
1391 lines
45 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"id": "telemetry",
"client": {
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"id": "def-public.TelemetryNotifications",
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"children": [
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"label": "{ http, overlays, telemetryService }",
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_notifications/telemetry_notifications.ts",
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_notifications/telemetry_notifications.ts",
"lineNumber": 27
"id": "def-public.TelemetryNotifications.shouldShowOptedInNoticeBanner",
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"children": [],
"signature": [
"() => boolean"
"description": [],
"label": "shouldShowOptedInNoticeBanner",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_notifications/telemetry_notifications.ts",
"lineNumber": 33
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-public.TelemetryNotifications.renderOptedInNoticeBanner",
"type": "Function",
"children": [],
"signature": [
"() => void"
"description": [],
"label": "renderOptedInNoticeBanner",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_notifications/telemetry_notifications.ts",
"lineNumber": 39
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-public.TelemetryNotifications.shouldShowOptInBanner",
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"children": [],
"signature": [
"() => boolean"
"description": [],
"label": "shouldShowOptInBanner",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_notifications/telemetry_notifications.ts",
"lineNumber": 49
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-public.TelemetryNotifications.renderOptInBanner",
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"children": [],
"signature": [
"() => void"
"description": [],
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_notifications/telemetry_notifications.ts",
"lineNumber": 55
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
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"children": [],
"signature": [
"() => Promise<void>"
"description": [],
"label": "setOptedInNoticeSeen",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_notifications/telemetry_notifications.ts",
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"returnComment": []
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_notifications/telemetry_notifications.ts",
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"tags": [],
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"description": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.currentKibanaVersion",
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"label": "currentKibanaVersion",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 28
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"label": "Constructor",
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"children": [
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.Unnamed.$1",
"type": "Object",
"label": "{\n config,\n http,\n notifications,\n currentKibanaVersion,\n reportOptInStatusChange = true,\n }",
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"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
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"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
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"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
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"docId": "kibTelemetryPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.TelemetryPluginConfig",
"text": "TelemetryPluginConfig"
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.isOptedIn",
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"label": "isOptedIn",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 52
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"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 56
"signature": [
"boolean | null"
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.userHasSeenOptedInNotice",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "userHasSeenOptedInNotice",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 60
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.userHasSeenOptedInNotice",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "userHasSeenOptedInNotice",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 64
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.getCanChangeOptInStatus",
"type": "Function",
"children": [],
"signature": [
"() => boolean"
"description": [],
"label": "getCanChangeOptInStatus",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 68
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.getOptInStatusUrl",
"type": "Function",
"children": [],
"signature": [
"() => string"
"description": [],
"label": "getOptInStatusUrl",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 73
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.getTelemetryUrl",
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"children": [],
"signature": [
"() => string"
"description": [],
"label": "getTelemetryUrl",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 78
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.getUserShouldSeeOptInNotice",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getUserShouldSeeOptInNotice",
"signature": [
"() => boolean"
"description": [
"\nReturns if an user should be shown the notice about Opt-In/Out telemetry.\nThe decision is made based on whether any user has already dismissed the message or\nthe user can't actually change the settings (in which case, there's no point on bothering them)"
"children": [],
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 88
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"type": "boolean",
"label": "userCanChangeSettings",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 95
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.userCanChangeSettings",
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"label": "userCanChangeSettings",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 99
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"type": "Function",
"children": [],
"signature": [
"() => boolean | null"
"description": [],
"label": "getIsOptedIn",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 103
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.fetchExample",
"type": "Function",
"children": [],
"signature": [
"() => Promise<any>"
"description": [],
"label": "fetchExample",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 107
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
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"type": "Function",
"children": [
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.fetchTelemetry.$1",
"type": "Object",
"label": "{ unencrypted = false }",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"{ unencrypted?: boolean | undefined; }"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 111
"signature": [
"({ unencrypted }?: { unencrypted?: boolean | undefined; }) => Promise<any>"
"description": [],
"label": "fetchTelemetry",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 111
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
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"children": [
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.setOptIn.$1",
"type": "boolean",
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"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 119
"signature": [
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"description": [],
"label": "setOptIn",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
