {saved_objects: [[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }]}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1400
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.removeReferencesTo",
"type": "Function",
"label": "removeReferencesTo",
"signature": [
"(type: string, id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToResponse"
"description": [
"\nUpdates all objects containing a reference to the given {type, id} tuple to remove the said reference.\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1620
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1621
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1622
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1619
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.incrementCounter",
"type": "Function",
"label": "incrementCounter",
"signature": [
"<T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, counterFields: (string | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterField",
"text": "SavedObjectsIncrementCounterField"
")[], options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"<T>) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"description": [
"\nIncrements all the specified counter fields (by one by default). Creates the document\nif one doesn't exist for the given id.\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"- The type of saved object whose fields should be incremented"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1731
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"- The id of the document whose fields should be incremented"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1732
"type": "Array",
"label": "counterFields",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"(string | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterField",
"text": "SavedObjectsIncrementCounterField"
"description": [
"- An array of field names to increment or an array of {@link SavedObjectsIncrementCounterField}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1733
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"description": [
"- {@link SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1734
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [
"The saved object after the specified fields were incremented"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1730
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.openPointInTimeForType",
"type": "Function",
"label": "openPointInTimeForType",
"signature": [
"(type: string | string[], { keepAlive, preference }?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeResponse"
"description": [
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"\nOpens a Point In Time (PIT) against the indices for the specified Saved Object types.\nThe returned `id` can then be passed to `SavedObjects.find` to search against that PIT.\n\nOnly use this API if you have an advanced use case that's not solved by the\n{@link SavedObjectsRepository.createPointInTimeFinder} method.\n"
"children": [
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"string | string[]"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1891
"type": "Object",
"label": "{ keepAlive = '5m', preference }",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1892
"tags": [
"returnComment": [
"- { id: string }"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1890
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.closePointInTime",
"type": "Function",
"label": "closePointInTime",
"signature": [
"(id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
" | undefined) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeResponse"
"description": [
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"\nCloses a Point In Time (PIT) by ID. This simply proxies the request to ES\nvia the Elasticsearch client, and is included in the Saved Objects Client\nas a convenience for consumers who are using `openPointInTimeForType`.\n\nOnly use this API if you have an advanced use case that's not solved by the\n{@link SavedObjectsRepository.createPointInTimeFinder} method.\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1967
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
" | undefined"
"description": [
"- {@link SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeOptions}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1968
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [
"- {@link SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeResponse}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 1966
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository.createPointInTimeFinder",
"type": "Function",
"label": "createPointInTimeFinder",
"signature": [
"(findOptions: Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
", \"type\" | \"filter\" | \"fields\" | \"search\" | \"perPage\" | \"sortField\" | \"sortOrder\" | \"searchFields\" | \"rootSearchFields\" | \"hasReference\" | \"hasReferenceOperator\" | \"defaultSearchOperator\" | \"namespaces\" | \"typeToNamespacesMap\" | \"preference\">, dependencies?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies"
" | undefined) => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.ISavedObjectsPointInTimeFinder",
"text": "ISavedObjectsPointInTimeFinder"
"description": [
"\nReturns a {@link ISavedObjectsPointInTimeFinder} to help page through\nlarge sets of saved objects. We strongly recommend using this API for\nany `find` queries that might return more than 1000 saved objects,\nhowever this API is only intended for use in server-side \"batch\"\nprocessing of objects where you are collecting all objects in memory\nor streaming them back to the client.\n\nDo NOT use this API in a route handler to facilitate paging through\nsaved objects on the client-side unless you are streaming all of the\nresults back to the client at once. Because the returned generator is\nstateful, you cannot rely on subsequent http requests retrieving new\npages from the same Kibana server in multi-instance deployments.\n\nThis generator wraps calls to {@link SavedObjectsRepository.find} and\niterates over multiple pages of results using `_pit` and `search_after`.\nThis will open a new Point-In-Time (PIT), and continue paging until a\nset of results is received that's smaller than the designated `perPage`.\n\nOnce you have retrieved all of the results you need, it is recommended\nto call `close()` to clean up the PIT and prevent Elasticsearch from\nconsuming resources unnecessarily. This is only required if you are\ndone iterating and have not yet paged through all of the results: the\nPIT will automatically be closed for you once you reach the last page\nof results, or if the underlying call to `find` fails for any reason.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "findOptions",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
", \"type\" | \"filter\" | \"fields\" | \"search\" | \"perPage\" | \"sortField\" | \"sortOrder\" | \"searchFields\" | \"rootSearchFields\" | \"hasReference\" | \"hasReferenceOperator\" | \"defaultSearchOperator\" | \"namespaces\" | \"typeToNamespacesMap\" | \"preference\">"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
"lineNumber": 2023
"type": "Object",
"label": "dependencies",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies"
" | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
"lineNumber": 2024
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
"lineNumber": 2022
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 158
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsSerializer",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
"label": "SavedObjectsSerializer",
"description": [
"\nA serializer that can be used to manually convert {@link SavedObjectsRawDoc | raw} or\n{@link SavedObjectSanitizedDoc | sanitized} documents to the other kind.\n"
"children": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsSerializer.isRawSavedObject",
"type": "Function",
"label": "isRawSavedObject",
"signature": [
"(doc: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDoc",
"text": "SavedObjectsRawDoc"
", options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDocParseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsRawDocParseOptions"
") => boolean"
"description": [
"\nDetermines whether or not the raw document can be converted to a saved object.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "doc",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDoc",
"text": "SavedObjectsRawDoc"
"description": [
"- The raw ES document to be tested"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 41
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDocParseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsRawDocParseOptions"
"description": [
"- Options for parsing the raw document."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 41
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 41
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsSerializer.rawToSavedObject",
"type": "Function",
"label": "rawToSavedObject",
"signature": [
"(doc: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDoc",
"text": "SavedObjectsRawDoc"
", options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDocParseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsRawDocParseOptions"
") => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectSanitizedDoc",
"text": "SavedObjectSanitizedDoc"
"description": [
"\nConverts a document from the format that is stored in elasticsearch to the saved object client format.\n"
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "doc",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDoc",
"text": "SavedObjectsRawDoc"
"description": [
"- The raw ES document to be converted to saved object format."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 59
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDocParseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsRawDocParseOptions"
"description": [
"- Options for parsing the raw document."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 60
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 58
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsSerializer.savedObjectToRaw",
"type": "Function",
"label": "savedObjectToRaw",
"signature": [
"(savedObj: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectSanitizedDoc",
"text": "SavedObjectSanitizedDoc"
"<unknown>) => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDoc",
"text": "SavedObjectsRawDoc"
"description": [
"\nConverts a document from the saved object client format to the format that is stored in elasticsearch.\n"
"children": [
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "savedObj",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectSanitizedDoc",
"text": "SavedObjectSanitizedDoc"
"description": [
"- The saved object to be converted to raw ES format."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 102
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 102
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsSerializer.generateRawId",
"type": "Function",
"label": "generateRawId",
"signature": [
"(namespace: string | undefined, type: string, id: string) => string"
"description": [
"\nGiven a saved object type and id, generates the compound id that is stored in the raw document.\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "namespace",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"description": [
"- The namespace of the saved object"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 143
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"- The saved object type"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 143
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"- The id of the saved object"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 143
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 143
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsSerializer.generateRawLegacyUrlAliasId",
"type": "Function",
"label": "generateRawLegacyUrlAliasId",
"signature": [
"(namespace: string, type: string, id: string) => string"
"description": [
"\nGiven a saved object type and id, generates the compound id that is stored in the raw document for its legacy URL alias.\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "namespace",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"- The namespace of the saved object"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 156
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"- The saved object type"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 156
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [
"- The id of the saved object"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 156
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 156
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/serializer.ts",
"lineNumber": 26
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUtils",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
"label": "SavedObjectsUtils",
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUtils.namespaceIdToString",
"type": "Function",
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "namespace",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/utils.ts",
"lineNumber": 29
"signature": [
"(namespace?: string | undefined) => string"
"description": [
"\nConverts a given saved object namespace ID to its string representation. All namespace IDs have an identical string representation, with\nthe exception of the `undefined` namespace ID (which has a namespace string of `'default'`).\n"
"label": "namespaceIdToString",
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/utils.ts",
"lineNumber": 29
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUtils.namespaceStringToId",
"type": "Function",
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "namespace",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/utils.ts",
"lineNumber": 43
"signature": [
"(namespace: string) => string | undefined"
"description": [
"\nConverts a given saved object namespace string to its ID representation. All namespace strings have an identical ID representation, with\nthe exception of the `'default'` namespace string (which has a namespace ID of `undefined`).\n"
"label": "namespaceStringToId",
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/utils.ts",
"lineNumber": 43
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUtils.createEmptyFindResponse",
"type": "Function",
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "{\n page = FIND_DEFAULT_PAGE,\n perPage = FIND_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE,\n }",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/utils.ts",
"lineNumber": 54
"signature": [
"<T>({ page, perPage, }: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptions"
") => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindResponse"
"description": [
"\nCreates an empty response for a find operation. This is only intended to be used by saved objects client wrappers."
