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denotes the capability ID,\nand the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/capabilities.ts", "lineNumber": 16 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.Capabilities.navLinks", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "navLinks", "description": [ "Navigation link capabilities." ], "signature": [ "{ [x: string]: boolean; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/capabilities.ts", "lineNumber": 18 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.Capabilities.management", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "management", "description": [ "Management section capabilities." ], "signature": [ "{ [sectionId: string]: Record; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/capabilities.ts", "lineNumber": 21 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.Capabilities.catalogue", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "catalogue", "description": [ "Catalogue capabilities. 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There is no way to set injected values\nin the new platform." ], "signature": [ "{ getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 223 }, "deprecated": true, "references": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreSetup.getStartServices", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getStartServices", "description": [ "{@link StartServicesAccessor}" ], "signature": [ "() => Promise<[", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.CoreStart", "text": "CoreStart" }, ", TPluginsStart, TStart]>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 227 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "CoreStart", "description": [ "\nCore services exposed to the `Plugin` start lifecycle\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 251 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.application", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "application", "description": [ "{@link ApplicationStart}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCoreApplicationPluginApi", "section": "def-public.ApplicationStart", "text": "ApplicationStart" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 253 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.chrome", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "chrome", "description": [ "{@link ChromeStart}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCoreChromePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ChromeStart", "text": "ChromeStart" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 255 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.docLinks", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "docLinks", "description": [ "{@link DocLinksStart}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.DocLinksStart", "text": "DocLinksStart" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 257 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.http", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "http", "description": [ "{@link HttpStart}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-public.HttpSetup", "text": "HttpSetup" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 259 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.savedObjects", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "savedObjects", "description": [ "{@link SavedObjectsStart}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.SavedObjectsStart", "text": "SavedObjectsStart" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 261 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.i18n", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "i18n", "description": [ "{@link I18nStart}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.I18nStart", "text": "I18nStart" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 263 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.notifications", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "notifications", "description": [ "{@link NotificationsStart}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.NotificationsStart", "text": "NotificationsStart" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 265 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.overlays", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "overlays", "description": [ "{@link OverlayStart}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.OverlayStart", "text": "OverlayStart" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 267 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.uiSettings", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "uiSettings", "description": [ "{@link IUiSettingsClient}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient", "text": "IUiSettingsClient" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 269 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.fatalErrors", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "fatalErrors", "description": [ "{@link FatalErrorsStart}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.FatalErrorsSetup", "text": "FatalErrorsSetup" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 271 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.deprecations", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "deprecations", "description": [ "{@link DeprecationsServiceStart}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart", "text": "DeprecationsServiceStart" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 273 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.CoreStart.injectedMetadata", "type": "Object", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "injectedMetadata", "description": [ "\nexposed temporarily until https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/41990 done\nuse *only* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values\nin the new platform." ], "signature": [ "{ getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 280 }, "deprecated": true, "references": [ { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/public/legacy_shims.ts", "lineNumber": 81 } } ] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "DeprecationsServiceStart", "description": [ "\nDeprecationsService provides methods to fetch domain deprecation details from\nthe Kibana server.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts", "lineNumber": 20 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart.getAllDeprecations", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getAllDeprecations", "description": [ "\nGrabs deprecations details for all domains." ], "signature": [ "() => Promise<", "DomainDeprecationDetails", "[]>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts", "lineNumber": 24 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart.getDeprecations", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getDeprecations", "description": [ "\nGrabs deprecations for a specific domain.\n" ], "signature": [ "(domainId: string) => Promise<", "DomainDeprecationDetails", "[]>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts", "lineNumber": 30 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.domainId", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "domainId", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts", "lineNumber": 30 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart.isDeprecationResolvable", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "isDeprecationResolvable", "description": [ "\nReturns a boolean if the provided deprecation can be automatically resolvable.\n" ], "signature": [ "(details: ", "DomainDeprecationDetails", ") => boolean" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts", "lineNumber": 36 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.details", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "details", "description": [], "signature": [ "DomainDeprecationDetails" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts", "lineNumber": 36 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart.resolveDeprecation", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "resolveDeprecation", "description": [ "\nCalls the correctiveActions.api to automatically resolve the depprecation.\n" ], "signature": [ "(details: ", "DomainDeprecationDetails", ") => Promise<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ResolveDeprecationResponse", "text": "ResolveDeprecationResponse" }, ">" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts", "lineNumber": 42 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.details", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "details", "description": [], "signature": [ "DomainDeprecationDetails" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts", "lineNumber": 42 }, "deprecated": false } ] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.DocLinksStart", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "DocLinksStart", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts", "lineNumber": 408 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.DocLinksStart.DOC_LINK_VERSION", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "DOC_LINK_VERSION", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts", "lineNumber": 409 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.DocLinksStart.ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts", "lineNumber": 410 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.DocLinksStart.links", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "links", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ readonly canvas: { readonly guide: string; }; readonly dashboard: { readonly guide: string; readonly drilldowns: string; readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string; readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string; readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string; }; readonly discover: Record; readonly filebeat: { readonly base: string; readonly installation: string; readonly configuration: string; readonly elasticsearchOutput: string; readonly elasticsearchModule: string; readonly startup: string; readonly exportedFields: string; }; readonly auditbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly metricbeat: { readonly base: string; readonly configure: string; readonly httpEndpoint: string; readonly install: string; readonly start: string; }; readonly enterpriseSearch: { readonly base: string; readonly appSearchBase: string; readonly workplaceSearchBase: string; }; readonly heartbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly logstash: { readonly base: string; }; readonly functionbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly winlogbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly aggs: { readonly composite: string; readonly composite_missing_bucket: string; readonly date_histogram: string; readonly date_range: string; readonly date_format_pattern: string; readonly filter: string; readonly filters: string; readonly geohash_grid: string; readonly histogram: string; readonly ip_range: string; readonly range: string; readonly significant_terms: string; readonly terms: string; readonly avg: string; readonly avg_bucket: string; readonly max_bucket: string; readonly min_bucket: string; readonly sum_bucket: string; readonly cardinality: string; readonly count: string; readonly cumulative_sum: string; readonly derivative: string; readonly geo_bounds: string; readonly geo_centroid: string; readonly max: string; readonly median: string; readonly min: string; readonly moving_avg: string; readonly percentile_ranks: string; readonly serial_diff: string; readonly std_dev: string; readonly sum: string; readonly top_hits: string; }; readonly runtimeFields: { readonly overview: string; readonly mapping: string; }; readonly scriptedFields: { readonly scriptFields: string; readonly scriptAggs: string; readonly painless: string; readonly painlessApi: string; readonly painlessLangSpec: string; readonly painlessSyntax: string; readonly painlessWalkthrough: string; readonly luceneExpressions: string; }; readonly search: { readonly sessions: string; }; readonly indexPatterns: { readonly introduction: string; readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string; readonly fieldFormattersString: string; }; readonly addData: string; readonly kibana: string; readonly upgradeAssistant: string; readonly elasticsearch: Record; readonly siem: { readonly guide: string; readonly gettingStarted: string; }; readonly query: { readonly eql: string; readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string; readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string; readonly percolate: string; readonly queryDsl: string; }; readonly date: { readonly dateMath: string; readonly dateMathIndexNames: string; }; readonly management: Record; readonly ml: Record; readonly transforms: Record; readonly visualize: Record; readonly apis: Readonly<{ bulkIndexAlias: string; byteSizeUnits: string; createAutoFollowPattern: string; createFollower: string; createIndex: string; createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string; createRoleMapping: string; createRoleMappingTemplates: string; createRollupJobsRequest: string; createApiKey: string; createPipeline: string; createTransformRequest: string; cronExpressions: string; executeWatchActionModes: string; indexExists: string; openIndex: string; putComponentTemplate: string; painlessExecute: string; painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string; putComponentTemplateMetadata: string; putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string; putIndexTemplateV1: string; putWatch: string; simulatePipeline: string; timeUnits: string; updateTransform: string; }>; readonly observability: Record; readonly alerting: Record; readonly maps: Record; readonly monitoring: Record; readonly security: Readonly<{ apiKeyServiceSettings: string; clusterPrivileges: string; elasticsearchSettings: string; elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string; indicesPrivileges: string; kibanaTLS: string; kibanaPrivileges: string; mappingRoles: string; mappingRolesFieldRules: string; runAsPrivilege: string; }>; readonly watcher: Record; readonly ccs: Record; readonly plugins: Record; readonly snapshotRestore: Record; readonly ingest: Record; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts", "lineNumber": 411 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.DomainDeprecationDetails", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "DomainDeprecationDetails", "description": [], "signature": [ "DomainDeprecationDetails", " extends ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.DeprecationsDetails", "text": "DeprecationsDetails" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/deprecations/types.ts", "lineNumber": 14 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.DomainDeprecationDetails.domainId", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "domainId", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/deprecations/types.ts", "lineNumber": 15 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.EnvironmentMode", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "EnvironmentMode", "description": [], "signature": [ "EnvironmentMode" ], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/config/target/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 14 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.EnvironmentMode.name", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "name", "description": [], "signature": [ "\"production\" | \"development\"" ], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/config/target/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 15 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.EnvironmentMode.dev", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "dev", "description": [], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/config/target/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 16 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.EnvironmentMode.prod", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "prod", "description": [], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/config/target/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 17 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ErrorToastOptions", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "ErrorToastOptions", "description": [ "\nOptions available for {@link IToasts} error APIs." ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ErrorToastOptions", "text": "ErrorToastOptions" }, " extends ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ToastOptions", "text": "ToastOptions" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx", "lineNumber": 58 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ErrorToastOptions.title", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "title", "description": [ "\nThe title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx", "lineNumber": 62 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ErrorToastOptions.toastMessage", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "toastMessage", "description": [ "\nThe message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's\nmessage will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can\nbe used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error\nmessage will still be shown in the detailed error modal." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx", "lineNumber": 69 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.FatalErrorInfo", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "FatalErrorInfo", "description": [ "\nRepresents the `message` and `stack` of a fatal Error\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/fatal_errors/get_error_info.ts", "lineNumber": 72 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.FatalErrorInfo.message", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "message", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/fatal_errors/get_error_info.ts", "lineNumber": 73 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.FatalErrorInfo.stack", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "stack", "description": [], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/fatal_errors/get_error_info.ts", "lineNumber": 74 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.FatalErrorsSetup", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "FatalErrorsSetup", "description": [ "\nFatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen\nwith details about the Kibana build and the error.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/fatal_errors/fatal_errors_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 30 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.FatalErrorsSetup.add", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "add", "description": [ "\nAdd a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display\na fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.\n" ], "signature": [ "(error: string | Error, source?: string | undefined) => never" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/fatal_errors/fatal_errors_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 38 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.error", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "error", "description": [ "- The error to display" ], "signature": [ "string | Error" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/fatal_errors/fatal_errors_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 38 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.source", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "source", "description": [ "- Adds a prefix of the form `${source}: ` to the error message" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/fatal_errors/fatal_errors_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 38 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.FatalErrorsSetup.get$", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "get$", "description": [ "\nAn Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with `add()`" ], "signature": [ "() => ", "Observable", "<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.FatalErrorInfo", "text": "FatalErrorInfo" }, ">" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/fatal_errors/fatal_errors_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 43 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.I18nStart", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "I18nStart", "description": [ "\nI18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from \\@kbn/i18n and \\@elastic/eui packages\nand is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/i18n/i18n_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 61 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.I18nStart.Context", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "Context", "description": [ "\nReact Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree." ], "signature": [ "({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode; }) => JSX.Element" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/i18n/i18n_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 65 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.__0", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "__0", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ children: React.ReactNode; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/i18n/i18n_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 65 }, "deprecated": false } ] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IExternalUrlPolicy", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "IExternalUrlPolicy", "description": [ "\nA policy describing whether access to an external destination is allowed." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/external_url/external_url_config.ts", "lineNumber": 29 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IExternalUrlPolicy.allow", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "allow", "description": [ "\nIndicates if this policy allows or denies access to the described destination." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/external_url/external_url_config.ts", "lineNumber": 33 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IExternalUrlPolicy.host", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "host", "description": [ "\nOptional host describing the external destination.\nMay be combined with `protocol`.\n" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/external_url/external_url_config.ts", "lineNumber": 46 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IExternalUrlPolicy.protocol", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "protocol", "description": [ "\nOptional protocol describing the external destination.\nMay be combined with `host`.\n" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/external_url/external_url_config.ts", "lineNumber": 59 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "IUiSettingsClient", "description": [ "\nClient-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch.\nThe settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application.\nFor example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields.\nUsers can adjust the settings via Management UI.