overwrite ciGroup script to support jest in flaky testing job

This commit is contained in:
spalger 2020-02-24 12:44:27 -07:00
parent 1a57263678
commit 548db61722

View file

@ -1,33 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source test/scripts/jenkins_test_setup_oss.sh
source src/dev/ci_setup/setup_env.sh
if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]]; then
checks-reporter-with-killswitch "Functional tests / Group ${CI_GROUP}" yarn run grunt "run:functionalTests_ciGroup${CI_GROUP}";
if [ "$CI_GROUP" == "1" ]; then
source test/scripts/jenkins_build_kbn_tp_sample_panel_action.sh
yarn run grunt run:pluginFunctionalTestsRelease --from=source;
yarn run grunt run:exampleFunctionalTestsRelease --from=source;
yarn run grunt run:interpreterFunctionalTestsRelease;
echo " -> Running Functional tests with code coverage"
export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8192
echo " -> making hard link clones"
cd ..
cp -RlP kibana "kibana${CI_GROUP}"
cd "kibana${CI_GROUP}"
echo " -> running tests from the clone folder"
yarn run grunt "run:functionalTests_ciGroup${CI_GROUP}";
if [[ -d target/kibana-coverage/functional ]]; then
echo " -> replacing kibana${CI_GROUP} with kibana in json files"
sed -i "s|kibana${CI_GROUP}|kibana|g" target/kibana-coverage/functional/*.json
echo " -> copying coverage to the original folder"
mkdir -p ../kibana/target/kibana-coverage/functional
cp -R target/kibana-coverage/functional/. ../kibana/target/kibana-coverage/functional/
node scripts/jest