"label": "createEmptyFindResponse",
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/utils.ts",
"lineNumber": 54
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUtils.generateId",
"type": "Function",
"label": "generateId",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUtils",
"text": "SavedObjectsUtils"
"description": [
"\nGenerates a random ID for a saved objects."
"children": [],
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/utils.ts",
"lineNumber": 67
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUtils.isRandomId",
"type": "Function",
"label": "isRandomId",
"signature": [
"typeof ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUtils",
"text": "SavedObjectsUtils"
"description": [
"\nValidates that a saved object ID has been randomly generated.\n"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"description": [
"The ID of a saved object."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/utils.ts",
"lineNumber": 77
"tags": [
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/utils.ts",
"lineNumber": 77
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/utils.ts",
"lineNumber": 22
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [
"label": "SavedObjectTypeRegistry",
"description": [
"\nRegistry holding information about all the registered {@link SavedObjectsType | saved object types}.\n"
"children": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.registerType",
"type": "Function",
"label": "registerType",
"signature": [
"(type: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsType",
"text": "SavedObjectsType"
") => void"
"description": [
"\nRegister a {@link SavedObjectsType | type} inside the registry.\nA type can only be registered once. subsequent calls with the same type name will throw an error."
"children": [
"type": "Object",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsType",
"text": "SavedObjectsType"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 31
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 31
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.getType",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getType",
"signature": [
"(type: string) => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsType",
"text": "SavedObjectsType"
" | undefined"
"description": [
"\nReturn the {@link SavedObjectsType | type} definition for given type name."
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 42
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 42
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.getVisibleTypes",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getVisibleTypes",
"signature": [
"() => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsType",
"text": "SavedObjectsType"
"description": [
"\nReturns all visible {@link SavedObjectsType | types}.\n\nA visible type is a type that doesn't explicitly define `hidden=true` during registration."
"children": [],
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 51
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.getAllTypes",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getAllTypes",
"signature": [
"() => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsType",
"text": "SavedObjectsType"
"description": [
"\nReturn all {@link SavedObjectsType | types} currently registered, including the hidden ones.\n\nTo only get the visible types (which is the most common use case), use `getVisibleTypes` instead."
"children": [],
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 60
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.getImportableAndExportableTypes",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getImportableAndExportableTypes",
"signature": [
"() => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsType",
"text": "SavedObjectsType"
"description": [
"\nReturn all {@link SavedObjectsType | types} currently registered that are importable/exportable."
"children": [],
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 67
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.isNamespaceAgnostic",
"type": "Function",
"label": "isNamespaceAgnostic",
"signature": [
"(type: string) => boolean"
"description": [
"\nReturns whether the type is namespace-agnostic (global);\nresolves to `false` if the type is not registered"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 75
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 75
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.isSingleNamespace",
"type": "Function",
"label": "isSingleNamespace",
"signature": [
"(type: string) => boolean"
"description": [
"\nReturns whether the type is single-namespace (isolated);\nresolves to `true` if the type is not registered"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 83
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 83
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.isMultiNamespace",
"type": "Function",
"label": "isMultiNamespace",
"signature": [
"(type: string) => boolean"
"description": [
"\nReturns whether the type is multi-namespace (shareable *or* isolated);\nresolves to `false` if the type is not registered"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 92
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 92
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.isShareable",
"type": "Function",
"label": "isShareable",
"signature": [
"(type: string) => boolean"
"description": [
"\nReturns whether the type is multi-namespace (shareable);\nresolves to `false` if the type is not registered"
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 101
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 101
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.isHidden",
"type": "Function",
"label": "isHidden",
"signature": [
"(type: string) => boolean"
"description": [
"\nReturns the `hidden` property for given type, or `false` if\nthe type is not registered."
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 109
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 109
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.getIndex",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getIndex",
"signature": [
"(type: string) => string | undefined"
"description": [
"\nReturns the `indexPattern` property for given type, or `undefined` if\nthe type is not registered."
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 117
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 117
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry.isImportableAndExportable",
"type": "Function",
"label": "isImportableAndExportable",
"signature": [
"(type: string) => boolean"
"description": [
"\nReturns the `management.importableAndExportable` property for given type, or\n`false` if the type is not registered or does not define a management section."
"children": [
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 125
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 125
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 24
"initialIsOpen": false
"functions": [],
"interfaces": [
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"id": "def-server.ISavedObjectsPointInTimeFinder",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "ISavedObjectsPointInTimeFinder",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.ISavedObjectsPointInTimeFinder.find",
"type": "Function",
"label": "find",
"description": [
"\nAn async generator which wraps calls to `savedObjectsClient.find` and\niterates over multiple pages of results using `_pit` and `search_after`.\nThis will open a new Point-In-Time (PIT), and continue paging until a set\nof results is received that's smaller than the designated `perPage` size."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/point_in_time_finder.ts",
"lineNumber": 49
"signature": [
"() => AsyncGenerator<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindResponse"
"<unknown>, any, unknown>"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.ISavedObjectsPointInTimeFinder.close",
"type": "Function",
"label": "close",
"description": [
"\nCloses the Point-In-Time associated with this finder instance.\n\nOnce you have retrieved all of the results you need, it is recommended\nto call `close()` to clean up the PIT and prevent Elasticsearch from\nconsuming resources unnecessarily. This is only required if you are\ndone iterating and have not yet paged through all of the results: the\nPIT will automatically be closed for you once you reach the last page\nof results, or if the underlying call to `find` fails for any reason."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/point_in_time_finder.ts",
"lineNumber": 60
"signature": [
"() => Promise<void>"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/point_in_time_finder.ts",
"lineNumber": 42
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectExportBaseOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectExportBaseOptions",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectExportBaseOptions.request",
"type": "Object",
"label": "request",
"description": [
"The http request initiating the export."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 15
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.KibanaRequest",
"text": "KibanaRequest"
"<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectExportBaseOptions.includeReferencesDeep",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "includeReferencesDeep",
"description": [
"flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 17
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectExportBaseOptions.excludeExportDetails",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "excludeExportDetails",
"description": [
"flag to not append {@link SavedObjectsExportResultDetails | export details} to the end of the export stream."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 19
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectExportBaseOptions.namespace",
"type": "string",
"label": "namespace",
"description": [
"optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 21
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 13
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectMigrationContext",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectMigrationContext",
"description": [
"\nMigration context provided when invoking a {@link SavedObjectMigrationFn | migration handler}\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectMigrationContext.log",
"type": "Object",
"label": "log",
"description": [
"\nlogger instance to be used by the migration handler"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 59
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsMigrationLogger",
"text": "SavedObjectsMigrationLogger"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectMigrationContext.migrationVersion",
"type": "string",
"label": "migrationVersion",
"description": [
"\nThe migration version that this migration function is defined for"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 63
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectMigrationContext.convertToMultiNamespaceTypeVersion",
"type": "string",
"label": "convertToMultiNamespaceTypeVersion",
"description": [
"\nThe version in which this object type is being converted to a multi-namespace type"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 67
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 55
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectMigrationMap",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectMigrationMap",
"description": [
"\nA map of {@link SavedObjectMigrationFn | migration functions} to be used for a given type.\nThe map's keys must be valid semver versions, and they cannot exceed the current Kibana version.\n\nFor a given document, only migrations with a higher version number than that of the document will be applied.\nMigrations are executed in order, starting from the lowest version and ending with the highest one.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectMigrationMap.Unnamed",
"type": "Any",
"label": "Unnamed",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 88
"signature": [
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 87
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions.version",
"type": "string",
"label": "version",
"description": [
"An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 224
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions.refresh",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "refresh",
"description": [
"The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 226
"signature": [
"boolean | \"wait_for\" | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 222
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesResponse",
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesResponse.namespaces",
"type": "Array",
"label": "namespaces",
"description": [
"The namespaces the object exists in after this operation is complete."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 235
"signature": [
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 233
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace",
"type": "string",
"label": "namespace",
"description": [
"Specify the namespace for this operation"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 142
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 140
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 71
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 72
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes",
"type": "Uncategorized",
"label": "attributes",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 73
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.version",
"type": "string",
"label": "version",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 74
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.references",
"type": "Array",
"label": "references",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 75
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
"[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.migrationVersion",
"type": "Object",
"label": "migrationVersion",
"description": [
"{@inheritDoc SavedObjectsMigrationVersion}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 77
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectsMigrationVersion",
"text": "SavedObjectsMigrationVersion"
" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.coreMigrationVersion",
"type": "string",
"label": "coreMigrationVersion",
"description": [
"\nA semver value that is used when upgrading objects between Kibana versions. If undefined, this will be automatically set to the current\nKibana version when the object is created. If this is set to a non-semver value, or it is set to a semver value greater than the\ncurrent Kibana version, it will result in an error.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 87
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.originId",
"type": "string",
"label": "originId",
"description": [
"Optional ID of the original saved object, if this object's `id` was regenerated"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 89
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.initialNamespaces",
"type": "Array",
"label": "initialNamespaces",
"description": [
"\nOptional initial namespaces for the object to be created in. If this is defined, it will supersede the namespace ID that is in\n{@link SavedObjectsCreateOptions}.\n\nNote: this can only be used for multi-namespace object types."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 96
"signature": [
"string[] | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 70
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkGetObject",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsBulkGetObject",
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 299
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 300
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.fields",
"type": "Array",
"label": "fields",
"description": [
