[role="xpack"] [[xpack-logs-using]] == Using the Logs UI Customize the Logs UI to focus on the data you want to see and control how you see it. [role="screenshot"] image::logs/images/logs-console.png[Log Console in Kibana] [float] [[logs-search]] === Use the power of Search The Search bar is always available. Use it to perform adhoc and structured searches by taking advantage of the <> with autocompletion suggestions. [role="screenshot"] image::logs/images/logs-usage-query-bar.png[Logs query bar] [float] [[logs-configure-source]] === Adapt to your log source Using a custom index pattern to store the log entries, want to limit the entries presented in a space or change the fields displayed in the columns? Use <> to change the index pattern and other settings. [role="screenshot"] image::logs/images/logs-usage-column-headers.png[Logs column headers] [float] [[logs-time]] === Jump to a specific time period Use the time selector to focus on a specific timeframe. [role="screenshot"] image::logs/images/logs-usage-time-picker.png[Logs time selector] To quickly jump to a nearby point in time, click on the timeline to the right. [role="screenshot"] image::logs/images/logs-usage-timeline.png[Logs timeline] [float] [[logs-customize]] === Customize your view Use *Customize* to adjust your console view and to set the time scale of the log data. * *Text size.* Select `Small`, `Medium`, or `Large`. * *Wrap long lines.* Enable or disable line wrap. * *Minimap Scale.* Set the scale to 'year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', or 'minute'. [role="screenshot"] image::logs/images/logs-usage-customize.png[Logs view customization popover] [float] [[logs-stream]] === Stream or pause logs You can stream data for live log tailing, or pause streaming to focus on historical log data. [role="screenshot"] image::logs/images/logs-usage-start-streaming.png[Logs start streaming] [role="screenshot"] image::logs/images/logs-usage-stop-streaming.png[Logs stop streaming] When you are streaming logs, the most recent log appears at the bottom on the console. [role="screenshot"] image::logs/images/logs-usage-streaming-indicator.png[Logs streaming indicator] Historical data offers infinite scrolling.