[grunt] Task to rebuild archives with new version

This is useful for when a pre-release build is completely tested and
could be released as-is if it weren't for the pre-release suffix and
commit hash. It will extract the archives in the target, replace the
version, sha, and build numbers with the current working copy's, and
then recreate the archives and shas.
This commit is contained in:
Court Ewing 2016-05-16 20:48:54 -04:00
parent 80ad93c9ab
commit 28aa6c9b9c
6 changed files with 197 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -89,4 +89,5 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
// load task definitions

tasks/rebuild/confirm.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { execFileSync } from 'child_process';
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import { join } from 'path';
import { createInterface } from 'readline';
export default (grunt) => {
grunt.registerTask('_rebuild:confirm', function () {
const newVersion = grunt.option('buildversion') || grunt.config.get('pkg').version;
const newBuildNum = grunt.option('buildnum') || grunt.config.get('buildNum');
const newSha = grunt.option('buildsha') || grunt.config.get('buildSha');
grunt.config('rebuild', { newVersion, newBuildNum, newSha });
grunt.log.writeln('Targets will be rebuilt with the following:');
grunt.log.writeln(`Version: ${newVersion}`);
grunt.log.writeln(`Build number: ${newBuildNum}`);
grunt.log.writeln(`Build sha: ${newSha}`);
const rl = createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
rl.on('close', this.async());
rl.question('Do you want to rebuild these packages? [N/y] ', (resp) => {
const answer = resp.toLowerCase().trim();
if (answer === 'y') {
grunt.config.set('rebuild.continue', true);

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import { execFileSync } from 'child_process';
import { join } from 'path';
export default (grunt) => {
grunt.registerTask('_rebuild:createArchives', function () {
const buildDir = grunt.config.get('build');
const targetDir = grunt.config.get('target');
grunt.file.expand({ cwd: buildDir }, '*').forEach(build => {
const tar = join(targetDir, `${build}.tar.gz`);
execFileSync('tar', ['-zchf', tar, build], { cwd: buildDir });
const zip = join(targetDir, `${build}.zip`);
if (/windows/.test(build)) {
execFileSync('zip', ['-rq', '-ll', zip, build], { cwd: buildDir });
} else {
execFileSync('zip', ['-rq', zip, build], { cwd: buildDir });

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import { execFileSync } from 'child_process';
export default (grunt) => {
grunt.registerTask('_rebuild:extractZips', function () {
const buildDir = grunt.config.get('build');
const targetDir = grunt.config.get('target');
const zips = grunt.file.expand({ cwd: targetDir }, '*.zip');
zips.forEach(zip => {
execFileSync('unzip', [zip, '-d', buildDir], { cwd: targetDir });

tasks/rebuild/index.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import { execSync } from 'child_process';
import { trim } from 'lodash';
* Repackages all of the current archives in target/ with the same build
* number, sha, and commit hash. This is useful when all you need to do is bump
* the version of the release and do not want to introduce any other changes.
* Even if there are new commits, the standard build task reinstalls all npm
* dependencies, which introduces at least a small amount of risk of
* introducing bugs into the build since not all dependencies have fixed
* versions.
* Options:
* --skip-archives Will skip the archive step, useful for debugging
* --buildversion="1.2.3" Sets new version to 1.2.3
* --buildnum="99999" Sets new build number to 99999
* --buildsha="9a5b2c1" Sets new build sha to 9a5b2c1 (use the full sha, though)
export default (grunt) => {
grunt.registerTask('rebuild', 'Rebuilds targets as a new version', function () {
grunt.registerTask('_rebuild:continue', function () {
if (!grunt.config.get('rebuild.continue')) {
grunt.log.writeln('Aborting without rebuilding anything');
} else {
grunt.registerTask('_rebuild:builds', function () {
grunt.registerTask('_rebuild:archives', function () {
const skip = grunt.option('skip-archives');
if (skip) {
grunt.log.writeln('Skipping archive step since rebuild debugging was enabled');
} else {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import { execFileSync } from 'child_process';
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import { join } from 'path';
export default (grunt) => {
grunt.registerTask('_rebuild:updateBuilds', function () {
const buildDir = grunt.config.get('build');
const { newVersion, newBuildNum, newSha } = grunt.config.get('rebuild');
grunt.file.expand({ cwd: buildDir }, '*').forEach(build => {
const thisBuildDir = join(buildDir, build);
const thisBundlesDir = join(thisBuildDir, 'optimize', 'bundles');
const readmePath = join(thisBuildDir, 'README.txt');
const pkgjsonPath = join(thisBuildDir, 'package.json');
const bundlePaths = [
...grunt.file.expand({ cwd: thisBundlesDir }, '*.bundle.js'),
...grunt.file.expand({ cwd: thisBundlesDir }, '*.entry.js')
const { oldBuildNum, oldSha, oldVersion } = readBuildInfo(pkgjsonPath);
replaceIn(readmePath, oldVersion, newVersion);
replaceIn(pkgjsonPath, oldVersion, newVersion);
replaceIn(pkgjsonPath, `"number": ${oldBuildNum},`, `"number": ${newBuildNum},`);
replaceIn(pkgjsonPath, oldSha, newSha);
.map(bundle => join(thisBundlesDir, bundle))
.forEach(file => {
replaceIn(file, `"kbnVersion":"${oldVersion}"`, `"kbnVersion":"${newVersion}"`);
replaceIn(file, `"buildNum":${oldBuildNum}`, `"buildNum":${newBuildNum}`);
const newBuild = build.replace(oldVersion, newVersion);
if (build !== newBuild) {
execFileSync('mv', [ build, newBuild ], { cwd: buildDir });
function readBuildInfo(path) {
const pkgjson = readFileSync(path).toString();
const pkg = JSON.parse(pkgjson);
return {
oldBuildNum: pkg.build.number,
oldSha: pkg.build.sha,
oldVersion: pkg.version
function replaceIn(path, oldValue, newValue) {
let contents = readFileSync(path).toString();
contents = contents.replace(oldValue, newValue);
writeFileSync(path, contents);