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137 KiB
Raw Normal View History

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2021-03-23 19:31:08 +01:00
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Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
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"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_fetcher.tsx",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 32
"id": "def-public.useFetcher.$3.options",
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.useFetcher.$3.options.preservePreviousData",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "preservePreviousData",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_fetcher.tsx",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 34
"signature": [
"boolean | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_fetcher.tsx",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 33
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_fetcher.tsx",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 30
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.useTheme",
"type": "Function",
"label": "useTheme",
"signature": [
"() => ",
"pluginId": "kibanaReact",
"scope": "common",
"docId": "kibKibanaReactPluginApi",
"section": "def-common.EuiTheme",
"text": "EuiTheme"
"description": [],
"children": [],
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_theme.tsx",
"lineNumber": 12
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.useTrackMetric",
"type": "Function",
"label": "useTrackMetric",
"signature": [
"({ app, metric, metricType = METRIC_TYPE.COUNT, delay = 0 }: ",
"pluginId": "observability",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.TrackMetricOptions",
"text": "TrackMetricOptions"
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"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-public.useTrackMetric.$1",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "{ app, metric, metricType = METRIC_TYPE.COUNT, delay = 0 }",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"pluginId": "observability",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.TrackMetricOptions",
"text": "TrackMetricOptions"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_track_metric.tsx",
"lineNumber": 53
"id": "def-public.useTrackMetric.$2",
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"label": "effectDependencies",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_track_metric.tsx",
"lineNumber": 54
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_track_metric.tsx",
"lineNumber": 52
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.useTrackPageview",
"type": "Function",
"label": "useTrackPageview",
"signature": [
"({ path, }: TrackPageviewProps, effectDependencies: EffectDeps) => void"
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-public.useTrackPageview.$1",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "{ path, }",
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"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_track_metric.tsx",
"lineNumber": 88
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"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_track_metric.tsx",
"lineNumber": 89
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_track_metric.tsx",
"lineNumber": 87
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.useUiTracker",
"type": "Function",
"label": "useUiTracker",
"signature": [
"({\n app: defaultApp,\n}: { app?: \"apm\" | \"uptime\" | \"fleet\" | \"infra_metrics\" | \"infra_logs\" | \"synthetics\" | \"observability-overview\" | \"stack_monitoring\" | \"ux\" | undefined; }) => ({ app, metric, metricType }: ",
"pluginId": "observability",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.TrackMetricOptions",
"text": "TrackMetricOptions"
") => void"
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-public.useUiTracker.$1.appdefaultApp",
"type": "Object",
"label": "{\n app: defaultApp,\n}",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.useUiTracker.$",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "app",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_track_metric.tsx",
"lineNumber": 40
"signature": [
"\"apm\" | \"uptime\" | \"fleet\" | \"infra_metrics\" | \"infra_logs\" | \"synthetics\" | \"observability-overview\" | \"stack_monitoring\" | \"ux\" | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_track_metric.tsx",
"lineNumber": 40
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_track_metric.tsx",
"lineNumber": 38
"initialIsOpen": false
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"type": "Interface",
"label": "ApmFetchDataResponse",
"signature": [
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.ApmFetchDataResponse",
"text": "ApmFetchDataResponse"
" extends ",
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.FetchDataResponse",
"text": "FetchDataResponse"
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"tags": [],
"children": [
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"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
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"text": "Stat"
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.Stat",
"text": "Stat"
"; }"
"tags": [],
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"type": "Object",
"label": "series",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.Series",
"text": "Series"
"; }"
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"type": "Interface",
"label": "ConfigSchema",
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"tags": [],
"children": [
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"source": {
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"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/index.ts",
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"tags": [],
"children": [
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"source": {
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"source": {
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"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.DataHandler",
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"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.ObservabilityFetchDataResponse",
"text": "ObservabilityFetchDataResponse"
