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== List of {kib} plugins
=== src/plugins
|bfetch allows to batch HTTP requests and streams responses back.
|The Charts plugin is a way to create easier integration of shared colors, themes, types and other utilities across all Kibana charts and visualizations.
|- Registers the dashboard application.
- Adds a dashboard embeddable that can be used in other applications.
|data plugin provides common data access services.
|The ui/registry/dev_tools is removed in favor of the devTools plugin which exposes a register method in the setup contract.
Registering app works mostly the same as registering apps in core.application.register.
Routing will be handled by the id of the dev tool - your dev tool will be mounted when the URL matches /app/dev_tools#/<YOUR ID>.
This API doesn't support angular, for registering angular dev tools, bootstrap a local module on mount into the given HTML element.
|Contains the Discover application and the saved search embeddable.
|Embeddables are re-usable widgets that can be rendered in any environment or plugin. Developers can embed them directly in their plugin. End users can dynamically add them to any embeddable containers.
|This plugin contains reusable code in the form of self-contained modules (or libraries). Each of these modules exports a set of functionality relevant to the domain of the module.
2020-09-30 09:10:28 +02:00
|Expression pipeline is a chain of functions that *pipe* its output to the
input of the next function. Functions can be configured using arguments provided
by the user. The final output of the expression pipeline can be rendered using
one of the *renderers* registered in `expressions` plugin.
All the arguments to expression functions need to be serializable, as well as input and output.
Expression functions should try to stay 'pure'. This makes functions easy to reuse and also
make it possible to serialize the whole chain as well as output at every step of execution.
Expressions power visualizations in Dashboard and Lens, as well as, every
*element* in Canvas is backed by an expression.
This plugin provides methods which will parse & execute an *expression pipeline*
string for you, as well as a series of registries for advanced users who might
want to incorporate their own functions, types, and renderers into the service
for use in their own application.
|Moves the legacy ui/registry/feature_catalogue module for registering "features" that should be shown in the home page's feature catalogue to a service within a "home" plugin. The feature catalogue refered to here should not be confused with the "feature" plugin for registering features used to derive UI capabilities for feature controls.
|Contains the input control visualization allowing to place custom filter controls on a dashboard.
|The inspector is a contextual tool to gain insights into different elements
in Kibana, e.g. visualizations. It has the form of a flyout panel.
|This plugin contains several helpers and services to integrate pieces of the legacy Kibana app with the new Kibana platform.
|Tools for building React applications in Kibana.
|This plugin registers the basic usage collectors from Kibana:
|Utilities for building Kibana plugins.
|The navigation plugins exports the TopNavMenu component.
It also provides a stateful version of it on the start contract.
|Replaces the legacy ui/share module for registering share context menus.
|Telemetry allows Kibana features to have usage tracked in the wild. The general term "telemetry" refers to multiple things:
|Telemetry's collection manager to go through all the telemetry sources when fetching it before reporting.
|This plugin adds the Advanced Settings section for the Usage Data collection (aka Telemetry).
|Contains the deprecated timelion application. For the timelion visualization,
which also contains the timelion APIs and backend, look at the vis_type_timelion plugin.
|An API for:
- creating custom functionality (`actions`)
- creating custom user interaction events (`triggers`)
- attaching and detaching `actions` to `triggers`.
- emitting `trigger` events
- executing `actions` attached to a given `trigger`.
- exposing a context menu for the user to choose the appropriate action when there are multiple actions attached to a single trigger.
|This plugins contains helpers to redirect legacy URLs. It can be used to forward old URLs to their new counterparts.
|Usage Collection allows collecting usage data for other services to consume (telemetry and monitoring).
To integrate with the telemetry services for usage collection of your feature, there are 2 steps:
|The default editor is used in most primary visualizations, e.x. Area, Data table, Pie, etc.
It acts as a container for a particular visualization and options tabs. Contains the default "Data" tab in public/components/sidebar/data_tab.tsx.
The plugin exposes the static DefaultEditorController class to consume.
|The markdown visualization that can be used to place text panels on dashboards.
|Contains the metric visualization.
|Contains the data table visualization, that allows presenting data in a simple table format.
|Contains the tagcloud visualization.
|Contains the timelion visualization and the timelion backend.
|Contains everything around TSVB (the editor, visualizatin implementations and backends).
|Contains the Vega visualization.
|Contains the vislib visualizations. These are the classical area/line/bar, pie, gauge/goal and
heatmap charts.
|Contains the new xy-axis chart using the elastic-charts library, which will eventually
replace the vislib xy-axis (bar, area, line) charts.
|Contains most of the visualization infrastructure, e.g. the visualization type registry or the
visualization embeddable.
|Contains the visualize application which includes the listing page and the app frame,
which will load the visualization's editor.