\n{@link IUiSettingsClient}\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 26 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient.get", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "get", "description": [ "\nGets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value\nthen the `defaultOverride` parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type\n\"json\" or \"number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered\nby any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin." ], "signature": [ "(key: string, defaultOverride?: T | undefined) => T" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 33 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 33 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.defaultOverride", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "defaultOverride", "description": [], "signature": [ "T | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 33 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient.get$", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "get$", "description": [ "\nGets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config\nkey in the future. Providing a `defaultOverride` argument behaves the same as it does in #get()" ], "signature": [ "(key: string, defaultOverride?: T | undefined) => ", "Observable", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 39 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 39 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.defaultOverride", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "defaultOverride", "description": [], "signature": [ "T | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 39 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient.getAll", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getAll", "description": [ "\nGets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value\nfor each key." ], "signature": [ "() => Readonly, \"type\" | \"options\" | \"description\" | \"name\" | \"order\" | \"value\" | \"category\" | \"metric\" | \"optionLabels\" | \"requiresPageReload\" | \"readonly\" | \"sensitive\" | \"deprecation\"> & ", "UserProvidedValues", ">>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 45 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient.set", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "set", "description": [ "\nSets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin\nit will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via\nthe `get()` method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the\nserver fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be\nreverted to its value before `set()` was called." ], "signature": [ "(key: string, value: any) => Promise" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 54 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 54 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.value", "type": "Any", "tags": [], "label": "value", "description": [], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 54 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient.remove", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "remove", "description": [ "\nRemoves the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This\nmethod behaves the same as calling `set(key, null)`, including the synchronization, custom\nsetting, and error behavior of that method." ], "signature": [ "(key: string) => Promise" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 61 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 61 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient.isDeclared", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "isDeclared", "description": [ "\nReturns true if the key is a \"known\" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered\nby any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the `set()` method." ], "signature": [ "(key: string) => boolean" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 67 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 67 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient.isDefault", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "isDefault", "description": [ "\nReturns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown" ], "signature": [ "(key: string) => boolean" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 72 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 72 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient.isCustom", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "isCustom", "description": [ "\nReturns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either\nadded directly via `set()`, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved\nobject" ], "signature": [ "(key: string) => boolean" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 79 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 79 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "isOverridden", "description": [ "\nShows whether the uiSettings value set by the user." ], "signature": [ "(key: string) => boolean" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 84 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 84 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient.getUpdate$", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getUpdate$", "description": [ "\nReturns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings,\nincluding the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed." ], "signature": [ "() => ", "Observable", "<{ key: string; newValue: T; oldValue: T; }>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 90 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient.getUpdateErrors$", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getUpdateErrors$", "description": [ "\nReturns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update\nthe settings, containing the actual Error class." ], "signature": [ "() => ", "Observable", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 100 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.NotificationsSetup", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "NotificationsSetup", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/notifications/notifications_service.ts", "lineNumber": 76 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.NotificationsSetup.toasts", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "toasts", "description": [ "{@link ToastsSetup}" ], "signature": [ "{ get$: () => ", "Observable", "<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.Toast", "text": "Toast" }, "[]>; 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}" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/notifications/notifications_service.ts", "lineNumber": 84 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.OverlayBannersStart", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "OverlayBannersStart", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/overlays/banners/banners_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 21 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.OverlayBannersStart.add", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "add", "description": [ "\nAdd a new banner\n" ], "signature": [ "(mount: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.MountPoint", "text": "MountPoint" }, ", priority?: number | undefined) => string" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/overlays/banners/banners_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 30 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.OverlayBannersStart.add.$1", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "mount", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.MountPoint", "text": "MountPoint" }, "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/overlays/banners/banners_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 30 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.OverlayBannersStart.add.$2", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "priority", "description": [ "optional priority order to display this banner. Higher priority values are shown first." ], "signature": [ "number | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/overlays/banners/banners_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 30 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": false } ], "returnComment": [ "a unique identifier for the given banner to be used with {@link OverlayBannersStart.remove} and\n{@link OverlayBannersStart.replace}" ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.OverlayBannersStart.remove", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "remove", "description": [ "\nRemove a banner\n" ], "signature": [ "(id: string) => boolean" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/overlays/banners/banners_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 38 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.OverlayBannersStart.remove.$1", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "id", "description": [ "the unique identifier for the banner returned by {@link OverlayBannersStart.add}" ], "signature": [ "string" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/overlays/banners/banners_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 38 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [ "if the banner was found or not" ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.OverlayBannersStart.replace", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "replace", "description": [ "\nReplace a banner in place\n" ], "signature": [ "(id: string | undefined, mount: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.MountPoint", "text": "MountPoint" }, ", priority?: number | undefined) => string" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/overlays/banners/banners_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 49 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.OverlayBannersStart.replace.$1", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "id", "description": [ "the unique identifier for the banner returned by {@link OverlayBannersStart.add}" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/overlays/banners/banners_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 49 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.OverlayBannersStart.replace.$2", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "mount", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.MountPoint", "text": "MountPoint" }, "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/overlays/banners/banners_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 49 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.OverlayBannersStart.replace.$3", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "priority", "description": [ "optional priority order to display this banner. 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You can use\n`close()` on the returned FlyoutRef to close the flyout.\n" ], "signature": [ "(mount: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.MountPoint", "text": "MountPoint" }, ", options?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions", "text": "OverlayFlyoutOpenOptions" }, " | undefined) => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.OverlayRef", "text": "OverlayRef" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/overlays/flyout/flyout_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 74 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.OverlayFlyoutStart.open.$1", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "mount", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.MountPoint", "text": "MountPoint" }, "" ], "source": { 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Needed when registering handlers or context providers." ], "signature": [ "symbol" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin_context.ts", "lineNumber": 26 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.PluginInitializerContext.env", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "env", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ mode: Readonly<", "EnvironmentMode", ">; packageInfo: Readonly<", "PackageInfo", ">; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin_context.ts", "lineNumber": 27 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.PluginInitializerContext.config", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "config", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ get: () => T; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin_context.ts", "lineNumber": 31 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObject", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObject", "description": [], "signature": [ "SavedObject", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 69 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObject.id", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "id", "description": [ "The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 71 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObject.type", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [ " The type of Saved Object. 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Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 75 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObject.updated_at", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "updated_at", "description": [ "Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 77 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObject.error", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "error", "description": [], "signature": [ "SavedObjectError", " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 78 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObject.attributes", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "attributes", "description": [ "{@inheritdoc SavedObjectAttributes}" ], "signature": [ "T" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 80 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObject.references", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "references", "description": [ "{@inheritdoc SavedObjectReference}" ], "signature": [ "SavedObjectReference", "[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 82 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObject.migrationVersion", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "migrationVersion", "description": [ "{@inheritdoc SavedObjectsMigrationVersion}" ], "signature": [ "SavedObjectsMigrationVersion", " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 84 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObject.coreMigrationVersion", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "coreMigrationVersion", "description": [ "A semver value that is used when upgrading objects between Kibana versions." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 86 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObject.namespaces", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "namespaces", "description": [ "Namespace(s) that this saved object exists in. This attribute is only used for multi-namespace saved object types." ], "signature": [ "string[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 88 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObject.originId", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "originId", "description": [ "\nThe ID of the saved object this originated from. This is set if this object's `id` was regenerated; that can happen during migration\nfrom a legacy single-namespace type, or during import. It is only set during migration or create operations. This is used during import\nto ensure that ID regeneration is deterministic, so saved objects will be overwritten if they are imported multiple times into a given\nspace." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 95 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectAttributes", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectAttributes", "description": [ "\nThe data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes`\nproperty.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 35 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectAttributes.Unnamed", "type": "Any", "tags": [], "label": "Unnamed", "description": [], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 36 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { 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"core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectError.metadata", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "metadata", "description": [], "signature": [ "Record | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 102 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectReference", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectReference", "description": [ "\nA reference to another saved object.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 44 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectReference.name", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "name", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 45 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectReference.type", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [], "source": { "path": 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"src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/collect_multi_namespace_references.ts", "lineNumber": 68 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectReferenceWithContext.id", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "id", "description": [ "The ID of the referenced object" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/collect_multi_namespace_references.ts", "lineNumber": 70 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectReferenceWithContext.spaces", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "spaces", "description": [ "The space(s) that the referenced object exists in" ], "signature": [ "string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/collect_multi_namespace_references.ts", "lineNumber": 72 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectReferenceWithContext.inboundReferences", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "inboundReferences", "description": [ "\nReferences to this object; note that this does not contain _all inbound references everywhere for this object_, it only contains\ninbound references for the scope of this operation" ], "signature": [ "{ type: string; id: string; name: string; }[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/collect_multi_namespace_references.ts", "lineNumber": 77 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectReferenceWithContext.isMissing", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "isMissing", "description": [ "Whether or not this object or reference is missing" ], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/collect_multi_namespace_references.ts", "lineNumber": 86 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectReferenceWithContext.spacesWithMatchingAliases", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "spacesWithMatchingAliases", 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"def-public.SavedObjectsCollectMultiNamespaceReferencesResponse", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectsCollectMultiNamespaceReferencesResponse", "description": [ "\nThe response when object references are collected.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/collect_multi_namespace_references.ts", "lineNumber": 96 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsCollectMultiNamespaceReferencesResponse.objects", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "objects", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectReferenceWithContext", "text": "SavedObjectReferenceWithContext" }, "[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/service/lib/collect_multi_namespace_references.ts", "lineNumber": 97 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectsFindOptions", "description": [ "\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 78 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.type", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [], "signature": [ "string | string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 79 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.page", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "page", "description": [], "signature": [ "number | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 80 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "perPage", "description": [], "signature": [ "number 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"src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 89 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.search", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "search", "description": [ "Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 91 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "searchFields", "description": [ "The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information" ], "signature": [ "string[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 93 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchAfter", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "searchAfter", "description": [ "\nUse the sort values from the previous page to retrieve the next page of results." ], "signature": [ "string[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 97 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.rootSearchFields", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "rootSearchFields", "description": [ "\nThe fields to perform the parsed query against. Unlike the `searchFields` argument, these are expected to be root fields and will not\nbe modified. If used in conjunction with `searchFields`, both are concatenated together." ], "signature": [ "string[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 102 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "hasReference", "description": [ "\nSearch for documents having a reference to the specified objects.\nUse `hasReferenceOperator` to specify the operator to use when searching for multiple references." ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference", "text": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference", "text": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference" }, "[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 108 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReferenceOperator", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "hasReferenceOperator", "description": [ "\nThe operator to use when searching by multiple references using the `hasReference` option. Defaults to `OR`" ], "signature": [ "\"AND\" | \"OR\" | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 112 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "defaultSearchOperator", "description": [ "\nThe search operator to use with the provided filter. Defaults to `OR`" ], "signature": [ "\"AND\" | \"OR\" | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 117 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter", "type": "Any", "tags": [], "label": "filter", "description": [], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 118 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.aggs", "type": "Object", "tags": [ "alpha" ], "label": "aggs", "description": [ "\nA record of aggregations to perform.\nThe API currently only supports a limited set of metrics and bucket aggregation types.\nAdditional aggregation types can be contributed to Core.