For example, the following watch generates a report that contains the *Error Monitoring* dashboard and emails the report every hour: [source,js] --------------------------------------------------------- PUT _watcher/watch/error_report { "trigger" : { "schedule": { "interval": "1h" } }, "actions" : { "email_admin" : { <1> "email": { "to": "'Recipient Name '", "subject": "Error Monitoring Report", "attachments" : { "error_report.pdf" : { "reporting" : { "url": ",mode:quick,to:now))", <2> "retries":6, <3> "interval":"1s", <4> "auth":{ <5> "basic":{ "username":"elastic", "password":"changeme" } } } } } } } } } --------------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE <1> You must configure at least one email account to enable Watcher to send email. For more information, see {xpack-ref}/actions-email.html#configuring-email[Configuring Email Accounts]. <2> This is an example Generation URL. You can copy and paste the URL for any report from the Kibana UI. <3> Optional, default is 40 <4> Optional, default is 15s <5> Provide user credentials for a user with permission to access Kibana and {reporting}. //For more information, see <>. //<>.