def getFailedBuildBlocks() { def messages = [ getFailedSteps(), getTestFailures(), ] return messages .findAll { !!it } // No blank strings .collect { markdownBlock(it) } } def dividerBlock() { return [ type: "divider" ] } // If a message is longer than the limit, split it up by '\n' into parts, and return as many parts as will fit within the limit def shortenMessage(message, sizeLimit = 3000) { if (message.size() <= sizeLimit) { return message } def truncatedMessage = "[...truncated...]" def parts = message.split("\n") message = "" for(def part in parts) { if ((message.size() + part.size() + truncatedMessage.size() + 1) > sizeLimit) { break; } message += part+"\n" } message += truncatedMessage return message.size() <= sizeLimit ? message : truncatedMessage } def markdownBlock(message) { return [ type: "section", text: [ type: "mrkdwn", text: shortenMessage(message, 3000), // 3000 is max text length for `section`s only ], ] } def contextBlock(message) { return [ type: "context", elements: [ [ type: 'mrkdwn', text: message, // Not sure what the size limit is here, I tried 10000s of characters and it still worked ] ] ] } def getFailedSteps() { try { def steps = jenkinsApi.getFailedSteps()?.findAll { step -> step.displayName != 'Check out from version control' } if (steps?.size() > 0) { def list = steps.collect { "• <${it.logs}|${it.displayName}>" }.join("\n") return "*Failed Steps*\n${list}" } } catch (ex) { buildUtils.printStacktrace(ex) print "Error retrieving failed pipeline steps for PR comment, will skip this section" } return "" } def getTestFailures() { def failures = testUtils.getFailures() if (!failures) { return "" } def messages = [] messages << "*Test Failures*" def list = failures.take(10).collect { def name = it .fullDisplayName .split(/\./, 2)[-1] // Only the following three characters need to be escaped for link text, per Slack's docs .replaceAll('&', '&') .replaceAll('<', '<') .replaceAll('>', '>') return "• <${it.url}|${name}>" }.join("\n") def moreText = failures.size() > 10 ? "\n• ...and ${failures.size()-10} more" : "" return "*Test Failures*\n${list}${moreText}" } def getDefaultDisplayName() { return "${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME}" } def getDefaultContext(config = [:]) { def progressMessage = "" if (config && !config.isFinal) { progressMessage = "In-progress" } else { def duration = currentBuild.durationString.replace(' and counting', '') progressMessage = "${buildUtils.getBuildStatus().toLowerCase().capitalize()} after ${duration}" } return contextBlock([ progressMessage, "", ].join(' · ')) } def getStatusIcon(config = [:]) { if (config && !config.isFinal) { return ':hourglass_flowing_sand:' } def status = buildUtils.getBuildStatus() if (status == 'UNSTABLE') { return ':yellow_heart:' } return ':broken_heart:' } def getBackupMessage(config) { return "${getStatusIcon(config)} ${config.title}\n\nFirst attempt at sending this notification failed. Please check the build." } def sendFailedBuild(Map params = [:]) { def config = [ channel: '#kibana-operations-alerts', title: "*<${env.BUILD_URL}|${getDefaultDisplayName()}>*", message: getDefaultDisplayName(), color: 'danger', icon: ':jenkins:', username: 'Kibana Operations', isFinal: false, ] + params config.context = config.context ?: getDefaultContext(config) def title = "${getStatusIcon(config)} ${config.title}" def message = "${getStatusIcon(config)} ${config.message}" def blocks = [markdownBlock(title)] getFailedBuildBlocks().each { blocks << it } blocks << dividerBlock() blocks << config.context def channel = def timestamp = null def previousResp = buildState.get('SLACK_NOTIFICATION_RESPONSE') if (previousResp) { // When using `timestamp` to update a previous message, you have to use the channel ID from the previous response channel = previousResp.channelId timestamp = previousResp.ts } def resp = slackSend( channel: channel, timestamp: timestamp, username: config.username, iconEmoji: config.icon, color: config.color, message: message, blocks: blocks ) if (!resp) { resp = slackSend( channel:, username: config.username, iconEmoji: config.icon, color: config.color, message: message, blocks: [markdownBlock(getBackupMessage(config))] ) } if (resp) { buildState.set('SLACK_NOTIFICATION_RESPONSE', resp) } } def onFailure(Map options = [:]) { catchError { def status = buildUtils.getBuildStatus() if (status != "SUCCESS") { catchErrors { options.isFinal = true sendFailedBuild(options) } } } } def onFailure(Map options = [:], Closure closure) { if (options.disabled) { catchError { closure() } return } buildState.set('SLACK_NOTIFICATION_CONFIG', options) // try/finally will NOT work here, because the build status will not have been changed to ERROR when the finally{} block executes catchError { closure() } onFailure(options) } return this