\n" ], "signature": [ "Record | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 140 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.namespaces", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "namespaces", "description": [], "signature": [ "string[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 141 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.typeToNamespacesMap", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "typeToNamespacesMap", "description": [ "\nThis map defines each type to search for, and the namespace(s) to search for the type in; this is only intended to be used by a saved\nobject client wrapper.\nIf this is defined, it supersedes the `type` and `namespaces` fields when building the Elasticsearch query.\nAny types that are not included in this map will be excluded entirely.\nIf a type is included but its value is undefined, the operation will search for that type in the Default namespace." ], "signature": [ "Map | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 149 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.preference", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "preference", "description": [ "An optional ES preference value to be used for the query" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 151 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptions.pit", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "pit", "description": [ "\nSearch against a specific Point In Time (PIT) that you've opened with {@link SavedObjectsClient.openPointInTimeForType}." ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsPitParams", "text": "SavedObjectsPitParams" }, " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 155 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 61 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference.type", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 62 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsFindOptionsReference.id", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "id", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 63 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning", "description": [ "\nA warning meant to notify that a specific user action is required to finalize the import\nof some type of object.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 200 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning.type", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [], "signature": [ "\"action_required\"" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 201 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning.message", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "message", "description": [ "The translated message to display to the user." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 203 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning.actionPath", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "actionPath", "description": [ "The path (without the basePath) that the user should be redirect to address this warning." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 205 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning.buttonLabel", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "buttonLabel", "description": [ "An optional label to use for the link button. If unspecified, a default label will be used." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 207 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportAmbiguousConflictError", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectsImportAmbiguousConflictError", "description": [ "\nRepresents a failure to import due to a conflict, which can be resolved in different ways with an overwrite." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 53 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportAmbiguousConflictError.type", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [], "signature": [ "\"ambiguous_conflict\"" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 54 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportAmbiguousConflictError.destinations", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "destinations", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ id: string; 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If not specified, the `id` field will be used." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 23 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "replaceReferences", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ type: string; from: string; to: string; }[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 24 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportRetry.createNewCopy", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "createNewCopy", "description": [ "\nIf `createNewCopy` is specified, the new object has a new (undefined) origin ID. This is only needed for the case where\n`createNewCopies` mode is disabled and ambiguous source conflicts are detected." ], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 33 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportRetry.ignoreMissingReferences", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "ignoreMissingReferences", "description": [ "\nIf `ignoreMissingReferences` is specified, reference validation will be skipped for this object." ], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 37 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning", "description": [ "\nA simple informative warning that will be displayed to the user.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 186 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning.type", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [], "signature": [ "\"simple\"" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 187 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning.message", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "message", "description": [ "The translated message to display to the user" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 189 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportSuccess", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectsImportSuccess", "description": [ "\nRepresents a successful import." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 113 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportSuccess.id", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "id", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 114 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportSuccess.type", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 115 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportSuccess.destinationId", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "destinationId", "description": [ "\nIf `destinationId` is specified, the new object has a new ID that is different from the import ID." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 119 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportSuccess.createNewCopy", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "createNewCopy", "description": [], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 126 }, "deprecated": true, "references": [ { "plugin": "savedObjectsManagement", "link": { "path": "src/plugins/saved_objects_management/public/lib/resolve_import_errors.ts", "lineNumber": 223 } }, { "plugin": "spaces", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/spaces/public/copy_saved_objects_to_space/components/copy_to_space_flyout_internal.tsx", "lineNumber": 142 } } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportSuccess.meta", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "meta", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ title?: string | undefined; 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For each migration that has been applied,\nthe plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the\nvalue.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 65 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsMigrationVersion.Unnamed", "type": "Any", "tags": [], "label": "Unnamed", "description": [], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 66 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ToastOptions", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "ToastOptions", "description": [ "\nOptions available for {@link IToasts} APIs." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx", "lineNumber": 47 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ToastOptions.toastLifeTimeMs", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "toastLifeTimeMs", 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"type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "readonly", "description": [ "a flag indicating that value cannot be changed" ], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 59 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UiSettingsParams.sensitive", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "sensitive", "description": [ "\na flag indicating that value might contain user sensitive data.\nused by telemetry to mask the value of the setting when sent." ], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 64 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UiSettingsParams.type", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [ "defines a type of UI element {@link UiSettingsType}" ], "signature": [ "\"string\" | \"number\" | \"boolean\" | \"undefined\" | \"color\" | \"json\" | \"image\" | \"select\" | \"array\" | \"markdown\" | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 66 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UiSettingsParams.deprecation", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "deprecation", "description": [ "optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning." ], "signature": [ "DeprecationSettings", " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 68 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UiSettingsParams.order", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "order", "description": [ "\nindex of the settings within its category (ascending order, smallest will be displayed first).\nUsed for ordering in the UI.\n" ], "signature": [ "number | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 75 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UiSettingsParams.schema", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "schema", "description": [], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 80 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UiSettingsParams.metric", "type": "Object", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "metric", "description": [ "\nMetric to track once this property changes" ], "signature": [ "{ type: ", "UiCounterMetricType", "; name: string; } | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 86 }, "deprecated": true, "references": [ { "plugin": "advancedSettings", "link": { "path": "src/plugins/advanced_settings/public/management_app/lib/to_editable_config.ts", "lineNumber": 55 } } ] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UiSettingsState", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "UiSettingsState", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 13 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UiSettingsState.Unnamed", "type": "Any", "tags": [], "label": "Unnamed", "description": [], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 14 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UserProvidedValues", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "UserProvidedValues", "description": [ "\nDescribes the values explicitly set by user." ], "signature": [ "UserProvidedValues", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 102 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UserProvidedValues.userValue", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "userValue", "description": [], "signature": [ "T | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 103 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UserProvidedValues.isOverridden", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "isOverridden", "description": [], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 104 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false } ], "enums": [], "misc": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.APP_WRAPPER_CLASS", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "APP_WRAPPER_CLASS", "description": [ "\nThe class name for top level *and* nested application wrappers to ensure proper layout" ], "signature": [ "\"kbnAppWrapper\"" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/utils/app_wrapper_class.ts", "lineNumber": 13 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.FatalErrorsStart", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "FatalErrorsStart", "description": [ "\nFatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen\nwith details about the Kibana build and the error.\n" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.FatalErrorsSetup", "text": "FatalErrorsSetup" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/fatal_errors/fatal_errors_service.tsx", "lineNumber": 52 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.IToasts", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "IToasts", "description": [ "\nMethods for adding and removing global toast messages. See {@link ToastsApi}." ], "signature": [ "{ get$: () => ", "Observable", "<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.Toast", "text": "Toast" }, "[]>; add: (toastOrTitle: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ToastInput", "text": "ToastInput" }, ") => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.Toast", "text": "Toast" }, "; remove: (toastOrId: string | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.Toast", "text": "Toast" }, ") => void; addSuccess: (toastOrTitle: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ToastInput", "text": "ToastInput" }, ", options?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ToastOptions", "text": "ToastOptions" }, " | undefined) => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.Toast", "text": "Toast" }, "; addWarning: (toastOrTitle: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ToastInput", "text": "ToastInput" }, ", options?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ToastOptions", "text": "ToastOptions" }, " | undefined) => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.Toast", "text": "Toast" }, "; addDanger: (toastOrTitle: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ToastInput", "text": "ToastInput" }, ", options?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ToastOptions", "text": "ToastOptions" }, " | undefined) => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.Toast", "text": "Toast" }, "; addError: (error: Error, options: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ErrorToastOptions", "text": "ErrorToastOptions" }, ") => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.Toast", "text": "Toast" }, "; addInfo: (toastOrTitle: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ToastInput", "text": "ToastInput" }, ", options?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ToastOptions", "text": "ToastOptions" }, " | undefined) => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.Toast", "text": "Toast" }, "; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx", "lineNumber": 85 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.MountPoint", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "MountPoint", "description": [ "\nA function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element\nand return a handler to unmount it.\n" ], "signature": [ "(element: T) => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.UnmountCallback", "text": "UnmountCallback" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/types.ts", "lineNumber": 25 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.PluginInitializer", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "PluginInitializer", "description": [ "\nThe `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `public` directory should conform\nto this interface.\n" ], "signature": [ "(core: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.PluginInitializerContext", "text": "PluginInitializerContext" }, ") => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.Plugin", "text": "Plugin" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.AsyncPlugin", "text": "AsyncPlugin" }, "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 56 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.PluginOpaqueId", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "PluginOpaqueId", "description": [], "signature": [ "symbol" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 117 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.PublicUiSettingsParams", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "PublicUiSettingsParams", "description": [ "\nA sub-set of {@link UiSettingsParams} exposed to the client-side." ], "signature": [ "{ type?: \"string\" | \"number\" | \"boolean\" | \"undefined\" | \"color\" | \"json\" | \"image\" | \"select\" | \"array\" | \"markdown\" | undefined; options?: string[] | undefined; description?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; order?: number | undefined; value?: unknown; category?: string[] | undefined; metric?: { type: ", "UiCounterMetricType", "; name: string; } | undefined; optionLabels?: Record | undefined; requiresPageReload?: boolean | undefined; readonly?: boolean | undefined; sensitive?: boolean | undefined; deprecation?: ", "DeprecationSettings", " | undefined; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 96 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ResolveDeprecationResponse", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "ResolveDeprecationResponse", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ status: \"ok\"; } | { status: \"fail\"; reason: string; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_client.ts", "lineNumber": 18 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectAttribute", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectAttribute", "description": [ "\nType definition for a Saved Object attribute value\n" ], "signature": [ "string | number | boolean | ", "SavedObjectAttributes", " | ", "SavedObjectAttributeSingle", "[] | null | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 27 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectAttributeSingle", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectAttributeSingle", "description": [ "\nDon't use this type, it's simply a helper type for {@link SavedObjectAttribute}\n" ], "signature": [ "string | number | boolean | ", "SavedObjectAttributes", " | null | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 14 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsImportWarning", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectsImportWarning", "description": [ "\nComposite type of all the possible types of import warnings.\n\nSee {@link SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning} and {@link SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning}\nfor more details.\n" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning", "text": "SavedObjectsImportSimpleWarning" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning", "text": "SavedObjectsImportActionRequiredWarning" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/import/types.ts", "lineNumber": 218 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.SavedObjectsNamespaceType", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectsNamespaceType", "description": [ "\nThe namespace type dictates how a saved object can be interacted in relation to namespaces. Each type is mutually exclusive:\n * single (default): This type of saved object is namespace-isolated, e.g., it exists in only one namespace.\n * multiple: This type of saved object is shareable, e.g., it can exist in one or more namespaces.\n * multiple-isolated: This type of saved object is namespace-isolated, e.g., it exists in only one namespace, but object IDs must be\n unique across all namespaces. This is intended to be an intermediate step when objects with a \"single\" namespace type are being\n converted to a \"multiple\" namespace type. In other words, objects with a \"multiple-isolated\" namespace type will be *share-capable*,\n but will not actually be shareable until the namespace type is changed to \"multiple\".\n * agnostic: This type of saved object is global.\n" ], "signature": [ "\"multiple\" | \"single\" | \"multiple-isolated\" | \"agnostic\"" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/saved_objects/types.ts", "lineNumber": 249 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.StartServicesAccessor", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "StartServicesAccessor", "description": [ "\nAllows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async\nhandlers, such as {@link App.mount}. Promise will not resolve until Core\nand plugin dependencies have completed `start`.