"SavedObject fields to include in the response"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 302
"signature": [
"string[] | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 298
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsBulkResponse",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkResponse"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkResponse.saved_objects",
"type": "Array",
"label": "saved_objects",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 125
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 124
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsBulkResponse",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkResponse"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkResponse.saved_objects",
"type": "Array",
"label": "saved_objects",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 310
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 309
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject"
"<T> extends Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateOptions"
", \"version\" | \"references\">"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [
"The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 106
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [
" The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 108
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes",
"type": "Object",
"label": "attributes",
"description": [
"{@inheritdoc SavedObjectAttributes}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 110
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.namespace",
"type": "string",
"label": "namespace",
"description": [
"\nOptional namespace string to use when searching for this object. If this is defined, it will supersede the namespace ID that is in\n{@link SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions}.\n\nNote: the default namespace's string representation is `'default'`, and its ID representation is `undefined`."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 117
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 103
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.refresh",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "refresh",
"description": [
"The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 280
"signature": [
"boolean | \"wait_for\" | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 278
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse.saved_objects",
"type": "Array",
"label": "saved_objects",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 318
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateResponse"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 317
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject",
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 189
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 190
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 188
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCheckConflictsResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsCheckConflictsResponse",
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCheckConflictsResponse.errors",
"type": "Array",
"label": "errors",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 198
"signature": [
"{ id: string; type: string; error: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectError",
"text": "SavedObjectError"
"; }[]"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 197
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions",
"description": [
"\nOptions to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions.excludedWrappers",
"type": "Array",
"label": "excludedWrappers",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/scoped_client_provider.ts",
"lineNumber": 58
"signature": [
"string[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions.includedHiddenTypes",
"type": "Array",
"label": "includedHiddenTypes",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/scoped_client_provider.ts",
"lineNumber": 59
"signature": [
"string[] | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/scoped_client_provider.ts",
"lineNumber": 57
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions",
"description": [
"\nOptions passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.client",
"type": "Object",
"label": "client",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/scoped_client_provider.ts",
"lineNumber": 20
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"errors\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.typeRegistry",
"type": "Object",
"label": "typeRegistry",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/scoped_client_provider.ts",
"lineNumber": 21
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry",
"text": "SavedObjectTypeRegistry"
", \"getType\" | \"getVisibleTypes\" | \"getAllTypes\" | \"getImportableAndExportableTypes\" | \"isNamespaceAgnostic\" | \"isSingleNamespace\" | \"isMultiNamespace\" | \"isShareable\" | \"isHidden\" | \"getIndex\" | \"isImportableAndExportable\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.request",
"type": "Object",
"label": "request",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/scoped_client_provider.ts",
"lineNumber": 22
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.KibanaRequest",
"text": "KibanaRequest"
"<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/scoped_client_provider.ts",
"lineNumber": 19
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeResponse",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeResponse.succeeded",
"type": "boolean",
"label": "succeeded",
"description": [
"\nIf true, all search contexts associated with the PIT id are\nsuccessfully closed."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 390
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeResponse.num_freed",
"type": "number",
"label": "num_freed",
"description": [
"\nThe number of search contexts that have been successfully closed."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 394
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 385
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsComplexFieldMapping",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsComplexFieldMapping",
"description": [
"\nSee {@link SavedObjectsFieldMapping} for documentation.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsComplexFieldMapping.dynamic",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "dynamic",
"description": [
"\nThe dynamic property of the mapping, either `false` or `'strict'`. If\nunspecified `dynamic: 'strict'` will be inherited from the top-level\nindex mappings.\n\nNote: To limit the number of mapping fields Saved Object types should\n*never* use `dynamic: true`."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 150
"signature": [
"false | \"strict\" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsComplexFieldMapping.enabled",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "enabled",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 151
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsComplexFieldMapping.doc_values",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "doc_values",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 152
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsComplexFieldMapping.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 153
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "Object",
"label": "properties",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 154
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsMappingProperties",
"text": "SavedObjectsMappingProperties"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 141
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCoreFieldMapping",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsCoreFieldMapping",
"description": [
"\nSee {@link SavedObjectsFieldMapping} for documentation.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCoreFieldMapping.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 124
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCoreFieldMapping.null_value",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "null_value",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 125
"signature": [
"string | number | boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCoreFieldMapping.index",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "index",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 126
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCoreFieldMapping.doc_values",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "doc_values",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 127
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCoreFieldMapping.fields",
"type": "Object",
"label": "fields",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 128
"signature": [
"{ [subfield: string]: { type: string; ignore_above?: number | undefined; }; } | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 123
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [
"(not recommended) Specify an id for the document"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 32
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "overwrite",
"description": [
"Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false)"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 34
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.version",
"type": "string",
"label": "version",
"description": [
"\nAn opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation.\nCan be used in conjunction with `overwrite` for implementing optimistic concurrency control."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 39
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion",
"type": "Object",
"label": "migrationVersion",
"description": [
"{@inheritDoc SavedObjectsMigrationVersion}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 41
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectsMigrationVersion",
"text": "SavedObjectsMigrationVersion"
" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.coreMigrationVersion",
"type": "string",
"label": "coreMigrationVersion",
"description": [
"\nA semver value that is used when upgrading objects between Kibana versions. If undefined, this will be automatically set to the current\nKibana version when the object is created. If this is set to a non-semver value, or it is set to a semver value greater than the\ncurrent Kibana version, it will result in an error.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 51
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references",
"type": "Array",
"label": "references",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 52
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
"[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.refresh",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "refresh",
"description": [
"The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 54
"signature": [
"boolean | \"wait_for\" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.originId",
"type": "string",
"label": "originId",
"description": [
"Optional ID of the original saved object, if this object's `id` was regenerated"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 56
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions.initialNamespaces",
"type": "Array",
"label": "initialNamespaces",
"description": [
"\nOptional initial namespaces for the object to be created in. If this is defined, it will supersede the namespace ID that is in\n{@link SavedObjectsCreateOptions}.\n\nNote: this can only be used for multi-namespace object types."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 63
"signature": [
"string[] | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 30
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies.client",
"type": "Object",
"label": "client",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/point_in_time_finder.ts",
"lineNumber": 30
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"errors\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\">, \"find\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\">"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/point_in_time_finder.ts",
"lineNumber": 29
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions.refresh",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "refresh",
"description": [
"The Elasticsearch supports only boolean flag for this operation"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 133
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 131
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions.refresh",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "refresh",
"description": [
"The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 244
"signature": [
"boolean | \"wait_for\" | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 242
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesResponse",
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesResponse.namespaces",
"type": "Array",
"label": "namespaces",
"description": [
"The namespaces the object exists in after this operation is complete. An empty array indicates the object was deleted."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 253
"signature": [
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 251
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsDeleteOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteOptions"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteOptions.refresh",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "refresh",
"description": [
"The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 289
"signature": [
"boolean | \"wait_for\" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteOptions.force",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "force",
"description": [
"Force deletion of an object that exists in multiple namespaces"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 291
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 287
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportByObjectOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsExportByObjectOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportByObjectOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportByObjectOptions"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectExportBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectExportBaseOptions"
"description": [
"\nOptions for the {@link SavedObjectsExporter.exportByObjects | export by objects API}\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportByObjectOptions.objects",
"type": "Array",
"label": "objects",
"description": [
"optional array of objects to export."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 45
"signature": [
"{ id: string; type: string; }[]"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 43
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectExportBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectExportBaseOptions"
"description": [
"\nOptions for the {@link SavedObjectsExporter.exportByTypes | export by type API}\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions.types",
"type": "Array",
"label": "types",
"description": [
"array of saved object types."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 31
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions.hasReference",
"type": "Array",
"label": "hasReference",
"description": [
"optional array of references to search object for."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 33
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference"
"[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "search",
"description": [
"optional query string to filter exported objects."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 35
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 29
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportResultDetails",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsExportResultDetails",
