def getStorybooksBucket() { return "" } def getDestinationDir() { return env.ghprbPullId ? "pr-${env.ghprbPullId}" : buildState.get('checkoutInfo').branch.replace("/", "__") } def getUrl() { return "https://${getStorybooksBucket()}/${getDestinationDir()}" } def getUrlLatest() { return "${getUrl()}/latest" } def getUrlForCommit() { return "${getUrl()}/${buildState.get('checkoutInfo').commit}" } def upload() { dir("built_assets/storybook") { sh "mv ci_composite composite" def storybooks = sh( script: 'ls -1d */', returnStdout: true ).trim() .split('\n') .collect { it.replace('/', '') } .findAll { it != 'composite' } def listHtml = storybooks.collect { """
  • ${it}
  • """ }.join("\n") def html = """


    Composite Storybook


    """ writeFile(file: 'index.html', text: html) withGcpServiceAccount.fromVaultSecret('secret/kibana-issues/dev/ci-artifacts-key', 'value') { kibanaPipeline.bash(""" gsutil -q -m cp -r -z js,css,html,json,map,txt,svg '*' 'gs://${getStorybooksBucket()}/${getDestinationDir()}/${buildState.get('checkoutInfo').commit}/' gsutil -h "Cache-Control:no-cache, max-age=0, no-transform" cp -z html 'index.html' 'gs://${getStorybooksBucket()}/${getDestinationDir()}/latest/' """, "Upload Storybooks to GCS") } buildState.set('storybooksUrl', getUrlForCommit()) } } def build() { withEnv(["STORYBOOK_BASE_URL=${getUrlForCommit()}"]) { kibanaPipeline.bash('test/scripts/', 'Build Storybooks') } } def buildAndUpload() { def sha = buildState.get('checkoutInfo').commit def context = 'Build and Publish Storybooks' githubCommitStatus.create(sha, 'pending', 'Building Storybooks', context) try { build() upload() githubCommitStatus.create(sha, 'success', 'Storybooks built', context, getUrlForCommit()) } catch(ex) { githubCommitStatus.create(sha, 'error', 'Building Storybooks failed', context) throw ex } } return this