[[install]] == Install {kib} [float] === Hosted {kib} If you are running our hosted Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud, you access Kibana with a single click. (You can {ess-trial}[sign up for a free trial] and start exploring data in minutes.) [float] === Install {kib} yourself NOTE: Starting with version 6.0.0, Kibana only supports 64 bit operating systems. Kibana is provided in the following package formats: [horizontal] `tar.gz`/`zip`:: The `tar.gz` packages are provided for installation on Linux and Darwin and are the easiest choice for getting started with Kibana. + The `zip` package is the only supported package for Windows. + <> or <> `deb`:: The `deb` package is suitable for Debian, Ubuntu, and other Debian-based systems. Debian packages may be downloaded from the Elastic website or from our Debian repository. + <> `rpm`:: The `rpm` package is suitable for installation on Red Hat, Centos, SLES, OpenSuSE and other RPM-based systems. RPMs may be downloaded from the Elastic website or from our RPM repository. + <> `docker`:: Images are available for running Kibana as a Docker container. They may be downloaded from the Elastic Docker Registry. + <> `brew`:: Formulae are available from the Elastic Homebrew tap for installing {kib} on macOS with the Homebrew package manager. + <> IMPORTANT: If your Elasticsearch installation is protected by {ref}/elasticsearch-security.html[{stack-security-features}] see {kibana-ref}/using-kibana-with-security.html[Configuring security in {kib}] for additional setup instructions. include::install/targz.asciidoc[] include::install/windows.asciidoc[] include::install/deb.asciidoc[] include::install/rpm.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/setup/docker.asciidoc[] include::install/brew.asciidoc[]