[role="xpack"] [[maps-vector-style-properties]] === Vector style properties Point, polygon, and line features support different styling properties. [float] [[point-style-properties]] ==== Point style properties You can add text labels to your Point features by configuring label style properties. [cols="2*"] |=== |*Label* |Specifies label content. |*Label color* |The text color. |*Label size* |The size of the text, in pixels. |*Label border color* |The color of the label border. |*Label border width* |The width of the label border. |=== You can symbolize Point features as *Circle markers* or *Icons*. Use *Circle marker* to symbolize Points as circles. [cols="2*"] |=== |*Border color* |The border color of the point features. |*Border width* |The border width of the point features. |*Fill color* |The fill color of the point features. |*Symbol size* |The radius of the symbol size, in pixels. |=== Use *Icon* to symbolize Points as icons. [cols="2*"] |=== |*Border color* |The border color of the point features. |*Border width* |The border width of the point features. |*Fill color* |The fill color of the point features. |*Symbol orientation* |The symbol orientation rotating the icon clockwise. |*Symbol size* |The radius of the symbol size, in pixels. |=== Available icons [role="screenshot"] image::maps/images/maki-icons.png[] [float] [[polygon-style-properties]] ==== Polygon style properties [cols="2*"] |=== |*Border color* |The border color of the polygon features. |*Border width* |The border width of the polygon features. |*Fill color* |The fill color of the polygon features. |*Label* |Specifies label content. For polygons, the label is positioned at the polygon centroid. For multi-polygons, the label is positioned at the largest polygon centroid. |*Label color* |The text color. |*Label size* |The size of the text, in pixels. |*Label border color* |The color of the label border. |*Label border width* |The width of the label border. |=== [float] [[line-style-properties]] ==== Line style properties [cols="2*"] |=== |*Border color* |The color of the line features. |*Border width* |The width of the line features. |*Label* |Specifies label content. For lines, the label is positioned at the center of the line. For multi-lines, the label is positioned at the center of the longest line. |*Label color* |The text color. |*Label size* |The size of the text, in pixels. |*Label border color* |The color of the label border. |*Label border width* |The width of the label border. |===