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"source": {
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"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
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"label": "FetchDataParams",
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"tags": [],
"children": [
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"source": {
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"source": {
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"label": "bucketSize",
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"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"label": "serviceName",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"label": "HasDataParams",
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"tags": [],
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"{ start: number; end: number; }"
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"source": {
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"description": [],
"source": {
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"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
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"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
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"source": {
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
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" & { label: string; }>"
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"description": [],
"source": {
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.Series",
"text": "Series"
" & { label: string; }>"
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"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.MetricsFetchDataResponse",
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"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
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"children": [
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"source": {
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"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
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"text": "MetricsFetchDataResponse"
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"source": {
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"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
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"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"tags": [],
"children": [
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"source": {
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"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"signature": [
"string | null"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.MetricsFetchDataSeries.platform",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "platform",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 79
"signature": [
"string | null"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.MetricsFetchDataSeries.provider",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "provider",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 80
"signature": [
"string | null"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.MetricsFetchDataSeries.cpu",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "cpu",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 81
"signature": [
"number | null"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.MetricsFetchDataSeries.iowait",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "iowait",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 82
"signature": [
"number | null"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.MetricsFetchDataSeries.load",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "load",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 83
"signature": [
"number | null"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.MetricsFetchDataSeries.uptime",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "uptime",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 84
"signature": [
"number | null"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.MetricsFetchDataSeries.rx",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "rx",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 85
"signature": [
"number | null"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.MetricsFetchDataSeries.tx",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "tx",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 86
"signature": [
"number | null"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.MetricsFetchDataSeries.timeseries",
"type": "Array",
"label": "timeseries",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 87
"signature": [
"{ timestamp: number; cpu: number | null; iowait: number | null; load: number | null; rx: number | null; tx: number | null; }[]"
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 76
"initialIsOpen": false
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"type": "Interface",
"label": "ObservabilityFetchDataResponse",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityFetchDataResponse.apm",
"type": "Object",
"label": "apm",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 129
"signature": [
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.ApmFetchDataResponse",
"text": "ApmFetchDataResponse"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityFetchDataResponse.infra_metrics",
"type": "Object",
"label": "infra_metrics",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
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"text": "MetricsFetchDataResponse"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityFetchDataResponse.infra_logs",
"type": "Object",
"label": "infra_logs",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 131
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.LogsFetchDataResponse",
"text": "LogsFetchDataResponse"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityFetchDataResponse.synthetics",
"type": "Object",
"label": "synthetics",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.UptimeFetchDataResponse",
"text": "UptimeFetchDataResponse"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityFetchDataResponse.ux",
"type": "Object",
"label": "ux",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 133