=== x-pack/plugins
|The Kibana actions plugin provides a framework to create executable actions. You can:
|This plugin provides alertTypes shipped with Kibana for use with the
the alerts plugin. When enabled, it will register
the built-in alertTypes with the alerting plugin, register associated HTTP
routes, etc.
|The Kibana alerting plugin provides a common place to set up alerts. You can:
|To access an elasticsearch instance that has live data you have two options:
Failure to have auth enabled in Kibana will make for a broken UI. UI-based errors not yet in place
|"Never look back. The past is done. The future is a blank canvas." ― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun
|Experimental Feature
|You can run a local cluster and simulate a remote cluster within a single Kibana directory.
|Adds drilldown capabilities to dashboard. Owned by the Kibana App team.
|The deprecated dashboard only mode.
|Contains the enhancements to the OSS discover app.
|Enhances Embeddables by registering a custom factory provider. The enhanced factory provider
adds dynamic actions to every embeddables state, in order to support drilldowns.
|The purpose of this plugin is to provide a way to encrypt/decrypt attributes on the custom Saved Objects that works with
security and spaces filtering as well as performing audit logging.
|This plugin's goal is to provide a Kibana user interface to the Enterprise Search solution's products (App Search and Workplace Search). In it's current MVP state, the plugin provides the following with the goal of gathering user feedback and raising product awareness:
|The purpose of this plugin is to provide a way to persist a history of events
occuring in Kibana, initially just for the Make It Action project - alerts
and actions.
|The GlobalSearch plugin provides an easy way to search for various objects, such as applications
or dashboards from the Kibana instance, from both server and client-side plugins
|The GlobalSearchBar plugin provides a search interface for navigating Kibana. (It is the UI to the GlobalSearch plugin.)
|This is the main source folder of the Graph plugin. It contains all of the Kibana server and client source code. x-pack/test/functional/apps/graph contains additional functional tests.
|You can test that the Frozen badge, phase filtering, and lifecycle information is surfaced in
Index Management by running this series of requests in Console:
|Create a data stream using Console and you'll be able to view it in the UI:
|This is the home of the infra plugin, which aims to provide a solution for
the infrastructure monitoring use-case within Kibana.
|Fleet needs to have Elasticsearch API keys enabled, and also to have TLS enabled on kibana, (if you want to run Kibana without TLS you can provide the following config flag --xpack.ingestManager.fleet.tlsCheckDisabled=false)
|The ingest_pipelines plugin provides Kibana support for Elasticsearch's ingest nodes. Please refer to the Elasticsearch documentation for more details.
|Run all tests from the x-pack root directory
|The licensing plugin retrieves license data from Elasticsearch at regular configurable intervals.
| for developers working on the backend lists on how to get started
using the CURL scripts in the scripts folder.
|Visualize geo data from Elasticsearch or 3rd party geo-services.
|This plugin provides access to the detailed tile map services from Elastic.
|This plugin provides shared components and services for use across observability solutions, as well as the observability landing page UI.
|An awesome Kibana reporting plugin
|Welcome to the Kibana rollup plugin! This plugin provides Kibana support for Elasticsearch's rollup feature. Please refer to the Elasticsearch documentation to understand rollup indices and how to create rollup jobs.
|See Configuring security in Kibana.
|Welcome to the Kibana Security Solution plugin! This README will go over getting started with development and testing.
|Gathers all usage collection, retrieving them from both: OSS and X-Pack plugins.
|The Kibana alerts and actions UI plugin provides a user interface for managing alerts and actions.
As a developer you can reuse and extend built-in alerts and actions UI functionality:
|Registers commercially licensed generic actions like per panel time range and contains some code that supports drilldown work.
|The purpose of this plugin is to provide users of Heartbeat more visibility of what's happening
in their infrastructure.
|This plugins adopts some conventions in addition to or in place of conventions in Kibana (at the time of the plugin's creation):
2020-09-16 22:24:11 +02:00
|Contains HTTP endpoints and UiSettings that are slated for removal.
|NOTE: This plugin contains implementation of URL drilldown. For drilldowns infrastructure code refer to ui_actions_enhanced plugin.
2020-09-30 09:10:28 +02:00