[role="xpack"] [[apm-settings-kb]] === APM Settings in Kibana ++++ APM Settings ++++ You do not need to configure any settings to use APM. It is enabled by default. [float] [[general-apm-settings-kb]] ==== General APM Settings xpack.apm.enabled:: Set to `false` to disabled the APM plugin {kib}. Defaults to `true`. xpack.apm.ui.enabled:: Set to `false` to hide the APM plugin {kib} from the menu. Defaults to `true`. apm_oss.indexPattern:: Index pattern is used for integrations with Machine Learning and Kuery Bar. It must match all apm indices. Defaults to `apm-*`. apm_oss.errorIndices:: Matcher for indices containing error documents. Defaults to `apm-*`. apm_oss.onboardingIndices:: Matcher for indices containing onboarding documents. Defaults to `apm-*`. apm_oss.spanIndices:: Matcher for indices containing span documents. Defaults to `apm-*`. apm_oss.transactionIndices:: Matcher for indices containing transaction documents. Defaults to `apm-*`.