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.UxFetchDataResponse",
"text": "UxFetchDataResponse"
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 128
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityHasDataResponse",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "ObservabilityHasDataResponse",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityHasDataResponse.apm",
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"label": "apm",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"id": "def-public.ObservabilityHasDataResponse.infra_metrics",
"type": "boolean",
"label": "infra_metrics",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 138
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityHasDataResponse.infra_logs",
"type": "boolean",
"label": "infra_logs",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 139
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"id": "def-public.ObservabilityHasDataResponse.synthetics",
"type": "Object",
"label": "synthetics",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.HasDataResponse",
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"id": "def-public.ObservabilityHasDataResponse.ux",
"type": "Object",
"label": "ux",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
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"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.UXHasDataResponse",
"text": "UXHasDataResponse"
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 136
"initialIsOpen": false
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityPublicPluginsSetup",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "ObservabilityPublicPluginsSetup",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "Object",
"label": "data",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 41
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"signature": [
"pluginId": "data",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibDataPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.DataPublicPluginSetup",
"text": "DataPublicPluginSetup"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityPublicPluginsSetup.ruleRegistry",
"type": "Object",
"label": "ruleRegistry",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 42
"signature": [
"{ registry: ",
"pluginId": "ruleRegistry",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibRuleRegistryPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.RuleRegistry",
"text": "RuleRegistry"
"<{ readonly 'kibana.rac.producer': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.uuid': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.start': { readonly type: \"date\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.end': { readonly type: \"date\"; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"long\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.severity.level': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.severity.value': { readonly type: \"long\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.status': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly '@timestamp': { readonly type: \"date\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: true; }; readonly tags: { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: true; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'event.kind': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'event.action': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'rule.uuid': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'rule.category': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; }, ",
"pluginId": "triggersActionsUi",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibTriggersActionsUiPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.AlertTypeModel",
"text": "AlertTypeModel"
"<Record<string, unknown>>>; }"
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityPublicPluginsSetup.home",
"type": "Object",
"label": "home",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 43
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"signature": [
"pluginId": "home",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibHomePluginApi",
"section": "def-public.HomePublicPluginSetup",
"text": "HomePublicPluginSetup"
" | undefined"
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 40
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityPublicPluginsStart",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "ObservabilityPublicPluginsStart",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityPublicPluginsStart.home",
"type": "Object",
"label": "home",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 47
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"signature": [
"pluginId": "home",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibHomePluginApi",
"section": "def-public.HomePublicPluginStart",
"text": "HomePublicPluginStart"
" | undefined"
"tags": [],
"id": "",
"type": "Object",
"label": "data",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 48
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"signature": [
"pluginId": "data",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibDataPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.DataPublicPluginStart",
"text": "DataPublicPluginStart"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityPublicPluginsStart.lens",
"type": "Object",
"label": "lens",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 49
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
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"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 46
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2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
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2021-03-23 19:31:08 +01:00