"description": [
"\nStructure of the export result details entry"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.exportedCount",
"type": "number",
"label": "exportedCount",
"description": [
"number of successfully exported objects"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 59
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingRefCount",
"type": "number",
"label": "missingRefCount",
"description": [
"number of missing references"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 61
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingReferences",
"type": "Array",
"label": "missingReferences",
"description": [
"missing references details"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 63
"signature": [
"{ id: string; type: string; }[]"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 57
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportTransformContext",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsExportTransformContext",
"description": [
"\nContext passed down to a {@link SavedObjectsExportTransform | export transform function}\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportTransformContext.request",
"type": "Object",
"label": "request",
"description": [
"\nThe request that initiated the export request. Can be used to create scoped\nservices or client inside the {@link SavedObjectsExportTransform | transformation}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 81
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.KibanaRequest",
"text": "KibanaRequest"
"<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 76
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsFindOptions",
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.type",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 79
"signature": [
"string | string[]"
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "number",
"label": "page",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 80
"signature": [
"number | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage",
"type": "number",
"label": "perPage",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 81
"signature": [
"number | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField",
"type": "string",
"label": "sortField",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 82
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "sortOrder",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 83
"signature": [
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"\"asc\" | \"desc\" | \"_doc\" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields",
"type": "Array",
"label": "fields",
"description": [
"\nAn array of fields to include in the results"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 89
"signature": [
"string[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "search",
"description": [
"Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 91
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields",
"type": "Array",
"label": "searchFields",
"description": [
"The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 93
"signature": [
"string[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchAfter",
"type": "Array",
"label": "searchAfter",
"description": [
"\nUse the sort values from the previous page to retrieve the next page of results."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 97
"signature": [
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"string[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.rootSearchFields",
"type": "Array",
"label": "rootSearchFields",
"description": [
"\nThe fields to perform the parsed query against. Unlike the `searchFields` argument, these are expected to be root fields and will not\nbe modified. If used in conjunction with `searchFields`, both are concatenated together."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 102
"signature": [
"string[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "hasReference",
"description": [
"\nSearch for documents having a reference to the specified objects.\nUse `hasReferenceOperator` to specify the operator to use when searching for multiple references."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 108
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference"
" | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference"
"[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReferenceOperator",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "hasReferenceOperator",
"description": [
"\nThe operator to use when searching by multiple references using the `hasReference` option. Defaults to `OR`"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 112
"signature": [
"\"AND\" | \"OR\" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "defaultSearchOperator",
"description": [
"\nThe search operator to use with the provided filter. Defaults to `OR`"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 117
"signature": [
"\"AND\" | \"OR\" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter",
"type": "Any",
"label": "filter",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 118
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.namespaces",
"type": "Array",
"label": "namespaces",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 119
"signature": [
"string[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.typeToNamespacesMap",
"type": "Object",
"label": "typeToNamespacesMap",
"description": [
"\nThis map defines each type to search for, and the namespace(s) to search for the type in; this is only intended to be used by a saved\nobject client wrapper.\nIf this is defined, it supersedes the `type` and `namespaces` fields when building the Elasticsearch query.\nAny types that are not included in this map will be excluded entirely.\nIf a type is included but its value is undefined, the operation will search for that type in the Default namespace."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 127
"signature": [
"Map<string, string[] | undefined> | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.preference",
"type": "string",
"label": "preference",
"description": [
"An optional ES preference value to be used for the query"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 129
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptions.pit",
"type": "Object",
"label": "pit",
"description": [
"\nSearch against a specific Point In Time (PIT) that you've opened with {@link SavedObjectsClient.openPointInTimeForType}."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 133
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsPitParams",
"text": "SavedObjectsPitParams"
" | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 78
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 62
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 63
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 61
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsFindResponse",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindResponse"
"description": [
"\nReturn type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.\n\n*Note*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects\nclients.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResponse.saved_objects",
"type": "Array",
"label": "saved_objects",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 177
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResult",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindResult"
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "number",
"label": "total",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 178
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResponse.per_page",
"type": "number",
"label": "per_page",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 179
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "number",
"label": "page",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 180
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResponse.pit_id",
"type": "string",
"label": "pit_id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 181
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 176
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResult",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsFindResult",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResult",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindResult"
"<T> extends ",
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResult.score",
"type": "number",
"label": "score",
"description": [
"\nThe Elasticsearch `_score` of this result."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 136
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResult.sort",
"type": "Array",
"label": "sort",
"description": [
"\nThe Elasticsearch `sort` value of this result.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 165
"signature": [
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"string[] | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 132
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning",
"description": [
"\nA warning meant to notify that a specific user action is required to finalize the import\nof some type of object.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 201
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning.message",
"type": "string",
"label": "message",
"description": [
"The translated message to display to the user."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 203
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning.actionPath",
"type": "string",
"label": "actionPath",
"description": [
"The path (without the basePath) that the user should be redirect to address this warning."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 205
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning.buttonLabel",
"type": "string",
"label": "buttonLabel",
"description": [
"An optional label to use for the link button. If unspecified, a default label will be used."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 207
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 200
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportAmbiguousConflictError",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportAmbiguousConflictError",
"description": [
"\nRepresents a failure to import due to a conflict, which can be resolved in different ways with an overwrite."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportAmbiguousConflictError.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 54
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportAmbiguousConflictError.destinations",
"type": "Array",
"label": "destinations",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 55
"signature": [
"{ id: string; title?: string | undefined; updatedAt?: string | undefined; }[]"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 53
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportConflictError",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportConflictError",
"description": [
"\nRepresents a failure to import due to a conflict."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 45
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportConflictError.destinationId",
"type": "string",
"label": "destinationId",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 46
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 44
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportFailure",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportFailure",
"description": [
"\nRepresents a failure to import."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 90
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportFailure.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 91
"tags": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportFailure.title",
"type": "string",
"label": "title",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 95
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportFailure.meta",
"type": "Object",
"label": "meta",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 96
"signature": [
"{ title?: string | undefined; icon?: string | undefined; }"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportFailure.overwrite",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "overwrite",
"description": [
"\nIf `overwrite` is specified, an attempt was made to overwrite an existing object."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 100
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportFailure.error",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "error",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 101
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportConflictError",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportConflictError"
" | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportAmbiguousConflictError",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportAmbiguousConflictError"
" | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError"
" | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError"
" | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportUnknownError",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportUnknownError"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 89
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportHookResult",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportHookResult",
"description": [
"\nResult from a {@link SavedObjectsImportHook | import hook}\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportHookResult.warnings",
"type": "Array",
"label": "warnings",
"description": [
"\nAn optional list of warnings to display in the UI when the import succeeds."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 231
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportWarning",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportWarning"
"[] | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 227
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError",
"description": [
"\nRepresents a failure to import due to missing references."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 81
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references",
"type": "Array",
"label": "references",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 82
"signature": [
"{ type: string; id: string; }[]"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 80
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportOptions",
"description": [
"\nOptions to control the import operation."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportOptions.readStream",
"type": "Object",
"label": "readStream",
"description": [
"The stream of {@link SavedObject | saved objects} to import"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 155
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportOptions.overwrite",
"type": "boolean",
"label": "overwrite",
"description": [
"If true, will override existing object if present. Note: this has no effect when used with the `createNewCopies` option."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 157
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportOptions.namespace",
"type": "string",
"label": "namespace",
"description": [
"if specified, will import in given namespace, else will import as global object"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 159
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportOptions.createNewCopies",
"type": "boolean",
"label": "createNewCopies",
"description": [
"If true, will create new copies of import objects, each with a random `id` and undefined `originId`."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 161
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 153
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportResponse",
"description": [
"\nThe response describing the result of an import."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportResponse.success",