\n" ], "signature": [ "() => Promise<[", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.CoreStart", "text": "CoreStart" }, ", TPluginsStart, TStart]>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/index.ts", "lineNumber": 237 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.Toast", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "Toast", "description": [], "signature": [ "Pick<", "Toast", ", \"children\" | \"onClick\" | \"onChange\" | \"color\" | \"onKeyDown\" | \"defaultChecked\" | \"defaultValue\" | \"suppressContentEditableWarning\" | \"suppressHydrationWarning\" | \"accessKey\" | \"className\" | \"contentEditable\" | \"contextMenu\" | \"dir\" | \"draggable\" | \"hidden\" | \"lang\" | \"placeholder\" | \"slot\" | \"spellCheck\" | \"style\" | \"tabIndex\" | \"translate\" | \"radioGroup\" | \"role\" | \"about\" | \"datatype\" | \"inlist\" | \"prefix\" | \"property\" | \"resource\" | \"typeof\" | \"vocab\" | \"autoCapitalize\" | \"autoCorrect\" | \"autoSave\" | \"itemProp\" | \"itemScope\" | \"itemType\" | \"itemID\" | \"itemRef\" | \"results\" | \"security\" | \"unselectable\" | \"inputMode\" | \"is\" | \"aria-activedescendant\" | \"aria-atomic\" | \"aria-autocomplete\" | \"aria-busy\" | \"aria-checked\" | \"aria-colcount\" | \"aria-colindex\" | \"aria-colspan\" | \"aria-controls\" | \"aria-current\" | \"aria-describedby\" | \"aria-details\" | \"aria-disabled\" | \"aria-dropeffect\" | \"aria-errormessage\" | \"aria-expanded\" | \"aria-flowto\" | \"aria-grabbed\" | \"aria-haspopup\" | \"aria-hidden\" | \"aria-invalid\" | \"aria-keyshortcuts\" | \"aria-label\" | \"aria-labelledby\" | \"aria-level\" | \"aria-live\" | \"aria-modal\" | \"aria-multiline\" | \"aria-multiselectable\" | \"aria-orientation\" | \"aria-owns\" | \"aria-placeholder\" | \"aria-posinset\" | \"aria-pressed\" | \"aria-readonly\" | \"aria-relevant\" | \"aria-required\" | \"aria-roledescription\" | \"aria-rowcount\" | \"aria-rowindex\" | \"aria-rowspan\" | \"aria-selected\" | \"aria-setsize\" | \"aria-sort\" | \"aria-valuemax\" | \"aria-valuemin\" | \"aria-valuenow\" | \"aria-valuetext\" | \"dangerouslySetInnerHTML\" | \"onCopy\" | \"onCopyCapture\" | \"onCut\" | \"onCutCapture\" | \"onPaste\" | \"onPasteCapture\" | \"onCompositionEnd\" | \"onCompositionEndCapture\" | \"onCompositionStart\" | \"onCompositionStartCapture\" | \"onCompositionUpdate\" | \"onCompositionUpdateCapture\" | \"onFocus\" | \"onFocusCapture\" | \"onBlur\" | \"onBlurCapture\" | \"onChangeCapture\" | \"onBeforeInput\" | \"onBeforeInputCapture\" | \"onInput\" | \"onInputCapture\" | \"onReset\" | \"onResetCapture\" | \"onSubmit\" | \"onSubmitCapture\" | \"onInvalid\" | \"onInvalidCapture\" | \"onLoad\" | \"onLoadCapture\" | \"onError\" | \"onErrorCapture\" | \"onKeyDownCapture\" | \"onKeyPress\" | \"onKeyPressCapture\" | \"onKeyUp\" | \"onKeyUpCapture\" | \"onAbort\" | \"onAbortCapture\" | \"onCanPlay\" | \"onCanPlayCapture\" | \"onCanPlayThrough\" | \"onCanPlayThroughCapture\" | \"onDurationChange\" | \"onDurationChangeCapture\" | \"onEmptied\" | \"onEmptiedCapture\" | \"onEncrypted\" | \"onEncryptedCapture\" | \"onEnded\" | \"onEndedCapture\" | \"onLoadedData\" | \"onLoadedDataCapture\" | \"onLoadedMetadata\" | \"onLoadedMetadataCapture\" | \"onLoadStart\" | \"onLoadStartCapture\" | \"onPause\" | \"onPauseCapture\" | \"onPlay\" | \"onPlayCapture\" | \"onPlaying\" | \"onPlayingCapture\" | \"onProgress\" | \"onProgressCapture\" | \"onRateChange\" | \"onRateChangeCapture\" | \"onSeeked\" | \"onSeekedCapture\" | \"onSeeking\" | \"onSeekingCapture\" | \"onStalled\" | \"onStalledCapture\" | \"onSuspend\" | \"onSuspendCapture\" | \"onTimeUpdate\" | \"onTimeUpdateCapture\" | \"onVolumeChange\" | \"onVolumeChangeCapture\" | \"onWaiting\" | \"onWaitingCapture\" | \"onAuxClick\" | \"onAuxClickCapture\" | \"onClickCapture\" | \"onContextMenu\" | \"onContextMenuCapture\" | \"onDoubleClick\" | \"onDoubleClickCapture\" | \"onDrag\" | \"onDragCapture\" | \"onDragEnd\" | \"onDragEndCapture\" | \"onDragEnter\" | \"onDragEnterCapture\" | \"onDragExit\" | \"onDragExitCapture\" | \"onDragLeave\" | \"onDragLeaveCapture\" | \"onDragOver\" | \"onDragOverCapture\" | \"onDragStart\" | \"onDragStartCapture\" | \"onDrop\" | \"onDropCapture\" | \"onMouseDown\" | \"onMouseDownCapture\" | \"onMouseEnter\" | \"onMouseLeave\" | \"onMouseMove\" | \"onMouseMoveCapture\" | \"onMouseOut\" | \"onMouseOutCapture\" | \"onMouseOver\" | \"onMouseOverCapture\" | \"onMouseUp\" | \"onMouseUpCapture\" | \"onSelect\" | \"onSelectCapture\" | \"onTouchCancel\" | \"onTouchCancelCapture\" | \"onTouchEnd\" | \"onTouchEndCapture\" | \"onTouchMove\" | \"onTouchMoveCapture\" | \"onTouchStart\" | \"onTouchStartCapture\" | \"onPointerDown\" | \"onPointerDownCapture\" | \"onPointerMove\" | \"onPointerMoveCapture\" | \"onPointerUp\" | 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"kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.MountPoint", "text": "MountPoint" }, " | undefined; } & { id: string; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx", "lineNumber": 33 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ToastInput", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "ToastInput", "description": [ "\nInputs for {@link IToasts} APIs." ], "signature": [ "string | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-public.ToastInputFields", "text": "ToastInputFields" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx", "lineNumber": 41 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.ToastInputFields", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "ToastInputFields", "description": [ "\nAllowed fields for {@link ToastInput}.\n" ], "signature": [ "Pick<", "Toast", ", \"children\" | \"onClick\" | 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\"aria-errormessage\" | \"aria-expanded\" | \"aria-flowto\" | \"aria-grabbed\" | \"aria-haspopup\" | \"aria-hidden\" | \"aria-invalid\" | \"aria-keyshortcuts\" | \"aria-label\" | \"aria-labelledby\" | \"aria-level\" | \"aria-live\" | \"aria-modal\" | \"aria-multiline\" | \"aria-multiselectable\" | \"aria-orientation\" | \"aria-owns\" | \"aria-placeholder\" | \"aria-posinset\" | \"aria-pressed\" | \"aria-readonly\" | \"aria-relevant\" | \"aria-required\" | \"aria-roledescription\" | \"aria-rowcount\" | \"aria-rowindex\" | \"aria-rowspan\" | \"aria-selected\" | \"aria-setsize\" | \"aria-sort\" | \"aria-valuemax\" | \"aria-valuemin\" | \"aria-valuenow\" | \"aria-valuetext\" | \"dangerouslySetInnerHTML\" | \"onCopy\" | \"onCopyCapture\" | \"onCut\" | \"onCutCapture\" | \"onPaste\" | \"onPasteCapture\" | \"onCompositionEnd\" | \"onCompositionEndCapture\" | \"onCompositionStart\" | \"onCompositionStartCapture\" | \"onCompositionUpdate\" | \"onCompositionUpdateCapture\" | \"onFocus\" | 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"\"string\" | \"number\" | \"boolean\" | \"undefined\" | \"color\" | \"json\" | \"image\" | \"select\" | \"array\" | \"markdown\"" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 16 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.UnmountCallback", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "UnmountCallback", "description": [ "\nA function that will unmount the element previously mounted by\nthe associated {@link MountPoint}\n" ], "signature": [ "() => void" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/types.ts", "lineNumber": 33 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-public.URL_MAX_LENGTH", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "URL_MAX_LENGTH", "description": [ "\nThe max URL length allowed by the current browser. Should be used to display warnings to users when query parameters\ncause URL to exceed this limit." ], "signature": [ "2000 | 25000" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/public/core_app/errors/url_overflow.tsx", "lineNumber": 27 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false } ], "objects": [] }, "server": { "classes": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.CspConfig", "type": "Class", "tags": [], "label": "CspConfig", "description": [ "\nCSP configuration for use in Kibana." ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.CspConfig", "text": "CspConfig" }, " implements ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ICspConfig", "text": "ICspConfig" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 52 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.CspConfig.DEFAULT", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "DEFAULT", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.CspConfig", "text": "CspConfig" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 53 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.CspConfig.rules", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "rules", "description": [], "signature": [ "string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 55 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.CspConfig.strict", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "strict", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 56 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.CspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "warnLegacyBrowsers", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 57 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.CspConfig.disableEmbedding", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "disableEmbedding", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 58 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.CspConfig.header", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "header", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 59 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig", "type": "Class", "tags": [], "label": "ElasticsearchConfig", "description": [ "\nWrapper of config schema." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 188 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.healthCheckDelay", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "healthCheckDelay", "description": [ "\nThe interval between health check requests Kibana sends to the Elasticsearch." ], "signature": [ "moment.Duration" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 192 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.ignoreVersionMismatch", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "ignoreVersionMismatch", "description": [ "\nWhether to allow kibana to connect to a non-compatible elasticsearch node." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 197 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.apiVersion", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "apiVersion", "description": [ "\nVersion of the Elasticsearch (6.7, 7.1 or `master`) client will be connecting to." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 202 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.hosts", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "hosts", "description": [ "\nHosts that the client will connect to. If sniffing is enabled, this list will\nbe used as seeds to discover the rest of your cluster." ], "signature": [ "string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 208 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.requestHeadersWhitelist", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "requestHeadersWhitelist", "description": [ "\nList of Kibana client-side headers to send to Elasticsearch when request\nscoped cluster client is used. If this is an empty array then *no* client-side\nwill be sent." ], "signature": [ "string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 215 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.pingTimeout", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "pingTimeout", "description": [ "\nTimeout after which PING HTTP request will be aborted and retried." ], "signature": [ "moment.Duration" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 220 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.requestTimeout", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "requestTimeout", "description": [ "\nTimeout after which HTTP request will be aborted and retried." ], "signature": [ "moment.Duration" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 225 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.shardTimeout", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "shardTimeout", "description": [ "\nTimeout for Elasticsearch to wait for responses from shards. Set to 0 to disable." ], "signature": [ "moment.Duration" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 230 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.sniffOnStart", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "sniffOnStart", "description": [ "\nSpecifies whether the client should attempt to detect the rest of the cluster\nwhen it is first instantiated." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 236 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.sniffInterval", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "sniffInterval", "description": [ "\nInterval to perform a sniff operation and make sure the list of nodes is complete.\nIf `false` then sniffing is disabled." ], "signature": [ "false | moment.Duration" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 242 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.sniffOnConnectionFault", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "sniffOnConnectionFault", "description": [ "\nSpecifies whether the client should immediately sniff for a more current list\nof nodes when a connection dies." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 248 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.username", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "username", "description": [ "\nIf Elasticsearch is protected with basic authentication, this setting provides\nthe username that the Kibana server uses to perform its administrative functions." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 254 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.password", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "password", "description": [ "\nIf Elasticsearch is protected with basic authentication, this setting provides\nthe password that the Kibana server uses to perform its administrative functions." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 260 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.ssl", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "ssl", "description": [ "\nSet of settings configure SSL connection between Kibana and Elasticsearch that\nare required when `xpack.ssl.verification_mode` in Elasticsearch is set to\neither `certificate` or `full`." ], "signature": [ "Pick; truststore: Readonly<{ path?: string | undefined; password?: string | undefined; } & {}>; alwaysPresentCertificate: boolean; }>, \"key\" | \"certificate\" | \"verificationMode\" | \"keyPassphrase\" | \"alwaysPresentCertificate\"> & { certificateAuthorities?: string[] | undefined; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 267 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.customHeaders", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "customHeaders", "description": [ "\nHeader names and values to send to Elasticsearch with every request. These\nheaders cannot be overwritten by client-side headers and aren't affected by\n`requestHeadersWhitelist` configuration." ], "signature": [ "{ [x: string]: string; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 277 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.Unnamed", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "Constructor", "description": [], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 279 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig.Unnamed.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "rawConfig", "description": [], "signature": [ "Readonly<{ password?: string | undefined; username?: string | undefined; } & { ssl: Readonly<{ key?: string | undefined; certificate?: string | undefined; certificateAuthorities?: string | string[] | undefined; keyPassphrase?: string | undefined; } & { verificationMode: \"none\" | \"certificate\" | \"full\"; keystore: Readonly<{ path?: string | undefined; password?: string | undefined; } & {}>; truststore: Readonly<{ path?: string | undefined; password?: string | undefined; } & {}>; alwaysPresentCertificate: boolean; }>; shardTimeout: moment.Duration; requestTimeout: moment.Duration; pingTimeout: moment.Duration; sniffOnStart: boolean; sniffInterval: false | moment.Duration; sniffOnConnectionFault: boolean; hosts: string | string[]; requestHeadersWhitelist: string | string[]; customHeaders: Record; logQueries: boolean; apiVersion: string; healthCheck: Readonly<{} & { delay: moment.Duration; }>; ignoreVersionMismatch: boolean; }>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_config.ts", "lineNumber": 279 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LegacyClusterClient", "type": "Class", 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After that client cannot be used and one should\ncreate a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API." ], "signature": [ "() => void" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/cluster_client.ts", "lineNumber": 161 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LegacyClusterClient.asScoped", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "asScoped", "description": [ "\nCreates an instance of {@link ILegacyScopedClusterClient} based on the configuration the\ncurrent cluster client that exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method\nscoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing\nscoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the\noriginal cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed.\n" ], "signature": [ "(request?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.KibanaRequest", "text": "KibanaRequest" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyRequest", "text": "LegacyRequest" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.FakeRequest", "text": "FakeRequest" }, " | undefined) => Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyScopedClusterClient", "text": "LegacyScopedClusterClient" }, ", \"callAsCurrentUser\" | \"callAsInternalUser\">" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/cluster_client.ts", "lineNumber": 184 }, "deprecated": false, 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"tags": [], "label": "endpoint", "description": [ "- String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. `cluster.getSettings` or `ping`." ], "signature": [ "string" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/scoped_cluster_client.ts", "lineNumber": 77 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LegacyScopedClusterClient.callAsCurrentUser.$2", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "clientParams", "description": [ "- A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client." ], "signature": [ "Record" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/scoped_cluster_client.ts", "lineNumber": 78 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LegacyScopedClusterClient.callAsCurrentUser.$3", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "options", "description": [ "- Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result." ], "signature": [ { 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a given context should register\ntheir capabilities switcher using the `registerSwitcher` method.\n\nRefers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/capabilities/capabilities_service.ts", "lineNumber": 30 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.CapabilitiesSetup.registerProvider", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "registerProvider", "description": [ "\nRegister a {@link CapabilitiesProvider} to be used to provide {@link Capabilities}\nwhen resolving them.\n" ], "signature": [ "(provider: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.CapabilitiesProvider", "text": "CapabilitiesProvider" }, ") => void" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/capabilities/capabilities_service.ts", "lineNumber": 54 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.CapabilitiesSetup.registerProvider.$1", 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"src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 32 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.DeprecationSettings.message", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "message", "description": [ "Deprecation message" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 34 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.DeprecationSettings.docLinksKey", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "docLinksKey", "description": [ "Key to documentation links" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 36 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.DeprecationsServiceSetup", "type": "Interface", "tags": [ "gmail" ], "label": "DeprecationsServiceSetup", "description": [ "\nThe deprecations service provides a way for the Kibana platform to communicate deprecated\nfeatures and configs with its users. These deprecations are only communicated\nif the deployment is using these features. Allowing for a user tailored experience\nfor upgrading the stack version.\n\nThe Deprecation service is consumed by the upgrade assistant to assist with the upgrade\nexperience.\n\nIf a deprecated feature can be resolved without manual user intervention.\nUsing correctiveActions.api allows the Upgrade Assistant to use this api to correct the\ndeprecation upon a user trigger.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts", "lineNumber": 103 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.DeprecationsServiceSetup.registerDeprecations", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "registerDeprecations", "description": [], "signature": [ "(deprecationContext: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.RegisterDeprecationsConfig", "text": "RegisterDeprecationsConfig" }, ") => void" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts", "lineNumber": 104 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.deprecationContext", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "deprecationContext", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.RegisterDeprecationsConfig", "text": "RegisterDeprecationsConfig" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts", "lineNumber": 104 }, "deprecated": false } ] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.DiscoveredPlugin", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "DiscoveredPlugin", "description": [ "\nSmall container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may\nor may not have been started." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 218 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.DiscoveredPlugin.id", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "id", "description": [ "\nIdentifier of the plugin." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 222 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.DiscoveredPlugin.configPath", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "configPath", "description": [ "\nRoot configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to \"id\" in snake_case format." ], "signature": [ "string | string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 227 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.DiscoveredPlugin.requiredPlugins", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "requiredPlugins", "description": [ "\nAn optional list of the other plugins that **must be** installed and enabled\nfor this plugin to function properly." ], "signature": [ "readonly string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 233 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.DiscoveredPlugin.optionalPlugins", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "optionalPlugins", "description": [ "\nAn optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled **may be**\nleveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are\nnot required for this plugin to work properly." ], "signature": [ "readonly string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 240 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.DiscoveredPlugin.requiredBundles", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "requiredBundles", "description": [ "\nList of plugin ids that this plugin's UI code imports modules from that are\nnot in `requiredPlugins`.\n" ], "signature": [ "readonly string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 252 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchServiceSetup", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "ElasticsearchServiceSetup", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/types.ts", "lineNumber": 25 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchServiceSetup.legacy", "type": "Object", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "legacy", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ readonly config$: ", "Observable", "<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig", "text": "ElasticsearchConfig" }, ">; 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See {@link IClusterClient}.\n" ], "signature": [ "(type: string, clientConfig?: Partial<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ElasticsearchClientConfig", "text": "ElasticsearchClientConfig" }, "> | undefined) => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ICustomClusterClient", "text": "ICustomClusterClient" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/types.ts", "lineNumber": 116 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.type", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [ "Unique identifier of the client" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/types.ts", "lineNumber": 117 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.clientConfig", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "clientConfig", "description": [ "A config consists of Elasticsearch JS client options and\nvalid sub-set of Elasticsearch service config.