[[visualize]] = Visualize [partintro] -- _Visualize_ enables you to create visualizations of the data from your {es} indices, which you can then add to dashboards for analysis. {kib} visualizations are based on {es} queries. By using a series of {es} {ref}/search-aggregations.html[aggregations] to extract and process your data, you can create charts that show you the trends, spikes, and dips you need to know about. To begin, open *Visualize*, then click *Create new visualization*. [float] [[visualization-types]] == Types of visualizations {kib} supports several types of visualizations. <>:: Quickly build several types of basic visualizations by simply dragging and dropping the data fields you want to display. <>:: * *Line, area, and bar charts* — Compares different series in X/Y charts. * *Pie chart* — Displays each source contribution to a total. * *Data table* — Flattens aggregations into table format. * *Metric* — Displays a single number. * *Goal and gauge* — Displays a number with progress indicators. * *Tag cloud* — Displays words in a cloud, where the size of the word corresponds to its importance. <>:: Visualizes time series data using pipeline aggregations. <>:: Computes and combine data from multiple time series data sets. <>:: * *<>* — Displays geospatial data in {kib}. * <>:: Display shaded cells within a matrix. <>:: * *Markdown widget* — Displays free-form information or instructions. * *Controls* — Adds interactive inputs to a dashboard. <>:: Completes control over query and display. [float] [[choose-your-data]] == Choose your data Specify a search query to retrieve the data for your visualization, or used rolled up data. * To enter new search criteria, select the <> for the indices that contain the data you want to visualize. The visualization builder opens with a wildcard query that matches all of the documents in the selected indices. * To build a visualization from a saved search, click the name of the saved search you want to use. The visualization builder opens and loads the selected query. + NOTE: When you build a visualization from a saved search, any subsequent modifications to the saved search are reflected in the visualization. To disable automatic updates, delete the visualization on the *Saved Object* page. * To build a visualization using <>, select the index pattern that includes the data. Rolled up data is summarized into time buckets that can be split into sub buckets for numeric field values or terms. To lower granularity, use a time aggregation that uses and combines several time buckets. For an example, refer to <>. [float] [[vis-inspector]] == Inspect visualizations Many visualizations allow you to inspect the query and data behind the visualization. . In the {kib} toolbar, click *Inspect*. . To download the data, click *Download CSV*, then choose one of the following options: * *Formatted CSV* - Downloads the data in table format. * *Raw CSV* - Downloads the data as provided. . To view the requests for collecting data, select *Requests* from the *View* dropdown. [float] [[save-visualize]] == Save visualizations To use your visualizations in <>, you must save them. . In the {kib} toolbar, click *Save*. . Enter the visualization *Title* and optional *Description*, then *Save* the visualization. To access the saved visualization, go to *Management > {kib} > Saved Objects*. [float] [[save-visualization-read-only-access]] ==== Read only access When you have insufficient privileges to save visualizations, the following indicator is displayed and the *Save* button is not visible. For more information, refer to <>. [role="screenshot"] image::visualize/images/read-only-badge.png[Example of Visualize's read only access indicator in Kibana's header] [float] [[visualize-share-options]] == Share visualizations When you've finished your visualization, you can share it outside of {kib}. From the *Share* menu, you can: * Embed the code in a web page. Users must have {kib} access to view an embedded visualization. * Share a direct link to a {kib} visualization. * Generate a PDF report. * Generate a PNG report. -- include::{kib-repo-dir}/visualize/aggregations.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/visualize/lens.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/visualize/most-frequent.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/visualize/tsvb.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/visualize/timelion.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/visualize/tilemap.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/visualize/for-dashboard.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/visualize/vega.asciidoc[]