"type": "boolean",
"label": "success",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 142
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount",
"type": "number",
"label": "successCount",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 143
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportResponse.successResults",
"type": "Array",
"label": "successResults",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 144
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSuccess",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportSuccess"
"[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportResponse.warnings",
"type": "Array",
"label": "warnings",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 145
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportWarning",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportWarning"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors",
"type": "Array",
"label": "errors",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 146
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportFailure",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportFailure"
"[] | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 141
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportRetry",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportRetry",
"description": [
"\nDescribes a retry operation for importing a saved object."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportRetry.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 17
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 18
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite",
"type": "boolean",
"label": "overwrite",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 19
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportRetry.destinationId",
"type": "string",
"label": "destinationId",
"description": [
"\nThe object ID that will be created or overwritten. If not specified, the `id` field will be used."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 23
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences",
"type": "Array",
"label": "replaceReferences",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 24
"signature": [
"{ type: string; from: string; to: string; }[]"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportRetry.createNewCopy",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "createNewCopy",
"description": [
"\nIf `createNewCopy` is specified, the new object has a new (undefined) origin ID. This is only needed for the case where\n`createNewCopies` mode is disabled and ambiguous source conflicts are detected."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 33
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportRetry.ignoreMissingReferences",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "ignoreMissingReferences",
"description": [
"\nIf `ignoreMissingReferences` is specified, reference validation will be skipped for this object."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 37
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 16
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning",
"description": [
"\nA simple informative warning that will be displayed to the user.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 187
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning.message",
"type": "string",
"label": "message",
"description": [
"The translated message to display to the user"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 189
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 186
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSuccess",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportSuccess",
"description": [
"\nRepresents a successful import."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 114
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSuccess.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 115
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSuccess.destinationId",
"type": "string",
"label": "destinationId",
"description": [
"\nIf `destinationId` is specified, the new object has a new ID that is different from the import ID."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 119
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSuccess.createNewCopy",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "createNewCopy",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 126
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSuccess.meta",
"type": "Object",
"label": "meta",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 127
"signature": [
"{ title?: string | undefined; icon?: string | undefined; }"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSuccess.overwrite",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "overwrite",
"description": [
"\nIf `overwrite` is specified, this object overwrote an existing one (or will do so, in the case of a pending resolution)."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 134
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 113
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportUnknownError",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportUnknownError",
"description": [
"\nRepresents a failure to import due to an unknown reason."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 71
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message",
"type": "string",
"label": "message",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 72
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode",
"type": "number",
"label": "statusCode",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 73
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 70
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError",
"description": [
"\nRepresents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type",
"type": "string",
"label": "type",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 63
"signature": [
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 62
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterField",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsIncrementCounterField",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterField.fieldName",
"type": "string",
"label": "fieldName",
"description": [
"The field name to increment the counter by."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 150
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterField.incrementBy",
"type": "number",
"label": "incrementBy",
"description": [
"The number to increment the field by (defaults to 1)."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 152
"signature": [
"number | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 148
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"<Attributes> extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.initialize",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "initialize",
"description": [
"\n(default=false) If true, sets all the counter fields to 0 if they don't\nalready exist. Existing fields will be left as-is and won't be incremented."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 113
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.migrationVersion",
"type": "Object",
"label": "migrationVersion",
"description": [
"{@link SavedObjectsMigrationVersion}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 115
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectsMigrationVersion",
"text": "SavedObjectsMigrationVersion"
" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.refresh",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "refresh",
"description": [
"\n(default='wait_for') The Elasticsearch refresh setting for this\noperation. See {@link MutatingOperationRefreshSetting}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 120
"signature": [
"boolean | \"wait_for\" | undefined"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.upsertAttributes",
"type": "Uncategorized",
"label": "upsertAttributes",
"description": [
"\nAttributes to use when upserting the document if it doesn't exist."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
"lineNumber": 124
"signature": [
"Attributes | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 107
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsMappingProperties",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsMappingProperties",
"description": [
"\nDescribe the fields of a {@link SavedObjectsTypeMappingDefinition | saved object type}.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsMappingProperties.Unnamed",
"type": "Any",
"label": "Unnamed",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 88
"signature": [
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 87
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsMigrationLogger",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsMigrationLogger",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.debug",
"type": "Function",
"label": "debug",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/core/migration_logger.ts",
"lineNumber": 20
"signature": [
"(msg: string) => void"
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "Function",
"label": "info",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/core/migration_logger.ts",
"lineNumber": 21
"signature": [
"(msg: string) => void"
"tags": [
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.warning",
"type": "Function",
"label": "warning",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/core/migration_logger.ts",
"lineNumber": 25
"signature": [
"(msg: string) => void"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.warn",
"type": "Function",
"label": "warn",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/core/migration_logger.ts",
"lineNumber": 26
"signature": [
"(msg: string) => void"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.error",
"type": "Function",
"label": "error",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/core/migration_logger.ts",
"lineNumber": 27
"signature": [
"(msg: string, meta: ",
") => void"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/core/migration_logger.ts",
"lineNumber": 19
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions.keepAlive",
"type": "string",
"label": "keepAlive",
"description": [
"\nOptionally specify how long ES should keep the PIT alive until the next request. Defaults to `5m`."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 360
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions.preference",
"type": "string",
"label": "preference",
"description": [
"\nAn optional ES preference value to be used for the query."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 364
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 356
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeResponse",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [
"\nPIT ID returned from ES."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 374
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 370
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsPitParams",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsPitParams",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 70
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsPitParams.keepAlive",
"type": "string",
"label": "keepAlive",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 71
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 69
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDoc",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsRawDoc",
"description": [
"\nA raw document as represented directly in the saved object index.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDoc._id",
"type": "string",
"label": "_id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 17
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDoc._source",
"type": "Object",
"label": "_source",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 18
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDocSource",
"text": "SavedObjectsRawDocSource"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDoc._seq_no",
"type": "number",
"label": "_seq_no",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 19
"signature": [
"number | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDoc._primary_term",
"type": "number",
"label": "_primary_term",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 20
"signature": [
"number | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 16
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDocParseOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsRawDocParseOptions",
"description": [
"\nOptions that can be specified when using the saved objects serializer to parse a raw document.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRawDocParseOptions.namespaceTreatment",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "namespaceTreatment",
"description": [
"\nOptional setting to allow for lax handling of the raw document ID and namespace field. This is needed when a previously\nsingle-namespace object type is converted to a multi-namespace object type, and it is only intended to be used during upgrade\nmigrations.\n\nIf not specified, the default treatment is `strict`."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 86
"signature": [
"\"strict\" | \"lax\" | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 78
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions.refresh",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "refresh",
"description": [
"The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation. Defaults to `true`"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 262
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 260
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToResponse",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToResponse"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToResponse.updated",
"type": "number",
"label": "updated",
"description": [
"The number of objects that have been updated by this operation"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 271
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 269
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory",
"description": [
"\nFactory provided when invoking a {@link SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider | client factory provider}\nSee {@link SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider}\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createScopedRepository",
"type": "Function",
"label": "createScopedRepository",
"description": [
"\nCreates a {@link ISavedObjectsRepository | Saved Objects repository} that\nuses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with\nElasticsearch.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 234
"signature": [
"(req: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.KibanaRequest",
"text": "KibanaRequest"
"<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>, includedHiddenTypes?: string[] | undefined) => Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository",
"text": "SavedObjectsRepository"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\" | \"deleteByNamespace\" | \"incrementCounter\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createInternalRepository",
"type": "Function",
"label": "createInternalRepository",
"description": [
"\nCreates a {@link ISavedObjectsRepository | Saved Objects repository} that\nuses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 244
"signature": [
"(includedHiddenTypes?: string[] | undefined) => Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository",
"text": "SavedObjectsRepository"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\" | \"deleteByNamespace\" | \"incrementCounter\">"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 226
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions",
"description": [
"\nOptions to control the \"resolve import\" operation."