\nWe fill all the missing properties in the `clientConfig` using the default\nElasticsearch config so that we don't depend on default values set and\ncontrolled by underlying Elasticsearch JS client.\nWe don't run validation against the passed config and expect it to be valid." ], "signature": [ "Partial<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ElasticsearchClientConfig", "text": "ElasticsearchClientConfig" }, "> | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/types.ts", "lineNumber": 118 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ElasticsearchServiceStart.legacy", "type": "Object", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "legacy", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ readonly config$: ", "Observable", "<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig", 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"signature": [ "(options?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.HttpResourcesRenderOptions", "text": "HttpResourcesRenderOptions" }, " | undefined) => Promise<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.IKibanaResponse", "text": "IKibanaResponse" }, ">" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/http_resources/types.ts", "lineNumber": 47 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.options", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "options", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.HttpResourcesRenderOptions", "text": "HttpResourcesRenderOptions" }, " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/http_resources/types.ts", "lineNumber": 47 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": 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"deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [ "A function that takes `RequestHandler` parameters, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of\nthe `handler` return value." ] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ICspConfig", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "ICspConfig", "description": [ "\nCSP configuration for use in Kibana." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 17 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ICspConfig.rules", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "rules", "description": [ "\nThe CSP rules used for Kibana." ], "signature": [ "string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 21 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ICspConfig.strict", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "strict", "description": [ "\nSpecify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be\nable to use Kibana. Use `true` to block and `false` to allow." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 27 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ICspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "warnLegacyBrowsers", "description": [ "\nSpecify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned\nabout their lack of Kibana security compliance." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 33 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ICspConfig.disableEmbedding", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "disableEmbedding", "description": [ "\nWhether or not embedding (using iframes) should be allowed by the CSP. If embedding is disabled *and* no custom rules have been\ndefined, a restrictive 'frame-ancestors' rule will be added to the default CSP rules." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 39 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ICspConfig.header", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "header", "description": [ "\nThe CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use\nin a `Content-Security-Policy` header." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/csp/csp_config.ts", "lineNumber": 45 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ICustomClusterClient", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "ICustomClusterClient", "description": [ "\nSee {@link IClusterClient}\n" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ICustomClusterClient", "text": "ICustomClusterClient" }, " extends ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.IClusterClient", "text": "IClusterClient" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/cluster_client.ts", "lineNumber": 45 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ICustomClusterClient.close", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "close", "description": [ "\nCloses the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should\ncreate a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API." ], "signature": [ "() => Promise" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/cluster_client.ts", "lineNumber": 50 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IExternalUrlConfig", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "IExternalUrlConfig", "description": [ "\nExternal Url configuration for use in Kibana." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/external_url/external_url_config.ts", "lineNumber": 18 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IExternalUrlConfig.policy", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "policy", "description": [ "\nA set of policies describing which external urls are allowed." ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.IExternalUrlPolicy", "text": "IExternalUrlPolicy" }, "[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/external_url/external_url_config.ts", "lineNumber": 22 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IExternalUrlPolicy", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "IExternalUrlPolicy", "description": [ "\nA policy describing whether access to an external destination is allowed." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/external_url/external_url_config.ts", "lineNumber": 29 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IExternalUrlPolicy.allow", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "allow", "description": [ "\nIndicates if this policy allows or denies access to the described destination." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/external_url/external_url_config.ts", "lineNumber": 33 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IExternalUrlPolicy.host", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "host", "description": [ "\nOptional host describing the external destination.\nMay be combined with `protocol`.\n" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/external_url/external_url_config.ts", "lineNumber": 46 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IExternalUrlPolicy.protocol", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "protocol", "description": [ "\nOptional protocol describing the external destination.\nMay be combined with `host`.\n" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/external_url/external_url_config.ts", "lineNumber": 59 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo", "type": "Interface", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/api_types.ts", "lineNumber": 378 }, "deprecated": true, "removeBy": "7.16", "references": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo.Unnamed", "type": "Any", "tags": [], "label": "Unnamed", "description": [], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/api_types.ts", "lineNumber": 379 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IRenderOptions", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "IRenderOptions", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/rendering/types.ts", "lineNumber": 68 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IRenderOptions.includeUserSettings", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "includeUserSettings", "description": [ "\nSet whether to output user settings in the page metadata.\n`true` by default." ], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/rendering/types.ts", "lineNumber": 73 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IScopedClusterClient", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "IScopedClusterClient", "description": [ "\nServes the same purpose as the normal {@link IClusterClient | cluster client} but exposes\nan additional `asCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal\nuser (as `asInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers\nextracted from the current user request to the API instead.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/scoped_cluster_client.ts", "lineNumber": 19 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IScopedClusterClient.asInternalUser", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "asInternalUser", "description": [ "\nA {@link ElasticsearchClient | client} to be used to query the elasticsearch cluster\non behalf of the internal Kibana user." ], "signature": [ "Pick<", "KibanaClient", ", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"index\" | \"update\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"helpers\" | \"count\" | \"search\" | \"security\" | \"eql\" | \"on\" | \"off\" | \"transform\" | \"emit\" | \"once\" | \"asyncSearch\" | \"autoscaling\" | \"bulk\" | \"cat\" | \"ccr\" | \"clearScroll\" | \"cluster\" | \"danglingIndices\" | \"dataFrameTransformDeprecated\" | \"deleteByQuery\" | \"deleteByQueryRethrottle\" | \"deleteScript\" | \"enrich\" | \"exists\" | \"existsSource\" | \"explain\" | \"features\" | \"fieldCaps\" | \"getScript\" | \"getScriptContext\" | \"getScriptLanguages\" | \"getSource\" | \"graph\" | \"ilm\" | \"indices\" | \"info\" | \"ingest\" | \"license\" | \"logstash\" | \"mget\" | \"migration\" | \"ml\" | \"monitoring\" | \"msearch\" | \"msearchTemplate\" | \"mtermvectors\" | \"nodes\" | \"openPointInTime\" | \"ping\" | \"putScript\" | \"rankEval\" | \"reindex\" | \"reindexRethrottle\" | \"renderSearchTemplate\" | \"rollup\" | \"scriptsPainlessExecute\" | \"scroll\" | \"searchShards\" | \"searchTemplate\" | \"searchableSnapshots\" | \"slm\" | \"snapshot\" | \"sql\" | \"ssl\" | \"tasks\" | \"termvectors\" | \"textStructure\" | \"updateByQuery\" | \"updateByQueryRethrottle\" | \"watcher\" | \"xpack\"> & { transport: { request(params: ", "TransportRequestParams", ", options?: ", "TransportRequestOptions", " | undefined): ", "TransportRequestPromise", "<", "ApiResponse", ", unknown>>; }; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/scoped_cluster_client.ts", "lineNumber": 24 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IScopedClusterClient.asCurrentUser", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "asCurrentUser", "description": [ "\nA {@link ElasticsearchClient | client} to be used to query the elasticsearch cluster\non behalf of the user that initiated the request to the Kibana server." ], "signature": [ "Pick<", "KibanaClient", ", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"index\" | \"update\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"helpers\" | \"count\" | \"search\" | \"security\" | \"eql\" | \"on\" | \"off\" | \"transform\" | \"emit\" | \"once\" | \"asyncSearch\" | \"autoscaling\" | \"bulk\" | \"cat\" | \"ccr\" | \"clearScroll\" | \"cluster\" | \"danglingIndices\" | \"dataFrameTransformDeprecated\" | \"deleteByQuery\" | \"deleteByQueryRethrottle\" | \"deleteScript\" | \"enrich\" | \"exists\" | \"existsSource\" | \"explain\" | \"features\" | \"fieldCaps\" | \"getScript\" | \"getScriptContext\" | \"getScriptLanguages\" | \"getSource\" | \"graph\" | \"ilm\" | \"indices\" | \"info\" | \"ingest\" | \"license\" | \"logstash\" | \"mget\" | \"migration\" | \"ml\" | \"monitoring\" | \"msearch\" | \"msearchTemplate\" | \"mtermvectors\" | \"nodes\" | \"openPointInTime\" | \"ping\" | \"putScript\" | \"rankEval\" | \"reindex\" | \"reindexRethrottle\" | \"renderSearchTemplate\" | \"rollup\" | \"scriptsPainlessExecute\" | 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adjust the settings via Management UI.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 27 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient.getRegistered", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getRegistered", "description": [ "\nReturns registered uiSettings values {@link UiSettingsParams}" ], "signature": [ "() => Readonly, \"type\" | \"options\" | \"description\" | \"name\" | \"order\" | \"value\" | \"category\" | \"metric\" | \"optionLabels\" | \"requiresPageReload\" | \"readonly\" | \"sensitive\" | \"deprecation\">>>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 31 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient.get", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "get", "description": [ "\nRetrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified." ], "signature": [ "(key: string) => Promise" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 35 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 35 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient.getAll", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getAll", "description": [ "\nRetrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified." ], "signature": [ "() => Promise>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 39 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient.getUserProvided", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getUserProvided", "description": [ "\nRetrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user." ], "signature": [ "() => Promise>>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 43 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient.setMany", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "setMany", "description": [ "\nWrites multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user." ], "signature": [ "(changes: Record) => Promise" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 47 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.changes", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "changes", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ [x: string]: any; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 47 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient.set", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "set", "description": [ "\nWrites uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user." ], "signature": [ "(key: string, value: any) => Promise" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 51 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 51 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.value", "type": "Any", "tags": [], "label": "value", "description": [], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 51 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient.remove", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "remove", "description": [ "\nRemoves uiSettings value by key." ], "signature": [ "(key: string) => Promise" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 55 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 55 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient.removeMany", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "removeMany", "description": [ "\nRemoves multiple uiSettings values by keys." ], "signature": [ "(keys: string[]) => Promise" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 59 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.keys", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "keys", "description": [], "signature": [ "string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 59 }, "deprecated": 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Used by telemetry to not send sensitive values." ], "signature": [ "(key: string) => boolean" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 67 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.key", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "key", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 67 }, "deprecated": false } ] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LegacyAPICaller", "type": "Interface", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "LegacyAPICaller", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/api_types.ts", "lineNumber": 164 }, "deprecated": true, "removeBy": "7.16", "references": [ { "plugin": "lists", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/schemas/common/get_call_cluster.mock.ts", "lineNumber": 9 } }, { "plugin": "lists", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/schemas/common/get_call_cluster.mock.ts", "lineNumber": 27 } }, { "plugin": "lists", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/schemas/common/get_call_cluster.mock.ts", "lineNumber": 31 } }, { "plugin": "securitySolution", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/security_solution/server/lib/telemetry/sender.ts", "lineNumber": 10 } }, { "plugin": "securitySolution", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/security_solution/server/lib/telemetry/sender.ts", "lineNumber": 447 } }, { "plugin": "securitySolution", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/security_solution/server/lib/telemetry/sender.ts", "lineNumber": 466 } }, { "plugin": "canvas", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/canvas/server/lib/query_es_sql.ts", "lineNumber": 12 } }, { "plugin": "canvas", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/canvas/server/lib/query_es_sql.ts", "lineNumber": 37 } }, { "plugin": "canvas", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/canvas/server/routes/functions/functions.ts", "lineNumber": 8 } }, { 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"signature": [ "Readonly<{} & { name: string; level: ", "LogLevelId", "; appenders: string[]; }>[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/logging/logging_config.ts", "lineNumber": 114 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LoggerFactory", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "LoggerFactory", "description": [ "\nThe single purpose of `LoggerFactory` interface is to define a way to\nretrieve a context-based logger instance.\n" ], "signature": [ "LoggerFactory" ], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/logging/target/logger_factory.d.ts", "lineNumber": 8 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LoggerFactory.get", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "get", "description": [ "\nReturns a `Logger` instance for the specified context.\n" ], "signature": [ "(...contextParts: string[]) => ", "Logger" ], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/logging/target/logger_factory.d.ts", "lineNumber": 15 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LoggerFactory.get.$1", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "contextParts", "description": [ "- Parts of the context to return logger for. For example\nget('plugins', 'pid') will return a logger for the `plugins.pid` context." ], "signature": [ "string[]" ], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/logging/target/logger_factory.d.ts", "lineNumber": 15 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LoggingServiceSetup", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "LoggingServiceSetup", "description": [ "\nProvides APIs to plugins for customizing the plugin's logger." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/logging/logging_service.ts", "lineNumber": 20 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LoggingServiceSetup.configure", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "configure", "description": [ "\nCustomizes the logging config for the plugin's context.\n" ], "signature": [ "(config$: ", "Observable", "<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": 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"src/core/server/metrics/types.ts", "lineNumber": 17 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.MetricsServiceSetup.collectionInterval", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "collectionInterval", "description": [ "Interval metrics are collected in milliseconds" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/metrics/types.ts", "lineNumber": 19 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.MetricsServiceSetup.getOpsMetrics$", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getOpsMetrics$", "description": [ "\nRetrieve an observable emitting the {@link OpsMetrics} gathered.\nThe observable will emit an initial value during core's `start` phase, and a new value every fixed interval of time,\nbased on the `opts.interval` configuration property.\n" ], "signature": [ "() => ", "Observable", "<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.OpsMetrics", "text": "OpsMetrics" }, ">" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/metrics/types.ts", "lineNumber": 33 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.NodesVersionCompatibility", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "NodesVersionCompatibility", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/version_check/ensure_es_version.ts", "lineNumber": 46 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.NodesVersionCompatibility.isCompatible", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "isCompatible", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/version_check/ensure_es_version.ts", "lineNumber": 47 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.NodesVersionCompatibility.message", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "message", "description": [], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": 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"deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.OpsOsMetrics", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "OpsOsMetrics", "description": [ "\nOS related metrics" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/metrics/collectors/types.ts", "lineNumber": 48 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.OpsOsMetrics.platform", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "platform", "description": [ "The os platform" ], "signature": [ "\"linux\" | \"aix\" | \"android\" | \"darwin\" | \"freebsd\" | \"openbsd\" | \"sunos\" | \"win32\" | \"cygwin\" | \"netbsd\"" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/metrics/collectors/types.ts", "lineNumber": 50 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.OpsOsMetrics.platformRelease", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "platformRelease", "description": [ "The os platform release, prefixed by the platform name" ], "source": { "path": 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Only present for linux platforms" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/metrics/collectors/types.ts", "lineNumber": 54 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.OpsOsMetrics.distroRelease", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "distroRelease", "description": [ "The os distrib release, prefixed by the os distrib. Only present for linux platforms" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/metrics/collectors/types.ts", "lineNumber": 56 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.OpsOsMetrics.load", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "load", "description": [ "cpu load metrics" ], "signature": [ "{ '1m': number; '5m': number; '15m': number; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/metrics/collectors/types.ts", "lineNumber": 58 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.OpsOsMetrics.memory", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "memory", "description": [ "system memory usage metrics" ], "signature": [ "{ total_in_bytes: number; free_in_bytes: number; used_in_bytes: number; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/metrics/collectors/types.ts", "lineNumber": 67 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.OpsOsMetrics.uptime_in_millis", "type": "number", "tags": [], 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"source": { "path": "src/core/server/metrics/collectors/types.ts", "lineNumber": 128 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PackageInfo", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "PackageInfo", "description": [], "signature": [ "PackageInfo" ], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/config/target/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 4 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PackageInfo.version", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "version", "description": [], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/config/target/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 5 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PackageInfo.branch", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "branch", "description": [], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/config/target/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 6 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PackageInfo.buildNum", "type": 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"text": "Plugin" }, "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 282 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.Plugin.setup", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "setup", "description": [], "signature": [ "(core: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.CoreSetup", "text": "CoreSetup" }, ", plugins: TPluginsSetup) => TSetup" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 288 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.Plugin.setup.