[[dashboard]] = Dashboard [partintro] -- A Kibana _dashboard_ displays a collection of saved visualizations. .Sample dashboard. image:images/tutorial-dashboard.png[Example dashboard] In edit mode you can arrange and resize the visualizations as needed and save dashboards so they be reloaded and shared. .Edit mode image:images/Dashboard-Tutorial-Edit-Mode.png[Example dashboard in edit mode] -- [[dashboard-getting-started]] == Building a Dashboard To build a dashboard: . Click *Dashboard* in the side navigation. If you haven't previously viewed a dashboard, Kibana displays a landing page where you can click *+*. Otherwise, click the *Dashboard* breadcrumb to navigate back to the landing page. + image:images/Dashboard-Landing-Page.png[Dashboard Landing Page] [[adding-visualizations-to-a-dashboard]] . To add a visualization to the dashboard, click *Edit* mode. Brand new dashboards will be in *Edit* mode automatically. + image:images/Dashboard-View-Mode.png[Dashboard View Mode] . Once in Edit mode, click *Add* and select the visualization. If you have a large number of visualizations, you can enter a *Filter* string to filter the list. + image:images/Dashboard-Edit-Mode.png[Dashboard Edit Mode] + Kibana displays the selected visualization in a container on the dashboard. If you see a message that the container is too small, you can <>. + NOTE: By default, Kibana dashboards use a light color theme. To use a dark color theme, click *Options* and select *Use dark theme*. To change the default theme, go to *Management/Kibana/Advanced Settings* and set `dashboard:defaultDarkTheme` to `true`. [[saving-dashboards]] . When you're done adding and arranging visualizations, click *Save* to save the dashboard: .. Enter a name for the dashboard. .. To store the time period specified in the time filter with the dashboard, select *Store time with dashboard*. .. Click the *Save* button to store it as a Kibana saved object. [float] [[customizing-your-dashboard]] === Arranging Dashboard Elements In *Edit Mode*, visualizations in your dashboard are stored in resizable, moveable containers. [float] [[moving-containers]] ==== Moving Visualizations To reposition a visualization: . Hover over it to display the container controls. . Click and hold the *Move* button in the upper right corner of the container. . Drag the container to its new position. . Release the *Move* button. [float] [[resizing-containers]] ==== Resizing Visualizations To resize a visualization: . Hover over it to display the container controls. . Click and hold the *Resize* button in the bottom right corner of the container. . Drag to change the dimensions of the container. . Release the *Resize* button. [float] [[removing-containers]] ==== Removing Visualizations To remove a visualization from the dashboard: . Hover over it to display the container controls. . Click the *Delete* button in the upper right corner of the container. + NOTE: Removing a visualization from a dashboard does _not_ delete the saved visualization. [float] [[viewing-detailed-information]] === Viewing Visualization Data To display the raw data behind a visualization: . Hover over it to display the container controls. . Click the *Expand* button in the lower left corner of the container. This displays a table that contains the underlying data. You can also view the raw Elasticsearch request and response in JSON and the request statistics. The request statistics show the query duration, request duration, total number of matching records, and the index (or index pattern) that was searched. + image:images/NYCTA-Table.jpg[] To export the data behind the visualization as a comma-separated-values (CSV) file, click the *Raw* or *Formatted* link at the bottom of the data Table. *Raw* exports the data as it is stored in Elasticsearch. *Formatted* exports the results of any applicable Kibana <>. To return to the visualization, click the *Collapse* button in the lower left corner of the container. [float] [[changing-the-visualization]] === Modifying a Visualization To open a visualization in the Visualization Editor: . Enter Edit Mode. . Hover over it to display the container controls. . Click the *Edit* button in the upper right corner of the container. [[loading-a-saved-dashboard]] == Loading a Dashboard To open a saved dashboard: . Click *Dashboard* in the side navigation. . Click *Open* and select a dashboard. If you have a large number of dashboards, you can enter a *Filter* string to filter the list. + TIP: To import, export, and delete dashboards, click the *Manage Dashboards* link to open *Management/Kibana/Saved Objects/Dashboards*. [[sharing-dashboards]] == Sharing a Dashboard You can either share a direct link to a Kibana dashboard with another user, or embed the dashboard in a web page. Users must have Kibana access to view embedded dashboards. [[embedding-dashboards]] To share a dashboard: . Click *Dashboard* in the side navigation. . Open the dashboard you want to share. . Click *Share*. . Copy the link you want to share or the iframe you want to embed. You can share the live dashboard or a static snapshot of the current point in time. + TIP: When sharing a link to a dashboard snapshot, use the *Short URL*. Snapshot URLs are long and can be problematic for Internet Explorer users and other tools.