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.readStream",
"type": "Object",
"label": "readStream",
"description": [
"The stream of {@link SavedObject | saved objects} to resolve errors from"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 170
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.retries",
"type": "Array",
"label": "retries",
"description": [
"saved object import references to retry"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 172
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportRetry",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportRetry"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.namespace",
"type": "string",
"label": "namespace",
"description": [
"if specified, will import in given namespace"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 174
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.createNewCopies",
"type": "boolean",
"label": "createNewCopies",
"description": [
"If true, will create new copies of import objects, each with a random `id` and undefined `originId`."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 176
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 168
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsResolveResponse",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsResolveResponse"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveResponse.saved_object",
"type": "Object",
"label": "saved_object",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 336
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveResponse.outcome",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "outcome",
"description": [
"\nThe outcome for a successful `resolve` call is one of the following values:\n\n * `'exactMatch'` -- One document exactly matched the given ID.\n * `'aliasMatch'` -- One document with a legacy URL alias matched the given ID; in this case the `` field is different\n than the given ID.\n * `'conflict'` -- Two documents matched the given ID, one was an exact match and another with a legacy URL alias; in this case the\n `saved_object` object is the exact match, and the `` field is the same as the given ID."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 346
"signature": [
"\"conflict\" | \"exactMatch\" | \"aliasMatch\""
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsResolveResponse.aliasTargetId",
"type": "string",
"label": "aliasTargetId",
"description": [
"\nThe ID of the object that the legacy URL alias points to. This is only defined when the outcome is `'aliasMatch'` or `'conflict'`."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 350
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 335
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceSetup",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsServiceSetup",
"description": [
"\nSaved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to\nuse Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods\nfor registering Saved Object types, creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers and factories.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider",
"type": "Function",
"label": "setClientFactoryProvider",
"description": [
"\nSet the default {@link SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider | factory provider} for creating Saved Objects clients.\nOnly one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 90
"signature": [
"(clientFactoryProvider: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider",
"text": "SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider"
") => void"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceSetup.addClientWrapper",
"type": "Function",
"label": "addClientWrapper",
"description": [
"\nAdd a {@link SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory | client wrapper factory} with the given priority."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 95
"signature": [
"(priority: number, id: string, factory: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory",
"text": "SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory"
") => void"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceSetup.registerType",
"type": "Function",
"label": "registerType",
"description": [
"\nRegister a {@link SavedObjectsType | savedObjects type} definition.\n\nSee the {@link SavedObjectsTypeMappingDefinition | mappings format} and\n{@link SavedObjectMigrationMap | migration format} for more details about these.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 144
"signature": [
"(type: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsType",
"text": "SavedObjectsType"
") => void"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 85
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceStart",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsServiceStart",
"description": [
"\nSaved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to\nuse Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The\nSavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for\ninteracting with Saved Objects.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceStart.getScopedClient",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getScopedClient",
"description": [
"\nCreates a {@link SavedObjectsClientContract | Saved Objects client} that\nuses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with\nElasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client\nwrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.\n\nA client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed\nfrom the route handler context see {@link RequestHandlerContext}."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 172
"signature": [
"(req: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.KibanaRequest",
"text": "KibanaRequest"
"<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions"
" | undefined) => Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"errors\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceStart.createScopedRepository",
"type": "Function",
"label": "createScopedRepository",
"description": [
"\nCreates a {@link ISavedObjectsRepository | Saved Objects repository} that\nuses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with\nElasticsearch.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 188
"signature": [
"(req: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.KibanaRequest",
"text": "KibanaRequest"
"<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>, includedHiddenTypes?: string[] | undefined) => Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository",
"text": "SavedObjectsRepository"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\" | \"deleteByNamespace\" | \"incrementCounter\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceStart.createInternalRepository",
"type": "Function",
"label": "createInternalRepository",
"description": [
"\nCreates a {@link ISavedObjectsRepository | Saved Objects repository} that\nuses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 198
"signature": [
"(includedHiddenTypes?: string[] | undefined) => Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepository",
"text": "SavedObjectsRepository"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\" | \"deleteByNamespace\" | \"incrementCounter\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceStart.createSerializer",
"type": "Function",
"label": "createSerializer",
"description": [
"\nCreates a {@link SavedObjectsSerializer | serializer} that is aware of all registered types."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 202
"signature": [
"() => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsSerializer",
"text": "SavedObjectsSerializer"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceStart.createExporter",
"type": "Function",
"label": "createExporter",
"description": [
"\nCreates an {@link ISavedObjectsExporter | exporter} bound to given client."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 206
"signature": [
"(client: Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"errors\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\">) => Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter",
"text": "SavedObjectsExporter"
", \"exportByTypes\" | \"exportByObjects\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceStart.createImporter",
"type": "Function",
"label": "createImporter",
"description": [
"\nCreates an {@link ISavedObjectsImporter | importer} bound to given client."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 210
"signature": [
"(client: Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"errors\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\">) => Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter",
"text": "SavedObjectsImporter"
", \"import\" | \"resolveImportErrors\">"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsServiceStart.getTypeRegistry",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getTypeRegistry",
"description": [
"\nReturns the {@link ISavedObjectTypeRegistry | registry} containing all registered\n{@link SavedObjectsType | saved object types}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 215
"signature": [
"() => Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry",
"text": "SavedObjectTypeRegistry"
", \"getType\" | \"getVisibleTypes\" | \"getAllTypes\" | \"getImportableAndExportableTypes\" | \"isNamespaceAgnostic\" | \"isSingleNamespace\" | \"isMultiNamespace\" | \"isShareable\" | \"isHidden\" | \"getIndex\" | \"isImportableAndExportable\">"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 162
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectStatusMeta",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectStatusMeta",
"description": [
"\nMeta information about the SavedObjectService's status. Available to plugins via {@link CoreSetup.status}.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectStatusMeta.migratedIndices",
"type": "Object",
"label": "migratedIndices",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 51
"signature": [
"{ [status: string]: number; skipped: number; migrated: number; }"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 50
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsType",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsType",
"description": [],
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "name",
"description": [
"\nThe name of the type, which is also used as the internal id."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 238
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsType.hidden",
"type": "boolean",
"label": "hidden",
"description": [
"\nIs the type hidden by default. If true, repositories will not have access to this type unless explicitly\ndeclared as an `extraType` when creating the repository.\n\nSee {@link SavedObjectsServiceStart.createInternalRepository | createInternalRepository}."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 245
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsType.namespaceType",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "namespaceType",
"description": [
"\nThe {@link SavedObjectsNamespaceType | namespace type} for the type."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 249
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsNamespaceType",
"text": "SavedObjectsNamespaceType"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsType.indexPattern",
"type": "string",
"label": "indexPattern",
"description": [
"\nIf defined, the type instances will be stored in the given index instead of the default one."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 253
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsType.convertToAliasScript",
"type": "string",
"label": "convertToAliasScript",
"description": [
"\nIf defined, will be used to convert the type to an alias."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 257
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsType.mappings",
"type": "Object",
"label": "mappings",
"description": [
"\nThe {@link SavedObjectsTypeMappingDefinition | mapping definition} for the type."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 261
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeMappingDefinition",
"text": "SavedObjectsTypeMappingDefinition"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsType.migrations",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "migrations",
"description": [
"\nAn optional map of {@link SavedObjectMigrationFn | migrations} or a function returning a map of {@link SavedObjectMigrationFn | migrations} to be used to migrate the type."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 265
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectMigrationMap",
"text": "SavedObjectMigrationMap"
" | (() => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectMigrationMap",
"text": "SavedObjectMigrationMap"
") | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsType.convertToMultiNamespaceTypeVersion",
"type": "string",
