[grunt:version] wrote a grunt task for updating the version

This commit is contained in:
Spencer Alger 2015-02-19 20:25:12 -07:00
parent e154c485e9
commit 3e00eb1f5a
3 changed files with 183 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Kibana 4.1.0-snapshot
# Kibana <!--version-->4.1.0-snapshot<!--/version-->
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
var _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = updateVersion;
var versions = [
* change the version based on a basic expression
* Expressions have two pieces, the version piece to
* set and the new value. If the version peice is not
* "tag" then the new value can be left of and the preivous
* value will simply be incremented by one. if the version
* peice is tag, some special rules apply:
* 1. leaving the value empty will remove a tag
* 2. adding a new tag bumps the minor version
* examples:
* expr: minor
* 1.4.1 => 1.5.0
* expr: minor=10
* 1.5.5 => 1.10.0
* expr: major=4
* 0.0.1 => 4.0.0
* expr: tag=beta2
* 4.0.0-beta1 => 4.0.0-beta2
* expr: tag=snapshot
* 4.0.0 => 4.1.0-snapshot
* expr: tag=
* 4.0.0-rc1 => 4.0.0
function updateVersion(version, expr) {
expr = String(expr).split('=');
var change = {
name: expr[0],
val: expr[1] || null
if (!_.contains(versions, change.name)) {
throw new Error('version update expression needs to start with one of ' + versions.join(', '));
if (change.name === 'tag' && change.val) {
change.val = change.val.toLowerCase();
// parse the current version
var parts = _.chain(version.split('.'))
// ensure that their are three pieces, either x.x.x or x.x.x-y
.tap(function (versionNumbers) {
if (versionNumbers.length !== 3) {
throw new Error('Version number "' + version + '" should have two dots, like 4.1.0');
// describe all of the version parts with a name, parse
// the numbers, and extract tag from patch
.transform(function (parts, v, i) {
var name = versions[i];
if (name !== 'patch') {
parts[name] = _.parseInt(v);
// patch is two parts, a version number and an optional tag
v = v.split('-');
parts.patch = _.parseInt(v.shift());
parts.tag = v.join('-');
}, {})
// sanity check
.tap(function (parts) {
var valid = true;
valid = valid && _.isNumber(parts.major);
valid = valid && _.isNumber(parts.minor);
valid = valid && _.isNumber(parts.patch);
valid = valid && _.isString(parts.tag);
if (!valid) {
throw new Error('Unable to parse version "' + version + '"');
// perform the change on parts
.tap(function (parts) {
if (change.name === 'tag' && change.val && !parts.tag) {
// special operation that doesn't follow the natural rules
parts.minor += 1;
parts.patch = 0;
parts.tag = change.val;
// since the version parts are in order from left to right, the update
// reset all of the values to the right of it:
// 0.12.3-beta -> 1.0.0 (increment major, reset everything else)
// primary update
if (change.name === 'tag') {
parts[change.name] = change.val;
} else {
parts[change.name] = (change.val == null) ? parts[change.name] + 1 : change.val;
// properties that are zero-d by the previous update
var emptyUpdates = versions.slice(versions.indexOf(change.name) + 1);
while(emptyUpdates.length) {
parts[emptyUpdates.shift()] = '';
return (parts.major || 0) + '.' +
(parts.minor || 0) + '.' +
(parts.patch || 0) + (parts.tag ? '-' + parts.tag : '');

tasks/version.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
module.exports = function (grunt) {
var root = require('path').resolve.bind(null, __dirname, '..');
var updateVersion = require('./utils/updateVersion');
var README_PATH = root('README.md');
var PKG_JSON_PATH = root('package.json');
var START = '<!--version-->';
var END = '<!--/version-->';
grunt.registerTask('version', function (updateExpr) {
var oldVersion = grunt.config.get('pkg.version');
var version = updateVersion(oldVersion, updateExpr);
grunt.log.debug('switching from %s to %s', oldVersion, version);
// update grunt config
grunt.config.set('pkg.version', version);
// write back to package.json
var pkgJson = grunt.file.read(PKG_JSON_PATH);
pkgJson = pkgJson.replace(JSON.stringify(oldVersion), JSON.stringify(version));
grunt.file.write(PKG_JSON_PATH, pkgJson);
grunt.log.ok('updated package.json', version);
// write the readme
var input = grunt.file.read(README_PATH);
var readme = '';
var startI, endI, before;
while (input.length) {
startI = input.indexOf(START);
endI = input.indexOf(END);
if (endI < startI) throw new Error('version tag mismatch in ' + input);
if (startI < 0) {
readme += input;
before = input.substr(0, startI);
input = input.substr(endI ? endI + END.length : startI);
readme += before + START + version + END;
grunt.file.write(README_PATH, readme);
grunt.log.ok('updated readme', version);