[[get-started]] == Quick start To quickly get up and running with {kib}, set up on Cloud, then add a sample data set that you can explore and analyze. When you've finished, you'll know how to: * <> * <> [float] === Required privileges When security is enabled, you must have `read`, `write`, and `manage` privileges on the `kibana_sample_data_*` indices. Learn how to <>, or refer to {ref}/security-privileges.html[Security privileges] for more information. [float] [[set-up-on-cloud]] == Set up on cloud include::{docs-root}/shared/cloud/ess-getting-started.asciidoc[] [float] [[gs-get-data-into-kibana]] == Add the sample data Sample data sets come with sample visualizations, dashboards, and more to help you explore {kib} before you ingest or add your own data. . On the home page, click *Try our sample data*. . On the *Sample eCommerce orders* card, click *Add data*. + [role="screenshot"] image::images/addData_sampleDataCards_7.15.0.png[Add data UI for the sample data sets] [float] [[explore-the-data]] == Explore the data *Discover* displays the data in an interactive histogram that shows the distribution of data, or documents, over time, and a table that lists the fields for each document that matches the index pattern. To view a subset of the documents, you can apply filters to the data, and customize the table to display only the fields you want to explore. . Open the main menu, then click *Discover*. . Change the <> to *Last 7 days*. + [role="screenshot"] image::images/tutorial-discover-2.png[Time filter menu with Last 7 days filter configured] . To view the sales orders for women's clothing that are $60 or more, use the <> search field: + [source,text] products.taxless_price >= 60 and category : Women's Clothing + [role="screenshot"] image::images/tutorial-discover-4.png[Discover tables that displays only the orders for women's clothing that are $60 or more] . To view only the product categories that contain sales orders, hover over the *category* field, then click *+*. + [role="screenshot"] image::images/tutorial-discover-3.png[Discover table that displays only the product categories that contain orders] [float] [[view-and-analyze-the-data]] == View and analyze the data A dashboard is a collection of panels that you can use to view and analyze the data. Panels contain visualizations, interactive controls, text, and more. . Open the main menu, then click *Dashboard*. . Click *[eCommerce] Revenue Dashboard*. + [role="screenshot"] image::images/dashboard_ecommerceRevenueDashboard_7.15.0.png[The [eCommerce] Revenue Dashboard that comes with the Sample eCommerce order data set] [float] [[create-a-visualization]] === Create a visualization panel Create a treemap panel that shows the top sales regions and manufacturers, then add the panel to the dashboard. . In the toolbar, click *Edit*. . On the dashboard, click *Create visualization*. . In the drag-and-drop visualization editor, open the *Visualization type* dropdown, then select *Treemap*. + [role="screenshot"] image::getting-started/images/tutorial-visualization-dropdown.png[Chart type menu with Treemap selected] . From the *Available fields* list, drag the following fields to the workspace: * *geoip.city_name* * *manufacturer.keyword* + [role="screenshot"] image::getting-started/images/tutorial-visualization-treemap.png[Treemap that displays Top values of geoip.city_name and Top values or manufacturer.keyword fields] . Click *Save and return*. + The treemap appears as the last visualization panel on the dashboard. [float] [[interact-with-the-data]] === Interact with the data You can interact with the dashboard data using controls that allow you to apply dashboard-level filters. Interact with the *[eCommerce] Controls* panel to view the women's clothing data from the Gnomehouse manufacturer. . From the *Manufacturer* dropdown, select *Gnomehouse*. . From the *Category* dropdown, select *Women's Clothing*. . Click *Apply changes*. + [role="screenshot"] image::images/dashboard_sampleDataFilter_7.15.0.png[The [eCommerce] Revenue Dashboard that shows only the women's clothing data from the Gnomehouse manufacturer] [float] [[filter-and-query-the-data]] === Filter the data To view a subset of the data, you can apply filters to the dashboard panels. Apply a filter to view the women's clothing data generated on Wednesday from the Gnomehouse manufacturer. . Click *Add filter*. . From the *Field* dropdown, select *day_of_week*. . From the *Operator* dropdown, select *is*. . From the *Value* dropdown, select *Wednesday*. . Click *Save*. + [role="screenshot"] image::images/dashboard_sampleDataAddFilter_7.15.0.png[The [eCommerce] Revenue Dashboard that shows only the women's clothing data generated on Wednesday from the Gnomehouse manufacturer] [float] [[quick-start-whats-next]] == What's next? *Add your own data.* Ready to add your own data? Go to {fleet-guide}/fleet-quick-start.html[Quick start: Get logs and metrics into the Elastic Stack] to learn how to ingest your data, or go to <> and learn about all the other ways you can add data. *Explore your own data in Discover.* Ready to learn more about exploring your data in *Discover*? Go to <>. *Create a dashboard with your own data.* Ready to learn more about analyzing your data in *Dashboard*? Go to <>. *Try out the {ml-features}.* Ready to analyze the sample data sets and generate models for its patterns of behavior? Go to {ml-docs}/ml-getting-started.html[Getting started with {ml}].