[role="xpack"] [[xpack-security-access-agreement]] === Access agreement Access agreement is a https://www.elastic.co/subscriptions[subscription feature] that requires users to acknowledge and accept an agreement before accessing {kib}. The agreement text supports Markdown format and can be specified using the `xpack.security.authc.providers...accessAgreement.message` setting. [NOTE] ============================================================================ You need to acknowledge the access agreement only once per session, and {kib} reports the acknowledgement in the audit logs. ============================================================================ Here is an example of defining an access agreement in `kibana.yml`: [source,yaml] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xpack.security.authc.providers: basic.basic1: order: 0 accessAgreement: message: | **You are accessing a system with sensitive information** By logging in, you acknowledge that information system usage ...(shortened) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you authenticate using `basic.basic1`, you'll see the following agreement that you must acknowledge before you can access {kib}: [role="screenshot"] image::images/access-agreement.png["Access Agreement UI"]