"<Pick<React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>, \"children\" | \"type\" | \"onClick\" | \"onChange\" | \"color\" | \"onKeyDown\" | \"title\" | \"id\" | \"placeholder\" | \"defaultChecked\" | \"defaultValue\" | \"suppressContentEditableWarning\" | \"suppressHydrationWarning\" | \"accessKey\" | \"className\" | \"contentEditable\" | \"contextMenu\" | \"dir\" | \"draggable\" | \"hidden\" | \"lang\" | \"slot\" | \"spellCheck\" | \"style\" | \"tabIndex\" | \"translate\" | \"radioGroup\" | \"role\" | \"about\" | \"datatype\" | \"inlist\" | \"prefix\" | \"property\" | \"resource\" | \"typeof\" | \"vocab\" | \"autoCapitalize\" | \"autoCorrect\" | \"autoSave\" | \"itemProp\" | \"itemScope\" | \"itemType\" | \"itemID\" | \"itemRef\" | \"results\" | \"security\" | \"unselectable\" | \"inputMode\" | \"is\" | \"aria-activedescendant\" | \"aria-atomic\" | \"aria-autocomplete\" | \"aria-busy\" | \"aria-checked\" | \"aria-colcount\" | \"aria-colindex\" | \"aria-colspan\" | \"aria-controls\" | \"aria-current\" | \"aria-describedby\" | \"aria-details\" | \"aria-disabled\" | \"aria-dropeffect\" | \"aria-errormessage\" | \"aria-expanded\" | \"aria-flowto\" | \"aria-grabbed\" | \"aria-haspopup\" | \"aria-hidden\" | \"aria-invalid\" | \"aria-keyshortcuts\" | \"aria-label\" | \"aria-labelledby\" | \"aria-level\" | \"aria-live\" | \"aria-modal\" | \"aria-multiline\" | \"aria-multiselectable\" | \"aria-orientation\" | \"aria-owns\" | \"aria-placeholder\" | \"aria-posinset\" | \"aria-pressed\" | \"aria-readonly\" | \"aria-relevant\" | \"aria-required\" | \"aria-roledescription\" | \"aria-rowcount\" | \"aria-rowindex\" | \"aria-rowspan\" | \"aria-selected\" | \"aria-setsize\" | \"aria-sort\" | \"aria-valuemax\" | \"aria-valuemin\" | \"aria-valuenow\" | \"aria-valuetext\" | \"dangerouslySetInnerHTML\" | \"onCopy\" | \"onCopyCapture\" | \"onCut\" | \"onCutCapture\" | \"onPaste\" | \"onPasteCapture\" | \"onCompositionEnd\" | \"onCompositionEndCapture\" | \"onCompositionStart\" | \"onCompositionStartCapture\" | \"onCompositionUpdate\" | \"onCompositionUpdateCapture\" | \"onFocus\" | \"onFocusCapture\" | \"onBlur\" | \"onBlurCapture\" | \"onChangeCapture\" | \"onBeforeInput\" | \"onBeforeInputCapture\" | \"onInput\" | \"onInputCapture\" | \"onReset\" | \"onResetCapture\" | \"onSubmit\" | \"onSubmitCapture\" | \"onInvalid\" | \"onInvalidCapture\" | \"onLoad\" | \"onLoadCapture\" | \"onError\" | \"onErrorCapture\" | \"onKeyDownCapture\" | \"onKeyPress\" | \"onKeyPressCapture\" | \"onKeyUp\" | \"onKeyUpCapture\" | \"onAbort\" | \"onAbortCapture\" | \"onCanPlay\" | \"onCanPlayCapture\" | \"onCanPlayThrough\" | \"onCanPlayThroughCapture\" | \"onDurationChange\" | \"onDurationChangeCapture\" | \"onEmptied\" | \"onEmptiedCapture\" | \"onEncrypted\" | \"onEncryptedCapture\" | \"onEnded\" | \"onEndedCapture\" | \"onLoadedData\" | \"onLoadedDataCapture\" | \"onLoadedMetadata\" | \"onLoadedMetadataCapture\" | \"onLoadStart\" | \"onLoadStartCapture\" | \"onPause\" | \"onPauseCapture\" | \"onPlay\" | \"onPlayCapture\" | \"onPlaying\" | \"onPlayingCapture\" | \"onProgress\" | \"onProgressCapture\" | \"onRateChange\" | \"onRateChangeCapture\" | \"onSeeked\" | \"onSeekedCapture\" | \"onSeeking\" | \"onSeekingCapture\" | \"onStalled\" | \"onStalledCapture\" | \"onSuspend\" | \"onSuspendCapture\" | \"onTimeUpdate\" | \"onTimeUpdateCapture\" | \"onVolumeChange\" | \"onVolumeChangeCapture\" | \"onWaiting\" | \"onWaitingCapture\" | \"onAuxClick\" | \"onAuxClickCapture\" | \"onClickCapture\" | \"onContextMenu\" | \"onContextMenuCapture\" | \"onDoubleClick\" | \"onDoubleClickCapture\" | \"onDrag\" | \"onDragCapture\" | \"onDragEnd\" | \"onDragEndCapture\" | \"onDragEnter\" | \"onDragEnterCapture\" | \"onDragExit\" | \"onDragExitCapture\" | \"onDragLeave\" | \"onDragLeaveCapture\" | \"onDragOver\" | \"onDragOverCapture\" | \"onDragStart\" | \"onDragStartCapture\" | \"onDrop\" | \"onDropCapture\" | \"onMouseDown\" | \"onMouseDownCapture\" | \"onMouseEnter\" | \"onMouseLeave\" | \"onMouseMove\" | \"onMouseMoveCapture\" | \"onMouseOut\" | \"onMouseOutCapture\" |
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.StringOrNull",
"type": "Type",
"label": "StringOrNull",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/typings/fetch_overview_data/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 73
"signature": [
"null | string"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.TrackMetricOptions",
"type": "Type",
"label": "TrackMetricOptions",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_track_metric.tsx",
"lineNumber": 33
"signature": [
"TrackOptions & { metric: string; }"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-public.UiTracker",
"type": "Type",
"label": "UiTracker",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/hooks/use_track_metric.tsx",
"lineNumber": 34
"signature": [
"(__0: ",
"pluginId": "observability",
"scope": "public",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-public.TrackMetricOptions",
"text": "TrackMetricOptions"
") => void"
"initialIsOpen": false
"objects": [],
"setup": {
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityPublicSetup",
"type": "Type",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"label": "ObservabilityPublicSetup",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 37
"signature": [
"{ dashboard: { register: typeof registerDataHandler; }; ruleRegistry: FormatterRuleRegistry<{ readonly 'kibana.rac.producer': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.uuid': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.start': { readonly type: \"date\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.end': { readonly type: \"date\"; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"long\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.severity.level': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.severity.value': { readonly type: \"long\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.status': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly '@timestamp': { readonly type: \"date\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: true; }; readonly tags: { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: true; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'event.kind': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'event.action': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'rule.uuid': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'rule.category': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; } & { 'kibana.observability.evaluation.value': { type: \"scaled_float\"; scaling_factor: number; }; 'kibana.observability.evaluation.threshold': { type: \"scaled_float\"; scaling_factor: number; }; '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; }>; isAlertingExperienceEnabled: () => boolean; }"