"lineNumber": 119
"tags": [],
"returnComment": []
"id": "def-public.TelemetryService.setUserHasSeenNotice",
"type": "Function",
"children": [],
"signature": [
"() => Promise<void>"
"description": [],
"label": "setUserHasSeenNotice",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/services/telemetry_service.ts",
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"functions": [],
"interfaces": [
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"type": "Interface",
"label": "TelemetryPluginConfig",
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"tags": [],
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"source": {
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"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/plugin.ts",
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"tags": [],
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"label": "banner",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 48
"tags": [],
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"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 49
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"description": [],
"source": {
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"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 51
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"label": "sendUsageFrom",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 52
"signature": [
"\"browser\" | \"server\""
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.TelemetryPluginConfig.telemetryNotifyUserAboutOptInDefault",
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"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 53
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"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.TelemetryPluginConfig.userCanChangeSettings",
"type": "CompoundType",
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"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 54
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"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/plugin.ts",
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"misc": [],
"objects": [],
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"label": "telemetryConstants",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/plugin.ts",
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"signature": [
"{ getPrivacyStatementUrl: () => string; }"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 37
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"id": "def-public.TelemetryPluginSetup",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "TelemetryPluginSetup",
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"tags": [],
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"docId": "kibTelemetryPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.TelemetryService",
"text": "TelemetryService"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 33
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"initialIsOpen": true
"server": {
"classes": [],
"functions": [
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"type": "Function",
"label": "buildDataTelemetryPayload",
"signature": [
"(indices: ",
"pluginId": "telemetry",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.DataTelemetryIndex",
"text": "DataTelemetryIndex"
"[]) => ",
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"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.DataTelemetryPayload",
"text": "DataTelemetryPayload"
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.buildDataTelemetryPayload.$1",
"type": "Array",
"label": "indices",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
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"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.DataTelemetryIndex",
"text": "DataTelemetryIndex"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 122
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 122
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.getClusterUuids",
"type": "Function",
"children": [
"id": "def-server.getClusterUuids.$1",
"type": "Object",
"label": "{ esClient }",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
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"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryCollectionManagerPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.StatsCollectionConfig",
"text": "StatsCollectionConfig"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_cluster_stats.ts",
"lineNumber": 25
"signature": [
"({ esClient }: ",
"pluginId": "telemetryCollectionManager",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryCollectionManagerPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.StatsCollectionConfig",
"text": "StatsCollectionConfig"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
") => Promise<{ clusterUuid: string; }[]>"
"description": [
"\nGet the cluster uuids from the connected cluster."
"label": "getClusterUuids",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_cluster_stats.ts",
"lineNumber": 25
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.getLocalStats",
"type": "Function",
"children": [
"id": "def-server.getLocalStats.$1",
"type": "Array",
"label": "clustersDetails",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "telemetryCollectionManager",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryCollectionManagerPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.ClusterDetails",
"text": "ClusterDetails"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_local_stats.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 60
"id": "def-server.getLocalStats.$2",
"type": "Object",
"label": "config",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "telemetryCollectionManager",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryCollectionManagerPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.StatsCollectionConfig",
"text": "StatsCollectionConfig"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_local_stats.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 61
"id": "def-server.getLocalStats.$3",
"type": "Object",
"label": "context",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "telemetryCollectionManager",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryCollectionManagerPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.StatsCollectionContext",
"text": "StatsCollectionContext"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_local_stats.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 62
"signature": [
"(clustersDetails: ",
"pluginId": "telemetryCollectionManager",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryCollectionManagerPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.ClusterDetails",
"text": "ClusterDetails"
"[], config: ",
"pluginId": "telemetryCollectionManager",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryCollectionManagerPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.StatsCollectionConfig",
"text": "StatsCollectionConfig"
", context: ",
"pluginId": "telemetryCollectionManager",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryCollectionManagerPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.StatsCollectionContext",
"text": "StatsCollectionContext"
") => Promise<{ timestamp: string; cluster_uuid: string; cluster_name: string; version: string; cluster_stats: Pick<{ nodes: { usage: { nodes: ",
"pluginId": "telemetry",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.NodeUsage",
"text": "NodeUsage"
"[] | {}[]; }; count: ",
"description": [
"\nGet statistics for all products joined by Elasticsearch cluster."
