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=== Export Dashboard
experimental[This functionality is *experimental* and may be changed or removed completely in a future release.]
The dashboard export API allows people to export dashboards along with all of
their corresponding saved objects such as visualizations, saved searches, and
index patterns.
==== Request
`GET /api/kibana/dashboards/export`
==== Query Parameters
`dashboard` (required)::
(array|string) The id(s) of the dashboard(s) to export
==== Response body
The response body will have a top level `objects` property that contains an
array of saved objects. The order of these objects is not guaranteed. You
should use this exact response body as the request body for the corresponding
<<dashboard-import-api-import, Import Dashboard API>>.
==== Examples
The following example exports all saved objects associated with and including
the dashboard with id `942dcef0-b2cd-11e8-ad8e-85441f0c2e5c`.
GET api/kibana/dashboards/export?dashboard=942dcef0-b2cd-11e8-ad8e-85441f0c2e5c
A successful call returns a response code of `200` along with the exported
objects as the response body.