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Readonly<{ kibana: Readonly<{ readonly index: string; readonly autocompleteTerminateAfter: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly autocompleteTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; }>; elasticsearch: Readonly<{ readonly shardTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly requestTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly pingTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; }>; path: Readonly<{ readonly data: string; }>; savedObjects: Readonly<{ readonly maxImportPayloadBytes: Readonly<{ isGreaterThan: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; isLessThan: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; isEqualTo: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; getValueInBytes: () => number; toString: (returnUnit?: \"b\" | \"kb\" | \"mb\" | \"gb\" | undefined) => string; }>; }>; }>) => Pick<", "Search", "<", "RequestBody", ">>, \"timeout\">" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/server/search/strategies/es_search/request_utils.ts", "lineNumber": 14 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-server.getShardTimeout.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "config", "description": [], "signature": [ "Readonly<{ kibana: Readonly<{ readonly index: string; readonly autocompleteTerminateAfter: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly autocompleteTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; }>; elasticsearch: Readonly<{ readonly shardTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly requestTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; readonly pingTimeout: Readonly<{ clone: () => moment.Duration; humanize: { (argWithSuffix?: boolean | undefined, argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; (argThresholds?: moment.argThresholdOpts | undefined): string; }; abs: () => moment.Duration; as: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; get: (units: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => number; milliseconds: () => number; asMilliseconds: () => number; seconds: () => number; asSeconds: () => number; minutes: () => number; asMinutes: () => number; hours: () => number; asHours: () => number; days: () => number; asDays: () => number; weeks: () => number; asWeeks: () => number; months: () => number; asMonths: () => number; years: () => number; asYears: () => number; add: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; subtract: (inp?: moment.DurationInputArg1, unit?: \"year\" | \"years\" | \"y\" | \"month\" | \"months\" | \"M\" | \"week\" | \"weeks\" | \"w\" | \"day\" | \"days\" | \"d\" | \"hour\" | \"hours\" | \"h\" | \"minute\" | \"minutes\" | \"m\" | \"second\" | \"seconds\" | \"s\" | \"millisecond\" | \"milliseconds\" | \"ms\" | \"quarter\" | \"quarters\" | \"Q\" | undefined) => moment.Duration; locale: { (): string; (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Duration; }; localeData: () => moment.Locale; toISOString: () => string; toJSON: () => string; isValid: () => boolean; lang: { (locale: moment.LocaleSpecifier): moment.Moment; (): moment.Locale; }; toIsoString: () => string; }>; }>; path: Readonly<{ readonly data: string; }>; savedObjects: Readonly<{ readonly maxImportPayloadBytes: Readonly<{ isGreaterThan: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; isLessThan: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; isEqualTo: (other: ", "ByteSizeValue", ") => boolean; getValueInBytes: () => number; toString: (returnUnit?: \"b\" | \"kb\" | \"mb\" | \"gb\" | undefined) => string; }>; }>; }>" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/server/search/strategies/es_search/request_utils.ts", "lineNumber": 14 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-server.searchUsageObserver", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "searchUsageObserver", "description": [ "\nRxjs observer for easily doing `tap(searchUsageObserver(logger, usage))` in an rxjs chain." ], "signature": [ "(logger: ", "Logger", ", 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"def-server.searchUsageObserver.$2", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "usage", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SearchUsage", "text": "SearchUsage" }, " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/server/search/collectors/usage.ts", "lineNumber": 84 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-server.searchUsageObserver.$3", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "{ isRestore }", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.ISearchOptions", "text": "ISearchOptions" } ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/server/search/collectors/usage.ts", "lineNumber": 85 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-server.usageProvider", "type": "Function", "tags": [], 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"source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_configs.ts", "lineNumber": 307 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggConfigs.getResponseAggById", "type": "Function", "tags": [ "return" ], "label": "getResponseAggById", "description": [ "\nFind a response agg by it's id. This may be an agg in the aggConfigs, or one\ncreated specifically for a response value\n" ], "signature": [ "(id: string) => ", { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.AggConfig", "text": "AggConfig" }, " | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_configs.ts", "lineNumber": 321 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggConfigs.getResponseAggById.