"label": "getLocalStats",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_local_stats.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 59
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.handleOldSettings",
"type": "Function",
"label": "handleOldSettings",
"signature": [
"(savedObjectsClient: Pick<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"find\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"resolve\" | \"update\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\" | \"errors\">, uiSettingsClient: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient",
"text": "IUiSettingsClient"
") => Promise<void>"
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.handleOldSettings.$1",
"type": "Object",
"label": "savedObjectsClient",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient",
"text": "SavedObjectsClient"
", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"find\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"resolve\" | \"update\" | \"addToNamespaces\" | \"deleteFromNamespaces\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\" | \"errors\">"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/handle_old_settings/handle_old_settings.ts",
"lineNumber": 25
"id": "def-server.handleOldSettings.$2",
"type": "Object",
"label": "uiSettingsClient",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient",
"text": "IUiSettingsClient"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/handle_old_settings/handle_old_settings.ts",
"lineNumber": 26
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/handle_old_settings/handle_old_settings.ts",
"lineNumber": 24
"initialIsOpen": false
"interfaces": [
"id": "def-server.DataTelemetryIndex",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "DataTelemetryIndex",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "string",
"label": "name",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 39
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.DataTelemetryIndex.packageName",
"type": "string",
"label": "packageName",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 40
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.DataTelemetryIndex.managedBy",
"type": "string",
"label": "managedBy",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 41
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.DataTelemetryIndex.dataStreamDataset",
"type": "string",
"label": "dataStreamDataset",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 42
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.DataTelemetryIndex.dataStreamType",
"type": "string",
"label": "dataStreamType",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 43
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.DataTelemetryIndex.shipper",
"type": "string",
"label": "shipper",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 44
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.DataTelemetryIndex.isECS",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "isECS",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 45
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.DataTelemetryIndex.docCount",
"type": "number",
"label": "docCount",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 49
"signature": [
"number | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.DataTelemetryIndex.sizeInBytes",
"type": "number",
"label": "sizeInBytes",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 50
"signature": [
"number | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 38
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.NodeUsage",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "NodeUsage",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.NodeUsage.node_id",
"type": "string",
"label": "node_id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_nodes_usage.ts",
"lineNumber": 18
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.NodeUsage.timestamp",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "timestamp",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_nodes_usage.ts",
"lineNumber": 19
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.NodeUsage.since",
"type": "number",
"label": "since",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_nodes_usage.ts",
"lineNumber": 20
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.NodeUsage.rest_actions",
"type": "Object",
"label": "rest_actions",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_nodes_usage.ts",
"lineNumber": 21
"signature": [
"{ [key: string]: number; }"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.NodeUsage.aggregations",
"type": "Object",
"label": "aggregations",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_nodes_usage.ts",
"lineNumber": 24
"signature": [
"{ [key: string]: ",
"pluginId": "telemetry",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibTelemetryPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.NodeUsageAggregation",
"text": "NodeUsageAggregation"
"; } | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_nodes_usage.ts",
"lineNumber": 17
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.NodeUsageAggregation",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "NodeUsageAggregation",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.NodeUsageAggregation.Unnamed",
"type": "Any",
"label": "Unnamed",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_nodes_usage.ts",
"lineNumber": 13
"signature": [
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_nodes_usage.ts",
"lineNumber": 12
"initialIsOpen": false
"enums": [],
"misc": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.DATA_TELEMETRY_ID",
"type": "string",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/constants.ts",
"lineNumber": 9
"signature": [
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.DataTelemetryPayload",
"type": "Type",
"label": "DataTelemetryPayload",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_data_telemetry/get_data_telemetry.ts",
"lineNumber": 36
"signature": [
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.TelemetryLocalStats",
"type": "Type",
"label": "TelemetryLocalStats",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/telemetry_collection/get_local_stats.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 51
"signature": [
"{ timestamp: string; cluster_uuid: string; cluster_name: string; version: string; cluster_stats: Pick<estypes.ClusterStatsResponse, \"status\" | \"indices\" | \"nodes\" | \"cluster_uuid\" | \"timestamp\">; collection: string; stack_stats: { data: DataTelemetryPayload | undefined; kibana: { count: number; indices: number; os: {}; versions: { version: string; count: number; }[]; plugins: { [plugin: string]: Record<string, unknown>; }; } | undefined; }; }"
"initialIsOpen": false
"objects": [],
"setup": {
"id": "def-server.TelemetryPluginSetup",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "TelemetryPluginSetup",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.TelemetryPluginSetup.getTelemetryUrl",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getTelemetryUrl",
"description": [
"\nResolves into the telemetry Url used to send telemetry.\nThe url is wrapped with node's [URL constructor]("
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 53
"signature": [
"() => Promise<",
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 48
"lifecycle": "setup",
"initialIsOpen": true
"start": {
"id": "def-server.TelemetryPluginStart",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "TelemetryPluginStart",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.TelemetryPluginStart.getIsOptedIn",
"type": "Function",
"label": "getIsOptedIn",
"description": [
"\nResolves `true` if the user has opted into send Elastic usage data.\nResolves `false` if the user explicitly opted out of sending usage data to Elastic\nor did not choose to opt-in or out -yet- after a minor or major upgrade (only when previously opted-out)."
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 62
"signature": [
"() => Promise<boolean>"
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/telemetry/server/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 56
"lifecycle": "start",
"initialIsOpen": true
"common": {
"classes": [],
"functions": [],
"interfaces": [],
"enums": [],
"misc": [],
"objects": []