
177 lines
6.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.
import expect from '@kbn/expect';
import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../ftr_provider_context';
2020-05-22 09:08:58 +02:00
export default function ({ getPageObjects, getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
const { visualBuilder, timePicker, visualize, visChart } = getPageObjects([
const retry = getService('retry');
async function cleanupMarkdownData(variableName: 'variable' | 'label', checkedValue: string) {
await visualBuilder.markdownSwitchSubTab('data');
await visualBuilder.setMarkdownDataVariable('', variableName);
await visualBuilder.markdownSwitchSubTab('markdown');
const rerenderedTable = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownTableVariables();
2020-05-22 09:08:58 +02:00
rerenderedTable.forEach((row) => {
if (variableName === 'label') {
} else {
describe('visual builder', function describeIndexTests() {
describe('markdown', () => {
before(async () => {
await visualize.initTests();
await visualBuilder.resetPage();
await visualBuilder.clickMarkdown();
await timePicker.setAbsoluteRange(
'Sep 22, 2015 @ 06:00:00.000',
'Sep 22, 2015 @ 11:00:00.000'
await visualBuilder.markdownSwitchSubTab('options');
await visualBuilder.setMetricsDataTimerangeMode('Last value');
await visualBuilder.setDropLastBucket(true);
await visualBuilder.markdownSwitchSubTab('markdown');
it('should render subtabs and table variables markdown components', async () => {
const tabs = await visualBuilder.getSubTabs();
const variables = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownTableVariables();
it('should allow printing raw timestamp of data', async () => {
await visualBuilder.enterMarkdown('{{[0].[0] }}');
const text = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownText();
it('should allow printing raw value of data', async () => {
await visualBuilder.enterMarkdown('{{[0].[1] }}');
const text = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownText();
it('should render html as plain text', async () => {
const html = '<h1>hello world</h1>';
await visualBuilder.enterMarkdown(html);
const markdownText = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownText();
it('markdown variables should be clickable', async () => {
await visualBuilder.clearMarkdown();
const [firstVariable] = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownTableVariables();
await visChart.waitForVisualizationRenderingStabilized();
const markdownText = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownText();
it('should render mustache list', async () => {
const list = '{{#each _all}}\n{{ data.formatted.[0] }} {{ data.raw.[0] }}\n{{/each}}';
const expectedRenderer = 'Sep 22, 2015 @ 06:00:00.000,6 1442901600000,6';
await visualBuilder.enterMarkdown(list);
const markdownText = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownText();
it('should render markdown table', async () => {
const TABLE =
'| raw | formatted |\n|-|-|\n| {{count.last.raw}} | {{count.last.formatted}} |';
const DATA = '46';
await visualBuilder.enterMarkdown(TABLE);
const text = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownText();
2020-05-22 09:08:58 +02:00
const tableValues = text.split('\n').map((row) => row.split(' '))[1]; // [46, 46]
2020-05-22 09:08:58 +02:00
tableValues.forEach((value) => {
it('should change variable name', async () => {
const VARIABLE = 'variable';
await visualBuilder.markdownSwitchSubTab('data');
await visualBuilder.setMarkdownDataVariable(VARIABLE, VARIABLE);
await visualBuilder.markdownSwitchSubTab('markdown');
const table = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownTableVariables();
table.forEach((row, index) => {
// exception: last index for variable is always: {{count.label}}
if (index === table.length - 1) {
} else {
await cleanupMarkdownData(VARIABLE, VARIABLE);
it('series count should be 2 after cloning', async () => {
await visualBuilder.markdownSwitchSubTab('data');
await visualBuilder.cloneSeries();
await retry.try(async function seriesCountCheck() {
const seriesLength = (await visualBuilder.getSeries()).length;
it('aggregation count should be 2 after cloning', async () => {
await visualBuilder.markdownSwitchSubTab('data');
await visualBuilder.createNewAgg();
await retry.try(async function aggregationCountCheck() {
const aggregationLength = await visualBuilder.getAggregationCount();
[TSVB] Support custom field format (#101245) * [TSVB] Support custom field format Add format_label response processor for series vis data and bucket key formatting to process_bucket for table vis data * Add ignore_field_formatting for series to support value formatting for all panel types except markdown * Fix type issue for visData and rename getCustomFieldFormatter to createCustomFieldFormatter * Update vis.test to cover custom field formats logic and add a migration script to set ignore_field_formatting to true for the series * Move createCustomFieldFormatter to a separate file, make formatting respect only active metrics field name, refactor vis files and fix label formatting only for grouped by terms series * Remove services, add getFieldFormatsService to use it in format_label and get_table_data, replace getCustomFieldFormatter with createCustomFieldFormatter * Update plugin.ts * Update start for plugin.ts * Add formatting for annotations and markdown values * Refactor some code * Update some naming and conditions * Fix formatting of data type labels * In process_bucket fix case for no getFieldFormatByName * Add field formatting functional tests for all panel types * Update tests to make them run correctly for firefox * Update _tsvb_markdown test setup * Move series ignoreFieldFormatting check to a separate file, change convertSeriesToVars signature, update migration script and refactor a bit functional tests * Fix type check for timeseries_visualization.tsx * Update migrations.js test expected version to 7.15 * Fix tests in _tsvb_chart.ts * Fix merge conflict remove process_bucket.js * Update process_bucket.test.ts * Fix markdown labels formatting * Add ignore_field_formatting for annotations, enhanced migration script to set that flag to true, refactor data_format_picker * Fix migration script and add disabling for ignore component when string index pattern is used * Add supporting URL and color formatters in tsvb table * Fix eslint * Remove ignore formatting component, add field formatting option to TSVB data format picker and make it default, remove migration script, update tests and refactor some files * Fix failing tests, refactor create_field_formatter and add test to it, update some other files * Fix series formatting for top hit when it has not numeric result * Handle no fieldFormatMap case for table/vis.js * Remove "Default" option form DataFormatPicker when index pattern is string, fix markdown variables issue and refactor some code * Chore(TSVB): Replace aggregations lookup with map * Fix types, update test expected data and remove unused translations * Fix i18 check and useEffect in agg.tsx * Handle aggregations field formatting case * Fix agg_utils, vis and check_if_numeric_metric tests * Correct typo and refactor condition in std_metric * Fix type check * Get rid of IFieldType * Add URL and color formatting for topN and metric tabs, fix setting initial custom formatter and switching formatter in agg.tsx * Update tsvb.asciidoc * Remove link icon from Date format field help text, update click logic for top N in case of custom field format and fix CI * Remove unused import * Revert top N bar extra logic for click * Refactor some code in agg.tsx * Add URL and color formatting to Gauge * Fix bug with terms formatting, refactor some code, update create_field_formatter * Add comments to _gauge.scss * Remove unnecessary await Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <> Co-authored-by: Uladzislau Lasitsa <>
2021-09-13 10:51:32 +02:00
describe('applying field formats from Advanced Settings for values', () => {
before(async () => {
await visualBuilder.resetPage();
await visualBuilder.clickMarkdown();
await visualBuilder.markdownSwitchSubTab('markdown');
await visualBuilder.enterMarkdown('{{ average_of_bytes.last.formatted }}');
await visualBuilder.markdownSwitchSubTab('data');
await visualBuilder.selectAggType('Average');
await visualBuilder.setFieldForAggregation('bytes');
await visualBuilder.clickSeriesOption();
it('should apply field formatting by default', async () => {
const text = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownText();
it('should apply TSVB formatting', async () => {
await visualBuilder.changeDataFormatter('percent');
const text = await visualBuilder.getMarkdownText();