[[dashboards]] == Monitoring's Dashboards === Overview Dashboard The _Overview_ dashboard is Monitoring's main page. The dashboard displays the essentials metrics you need to know that your cluster is healthy. It also provides an overview of your nodes and indices, displayed in two clean tables with the relevant key metrics. If some value needs your attention, they will be highlighted in yellow or red. The nodes and indices tables also serve as an entry point to the more detailed _Node Statistics_ and _Index Statistics_ dashboards. overview_thumb.png["Overview Dashboard",link="images/overview.png"] === Node & Index Statistics The _Node Statistics_ dashboard displays metric charts from the perspective of one or more nodes. Metrics include hardware level metrics (like load and CPU usage), process and JVM metrics (memory usage, GC), and node level Elasticsearch metrics such as field data usage, search requests rate and thread pool rejection. node_stats_thumb.png["Node Statistics Dashboard",link="images/node_stats.png"] The _Index Statistics_ dashboard is very similar to the _Node Statistics_ dashboard, but it shows you all the metrics from the perspective of one or more indices. The metrics are per index, with data aggregated from all of the nodes in the cluster. For example, the ''store size'' chart shows the total size of the index data across the whole cluster. index_stats_thumb.png["Index Statistics Dashboard",link="images/index_stats.png"] === Shard Allocation The _Shard Allocation_ dashboard displays how the shards are allocated across nodes. The dashboard also shows the status of the shards. It has two perspectives, _By Indices_ and _By Nodes_. The _By Indices_ view lists each index and shows you how it's shards are distributed across nodes. The _By Nodes_ view lists each node and shows you which shards the node current host. The viewer also has a playback feature which allows you to view the history of the shard allocation. You can rewind to each allocation event and then play back the history from any point in time. Hover on relocating shards to highlight both their previous and new location. The time line color changes based on the state of the cluster for each time period. shard_allocation_thumb.png["Shard Allocation Dashboard",link="images/shard_allocation.png"] === Cluster Pulse The Cluster Pulse Dashboard allows you to see any event of interest in the cluster. Typical events include nodes joining or leaving, master election, index creation, shard (re)allocation and more. cluster_pulse_thumb.png["Index Statistics Dashboard",link="images/cluster_pulse.png"] [[sense]] === Sense _Sense_ is a lightweight developer console. The console is handy when you want to make an extra API call to check something or perhaps tweak a setting. The developer console understands both JSON and the Elasticsearch API, offering suggestions and autocompletion. It is very useful for prototyping queries, researching your data or any other administrative work with the API. image::images/sense_thumb.png["Developer Console",link="sense.png"]