"lifecycle": "setup",
"initialIsOpen": true
"start": {
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"id": "def-public.ObservabilityPublicStart",
"type": "Type",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"label": "ObservabilityPublicStart",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 52
"signature": [
"lifecycle": "start",
"initialIsOpen": true
"server": {
"classes": [
"id": "def-server.WrappedElasticsearchClientError",
"type": "Class",
"tags": [],
"label": "WrappedElasticsearchClientError",
"description": [],
"signature": [
"pluginId": "observability",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.WrappedElasticsearchClientError",
"text": "WrappedElasticsearchClientError"
" extends Error"
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.WrappedElasticsearchClientError.originalError",
"type": "Object",
"label": "originalError",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/unwrap_es_response.ts",
"lineNumber": 12
"signature": [
"id": "def-server.WrappedElasticsearchClientError.Unnamed",
"type": "Function",
"label": "Constructor",
"signature": [
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.WrappedElasticsearchClientError.Unnamed.$1",
"type": "Object",
"label": "originalError",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/unwrap_es_response.ts",
"lineNumber": 13
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/unwrap_es_response.ts",
"lineNumber": 13
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/unwrap_es_response.ts",
"lineNumber": 11
"initialIsOpen": false
"functions": [
"id": "def-server.createOrUpdateIndex",
"type": "Function",
"label": "createOrUpdateIndex",
"signature": [
"({\n index,\n mappings,\n client,\n logger,\n}: { index: string; mappings: ",
"pluginId": "observability",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"section": "def-server.Mappings",
"text": "Mappings"
"; client: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-server.ElasticsearchClient",
"text": "ElasticsearchClient"
"; logger: ",
"; }) => Promise<void>"
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.createOrUpdateIndex.$1.indexmappingsclientlogger",
"type": "Object",
"label": "{\n index,\n mappings,\n client,\n logger,\n}",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.createOrUpdateIndex.$1.indexmappingsclientlogger.index",
"type": "string",
"label": "index",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/create_or_update_index.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 20
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.createOrUpdateIndex.$1.indexmappingsclientlogger.mappings",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "mappings",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/create_or_update_index.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 21
"signature": [
"pluginId": "observability",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"section": "def-server.Mappings",
"text": "Mappings"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.createOrUpdateIndex.$1.indexmappingsclientlogger.client",
"type": "CompoundType",
"label": "client",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/create_or_update_index.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 22
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-server.ElasticsearchClient",
"text": "ElasticsearchClient"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.createOrUpdateIndex.$1.indexmappingsclientlogger.logger",
"type": "Object",
"label": "logger",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/create_or_update_index.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 23
"signature": [
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/create_or_update_index.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 19
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/create_or_update_index.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 14
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.kqlQuery",
"type": "Function",
"label": "kqlQuery",
"signature": [
"(kql: string | undefined) => ",
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.kqlQuery.$1",
"type": "string",
"label": "kql",
"isRequired": false,
"signature": [
"string | undefined"
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/queries.ts",
"lineNumber": 25
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/queries.ts",
"lineNumber": 25
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.rangeQuery",
"type": "Function",
"label": "rangeQuery",
"signature": [
"(start: number, end: number, field: string) => ",
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.rangeQuery.$1",
"type": "number",
"label": "start",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/queries.ts",
"lineNumber": 11
"id": "def-server.rangeQuery.$2",
"type": "number",
"label": "end",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/queries.ts",
"lineNumber": 11
"id": "def-server.rangeQuery.$3",
"type": "string",
"label": "field",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/queries.ts",
"lineNumber": 11
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/queries.ts",
"lineNumber": 11
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.unwrapEsResponse",
"type": "Function",
"label": "unwrapEsResponse",
"signature": [
"(responsePromise: T) => Promise<",
"description": [],
"children": [
"id": "def-server.unwrapEsResponse.$1",
"type": "Uncategorized",
"label": "responsePromise",
"isRequired": true,
"signature": [
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/unwrap_es_response.ts",
"lineNumber": 40
"tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/unwrap_es_response.ts",
"lineNumber": 39
"initialIsOpen": false
"interfaces": [
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityRouteCreateOptions",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "ObservabilityRouteCreateOptions",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityRouteCreateOptions.options",
"type": "Object",
"label": "options",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/routes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 34
"signature": [
"{ tags: string[]; }"
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/routes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 33
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources",