"label": "convertToMultiNamespaceTypeVersion",
"description": [
"\nIf defined, objects of this type will be converted to a 'multiple' or 'multiple-isolated' namespace type when migrating to this\nversion.\n\nRequirements:\n\n 1. This string value must be a valid semver version\n 2. This type must have previously specified {@link SavedObjectsNamespaceType | `namespaceType: 'single'`}\n 3. This type must also specify {@link SavedObjectsNamespaceType | `namespaceType: 'multiple'`} *or*\n {@link SavedObjectsNamespaceType | `namespaceType: 'multiple-isolated'`}\n\nExample of a single-namespace type in 7.12:\n\n```ts\n{\n name: 'foo',\n hidden: false,\n namespaceType: 'single',\n mappings: {...}\n}\n```\n\nExample after converting to a multi-namespace (isolated) type in 8.0:\n\n```ts\n{\n name: 'foo',\n hidden: false,\n namespaceType: 'multiple-isolated',\n mappings: {...},\n convertToMultiNamespaceTypeVersion: '8.0.0'\n}\n```\n\nExample after converting to a multi-namespace (shareable) type in 8.1:\n\n```ts\n{\n name: 'foo',\n hidden: false,\n namespaceType: 'multiple',\n mappings: {...},\n convertToMultiNamespaceTypeVersion: '8.0.0'\n}\n```\n\nNote: migration function(s) can be optionally specified for any of these versions and will not interfere with the conversion process."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 314
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "Object",
"label": "management",
"description": [
"\nAn optional {@link SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition | saved objects management section} definition for the type."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 318
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition",
"text": "SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition"
" | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 234
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition",
"description": [
"\nConfiguration options for the {@link SavedObjectsType | type}'s management section.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition.importableAndExportable",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "importableAndExportable",
"description": [
"\nIs the type importable or exportable. Defaults to `false`."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 330
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition.defaultSearchField",
"type": "string",
"label": "defaultSearchField",
"description": [
"\nThe default search field to use for this type. Defaults to `id`."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 334
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition.icon",
"type": "string",
"label": "icon",
"description": [
"\nThe eui icon name to display in the management table.\nIf not defined, the default icon will be used."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 339
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition.getTitle",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getTitle",
"description": [
"\nFunction returning the title to display in the management table.\nIf not defined, will use the object's type and id to generate a label."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 344
"signature": [
"((savedObject: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"<any>) => string) | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition.getEditUrl",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getEditUrl",
"description": [
"\nFunction returning the url to use to redirect to the editing page of this object.\nIf not defined, editing will not be allowed."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 349
"signature": [
"((savedObject: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"<any>) => string) | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition.getInAppUrl",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getInAppUrl",
"description": [
"\nFunction returning the url to use to redirect to this object from the management section.\nIf not defined, redirecting to the object will not be allowed.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 358
"signature": [
"((savedObject: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObject",
"text": "SavedObject"
"<any>) => { path: string; uiCapabilitiesPath: string; }) | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition.onExport",
"type": "Function",
"label": "onExport",
"description": [
"\nAn optional export transform function that can be used transform the objects of the registered type during\nthe export process.\n\nIt can be used to either mutate the exported objects, or add additional objects (of any type) to the export list.\n\nSee {@link SavedObjectsExportTransform | the transform type documentation} for more info and examples.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 369
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportTransform",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportTransform"
" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeManagementDefinition.onImport",
"type": "Function",
"label": "onImport",
"description": [
"\nAn optional {@link SavedObjectsImportHook | import hook} to use when importing given type.\n\nImport hooks are executed during the savedObjects import process and allow to interact\nwith the imported objects. See the {@link SavedObjectsImportHook | hook documentation}\nfor more info.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 412
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportHook",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportHook"
"<unknown> | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 326
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeMappingDefinition",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsTypeMappingDefinition",
"description": [
"\nDescribe a saved object type mapping.\n"
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsTypeMappingDefinition.dynamic",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "dynamic",
"description": [
"The dynamic property of the mapping, either `false` or `'strict'`. If\nunspecified `dynamic: 'strict'` will be inherited from the top-level\nindex mappings."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 40
"signature": [
"false | \"strict\" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "Object",
"label": "properties",
"description": [
"The underlying properties of the type mapping"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 42
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsMappingProperties",
"text": "SavedObjectsMappingProperties"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 36
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateOptions"
" extends ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsBaseOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsBaseOptions"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version",
"type": "string",
"label": "version",
"description": [
"An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 211
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references",
"type": "Array",
"label": "references",
"description": [
"{@inheritdoc SavedObjectReference}"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 213
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
"[] | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.refresh",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "refresh",
"description": [
"The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 215
"signature": [
"boolean | \"wait_for\" | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 209
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "SavedObjectsUpdateResponse",
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateResponse"
"<T> extends Pick<",
"<T>, \"type\" | \"id\" | \"version\" | \"namespaces\" | \"updated_at\" | \"error\" | \"migrationVersion\" | \"coreMigrationVersion\" | \"originId\">"
"description": [
"tags": [
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.attributes",
"type": "Object",
"label": "attributes",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 327
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.references",
"type": "Array",
"label": "references",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 328
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-common.SavedObjectReference",
"text": "SavedObjectReference"
"[] | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 325
"initialIsOpen": false
"enums": [],
"misc": [
"id": "def-server.ISavedObjectsExporter",
"type": "Type",
"label": "ISavedObjectsExporter",
"tags": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/saved_objects_exporter.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 31
"signature": [
"{ exportByTypes: (options: SavedObjectsExportByTypeOptions) => Promise<",
">; exportByObjects: (options: SavedObjectsExportByObjectOptions) => Promise<",
">; }"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.ISavedObjectsImporter",
"type": "Type",
"label": "ISavedObjectsImporter",
"tags": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/saved_objects_importer.ts",
"lineNumber": 24
"signature": [
"{ import: ({ readStream, createNewCopies, namespace, overwrite, }: SavedObjectsImportOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsImportResponse>; resolveImportErrors: ({ readStream, createNewCopies, namespace, retries, }: SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsImportResponse>; }"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.ISavedObjectsRepository",
"type": "Type",
"label": "ISavedObjectsRepository",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nSee {@link SavedObjectsRepository}\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/repository.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 143
"signature": [
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"{ get: <T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions) => Promise<SavedObject<T>>; delete: (type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions) => Promise<{}>; create: <T = unknown>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) => Promise<SavedObject<T>>; find: <T = unknown>(options: SavedObjectsFindOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>; update: <T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>; bulkCreate: <T = unknown>(objects: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>[], options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>; bulkGet: <T = unknown>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>; bulkUpdate: <T = unknown>(objects: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>; checkConflicts: (objects?: SavedObjectsCheckConflictsObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsCheckConflictsResponse>; resolve: <T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsResolveResponse<T>>; addToNamespaces: (type: string, id: string, namespaces: string[], options?: SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsAddToNamespacesResponse>; deleteFromNamespaces: (type: string, id: string, namespaces: string[], options?: SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsDeleteFromNamespacesResponse>; removeReferencesTo: (type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsRemoveReferencesToResponse>; openPointInTimeForType: (type: string | string[], { keepAlive, preference }?: SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsOpenPointInTimeResponse>; closePointInTime: (id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions | undefined) => Promise<SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeResponse>; createPointInTimeFinder: (findOptions: Pick<SavedObjectsFindOptions, \"type\" | \"filter\" | \"fields\" | \"search\" | \"perPage\" | \"sortField\" | \"sortOrder\" | \"searchFields\" | \"rootSearchFields\" | \"hasReference\" | \"hasReferenceOperator\" | \"defaultSearchOperator\" | \"namespaces\" | \"typeToNamespacesMap\" | \"preference\">, dependencies?: SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderDependencies | undefined) => ISavedObjectsPointInTimeFinder; deleteByNamespace: (namespace: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions) => Promise<any>; incrementCounter: <T>(type: string, id: string, counterFields: (string | SavedObjectsIncrementCounterField)[], options?: SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions<T>) => Promise<SavedObject<T>>; }"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.ISavedObjectTypeRegistry",
"type": "Type",
"label": "ISavedObjectTypeRegistry",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nSee {@link SavedObjectTypeRegistry} for documentation.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/saved_objects_type_registry.ts",
"lineNumber": 17
"signature": [