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "core", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.CoreSetup", "text": "CoreSetup" }, "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 288 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.Plugin.setup.$2", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "plugins", "description": [], "signature": [ "TPluginsSetup" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 288 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.Plugin.start", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "start", "description": [], "signature": [ "(core: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.CoreStart", "text": "CoreStart" }, ", plugins: TPluginsStart) => TStart" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 290 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.Plugin.start.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "core", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.CoreStart", "text": "CoreStart" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 290 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.Plugin.start.$2", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "plugins", "description": [], "signature": [ "TPluginsStart" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 290 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.Plugin.stop", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "stop", "description": [], "signature": [ "(() => void) | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 292 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [], "returnComment": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginConfigDescriptor", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "PluginConfigDescriptor", "description": [ "\nDescribes a plugin configuration properties.\n" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.PluginConfigDescriptor", "text": "PluginConfigDescriptor" }, "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 60 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginConfigDescriptor.deprecations", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "deprecations", "description": [ "\nProvider for the {@link ConfigDeprecation} to apply to the plugin configuration." ], "signature": [ "ConfigDeprecationProvider", " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 64 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginConfigDescriptor.exposeToBrowser", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "exposeToBrowser", "description": [ "\nList of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin." ], "signature": [ "{ [P in keyof T]?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 68 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginConfigDescriptor.schema", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "schema", "description": [ "\nSchema to use to validate the plugin configuration.\n\n{@link PluginConfigSchema}" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 74 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginConfigDescriptor.exposeToUsage", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "exposeToUsage", "description": [ "\nExpose non-default configs to usage collection to be sent via telemetry.\nset a config to `true` to report the actual changed config value.\nset a config to `false` to report the changed config value as [redacted].\n\nAll changed configs except booleans and numbers will be reported\nas [redacted] unless otherwise specified.\n\n{@link MakeUsageFromSchema}" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.MakeUsageFromSchema", "text": "MakeUsageFromSchema" }, " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 85 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginInitializerContext", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "PluginInitializerContext", "description": [ "\nContext that's available to plugins during initialization stage.\n" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.PluginInitializerContext", "text": "PluginInitializerContext" }, "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 337 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "opaqueId", "description": [], "signature": [ "symbol" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 338 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginInitializerContext.env", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "env", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ mode: ", "EnvironmentMode", "; packageInfo: Readonly<", "PackageInfo", ">; instanceUuid: string; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 339 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginInitializerContext.logger", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "logger", "description": [ "\n{@link LoggerFactory | logger factory} instance already bound to the plugin's logging context\n" ], "signature": [ "LoggerFactory" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 362 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginInitializerContext.config", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "config", "description": [ "\nAccessors for the plugin's configuration" ], "signature": [ "{ legacy: { globalConfig$: ", "Observable", " moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly autocompleteTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; }>; elasticsearch: Readonly<{ readonly shardTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly requestTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly pingTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; }>; path: Readonly<{ readonly data: string; }>; savedObjects: Readonly<{ readonly maxImportPayloadBytes: Readonly<{ isGreaterThan: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; isLessThan: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; isEqualTo: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; getValueInBytes: () => number; toString: (returnUnit?: \"b\" | \"kb\" | \"mb\" | \"gb\" | undefined) => string; }>; }>; }>>; get: () => Readonly<{ kibana: Readonly<{ readonly index: string; readonly autocompleteTerminateAfter: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly autocompleteTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; }>; elasticsearch: Readonly<{ readonly shardTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly requestTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly pingTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; }>; path: Readonly<{ readonly data: string; }>; savedObjects: Readonly<{ readonly maxImportPayloadBytes: Readonly<{ isGreaterThan: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; isLessThan: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; isEqualTo: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; getValueInBytes: () => number; toString: (returnUnit?: \"b\" | \"kb\" | \"mb\" | \"gb\" | undefined) => string; }>; }>; }>; }; create: () => ", "Observable", "; get: () => T; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 366 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "PluginManifest", "description": [ "\nDescribes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its\nmandatory JSON manifest file.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 135 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest.id", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "id", "description": [ "\nIdentifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract.\nOther plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 140 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest.version", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "version", "description": [ "\nVersion of the plugin." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 145 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest.kibanaVersion", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "kibanaVersion", "description": [ "\nThe version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to \"version\"." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 150 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest.configPath", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "configPath", "description": [ "\nRoot {@link ConfigPath | configuration path} used by the plugin, defaults\nto \"id\" in snake_case format.\n" ], "signature": [ "string | string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 160 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest.requiredPlugins", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "requiredPlugins", "description": [ "\nAn optional list of the other plugins that **must be** installed and enabled\nfor this plugin to function properly." ], "signature": [ "readonly string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 166 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest.requiredBundles", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "requiredBundles", "description": [ "\nList of plugin ids that this plugin's UI code imports modules from that are\nnot in `requiredPlugins`.\n" ], "signature": [ "readonly string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 178 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest.optionalPlugins", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "optionalPlugins", "description": [ "\nAn optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled **may be**\nleveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are\nnot required for this plugin to work properly." ], "signature": [ "readonly string[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 185 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest.ui", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "ui", "description": [ "\nSpecifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality\nthat should be included into client bundle via `public/ui_plugin.js` file." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 191 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest.server", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "server", "description": [ "\nSpecifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 196 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest.extraPublicDirs", "type": "Array", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "extraPublicDirs", "description": [ "\nSpecifies directory names that can be imported by other ui-plugins built\nusing the same instance of the @kbn/optimizer. A temporary measure we plan\nto replace with better mechanisms for sharing static code between plugins" ], "signature": [ "string[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 204 }, "deprecated": true, "references": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginManifest.serviceFolders", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "serviceFolders", "description": [ "\nOnly used for the automatically generated API documentation. Specifying service\nfolders will cause your plugin API reference to be broken up into sub sections." ], "signature": [ "readonly string[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 210 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.RegisterDeprecationsConfig", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "RegisterDeprecationsConfig", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/deprecations/types.ts", "lineNumber": 56 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.RegisterDeprecationsConfig.getDeprecations", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getDeprecations", "description": [], "signature": [ "(context: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.GetDeprecationsContext", "text": "GetDeprecationsContext" }, ") => MaybePromise<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.DeprecationsDetails", "text": "DeprecationsDetails" }, "[]>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/deprecations/types.ts", "lineNumber": 57 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.context", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "context", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.GetDeprecationsContext", "text": "GetDeprecationsContext" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/deprecations/types.ts", "lineNumber": 57 }, "deprecated": false } ] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.RequestHandlerContext", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "RequestHandlerContext", "description": [ "\nPlugin specific context passed to a route handler.\n\nProvides the following clients and services:\n - {@link SavedObjectsClient | savedObjects.client} - Saved Objects client\n which uses the credentials of the incoming request\n - {@link ISavedObjectTypeRegistry | savedObjects.typeRegistry} - Type registry containing\n all the registered types.\n - {@link IScopedClusterClient | elasticsearch.client} - Elasticsearch\n data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request\n - {@link LegacyScopedClusterClient | elasticsearch.legacy.client} - The legacy Elasticsearch\n data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request\n - {@link IUiSettingsClient | uiSettings.client} - uiSettings client\n which uses the credentials of the incoming request\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/index.ts", "lineNumber": 439 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.RequestHandlerContext.core", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "core", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ savedObjects: { client: Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient", "text": "SavedObjectsClient" }, ", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"find\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"resolve\" | \"update\" | \"collectMultiNamespaceReferences\" | \"updateObjectsSpaces\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\" | \"errors\">; typeRegistry: Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectTypeRegistry", "text": "SavedObjectTypeRegistry" }, ", \"getType\" | \"getVisibleTypes\" | \"getAllTypes\" | \"getImportableAndExportableTypes\" | \"isNamespaceAgnostic\" | \"isSingleNamespace\" | \"isMultiNamespace\" | \"isShareable\" | \"isHidden\" | \"getIndex\" | \"isImportableAndExportable\">; getClient: (options?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions", "text": "SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions" }, " | undefined) => Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient", "text": "SavedObjectsClient" }, ", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"find\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"resolve\" | \"update\" | \"collectMultiNamespaceReferences\" | \"updateObjectsSpaces\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\" | \"errors\">; getExporter: (client: Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient", "text": "SavedObjectsClient" }, ", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"find\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"resolve\" | \"update\" | \"collectMultiNamespaceReferences\" | \"updateObjectsSpaces\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\" | \"errors\">) => Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsExporter", "text": "SavedObjectsExporter" }, ", \"exportByTypes\" | \"exportByObjects\">; getImporter: (client: Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient", "text": "SavedObjectsClient" }, ", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"find\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"resolve\" | \"update\" | \"collectMultiNamespaceReferences\" | \"updateObjectsSpaces\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\" | \"errors\">) => Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsImporter", "text": "SavedObjectsImporter" }, ", \"import\" | \"resolveImportErrors\">; }; elasticsearch: { client: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.IScopedClusterClient", "text": "IScopedClusterClient" }, "; legacy: { client: Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyScopedClusterClient", "text": "LegacyScopedClusterClient" }, ", \"callAsCurrentUser\" | \"callAsInternalUser\">; }; }; uiSettings: { client: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient", "text": "IUiSettingsClient" }, "; }; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/index.ts", "lineNumber": 440 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ResolveCapabilitiesOptions", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "ResolveCapabilitiesOptions", "description": [ "\nDefines a set of additional options for the `resolveCapabilities` method of {@link CapabilitiesStart}.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/capabilities/capabilities_service.ts", "lineNumber": 101 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ResolveCapabilitiesOptions.useDefaultCapabilities", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "useDefaultCapabilities", "description": [ "\nIndicates if capability switchers are supposed to return a default set of capabilities." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/capabilities/capabilities_service.ts", "lineNumber": 105 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObject", "description": [], "signature": [ "SavedObject", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 69 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject.id", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "id", "description": [ "The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 71 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject.type", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [ " The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types." ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 73 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject.version", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "version", "description": [ "An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 75 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject.updated_at", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "updated_at", "description": [ "Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 77 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject.error", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "error", "description": [], "signature": [ "SavedObjectError", " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 78 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject.attributes", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "attributes", "description": [ "{@inheritdoc SavedObjectAttributes}" ], "signature": [ "T" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 80 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject.references", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "references", "description": [ "{@inheritdoc SavedObjectReference}" ], "signature": [ "SavedObjectReference", "[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 82 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject.migrationVersion", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "migrationVersion", "description": [ "{@inheritdoc SavedObjectsMigrationVersion}" ], "signature": [ "SavedObjectsMigrationVersion", " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 84 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject.coreMigrationVersion", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "coreMigrationVersion", "description": [ "A semver value that is used when upgrading objects between Kibana versions." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 86 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject.namespaces", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "namespaces", "description": [ "Namespace(s) that this saved object exists in. This attribute is only used for multi-namespace saved object types." ], "signature": [ "string[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 88 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObject.originId", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "originId", "description": [ "\nThe ID of the saved object this originated from. This is set if this object's `id` was regenerated; that can happen during migration\nfrom a legacy single-namespace type, or during import. It is only set during migration or create operations. This is used during import\nto ensure that ID regeneration is deterministic, so saved objects will be overwritten if they are imported multiple times into a given\nspace." ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 95 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObjectAttributes", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectAttributes", "description": [ "\nThe data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes`\nproperty.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 35 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObjectAttributes.Unnamed", "type": "Any", "tags": [], "label": "Unnamed", "description": [], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 36 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObjectReference", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectReference", "description": [ "\nA reference to another saved object.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 44 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObjectReference.name", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "name", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 45 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObjectReference.type", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 46 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObjectReference.id", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "id", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 47 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObjectsMigrationVersion", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectsMigrationVersion", "description": [ "\nInformation about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject.\nWhen Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and\nmigrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied,\nthe plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the\nvalue.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 65 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObjectsMigrationVersion.Unnamed", "type": "Any", "tags": [], "label": "Unnamed", "description": [], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 66 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SearchResponse", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "SearchResponse", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.SearchResponse", "text": "SearchResponse" }, "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 79 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SearchResponse.took", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "took", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 80 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SearchResponse.timed_out", "type": "boolean", "tags": [], "label": "timed_out", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 81 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SearchResponse._scroll_id", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "_scroll_id", "description": [], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 82 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SearchResponse._shards", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "_shards", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ShardsResponse", "text": "ShardsResponse" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 83 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SearchResponse.hits", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "hits", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ total: number; max_score: number; hits: { _index: string; _type: string; _id: string; _score: number; _source: T; _version?: number | undefined; _explanation?: ", "Explanation", " | undefined; fields?: any; highlight?: any; inner_hits?: any; matched_queries?: string[] | undefined; sort?: unknown[] | undefined; }[]; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 84 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SearchResponse.aggregations", "type": "Any", "tags": [], "label": "aggregations", "description": [], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 102 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SearchResponse.pit_id", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "pit_id", "description": [], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 103 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ServiceStatus", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "ServiceStatus", "description": [ "\nThe current status of a service at a point in time.\n" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ServiceStatus", "text": "ServiceStatus" }, "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/status/types.ts", "lineNumber": 20 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ServiceStatus.level", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "level", "description": [ "\nThe current availability level of the service." ], "signature": [ "Readonly<{ toString: () => \"available\"; 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Useful for providing more fine-grained,\nmachine-readable information about the service status. May include status information for underlying features." ], "signature": [ "Meta | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/status/types.ts", "lineNumber": 41 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ShardsInfo", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "ShardsInfo", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 61 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ShardsInfo.total", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "total", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 62 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ShardsInfo.successful", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "successful", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 63 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ShardsInfo.skipped", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "skipped", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 64 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ShardsInfo.failed", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "failed", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 65 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ShardsResponse", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "ShardsResponse", "description": [ "\nAll response typings are maintained until elasticsearch-js provides them out of the box\nhttps://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-js/pull/970\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 42 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ShardsResponse.total", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "total", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 43 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ShardsResponse.successful", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "successful", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 44 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ShardsResponse.failed", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "failed", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 45 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ShardsResponse.skipped", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "skipped", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/types.ts", "lineNumber": 46 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.StatusServiceSetup", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "StatusServiceSetup", "description": [ "\nAPI for accessing status of Core and this plugin's dependencies as well as for customizing this plugin's status.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/status/types.ts", "lineNumber": 177 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.StatusServiceSetup.core$", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "core$", "description": [ "\nCurrent status for all Core services." ], "signature": [ "Observable", "<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.CoreStatus", "text": "CoreStatus" }, ">" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/status/types.ts", "lineNumber": 181 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.StatusServiceSetup.overall$", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "overall$", "description": [ "\nOverall system status for all of Kibana.\n" ], "signature": [ "Observable", "<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ServiceStatus", "text": "ServiceStatus" }, ">" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/status/types.ts", "lineNumber": 192 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.StatusServiceSetup.set", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "set", "description": [ "\nAllows a plugin to specify a custom status dependent on its own criteria.\nCompletely overrides the default inherited status.\n" ], "signature": [ "(status$: ", "Observable", "<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ServiceStatus", "text": "ServiceStatus" }, ">) => void" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/status/types.ts", "lineNumber": 202 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.StatusServiceSetup.set.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "status$", "description": [], 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"scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ServiceStatus", "text": "ServiceStatus" }, ">" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/status/types.ts", "lineNumber": 220 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.StatusServiceSetup.isStatusPageAnonymous", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "isStatusPageAnonymous", "description": [ "\nWhether or not the status HTTP APIs are available to unauthenticated users when an authentication provider is\npresent." ], "signature": [ "() => boolean" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/status/types.ts", "lineNumber": 226 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "UiSettingsParams", "description": [ "\nUiSettings parameters defined by the plugins." ], "signature": [ "UiSettingsParams", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 43 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.name", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "name", "description": [ "title in the UI" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 45 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.value", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "value", "description": [ "default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any" ], "signature": [ "T | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 47 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.description", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "description", "description": [ "description provided to a user in UI" ], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 49 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.category", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "category", "description": [ "used to group the configured setting in the UI" ], "signature": [ "string[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 51 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.options", "type": "Array", "tags": [], "label": "options", "description": [ "array of permitted values for this setting" ], "signature": [ "string[] | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 53 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.optionLabels", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "optionLabels", "description": [ "text labels for 'select' type UI element" ], "signature": [ "Record | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 55 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "requiresPageReload", "description": [ "a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading" ], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 57 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.readonly", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "readonly", "description": [ "a flag indicating that value cannot be changed" ], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 59 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.sensitive", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "sensitive", "description": [ "\na flag indicating that value might contain user sensitive data.\nused by telemetry to mask the value of the setting when sent." ], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 64 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.type", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [ "defines a type of UI element {@link UiSettingsType}" ], "signature": [ "\"string\" | \"number\" | \"boolean\" | \"undefined\" | \"color\" | \"json\" | \"image\" | \"select\" | \"array\" | \"markdown\" | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 66 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.deprecation", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "deprecation", "description": [ "optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning." ], "signature": [ "DeprecationSettings", " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 68 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.order", "type": "number", "tags": [], "label": "order", "description": [ "\nindex of the settings within its category (ascending order, smallest will be displayed first).\nUsed for ordering in the UI.\n" ], "signature": [ "number | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 75 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.schema", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "schema", "description": [], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 80 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsParams.metric", "type": "Object", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "metric", "description": [ "\nMetric to track once this property changes" ], "signature": [ "{ type: ", "UiCounterMetricType", "; name: string; } | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 86 }, "deprecated": true, "references": [ { "plugin": "advancedSettings", "link": { "path": "src/plugins/advanced_settings/public/management_app/lib/to_editable_config.ts", "lineNumber": 55 } } ] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsServiceSetup", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "UiSettingsServiceSetup", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 80 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsServiceSetup.register", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "register", "description": [ "\nSets settings with default values for the uiSettings." ], "signature": [ "(settings: Record>) => void" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 98 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsServiceSetup.register.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "settings", "description": [], "signature": [ "Record>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 98 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsServiceStart", "type": "Interface", "tags": [], "label": "UiSettingsServiceStart", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 102 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsServiceStart.asScopedToClient", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "asScopedToClient", "description": [ "\nCreates a {@link IUiSettingsClient} with provided *scoped* saved objects client.\n\nThis should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed\nfrom outside of the scope of a {@link RequestHandler}.\n" ], "signature": [ "(savedObjectsClient: Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreSavedObjectsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SavedObjectsClient", "text": "SavedObjectsClient" }, ", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"bulkCreate\" | \"checkConflicts\" | \"find\" | \"bulkGet\" | \"resolve\" | \"update\" | \"collectMultiNamespaceReferences\" | \"updateObjectsSpaces\" | \"bulkUpdate\" | \"removeReferencesTo\" | \"openPointInTimeForType\" | \"closePointInTime\" | \"createPointInTimeFinder\" | \"errors\">) => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.IUiSettingsClient", "text": "IUiSettingsClient" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/ui_settings/types.ts", "lineNumber": 117 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": 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explicitly set by user." ], "signature": [ "UserProvidedValues", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 102 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UserProvidedValues.userValue", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "userValue", "description": [], "signature": [ "T | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 103 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UserProvidedValues.isOverridden", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "isOverridden", "description": [], "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 104 }, "deprecated": false } ], "initialIsOpen": false } ], "enums": [], "misc": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.AddConfigDeprecation", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "AddConfigDeprecation", "description": [ "\nConfig deprecation hook used when invoking a {@link ConfigDeprecation}\n" ], "signature": [ "(details: ", "DeprecatedConfigDetails", ") => void" ], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/config/target/deprecation/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 7 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.APP_WRAPPER_CLASS", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "APP_WRAPPER_CLASS", "description": [ "\nThe class name for top level *and* nested application wrappers to ensure proper layout" ], "signature": [ "\"kbnAppWrapper\"" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/utils/app_wrapper_class.ts", "lineNumber": 13 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.AppenderConfigType", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "AppenderConfigType", "description": [], "signature": [ "ConsoleAppenderConfig", " | ", "FileAppenderConfig", " | ", "LegacyAppenderConfig", " | ", "RewriteAppenderConfig", " | ", "RollingFileAppenderConfig" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/logging/appenders/appenders.ts", "lineNumber": 41 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.CapabilitiesProvider", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "CapabilitiesProvider", "description": [ "\nSee {@link CapabilitiesSetup}" ], "signature": [ "() => Partial<", "Capabilities", ">" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/capabilities/types.ts", "lineNumber": 18 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.CapabilitiesSwitcher", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "CapabilitiesSwitcher", "description": [ "\nSee {@link CapabilitiesSetup}" ], "signature": [ "(request: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.KibanaRequest", "text": "KibanaRequest" }, ", uiCapabilities: ", "Capabilities", ", useDefaultCapabilities: boolean) => Partial<", "Capabilities", "> | Promise>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/capabilities/types.ts", "lineNumber": 24 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ConfigDeprecationProvider", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "ConfigDeprecationProvider", "description": [ "\nA provider that should returns a list of {@link ConfigDeprecation}.\n\nSee {@link ConfigDeprecationFactory} for more usage examples.\n" ], "signature": [ "(factory: ", "ConfigDeprecationFactory", ") => ", "ConfigDeprecation", "[]" ], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/config/target/deprecation/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 70 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ConfigPath", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "ConfigPath", "description": [], "signature": [ "string | string[]" ], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/config/target/config.d.ts", "lineNumber": 2 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.Ecs", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "Ecs", "description": [ "\nRepresents the full ECS schema.\n" ], "signature": [ "EcsBase", " & ", "EcsTracing", " & { ecs: EcsField; agent?: ", "EcsAgent", " | undefined; as?: ", "EcsAutonomousSystem", " | undefined; client?: ", "EcsClient", " | undefined; cloud?: ", "EcsCloud", " | undefined; container?: ", "EcsContainer", " | undefined; destination?: ", "EcsDestination", " | undefined; dns?: ", "EcsDns", " | undefined; error?: ", "EcsError", " | undefined; event?: ", "EcsEvent", " | undefined; file?: ", "EcsFile", " | undefined; group?: ", "EcsGroup", " | undefined; host?: ", "EcsHost", " | undefined; http?: ", "EcsHttp", " | undefined; log?: ", "EcsLog", " | undefined; network?: ", "EcsNetwork", " | undefined; observer?: ", "EcsObserver", " | undefined; organization?: ", "EcsOrganization", " | undefined; package?: ", "EcsPackage", " | undefined; process?: ", "EcsProcess", " | undefined; registry?: ", "EcsRegistry", " | undefined; related?: ", "EcsRelated", " | undefined; rule?: ", "EcsRule", " | undefined; server?: ", "EcsServer", " | undefined; service?: ", "EcsService", " | undefined; source?: ", "EcsSource", " | undefined; threat?: ", "EcsThreat", " | undefined; tls?: ", "EcsTls", " | undefined; url?: ", "EcsUrl", " | undefined; user?: ", "EcsUser", " | undefined; user_agent?: ", "EcsUserAgent", " | undefined; vulnerability?: ", "EcsVulnerability", " | undefined; }" ], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/logging/target/ecs/index.d.ts", "lineNumber": 50 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.EcsEventCategory", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "EcsEventCategory", "description": [], "signature": [ "\"host\" | \"database\" | \"package\" | \"session\" | \"registry\" | \"network\" | \"web\" | \"file\" | \"process\" | \"authentication\" | \"configuration\" | \"driver\" | \"iam\" | \"intrusion_detection\" | \"malware\"" ], "source": { "path": 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password?: string | undefined; } & {}>; alwaysPresentCertificate: boolean; }>, \"key\" | \"certificate\" | \"verificationMode\" | \"keyPassphrase\" | \"alwaysPresentCertificate\"> & { certificateAuthorities?: string[] | undefined; }> | undefined; keepAlive?: boolean | undefined; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/client/client_config.ts", "lineNumber": 22 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.HandlerContextType", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "HandlerContextType", "description": [ "\nExtracts the type of the first argument of a {@link HandlerFunction} to represent the type of the context.\n" ], "signature": [ "T extends ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.HandlerFunction", "text": "HandlerFunction" }, " ? 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"core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.HttpResponseOptions", "text": "HttpResponseOptions" }, ") => ", "KibanaResponse", " | Buffer | ", "Stream", ">; noContent: (options?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.HttpResponseOptions", "text": "HttpResponseOptions" }, ") => ", "KibanaResponse", "; }) => Context[ContextName] | Promise" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/context/container/context.ts", "lineNumber": 27 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ILegacyClusterClient", "type": "Type", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "ILegacyClusterClient", "description": [ "\nRepresents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform.\nIt allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and\nthe actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`).\n\nSee {@link LegacyClusterClient}.\n" ], "signature": [ "{ callAsInternalUser: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyAPICaller", "text": "LegacyAPICaller" }, "; asScoped: (request?