"type": "Interface",
"label": "ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources",
"description": [],
"tags": [],
"children": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources.core",
"type": "Object",
"label": "core",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/routes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 23
"signature": [
"{ start: () => Promise<",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-server.CoreStart",
"text": "CoreStart"
">; setup: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-server.CoreSetup",
"text": "CoreSetup"
"<object, unknown>; }"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources.ruleRegistry",
"type": "Object",
"label": "ruleRegistry",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/routes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 27
"signature": [
"<{ readonly 'kibana.rac.producer': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.uuid': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.start': { readonly type: \"date\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.end': { readonly type: \"date\"; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"long\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.severity.level': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.severity.value': { readonly type: \"long\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.status': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly '@timestamp': { readonly type: \"date\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: true; }; readonly tags: { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: true; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'event.kind': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'event.action': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'rule.uuid': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'rule.category': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; } & { 'kibana.observability.evaluation.value': { type: \"scaled_float\"; scaling_factor: number; }; 'kibana.observability.evaluation.threshold': { type: \"scaled_float\"; scaling_factor: number; }; '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; }>"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources.request",
"type": "Object",
"label": "request",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/routes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 28
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.KibanaRequest",
"text": "KibanaRequest"
"<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>"
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources.context",
"type": "Object",
"label": "context",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/routes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 29
"signature": [
"tags": [],
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources.logger",
"type": "Object",
"label": "logger",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/routes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 30
"signature": [
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/routes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 22
"initialIsOpen": false
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"enums": [],
"misc": [
"id": "def-server.AbstractObservabilityServerRouteRepository",
"type": "Type",
"label": "AbstractObservabilityServerRouteRepository",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/routes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 39
"signature": [
"ServerRouteRepository<ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources, ObservabilityRouteCreateOptions, Record<string, ServerRoute<string, t.Mixed | undefined, ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources, any, ObservabilityRouteCreateOptions>>>"
"initialIsOpen": false
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"id": "def-server.Mappings",
"type": "Type",
"label": "Mappings",
"tags": [],
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/utils/create_or_update_index.ts",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"lineNumber": 11
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"signature": [
" & { all_field?: ",
" | undefined; date_detection?: boolean | undefined; dynamic?: boolean | \"strict\" | undefined; dynamic_date_formats?: string[] | undefined; dynamic_templates?: Record<string, ",
"> | Record<string, ",
">[] | undefined; field_names_field?: ",
"initialIsOpen": false
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityAPIReturnType",
"type": "Type",
"label": "ObservabilityAPIReturnType",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/routes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 54
"signature": [
"TEndpoint extends \"GET /api/observability/rules/alerts/top\" | \"GET /api/observability/rules/alerts/dynamic_index_pattern\" ? ({ \"GET /api/observability/rules/alerts/top\": ServerRoute<\"GET /api/observability/rules/alerts/top\", t.TypeC<{ query: t.IntersectionC<[t.TypeC<{ start: t.Type<number, string, unknown>; end: t.Type<number, string, unknown>; }>, t.PartialC<{ kuery: t.StringC; size: t.Type<number, unknown, unknown>; }>]>; }>, ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources, any, ObservabilityRouteCreateOptions>; } & { \"GET /api/observability/rules/alerts/dynamic_index_pattern\": ServerRoute<\"GET /api/observability/rules/alerts/dynamic_index_pattern\", undefined, ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources, { title: string; timeFieldName: string; fields: ",
"[]; }, ObservabilityRouteCreateOptions>; })[TEndpoint] extends ServerRoute<any, any, any, infer TReturnType, Record<string, any>> ? TReturnType : never : never"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityConfig",
"type": "Type",
"label": "ObservabilityConfig",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/index.ts",
"lineNumber": 34
"signature": [
"{ readonly enabled: boolean; readonly annotations: Readonly<{} & { enabled: boolean; index: string; }>; readonly unsafe: Readonly<{} & { alertingExperience: Readonly<{} & { enabled: boolean; }>; }>; }"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityRuleRegistryClient",
"type": "Type",
"label": "ObservabilityRuleRegistryClient",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 35
