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#!/usr/bin/env groovy
library identifier: 'apm@current',
retriever: modernSCM(
[$class: 'GitSCMSource',
credentialsId: 'f94e9298-83ae-417e-ba91-85c279771570',
id: '37cf2c00-2cc7-482e-8c62-7bbffef475e2',
remote: ''])
pipeline {
agent { label 'linux && immutable' }
environment {
BASE_DIR = 'src/'
APM_ITS = 'apm-integration-testing'
CYPRESS_DIR = 'x-pack/plugins/apm/e2e'
options {
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS')
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '40', artifactNumToKeepStr: '20', daysToKeepStr: '30'))
triggers {
parameters {
booleanParam(name: 'FORCE', defaultValue: false, description: 'Whether to force the run.')
stages {
stage('Checkout') {
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
steps {
gitCheckout(basedir: "${BASE_DIR}", githubNotifyFirstTimeContributor: false,
shallow: false, reference: "/var/lib/jenkins/.git-references/kibana.git")
script {
def regexps =[ "^x-pack/plugins/apm/.*" ]
env.APM_UPDATED = isGitRegionMatch(patterns: regexps)
git changelog: false,
credentialsId: 'f6c7695a-671e-4f4f-a331-acdce44ff9ba',
poll: false,
url: "${APM_ITS}.git"
stage('Start services') {
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
when {
anyOf {
expression { return params.FORCE }
expression { return env.APM_UPDATED != "false" }
steps {
notifyStatus('Starting services', 'PENDING')
sh './scripts/ start master --no-kibana'
post {
unsuccessful {
notifyStatus('Environmental issue', 'FAILURE')
stage('Prepare Kibana') {
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
when {
anyOf {
expression { return params.FORCE }
expression { return env.APM_UPDATED != "false" }
environment {
steps {
notifyStatus('Preparing kibana', 'PENDING')
sh script: "${CYPRESS_DIR}/ci/"
post {
unsuccessful {
notifyStatus('Kibana warm up failed', 'FAILURE')
stage('Smoke Tests'){
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
when {
anyOf {
expression { return params.FORCE }
expression { return env.APM_UPDATED != "false" }
notifyStatus('Running smoke tests', 'PENDING')
sh '''
jobs -l
Migrate existing Cypress tests to Cypress + Cucumber (#57299) * chore: move gitignore to the cypress directory * chore: ignore more test files * fix: do not check the Loading Message It seems not relevant to the main purpose of these tests * chore: use cypres + webpack + cucumber scaffolding See * chore: add eslint and prettier for code linting * feat: convert existing Cypress test into BDD style * feat: add support for using proper Node version in MacOSX * chore: use tslint * chore: use old layout We are keeping cypress as rootDir to follow project's structure. On the other hand, having a second cypress directory at the 2nd level is the default structure, as shown in the examples: - - * chore: remove prelint script meanwhile we fix TS lint * chore: move test results to a specific directory * chore: rename variable following old code * chore: remove non-needed lints, as we are going to use kibana build * chore: import snapshot function from cypress * chore: add readFile utils back from a bad removal * chore: change format of JSON spec file It was automatically changed by tests * chore: move CI directory to the proper layout in order for Jenkins to work * chore: store test-results from proper dir on Jenkins * chore: store artifacts properly on Jenkins * Fix type issues * chore: rename test application to e2e (end-to-end) We are keeping the build system within the test application, isolating dependencies * docs: reorganise docs for APM UI e2e tests * fix: Use proper cypress support file * chore: use existing NPM script for running cypress on CI * chore: update paths in CI scripts * docs: document how the CI runs the tests * chore: use Node 10 for tests * chore: Use kibana's Node version for tests * chore: run yarn install * docs: update docs * fix: path was wrong * docs: fix paths and flags used to load data * docs: elasticsearch fix flag * docs: Bootstrap kibana before running it * docs: remove outdated info * chore: move background steps to the scenario This would avoid not reading the background when the number of scenarios grows Co-authored-by: Dario Gieselaar <> Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
2020-02-26 20:00:54 +01:00
docker build --tag cypress --build-arg NODE_VERSION=$(cat .node-version) ${CYPRESS_DIR}/ci
docker run --rm -t --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
-v `pwd`:/app --network="host" \
--name cypress cypress'''
post {
always {
Migrate existing Cypress tests to Cypress + Cucumber (#57299) * chore: move gitignore to the cypress directory * chore: ignore more test files * fix: do not check the Loading Message It seems not relevant to the main purpose of these tests * chore: use cypres + webpack + cucumber scaffolding See * chore: add eslint and prettier for code linting * feat: convert existing Cypress test into BDD style * feat: add support for using proper Node version in MacOSX * chore: use tslint * chore: use old layout We are keeping cypress as rootDir to follow project's structure. On the other hand, having a second cypress directory at the 2nd level is the default structure, as shown in the examples: - - * chore: remove prelint script meanwhile we fix TS lint * chore: move test results to a specific directory * chore: rename variable following old code * chore: remove non-needed lints, as we are going to use kibana build * chore: import snapshot function from cypress * chore: add readFile utils back from a bad removal * chore: change format of JSON spec file It was automatically changed by tests * chore: move CI directory to the proper layout in order for Jenkins to work * chore: store test-results from proper dir on Jenkins * chore: store artifacts properly on Jenkins * Fix type issues * chore: rename test application to e2e (end-to-end) We are keeping the build system within the test application, isolating dependencies * docs: reorganise docs for APM UI e2e tests * fix: Use proper cypress support file * chore: use existing NPM script for running cypress on CI * chore: update paths in CI scripts * docs: document how the CI runs the tests * chore: use Node 10 for tests * chore: Use kibana's Node version for tests * chore: run yarn install * docs: update docs * fix: path was wrong * docs: fix paths and flags used to load data * docs: elasticsearch fix flag * docs: Bootstrap kibana before running it * docs: remove outdated info * chore: move background steps to the scenario This would avoid not reading the background when the number of scenarios grows Co-authored-by: Dario Gieselaar <> Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
2020-02-26 20:00:54 +01:00
archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts: "${CYPRESS_DIR}/**/screenshots/**,${CYPRESS_DIR}/**/videos/**,${CYPRESS_DIR}/**/test-results/*e2e-tests.xml")
junit(allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: "${CYPRESS_DIR}/**/test-results/*e2e-tests.xml")
sh 'docker-compose logs > apm-its.log || true'
sh 'docker-compose down -v || true'
archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts: 'apm-its.log')
unsuccessful {
notifyStatus('Test failures', 'FAILURE')
success {
notifyStatus('Tests passed', 'SUCCESS')
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: "${CYPRESS_DIR}/ingest-data.log,kibana.log")
def notifyStatus(String description, String status) {
withGithubNotify.notify('end2end-for-apm-ui', description, status, getBlueoceanDisplayURL())