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.KibanaRequest", "text": "KibanaRequest" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyRequest", "text": "LegacyRequest" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.FakeRequest", "text": "FakeRequest" }, " | undefined) => Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyScopedClusterClient", "text": "LegacyScopedClusterClient" }, ", \"callAsCurrentUser\" | \"callAsInternalUser\">; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/cluster_client.ts", "lineNumber": 84 }, "deprecated": true, "removeBy": "7.16", "references": [ { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 9 } }, { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 85 } }, { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 110 } }, { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 18 } }, { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 109 } }, { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 151 } }, { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 180 } }, { "plugin": "beatsManagement", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/beats_management/server/lib/adapters/database/kibana_database_adapter.ts", "lineNumber": 8 } }, { "plugin": "beatsManagement", 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"x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 2 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 61 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/kibana_monitoring/collectors/index.d.ts", "lineNumber": 1 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/kibana_monitoring/collectors/index.d.ts", "lineNumber": 5 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/telemetry_collection/register_monitoring_telemetry_collection.d.ts", "lineNumber": 1 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/telemetry_collection/register_monitoring_telemetry_collection.d.ts", "lineNumber": 3 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/kibana_monitoring/collectors/get_usage_collector.d.ts", "lineNumber": 2 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/kibana_monitoring/collectors/get_usage_collector.d.ts", "lineNumber": 5 } } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ILegacyCustomClusterClient", "type": "Type", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "ILegacyCustomClusterClient", "description": [ "\nRepresents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin.\nIt allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and\nthe actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`).\n\nSee {@link LegacyClusterClient}." ], "signature": [ "{ close: () => void; callAsInternalUser: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyAPICaller", "text": "LegacyAPICaller" }, "; asScoped: (request?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.KibanaRequest", "text": "KibanaRequest" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyRequest", "text": "LegacyRequest" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.FakeRequest", "text": "FakeRequest" }, " | undefined) => Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyScopedClusterClient", "text": "LegacyScopedClusterClient" }, ", \"callAsCurrentUser\" | \"callAsInternalUser\">; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/cluster_client.ts", "lineNumber": 96 }, "deprecated": true, "removeBy": "7.16", "references": [ { "plugin": "indexManagement", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/index_management/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 14 } }, { "plugin": "indexManagement", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/index_management/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 42 } }, { "plugin": "crossClusterReplication", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/cross_cluster_replication/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 13 } }, { "plugin": "crossClusterReplication", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/cross_cluster_replication/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 69 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 13 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 74 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/es_client/instantiate_client.ts", "lineNumber": 9 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/es_client/instantiate_client.ts", "lineNumber": 29 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/license_service.ts", "lineNumber": 9 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/license_service.ts", "lineNumber": 18 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/static_globals.ts", "lineNumber": 8 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/static_globals.ts", "lineNumber": 18 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/static_globals.ts", "lineNumber": 43 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 18 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 74 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 279 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 2 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 47 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/plugin.d.ts", "lineNumber": 1 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/plugin.d.ts", "lineNumber": 29 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/license_service.d.ts", "lineNumber": 1 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/license_service.d.ts", "lineNumber": 8 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/static_globals.d.ts", "lineNumber": 1 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/static_globals.d.ts", "lineNumber": 8 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/static_globals.d.ts", "lineNumber": 15 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/es_client/instantiate_client.d.ts", "lineNumber": 2 } }, { "plugin": "monitoring", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/target/types/server/es_client/instantiate_client.d.ts", "lineNumber": 5 } } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ILegacyScopedClusterClient", "type": "Type", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "ILegacyScopedClusterClient", "description": [ "\nServes the same purpose as \"normal\" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional\n`callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal\nuser (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather\npasses HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.\n\nSee {@link LegacyScopedClusterClient}.\n" ], "signature": [ "{ callAsCurrentUser: (endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record, options?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyCallAPIOptions", "text": "LegacyCallAPIOptions" }, " | undefined) => Promise; callAsInternalUser: (endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record, options?: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyCallAPIOptions", "text": "LegacyCallAPIOptions" }, " | undefined) => Promise; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/scoped_cluster_client.ts", "lineNumber": 25 }, "deprecated": true, "removeBy": "7.16", "references": [ { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 19 } }, { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 102 } }, { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 103 } }, { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 111 } }, { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 114 } }, { "plugin": "licensing", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/licensing/server/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 115 } }, { "plugin": "indexManagement", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/index_management/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 10 } }, { "plugin": "indexManagement", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/index_management/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 43 } }, { "plugin": "indexManagement", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/index_management/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 50 } }, { "plugin": "crossClusterReplication", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/cross_cluster_replication/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 8 } }, { "plugin": "crossClusterReplication", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/cross_cluster_replication/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 41 } }, { "plugin": "globalSearch", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/global_search/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 11 } }, { "plugin": "globalSearch", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/global_search/server/types.ts", "lineNumber": 73 } }, { "plugin": "infra", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/infra/server/lib/log_analysis/log_entry_categories_analysis.ts", "lineNumber": 9 } }, { "plugin": "infra", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/infra/server/lib/log_analysis/log_entry_categories_analysis.ts", "lineNumber": 139 } }, { "plugin": "infra", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/infra/server/lib/log_analysis/log_entry_categories_analysis.ts", "lineNumber": 405 } }, { "plugin": "crossClusterReplication", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/cross_cluster_replication/target/types/server/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 1 } }, { "plugin": "crossClusterReplication", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/cross_cluster_replication/target/types/server/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 30 } }, { "plugin": "globalSearch", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/global_search/target/types/server/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 2 } }, { "plugin": "globalSearch", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/global_search/target/types/server/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 45 } }, { "plugin": "indexManagement", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/index_management/target/types/server/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 1 } }, { "plugin": "indexManagement", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/index_management/target/types/server/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 27 } }, { "plugin": "indexManagement", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/index_management/target/types/server/types.d.ts", "lineNumber": 33 } }, { "plugin": "infra", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/infra/target/types/server/lib/log_analysis/log_entry_categories_analysis.d.ts", "lineNumber": 1 } }, { "plugin": "infra", "link": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/infra/target/types/server/lib/log_analysis/log_entry_categories_analysis.d.ts", "lineNumber": 58 } } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LegacyElasticsearchClientConfig", "type": "Type", "tags": [ "privateRemarks", "deprecated" ], "label": "LegacyElasticsearchClientConfig", "description": [], "signature": [ "Pick<", "ConfigOptions", ", \"plugins\" | \"log\" | \"keepAlive\"> & Pick<", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.ElasticsearchConfig", "text": "ElasticsearchConfig" }, ", \"password\" | \"sniffOnStart\" | \"sniffOnConnectionFault\" | \"hosts\" | \"username\" | \"requestHeadersWhitelist\" | \"customHeaders\" | \"apiVersion\"> & { pingTimeout?: number | moment.Duration | undefined; requestTimeout?: number | moment.Duration | undefined; sniffInterval?: number | false | moment.Duration | undefined; ssl?: Partial; truststore: Readonly<{ path?: string | undefined; password?: string | undefined; } & {}>; alwaysPresentCertificate: boolean; }>, \"key\" | \"certificate\" | \"verificationMode\" | \"keyPassphrase\" | \"alwaysPresentCertificate\"> & { certificateAuthorities?: string[] | undefined; }> | undefined; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/elasticsearch_client_config.ts", "lineNumber": 27 }, "deprecated": true, "references": [], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LoggerConfigType", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "LoggerConfigType", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ readonly name: string; readonly level: ", "LogLevelId", "; readonly appenders: string[]; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/logging/logging_config.ts", "lineNumber": 60 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.LogMeta", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "LogMeta", "description": [ "\nRepresents the ECS schema with the following reserved keys excluded:\n- `ecs`\n- `@timestamp`\n- `message`\n- `log.level`\n- `log.logger`\n" ], "signature": [ "Pick<", "EcsBase", ", \"labels\" | \"tags\"> & ", "EcsTracing", " & { agent?: ", "EcsAgent", " | undefined; as?: ", "EcsAutonomousSystem", " | undefined; client?: ", "EcsClient", " | undefined; cloud?: ", "EcsCloud", " | undefined; container?: ", "EcsContainer", " | undefined; destination?: ", "EcsDestination", " | undefined; dns?: ", "EcsDns", " | undefined; error?: ", "EcsError", " | undefined; event?: ", "EcsEvent", " | undefined; file?: ", "EcsFile", " | undefined; group?: ", "EcsGroup", " | undefined; host?: ", "EcsHost", " | undefined; http?: ", "EcsHttp", " | undefined; log?: Pick<", "EcsLog", ", \"origin\" | \"original\" | \"file\" | \"syslog\"> | undefined; network?: ", "EcsNetwork", " | undefined; observer?: ", "EcsObserver", " | undefined; organization?: ", "EcsOrganization", " | undefined; package?: ", "EcsPackage", " | undefined; process?: ", "EcsProcess", " | undefined; registry?: ", "EcsRegistry", " | undefined; related?: ", "EcsRelated", " | undefined; rule?: ", "EcsRule", " | undefined; server?: ", "EcsServer", " | undefined; service?: ", "EcsService", " | undefined; source?: ", "EcsSource", " | undefined; threat?: ", "EcsThreat", " | undefined; tls?: ", "EcsTls", " | undefined; url?: ", "EcsUrl", " | undefined; user?: ", "EcsUser", " | undefined; user_agent?: ", "EcsUserAgent", " | undefined; vulnerability?: ", "EcsVulnerability", " | undefined; }" ], "source": { "path": "node_modules/@kbn/logging/target/log_meta.d.ts", "lineNumber": 44 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.MakeUsageFromSchema", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "MakeUsageFromSchema", "description": [ "\nList of configuration values that will be exposed to usage collection.\nIf parent node or actual config path is set to `true` then the actual value\nof these configs will be reoprted.\nIf parent node or actual config path is set to `false` then the config\nwill be reported as [redacted].\n" ], "signature": [ "{ [Key in keyof T]?: (T[Key] extends Maybe ? false : T[Key] extends any[] | undefined ? boolean : T[Key] extends object | undefined ? boolean | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.MakeUsageFromSchema", "text": "MakeUsageFromSchema" }, " : boolean) | undefined; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 97 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.MetricsServiceStart", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "MetricsServiceStart", "description": [ "\n{@inheritdoc MetricsServiceSetup}\n" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.MetricsServiceSetup", "text": "MetricsServiceSetup" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/metrics/types.ts", "lineNumber": 40 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION", "type": "Type", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION", "description": [], "signature": [ "\"upgrade\" | \"reindex\"" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/api_types.ts", "lineNumber": 330 }, "deprecated": true, "removeBy": "7.16", "references": [], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL", "type": "Type", "tags": [ "deprecated" ], "label": "MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL", "description": [], "signature": [ "\"warning\" | \"none\" | \"info\" | \"critical\"" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/legacy/api_types.ts", "lineNumber": 336 }, "deprecated": true, "removeBy": "7.16", "references": [], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginConfigSchema", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "PluginConfigSchema", "description": [ "\nDedicated type for plugin configuration schema.\n" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 28 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginInitializer", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "PluginInitializer", "description": [ "\nThe `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `server` directory should conform\nto this interface.\n" ], "signature": [ "(core: ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.PluginInitializerContext", "text": "PluginInitializerContext" }, ") => ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.Plugin", "text": "Plugin" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.AsyncPlugin", "text": "AsyncPlugin" }, "" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 444 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginName", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "PluginName", "description": [ "\nDedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays\nthat use it as a key or value more obvious.\n" ], "signature": [ "string" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 114 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PluginOpaqueId", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "PluginOpaqueId", "description": [], "signature": [ "symbol" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 117 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.PublicUiSettingsParams", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "PublicUiSettingsParams", "description": [ "\nA sub-set of {@link UiSettingsParams} exposed to the client-side." ], "signature": [ "{ type?: \"string\" | \"number\" | \"boolean\" | \"undefined\" | \"color\" | \"json\" | \"image\" | \"select\" | \"array\" | \"markdown\" | undefined; options?: string[] | undefined; description?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; order?: number | undefined; value?: unknown; category?: string[] | undefined; metric?: { type: ", "UiCounterMetricType", "; name: string; } | undefined; optionLabels?: Record | undefined; requiresPageReload?: boolean | undefined; readonly?: boolean | undefined; sensitive?: boolean | undefined; deprecation?: ", "DeprecationSettings", " | undefined; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 96 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObjectAttribute", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectAttribute", "description": [ "\nType definition for a Saved Object attribute value\n" ], "signature": [ "string | number | boolean | ", "SavedObjectAttributes", " | ", "SavedObjectAttributeSingle", "[] | null | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 27 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SavedObjectAttributeSingle", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "SavedObjectAttributeSingle", "description": [ "\nDon't use this type, it's simply a helper type for {@link SavedObjectAttribute}\n" ], "signature": [ "string | number | boolean | ", "SavedObjectAttributes", " | null | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/saved_objects.ts", "lineNumber": 14 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ScopeableRequest", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "ScopeableRequest", "description": [ "\n A user credentials container.\nIt accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.\n" ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.KibanaRequest", "text": "KibanaRequest" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCoreHttpPluginApi", "section": "def-server.LegacyRequest", "text": "LegacyRequest" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.FakeRequest", "text": "FakeRequest" } ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/elasticsearch/types.ts", "lineNumber": 201 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ServiceStatusLevel", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "ServiceStatusLevel", "description": [ "\nA convenience type that represents the union of each value in {@link ServiceStatusLevels}." ], "signature": [ "Readonly<{ toString: () => \"available\"; valueOf: () => 0; toJSON: () => \"available\"; }> | Readonly<{ toString: () => \"degraded\"; valueOf: () => 1; toJSON: () => \"degraded\"; }> | Readonly<{ toString: () => \"unavailable\"; valueOf: () => 2; toJSON: () => \"unavailable\"; }> | Readonly<{ toString: () => \"critical\"; valueOf: () => 3; toJSON: () => \"critical\"; }>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/status/types.ts", "lineNumber": 103 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.SharedGlobalConfig", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "SharedGlobalConfig", "description": [], "signature": [ "{ readonly kibana: Readonly<{ readonly index: string; readonly autocompleteTerminateAfter: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly autocompleteTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; }>; readonly elasticsearch: Readonly<{ readonly shardTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly requestTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly pingTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; }>; readonly path: Readonly<{ readonly data: string; }>; readonly savedObjects: Readonly<{ readonly maxImportPayloadBytes: Readonly<{ isGreaterThan: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; isLessThan: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; isEqualTo: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; getValueInBytes: () => number; toString: (returnUnit?: \"b\" | \"kb\" | \"mb\" | \"gb\" | undefined) => string; }>; }>; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/plugins/types.ts", "lineNumber": 325 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.StartServicesAccessor", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "StartServicesAccessor", "description": [ "\nAllows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers.\nPromise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`.\nThis should only be used inside handlers registered during `setup` that will only be executed\nafter `start` lifecycle.\n" ], "signature": [ "() => Promise<[", { "pluginId": "core", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibCorePluginApi", "section": "def-server.CoreStart", "text": "CoreStart" }, ", TPluginsStart, TStart]>" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/index.ts", "lineNumber": 510 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.UiSettingsType", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "UiSettingsType", "description": [ "\nUI element type to represent the settings." ], "signature": [ "\"string\" | \"number\" | \"boolean\" | \"undefined\" | \"color\" | \"json\" | \"image\" | \"select\" | \"array\" | \"markdown\"" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/types/ui_settings.ts", "lineNumber": 16 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false } ], "objects": [ { "parentPluginId": "core", "id": "def-server.ServiceStatusLevels", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "ServiceStatusLevels", "description": [ "\nThe current \"level\" of availability of a service.\n" ], "signature": [ "{ readonly available: Readonly<{ toString: () => \"available\"; valueOf: () => 0; toJSON: () => \"available\"; }>; readonly degraded: Readonly<{ toString: () => \"degraded\"; valueOf: () => 1; toJSON: () => \"degraded\"; }>; readonly unavailable: Readonly<{ toString: () => \"unavailable\"; valueOf: () => 2; toJSON: () => \"unavailable\"; }>; readonly critical: Readonly<{ toString: () => \"critical\"; valueOf: () => 3; toJSON: () => \"critical\"; }>; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/core/server/status/types.ts", "lineNumber": 56 }, "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false } ] }, "common": { "classes": [], "functions": [], "interfaces": [], "enums": [], "misc": [], "objects": [] } }