$1", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "id", "description": [ "- the id of the agg to find" ], "signature": [ "string" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_configs.ts", "lineNumber": 321 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggConfigs.onSearchRequestStart", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "onSearchRequestStart", "description": [], "signature": [ "(searchSource: Pick<", { "pluginId": 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"src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/aggs_service.ts", "lineNumber": 72 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType", "type": "Class", "tags": [], "label": "AggType", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.AggType", "text": "AggType" }, "" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 64 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.name", "type": "string", "tags": [ "property", "type" ], "label": "name", "description": [ "\nthe unique, unchanging, name that we have assigned this aggType\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 74 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.type", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "type", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 76 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.subtype", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "subtype", "description": [], "signature": [ "string | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 77 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.dslName", "type": "string", "tags": [ "property", "type" ], "label": "dslName", "description": [ "\nthe name of the elasticsearch aggregation that this aggType represents. Usually just this.name\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 84 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.expressionName", "type": "string", "tags": [ "property", "type" ], "label": "expressionName", "description": [ "\nthe name of the expression function that this aggType represents.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 91 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.title", "type": "string", "tags": [ "property", "type" ], "label": "title", "description": [ "\nthe user friendly name that will be shown in the ui for this aggType\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 98 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.valueType", "type": "CompoundType", "tags": [], "label": "valueType", "description": [ "\nThe type the values produced by this agg will have in the final data table.\nIf not specified, the type of the field is used." ], "signature": [ "\"string\" | \"number\" | \"boolean\" | \"object\" | \"date\" | \"_source\" | \"ip\" | \"attachment\" | \"geo_point\" | \"geo_shape\" | \"murmur3\" | \"unknown\" | \"conflict\" | \"nested\" | \"histogram\" | \"null\" | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 103 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.makeLabel", "type": "Function", "tags": [ "method" ], "label": "makeLabel", "description": [ "\na function that will be called when this aggType is assigned to\nan aggConfig, and that aggConfig is being rendered (in a form, chart, etc.).\n" ], "signature": [ "((aggConfig: TAggConfig) => string) | (() => string)" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 112 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [ "- label that can be used in the ui to describe the aggConfig" ], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.aggConfig", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "aggConfig", "description": [ "- an agg config of this type" ], "signature": [ "TAggConfig" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 112 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.ordered", "type": "Any", "tags": [ "property", "type" ], "label": "ordered", "description": [ "\nDescribes if this aggType creates data that is ordered, and if that ordered data\nis some sort of time series.\n\nIf the aggType does not create ordered data, set this to something \"falsy\".\n\nIf this does create orderedData, then the value should be an object.\n\nIf the orderdata is some sort of time series, `this.ordered` should be an object\nwith the property `date: true`\n" ], "signature": [ "any" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 127 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.hasNoDsl", "type": "boolean", "tags": [ "type" ], "label": "hasNoDsl", "description": [ "\nFlag that prevents this aggregation from being included in the dsl. This is only\nused by the count aggregation (currently) since it doesn't really exist and it's output\nis available on every bucket.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 135 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.hasNoDslParams", "type": "boolean", "tags": [ "type" ], "label": "hasNoDslParams", "description": [ "\nFlag that prevents params from this aggregation from being included in the dsl. Sibling and parent aggs are still written.\n" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 141 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.createFilter", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "createFilter", "description": [ "\nThe method to create a filter representation of the bucket" ], "signature": [ "((aggConfig: TAggConfig, key: any, params?: any) => any) | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 148 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.params", "type": "Array", "tags": [ "property", "type" ], "label": "params", "description": [ "\nAn instance of {{#crossLink \"AggParams\"}}{{/crossLink}}.