[role="xpack"] [[maps-troubleshooting]] == Elastic Maps troubleshooting Use the information in this section to inspect Elasticsearch requests and find solutions to common problems. [float] === Inspect Elasticsearch requests *Elastic Maps* uses the {ref}/search-search.html[{es} search API] to get documents and aggregation results from {es}. To troubleshoot these requests, open the Inspector, which shows the most recent requests for each layer. You can switch between different requests using the *Request* dropdown. [role="screenshot"] image::maps/images/inspector.png[] [float] === Solutions to common problems [float] ==== Features are not displayed * Use Inspector to view {es} responses. Ensure the response is not empty. * Ensure geometry uses the correct latitude and longitude ordering. ** Geo-points expressed as strings are ordered as `"latitude,longitude"`. Geo-points expressed as arrays are ordered as the reverse: `[longitude, latitude]`. ** Geo-shapes expressed as geojson provide coordinates as `[longitude, latitude]`. * Ensure fill color and border color are distinguishable from map tiles. It's hard to see white features on a white background. [float] ==== Tiles are not displayed * Ensure your tile server has configured https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS[Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)] so tile requests from your Kibana domain have permission to access your tile server domain. * Ensure tiles have the required coordinate system. Vector data must use EPSG:4326 and tiles must use EPSG:3857. [float] ==== Coordinate and region map visualizations not available in New Visualization menu Kibana’s out-of-the-box settings no longer offers coordinate and region maps as a choice in the New Visualization menu because you can create these maps in *Elastic Maps*. If you want to create new coordinate and region map visualizations, set `xpack.maps.showMapVisualizationTypes` to `true`.