"{ getType: (type: string) => SavedObjectsType | undefined; getVisibleTypes: () => SavedObjectsType[]; getAllTypes: () => SavedObjectsType[]; getImportableAndExportableTypes: () => SavedObjectsType[]; isNamespaceAgnostic: (type: string) => boolean; isSingleNamespace: (type: string) => boolean; isMultiNamespace: (type: string) => boolean; isShareable: (type: string) => boolean; isHidden: (type: string) => boolean; getIndex: (type: string) => string | undefined; isImportableAndExportable: (type: string) => boolean; }"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.MutatingOperationRefreshSetting",
"type": "Type",
"label": "MutatingOperationRefreshSetting",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nElasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 149
"signature": [
"false | true | \"wait_for\""
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectMigrationFn",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectMigrationFn",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nA migration function for a {@link SavedObjectsType | saved object type}\nused to migrate it to a given version\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/migrations/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 45
"signature": [
"(doc: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectUnsanitizedDoc",
"text": "SavedObjectUnsanitizedDoc"
"<InputAttributes>, context: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectMigrationContext",
"text": "SavedObjectMigrationContext"
") => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectUnsanitizedDoc",
"text": "SavedObjectUnsanitizedDoc"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectSanitizedDoc",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectSanitizedDoc",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nDescribes Saved Object documents that have passed through the migration\nframework and are guaranteed to have a `references` root property.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 71
"signature": [
"SavedObjectDoc<T> & Referencable"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientContract",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsClientContract",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nSaved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to\nuse Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.\n\n## SavedObjectsClient errors\n\nSince the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we\nare a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to\nto application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:\n\n 1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and\n as such unpredictable\n 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately\n by the decorators in {@link SavedObjectsErrorHelpers}\n\nType 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors\nshould be Type 2 the `isXYZError()` helpers exposed at\n`SavedObjectsErrorHelpers` should be used to understand and manage error\nresponses from the `SavedObjectsClient`.\n\nType 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if\nthe elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based\non its type. That means that rather than looking for `error.body.error.type` or\ndoing substring checks on `error.body.error.reason`, just use the helpers to\nunderstand the meaning of the error:\n\n ```js\n if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) {\n // handle 404\n }\n\n if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) {\n // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know\n }\n\n // always rethrow the error unless you handle it\n throw error;\n ```\n\n### 404s from missing index\n\nFrom the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is\na black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have\nno control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that\nindex might be missing.\n\nAt the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the\noperating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of\nthis transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used\nto trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different\nerror messages.\n\nFrom my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The\nobject the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why #14141\ntakes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish\nbetween index missing or document missing.\n\nSee {@link SavedObjectsClient}\nSee {@link SavedObjectsErrorHelpers}\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 213
"signature": [
"{ get: <T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions) => Promise<SavedObject<T>>; delete: (type: string, id: string, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsDeleteOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsDeleteOptions"
") => Promise<{}>; create: <T>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsCreateOptions"
" | undefined) => Promise<SavedObject<T>>; find: <T = unknown>(options: SavedObjectsFindOptions) => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindResponse"
"<T>>; update: <T = unknown>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateOptions"
") => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsUpdateResponse",
"text": "SavedObjectsUpdateResponse"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientFactory",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsClientFactory",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nDescribes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/scoped_client_provider.ts",
"lineNumber": 37
"signature": [
"(__0: { request: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.KibanaRequest",
"text": "KibanaRequest"
"<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>; includedHiddenTypes?: string[] | undefined; }) => Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"errors\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\">"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nProvider to invoke to retrieve a {@link SavedObjectsClientFactory}."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/scoped_client_provider.ts",
"lineNumber": 49
"signature": [
"(repositoryFactory: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory",
"text": "SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory"
") => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientFactory",
"text": "SavedObjectsClientFactory"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nDescribes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers."
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/scoped_client_provider.ts",
"lineNumber": 29
"signature": [
"(options: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions",
"text": "SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions"
") => Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"update\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"errors\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"resolve\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\">"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeOptions",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsClosePointInTimeOptions",
"tags": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/saved_objects_client.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 380
"signature": [
"initialIsOpen": false
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderOptions",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsCreatePointInTimeFinderOptions",
"tags": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/point_in_time_finder.ts",
"lineNumber": 21
"signature": [
"{ type: string | string[]; filter?: any; fields?: string[] | undefined; search?: string | undefined; perPage?: number | undefined; sortField?: string | undefined; sortOrder?: \"asc\" | \"desc\" | \"_doc\" | undefined; searchFields?: string[] | undefined; rootSearchFields?: string[] | undefined; hasReference?: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference"
" | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference",
"text": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference"
"[] | undefined; hasReferenceOperator?: \"AND\" | \"OR\" | undefined; defaultSearchOperator?: \"AND\" | \"OR\" | undefined; namespaces?: string[] | undefined; typeToNamespacesMap?: Map<string, string[] | undefined> | undefined; preference?: string | undefined; }"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportTransform",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsExportTransform",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nTransformation function used to mutate the exported objects of the associated type.\n\nA type's export transform function will be executed once per user-initiated export,\nfor all objects of that type.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/export/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 155
"signature": [
"(context: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExportTransformContext",
"text": "SavedObjectsExportTransformContext"
", objects: ",
"<T>[]) => ",
"<unknown>[] | Promise<",
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsFieldMapping",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsFieldMapping",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nDescribe a {@link SavedObjectsTypeMappingDefinition | saved object type mapping} field.\n\nPlease refer to {@link | elasticsearch documentation}\nFor the mapping documentation\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/mappings/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 99
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsComplexFieldMapping",
"text": "SavedObjectsComplexFieldMapping"
" | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsCoreFieldMapping",
"text": "SavedObjectsCoreFieldMapping"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportHook",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportHook",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nA hook associated with a specific saved object type, that will be invoked during\nthe import process. The hook will have access to the objects of the registered type.\n\nCurrently, the only supported feature for import hooks is to return warnings to be displayed\nin the UI when the import succeeds.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 246
"signature": [
"(objects: ",
"<T>[]) => ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportHookResult",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportHookResult"
" | Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportHookResult",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportHookResult"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportWarning",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsImportWarning",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nComposite type of all the possible types of import warnings.\n\nSee {@link SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning} and {@link SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning}\nfor more details.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 218
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning"
" | ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning",
"text": "SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectsNamespaceType",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectsNamespaceType",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nThe namespace type dictates how a saved object can be interacted in relation to namespaces. Each type is mutually exclusive:\n * single (default): This type of saved object is namespace-isolated, e.g., it exists in only one namespace.\n * multiple: This type of saved object is shareable, e.g., it can exist in one or more namespaces.\n * multiple-isolated: This type of saved object is namespace-isolated, e.g., it exists in only one namespace, but object IDs must be\n unique across all namespaces. This is intended to be an intermediate step when objects with a \"single\" namespace type are being\n converted to a \"multiple\" namespace type. In other words, objects with a \"multiple-isolated\" namespace type will be *share-capable*,\n but will not actually be shareable until the namespace type is changed to \"multiple\".\n * agnostic: This type of saved object is global.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 227
"signature": [
"\"multiple\" | \"single\" | \"multiple-isolated\" | \"agnostic\""
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.SavedObjectUnsanitizedDoc",
"type": "Type",
"label": "SavedObjectUnsanitizedDoc",
"tags": [
"description": [
"\nDescribes Saved Object documents from Kibana < 7.0.0 which don't have a\n`references` root property defined. This type should only be used in\nmigrations.\n"
"source": {
"path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/serialization/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 63
"signature": [
"SavedObjectDoc<T> & Partial<Referencable>"
"initialIsOpen": false
"objects": []
"common": {
"classes": [],
"functions": [],
"interfaces": [],
"enums": [],
"misc": [],
"objects": []