\n" ], "signature": [ "TParam[]" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 155 }, "deprecated": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.getRequestAggs", "type": "Function", "tags": [ "method" ], "label": "getRequestAggs", "description": [ "\nDesigned for multi-value metric aggs, this method can return a\nset of AggConfigs that should replace this aggConfig in requests\n" ], "signature": [ "((aggConfig: TAggConfig) => TAggConfig[]) | (() => void | TAggConfig[])" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 165 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [ "- an array of aggConfig objects\n that should replace this one,\n or undefined" ], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.aggConfig", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "aggConfig", "description": [], "signature": [ "TAggConfig" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 165 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.getResponseAggs", "type": "Function", "tags": [ "method" ], "label": "getResponseAggs", "description": [ "\nDesigned for multi-value metric aggs, this method can return a\nset of AggConfigs that should replace this aggConfig in result sets\nthat walk the AggConfig set.\n" ], "signature": [ "((aggConfig: TAggConfig) => TAggConfig[]) | (() => void | TAggConfig[])" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 176 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [ "- an array of aggConfig objects\n that should replace this one,\n or undefined" ], "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.aggConfig", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "aggConfig", "description": [], "signature": [ "TAggConfig" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 176 }, "deprecated": false } ] }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.decorateAggConfig", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "decorateAggConfig", "description": [ "\nA function that will be called each time an aggConfig of this type\nis created, giving the agg type a chance to modify the agg config" ], "signature": [ "() => any" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/agg_type.ts", "lineNumber": 181 }, "deprecated": false, "returnComment": [], "children": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.AggType.postFlightRequest", "type": "Function", "tags": [ "return" ], "label": "postFlightRequest", "description": [ "\nA function that needs to be called after the main request has been made\nand should return an updated response" ], "signature": [ "(resp: ", "SearchResponse", ", aggConfigs: ", { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.AggConfigs", "text": "AggConfigs" }, ", aggConfig: TAggConfig, searchSource: Pick<", { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SearchSource", "text": "SearchSource" }, ", \"create\" | \"history\" | 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The references will be named `kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON.index`\nand `kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON.filter[].meta.index`.\n\nUsing `createSearchSource`, the instance can be re-created." ], "signature": [ "() => { searchSourceJSON: string; references: ", "SavedObjectReference", "[]; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/search_source/search_source.ts", "lineNumber": 860 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [], "returnComment": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.SearchSourceService", "type": "Class", "tags": [], "label": "SearchSourceService", "description": [], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/search_source/search_source_service.ts", "lineNumber": 12 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.SearchSourceService.setup", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "setup", "description": [], "signature": [ "() => void" ], "source": { "path": 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A pre-wired version is also exposed in\nthe start contract of the data plugin as part of the search service\n" ], "signature": [ "(indexPatterns: Pick<", { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataIndexPatternsPluginApi", "section": "def-common.IndexPatternsService", "text": "IndexPatternsService" }, ", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"ensureDefaultIndexPattern\" | \"getIds\" | \"getTitles\" | \"getIdsWithTitle\" | \"clearCache\" | \"getCache\" | \"getDefault\" | \"setDefault\" | \"getFieldsForWildcard\" | \"getFieldsForIndexPattern\" | \"refreshFields\" | \"fieldArrayToMap\" | \"savedObjectToSpec\" | \"createAndSave\" | \"createSavedObject\" | \"updateSavedObject\">, searchSourceDependencies: ", { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SearchSourceDependencies", "text": "SearchSourceDependencies" }, ") => (searchSourceFields?: ", { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SearchSourceFields", "text": "SearchSourceFields" }, ") => Promise<", { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SearchSource", "text": "SearchSource" }, ">" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/search_source/create_search_source.ts", "lineNumber": 31 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.createSearchSource.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "indexPatterns", "description": [], "signature": [ "Pick<", { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataIndexPatternsPluginApi", "section": "def-common.IndexPatternsService", "text": "IndexPatternsService" }, ", \"get\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"find\" | \"ensureDefaultIndexPattern\" | \"getIds\" | \"getTitles\" | \"getIdsWithTitle\" | \"clearCache\" | \"getCache\" | \"getDefault\" | \"setDefault\" | \"getFieldsForWildcard\" | \"getFieldsForIndexPattern\" | \"refreshFields\" | \"fieldArrayToMap\" | \"savedObjectToSpec\" | \"createAndSave\" | \"createSavedObject\" | \"updateSavedObject\">" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/search_source/create_search_source.ts", "lineNumber": 32 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.createSearchSource.$2", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "searchSourceDependencies", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SearchSourceDependencies", "text": "SearchSourceDependencies" } ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/search_source/create_search_source.ts", "lineNumber": 33 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [ "Wired utility function taking two parameters `searchSourceJson`, the json string\nreturned by `serializeSearchSource` and `references`, a list of references including the ones\nreturned by `serializeSearchSource`." ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.dateHistogramInterval", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "dateHistogramInterval", "description": [ "\nChecks whether a given Elasticsearch interval is a calendar or fixed interval\nand returns an object containing the appropriate date_histogram property for that\ninterval. So it will return either an object containing the fixed_interval key for\nthat interval or a calendar_interval. If the specified interval was not a valid Elasticsearch\ninterval this method will throw an error.\n\nYou can simply spread the returned value of this method into your date_histogram." ], "signature": [ "(interval: string) => Interval" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/utils/date_interval_utils/date_histogram_interval.ts", "lineNumber": 31 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.dateHistogramInterval.$1", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "interval", "description": [ "The interval string to return the appropriate date_histogram key for." ], "signature": [ "string" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/utils/date_interval_utils/date_histogram_interval.ts", "lineNumber": 31 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.extractReferences", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "extractReferences", 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Disallows unrecognized interval formats\nand fractional values. Converts some intervals from \"calendar\" to \"fixed\" when the number of\nunits is larger than 1, and throws an error for others.\n\nConversion rules:\n\n| Interval | Single unit type | Multiple units type |\n| -------- | ---------------- | ------------------- |\n| ms | fixed | fixed |\n| s | fixed | fixed |\n| m | calendar | fixed |\n| h | calendar | fixed |\n| d | calendar | fixed |\n| w | calendar | N/A - disallowed |\n| M | calendar | N/A - disallowed |\n| y | calendar | N/A - disallowed |\n" ], "signature": [ "(interval: string) => { value: number; unit: ", "Unit", "; type: \"calendar\" | \"fixed\"; }" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/utils/date_interval_utils/parse_es_interval.ts", "lineNumber": 39 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.parseEsInterval.$1", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "interval", "description": [], "signature": [ "string" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/utils/date_interval_utils/parse_es_interval.ts", "lineNumber": 39 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.parseInterval", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "parseInterval", "description": [], "signature": [ "(interval: string) => moment.Duration | null" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/utils/date_interval_utils/parse_interval.ts", "lineNumber": 29 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.parseInterval.$1", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "interval", "description": [], "signature": [ "string" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/aggs/utils/date_interval_utils/parse_interval.ts", "lineNumber": 29 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.parseSearchSourceJSON", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "parseSearchSourceJSON", "description": [], "signature": [ "(searchSourceJSON: string) => ", { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SearchSourceFields", "text": "SearchSourceFields" } ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/search_source/parse_json.ts", "lineNumber": 12 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.parseSearchSourceJSON.$1", "type": "string", "tags": [], "label": "searchSourceJSON", "description": [], "signature": [ "string" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/search_source/parse_json.ts", "lineNumber": 12 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.pollSearch", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "pollSearch", "description": [], "signature": [ ">(search: () => Promise, cancel?: (() => void) | undefined, { pollInterval, abortSignal }?: ", { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.IAsyncSearchOptions", "text": "IAsyncSearchOptions" }, ") => ", "Observable", "" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/poll_search.ts", "lineNumber": 18 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.pollSearch.$1", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "search", "description": [], "signature": [ "() => Promise" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/poll_search.ts", "lineNumber": 19 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.pollSearch.$2", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "cancel", "description": [], "signature": [ "(() => void) | undefined" ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/poll_search.ts", "lineNumber": 20 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.pollSearch.$3", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "{ pollInterval = 1000, abortSignal }", "description": [], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "data", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibDataSearchPluginApi", "section": "def-common.IAsyncSearchOptions", "text": "IAsyncSearchOptions" } ], "source": { "path": "src/plugins/data/common/search/poll_search.ts", "lineNumber": 21 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "data", "id": "def-common.propFilter", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "propFilter", "description": [ "\nFilters out a list by a given filter. 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