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== Managing Fields
The fields for the index pattern are listed in a table. Click a column header to sort the table by that column. Click
the *Controls* button in the rightmost column for a given field to edit the field's properties. You can manually set
the field's format from the *Format* drop-down. Format options vary based on the field's type.
You can also set the field's popularity value in the *Popularity* text entry box to any desired value. Click the
*Update Field* button to confirm your changes or *Cancel* to return to the list of fields.
Kibana has field formatters for the following field types:
* <<field-formatters-string, Strings>>
* <<field-formatters-date, Dates>>
* <<field-formatters-geopoint, Geopoints>>
* <<field-formatters-numeric, Numbers>>
=== String Field Formatters
String fields support the `String` and `Url` formatters.
=== Date Field Formatters
Date fields support the `Date`, `Url`, and `String` formatters.
The `Date` formatter enables you to choose the display format of date stamps using the http://moment.js[moment.js]
standard format definitions.
=== Geographic Point Field Formatters
Geographic point fields support the `String` formatter.
=== Numeric Field Formatters
Numeric fields support the `Url`, `Bytes`, `Duration`, `Number`, `Percentage`, `String`, and `Color` formatters.
The `Bytes`, `Number`, and `Percentage` formatters enable you to choose the display formats of numbers in this field using
the[numeral.js] standard format definitions.
=== Scripted Fields
Scripted fields compute data on the fly from the data in your Elasticsearch indices. Scripted field data is shown on
the Discover tab as part of the document data, and you can use scripted fields in your visualizations.
Scripted field values are computed at query time so they aren't indexed and cannot be searched.
NOTE: Kibana cannot query scripted fields.
WARNING: Computing data on the fly with scripted fields can be very resource intensive and can have a direct impact on
Kibana's performance. Keep in mind that there's no built-in validation of a scripted field. If your scripts are
buggy, you'll get exceptions whenever you try to view the dynamically generated data.
Scripted fields use the Lucene expression syntax. For more information,
see {es-ref}modules-scripting-expression.html[
Lucene Expressions Scripts].
You can reference any single value numeric field in your expressions, for example:
=== Creating a Scripted Field
To create a scripted field:
. Go to *Settings > Indices*
. Select the index pattern you want to add a scripted field to.
. Go to the pattern's *Scripted Fields* tab.
. Click *Add Scripted Field*.
. Enter a name for the scripted field.
. Enter the expression that you want to use to compute a value on the fly from your index data.
. Click *Save Scripted Field*.
For more information about scripted fields in Elasticsearch, see
NOTE: In Elasticsearch releases 1.4.3 and later, this functionality requires you to enable
{es-ref}modules-scripting.html[dynamic Groovy scripting].
=== Updating a Scripted Field
To modify a scripted field:
. Go to *Settings > Indices*
. Click the *Edit* button for the scripted field you want to change.
. Make your changes and then click *Save Scripted Field* to update the field.
WARNING: Keep in mind that there's no built-in validation of a scripted field. If your scripts are buggy, you'll get
exceptions whenever you try to view the dynamically generated data.
=== Deleting a Scripted Field
To delete a scripted field:
. Go to *Settings > Indices*
. Click the *Delete* button for the scripted field you want to remove.
. Confirm that you really want to delete the field.