"signature": [
"ScopedRuleRegistryClient<{ readonly 'kibana.rac.producer': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.uuid': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.start': { readonly type: \"date\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.end': { readonly type: \"date\"; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"long\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.severity.level': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.severity.value': { readonly type: \"long\"; }; readonly 'kibana.rac.alert.status': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; }; readonly '@timestamp': { readonly type: \"date\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: true; }; readonly tags: { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: true; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'event.kind': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'event.action': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'rule.uuid': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; readonly 'rule.category': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; } & { 'kibana.observability.evaluation.value': { type: \"scaled_float\"; scaling_factor: number; }; 'kibana.observability.evaluation.threshold': { type: \"scaled_float\"; scaling_factor: number; }; '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; '': { readonly type: \"keyword\"; readonly array: false; readonly required: false; }; }>"
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityServerRouteRepository",
"type": "Type",
"label": "ObservabilityServerRouteRepository",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/routes/get_global_observability_server_route_repository.ts",
"lineNumber": 13
"signature": [
"pluginId": "observability",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources",
"text": "ObservabilityRouteHandlerResources"
", ",
"pluginId": "observability",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibObservabilityPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.ObservabilityRouteCreateOptions",
"text": "ObservabilityRouteCreateOptions"
", { \"GET /api/observability/rules/alerts/top\": ",
"<\"GET /api/observability/rules/alerts/top\", ",
"initialIsOpen": false
"id": "def-server.ScopedAnnotationsClient",
"type": "Type",
"label": "ScopedAnnotationsClient",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/lib/annotations/bootstrap_annotations.ts",
"lineNumber": 29
"signature": [
"{ readonly index: string; create: (createParams: { annotation: { type: string; }; '@timestamp': string; message: string; } & { tags?: string[] | undefined; service?: { name?: string | undefined; environment?: string | undefined; version?: string | undefined; } | undefined; }) => Promise<{ _id: string; _index: string; _source: ",
"; }>; getById: (getByIdParams: { id: string; }) => Promise<",
Create new alerting HTTP APIs that use the new terminology (#93977) * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Create new rule HTTP APIs (#93980) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Move current alert HTTP APIs to legacy folder (#93943) * Move current HTTP APIs to legacy folder * Rename BASE_ALERT_API_PATH to LEGACY_BASE_ALERT_API_PATH * Fix failing tests and extra files * Add necessary files * Create rule route * Get rule API * Update rule API * Delete rule route * Aggregate rules API * Disable rule API * Enable rule API * Find rules API * Fix Update API * Get rule alert summary API * Get rule state API * Health API * Rule types API * Mute all API * Mute alert API * Unmute all API * Unmute alert route * Update API key API * corrected tpye by making it much more complicated * removed unneeded cocde * Fixes * Add back health route * mutedInstanceIds -> mutedAlertIds * lastRun -> last_run * alert_type_state -> rule_type_state & alert_instances -> alerts Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> * Create docs for new rule HTTP APIs, deprecate old docs (#94745) * Create docs for new APIs, deprecate old docs * Remove connector_type_id * Update docs * Add link to legacy APIs from rules API docs * Remove connector_type_id references * [DOCS] Add legacy APIs to index.asciidoc * Fix camel case Co-authored-by: lcawl <> * Make alerting tests use new rules APIs (#95159) * Make API integration tests use new HTTP APIs * Fix end to end tests * Fix test failures * Fix more test failures * Rename some files * Add tests for legacy APIs (#95333) * Initial commit (#95457) * Move some new alerting APIs to /internal (#95461) * Initial commit * Update * Use internal API * Merge deprecated warning w/ alternative solution * Update API docs Co-authored-by: Gidi Meir Morris <> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: lcawl <>
2021-03-30 14:27:28 +02:00
"<unknown>>; delete: (deleteParams: { id: string; }) => Promise<",
">; }"
"initialIsOpen": false
"objects": [],
"setup": {
"id": "def-server.ObservabilityPluginSetup",
"type": "Type",
"label": "ObservabilityPluginSetup",
"tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/observability/server/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 22
"signature": [
"{ getScopedAnnotationsClient: (requestContext: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-server.RequestHandlerContext",
"text": "RequestHandlerContext"
" & { licensing: ",
"pluginId": "licensing",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibLicensingPluginApi",
"section": "def-server.LicensingApiRequestHandlerContext",
"text": "LicensingApiRequestHandlerContext"
"; }, request: ",
"pluginId": "core",
"scope": "server",
"docId": "kibCorePluginApi",
"section": "def-server.KibanaRequest",
"text": "KibanaRequest"
"<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>) => Promise<{ readonly index: string; create: (createParams: { annotation: { type: string; }; '@timestamp': string; message: string; } & { tags?: string[] | undefined; service?: { name?: string | undefined; environment?: string | undefined; version?: string | undefined; } | undefined; }) => Promise<{ _id: string; _index: string; _source: ",
"; }>; getById: (getByIdParams: { id: string; }) => Promise<",
"lifecycle": "setup",
"initialIsOpen": true
"common": {
"classes": [],
"functions": [],
"interfaces": [],
"enums": [],
"misc": [],
"objects": []