def print() { try { def startTime = sh(script: "date -d '-3 minutes' -Iseconds | sed s/+/%2B/", returnStdout: true).trim() def endTime = sh(script: "date -d '+1 hour 30 minutes' -Iseconds | sed s/+/%2B/", returnStdout: true).trim() def resourcesUrl = ( "" + "?_g=(time:(from:'${startTime}',to:'${endTime}'))" + "&_a=(query:'${env.NODE_NAME}')" ) .replaceAll("'", '%27') // Need to escape ' because of the shell echo below, but can't really replace "'" with "\'" because of groovy sandbox .replaceAll(/\)$/, '%29') // This is just here because the URL parsing in the Jenkins console doesn't work right def logsStartTime = sh(script: "date -d '-3 minutes' +%s", returnStdout: true).trim() def logsUrl = ( "" + "?_g=()&flyoutOptions=(flyoutId:!n,flyoutVisibility:hidden,surroundingLogsId:!n)" + "&logFilter=(expression:'${env.NODE_NAME}',kind:kuery)" + "&logPosition=(position:(time:${logsStartTime}000),streamLive:!f)" ) .replaceAll("'", '%27') .replaceAll('\\)', '%29') sh script: """ set +x echo 'Resource Graph:' echo '${resourcesUrl}' echo '' echo 'Agent Logs:' echo '${logsUrl}' echo '' echo 'SSH Command:' echo "ssh -F ssh_config \$(hostname --ip-address)" """, label: "Worker/Agent/Node debug links" } catch(ex) { print ex.toString() } } return this