[role="xpack"] [[logstash-configuration-management-api]] == Logstash configuration management APIs Programmatically integrate with Logstash configuration management. WARNING: Do not directly access the `.logstash` index. The structure of the `.logstash` index is subject to change, which could cause your integration to break. Instead, use the Logstash configuration management APIs. The following Logstash configuration management APIs are available: * <> to delete a centrally-managed Logstash pipeline * <> to list all centrally-managed Logstash pipelines * <> to create a centrally-managed Logstash pipeline, or update an existing pipeline * <> to retrieve a centrally-managed Logstash pipeline include::logstash-configuration-management/delete-pipeline.asciidoc[] include::logstash-configuration-management/list-pipeline.asciidoc[] include::logstash-configuration-management/create-logstash.asciidoc[] include::logstash-configuration-management/retrieve-pipeline.asciidoc[]