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"def-common.ReduxLikeStateContainer", "text": "ReduxLikeStateContainer" }, "<", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.State", "text": "State" }, ", ", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.Transitions", "text": "Transitions" }, ", ", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.Selectors", "text": "Selectors" }, ">" ] }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.Unnamed", "type": "Function", "label": "Constructor", "signature": [ "any" ], "description": [], "children": [ { "type": "Object", "label": "params", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.DynamicActionManagerParams", "text": "DynamicActionManagerParams" } ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 59 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 59 } }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.getEvent", "type": "Function", "label": "getEvent", "signature": [ "(eventId: string) => ", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedEvent", "text": "SerializedEvent" } ], "description": [], "children": [ { "type": "string", "label": "eventId", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "string" ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 61 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 61 } }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.generateActionId", "type": "Function", "label": "generateActionId", "signature": [ "(eventId: string) => string" ], "description": [ "\nWe prefix action IDs with a unique `.idPrefix`, so we can render the\nsame dashboard twice on the screen." ], "children": [ { "type": "string", "label": "eventId", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "string" ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 71 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 71 } }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.reviveAction", "type": "Function", "label": "reviveAction", "signature": [ "(event: ", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedEvent", "text": "SerializedEvent" }, ") => void" ], "description": [], "children": [ { "type": "Object", "label": "event", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedEvent", "text": "SerializedEvent" } ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 75 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 75 } }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.killAction", "type": "Function", "label": "killAction", "signature": [ "({ eventId, triggers }: ", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedEvent", "text": "SerializedEvent" }, ") => void" ], "description": [], "children": [ { "type": "Object", "label": "{ eventId, triggers }", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedEvent", "text": "SerializedEvent" } ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 115 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 115 } }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.state", "type": "Object", "label": "state", "description": [ "\nRead-only state container of dynamic action manager. Use it to perform all\n*read* operations." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 159 }, "signature": [ { "pluginId": "kibanaUtils", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibKibanaUtilsPluginApi", "section": "def-common.StateContainer", "text": "StateContainer" }, "<", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.State", "text": "State" }, ", object, {}>" ] }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.start", "type": "Function", "label": "start", "signature": [ "() => Promise" ], "description": [ "\n1. Loads all events from @type {DynamicActionStorage} storage.\n2. Creates actions for each event in `ui_actions` registry.\n3. Adds events to UI state.\n4. Does nothing if dynamic action manager was stopped or if event fetching\n is already taking place." ], "children": [], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 168 } }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.stop", "type": "Function", "label": "stop", "signature": [ "() => Promise" ], "description": [ "\n1. Removes all events from `ui_actions` registry.\n2. Puts dynamic action manager is stopped state." ], "children": [], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 192 } }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.createEvent", "type": "Function", "label": "createEvent", "signature": [ "(action: ", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedAction", "text": "SerializedAction" }, "<", { "pluginId": "kibanaUtils", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibKibanaUtilsPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializableState", "text": "SerializableState" }, ">, triggers: string[]) => Promise" ], "description": [ "\nCreates a new event.\n\n1. Stores event in @type {DynamicActionStorage} storage.\n2. Optimistically adds it to UI state, and rolls back on failure.\n3. Adds action to `ui_actions` registry.\n" ], "children": [ { "type": "Object", "label": "action", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedAction", "text": "SerializedAction" }, "<", { "pluginId": "kibanaUtils", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibKibanaUtilsPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializableState", "text": "SerializableState" }, ">" ], "description": [ "Dynamic action for which to create an event." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 215 } }, { "type": "Array", "label": "triggers", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "string[]" ], "description": [ "List of triggers to which action should react." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 215 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 215 } }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.updateEvent", "type": "Function", "label": "updateEvent", "signature": [ "(eventId: string, action: ", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedAction", "text": "SerializedAction" }, "<", { "pluginId": "kibanaUtils", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibKibanaUtilsPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializableState", "text": "SerializableState" }, ">, triggers: string[]) => Promise" ], "description": [ "\nUpdates an existing event. Fails if event with given `eventId` does not\nexit.\n\n1. Updates the event in @type {DynamicActionStorage} storage.\n2. Optimistically replaces the old event by the new one in UI state, and\n rolls back on failure.\n3. Replaces action in `ui_actions` registry with the new event.\n\n" ], "children": [ { "type": "string", "label": "eventId", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "string" ], "description": [ "ID of the event to replace." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 246 } }, { "type": "Object", "label": "action", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedAction", "text": "SerializedAction" }, "<", { "pluginId": "kibanaUtils", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibKibanaUtilsPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializableState", "text": "SerializableState" }, ">" ], "description": [ "New action for which to create the event." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 246 } }, { "type": "Array", "label": "triggers", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "string[]" ], "description": [ "List of triggers to which action should react." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 246 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 246 } }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.deleteEvent", "type": "Function", "label": "deleteEvent", "signature": [ "(eventId: string) => Promise" ], "description": [ "\nRemoves existing event. Throws if event does not exist.\n\n1. Removes the event from @type {DynamicActionStorage} storage.\n2. Optimistically removes event from UI state, and puts it back on failure.\n3. Removes associated action from `ui_actions` registry.\n" ], "children": [ { "type": "string", "label": "eventId", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "string" ], "description": [ "ID of the event to remove." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 277 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 277 } }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManager.deleteEvents", "type": "Function", "label": "deleteEvents", "signature": [ "(eventIds: string[]) => Promise" ], "description": [ "\nDeletes multiple events at once.\n" ], "children": [ { "type": "Array", "label": "eventIds", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "string[]" ], "description": [ "List of event IDs." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 297 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 297 } } ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 47 }, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "id": "def-public.MemoryActionStorage", "type": "Class", "tags": [], "label": "MemoryActionStorage", "description": [ "\nThis is an in-memory implementation of ActionStorage. It is used in testing,\nbut can also be used production code to store events in memory." ], "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.MemoryActionStorage", "text": "MemoryActionStorage" }, " extends ", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.AbstractActionStorage", "text": "AbstractActionStorage" } ], "children": [ { "id": "def-public.MemoryActionStorage.Unnamed", "type": "Function", "label": "Constructor", "signature": [ "any" ], "description": [], "children": [ { "type": "Object", "label": "events", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "readonly ", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedEvent", "text": "SerializedEvent" }, "[]" ], "description": [], "source": { "path": 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[], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/url_drilldown/url_validation.ts", "lineNumber": 53 }, "initialIsOpen": false } ], "interfaces": [ { "id": "def-public.ActionFactoryDefinition", "type": "Interface", "label": "ActionFactoryDefinition", "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.ActionFactoryDefinition", "text": "ActionFactoryDefinition" }, " extends Partial, \"id\" | \"getDisplayName\" | \"order\" | \"MenuItem\" | \"getIconType\" | \"getDisplayNameTooltip\" | \"isCompatible\" | \"grouping\">>,", { "pluginId": "kibanaUtils", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibKibanaUtilsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.Configurable", "text": "Configurable" }, ",Partial<", { "pluginId": "kibanaUtils", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibKibanaUtilsPluginApi", "section": "def-common.PersistableState", "text": "PersistableState" }, "<", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedEvent", "text": "SerializedEvent" } ], "description": [ "\nThis is a convenience interface for registering new action factories." ], "tags": [], "children": [ { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.ActionFactoryDefinition.id", "type": "string", "label": "id", "description": [ "\nUnique ID of the action factory. This ID is used to identify this action\nfactory in the registry as well as to construct actions of this type and\nidentify this action factory when presenting it to the user in UI." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/action_factory_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 37 } }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.ActionFactoryDefinition.minimalLicense", "type": "CompoundType", "label": "minimalLicense", "description": [ "\nMinimal license level\nEmpty means no license restrictions" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/action_factory_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 43 }, "signature": [ "\"basic\" | \"standard\" | \"gold\" | \"platinum\" | \"enterprise\" | \"trial\" | undefined" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.ActionFactoryDefinition.licenseFeatureName", "type": "string", "label": "licenseFeatureName", "description": [ "\nRequired when `minimalLicense` is used.\nIs a user-facing string. Has to be unique. Doesn't need i18n.\nThe feature's name will be displayed to Cloud end-users when they're billed based on their feature usage." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/action_factory_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 50 }, "signature": [ "string | undefined" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.ActionFactoryDefinition.isBeta", "type": "CompoundType", "label": "isBeta", "description": [ "\nIs this action factory not GA?\nAdds a beta badge on a list item representing this ActionFactory" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/action_factory_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 56 }, "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ] }, { "id": "def-public.ActionFactoryDefinition.create", "type": "Function", "label": "create", "signature": [ "(serializedAction: Pick<", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedAction", "text": "SerializedAction" }, ", \"name\" | \"config\">) => ", { "pluginId": "uiActions", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.ActionDefinition", "text": "ActionDefinition" }, "" ], "description": [ "\nThis method should return a definition of a new action, normally used to\nregister it in `ui_actions` registry." ], "children": [ { "type": "Object", "label": "serializedAction", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "Pick<", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedAction", "text": "SerializedAction" }, ", \"name\" | \"config\">" ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/action_factory_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 63 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/action_factory_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 62 } }, { "id": "def-public.ActionFactoryDefinition.supportedTriggers", "type": "Function", "label": "supportedTriggers", "signature": [ "() => string[]" ], "description": [], "children": [], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/action_factory_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 66 } } ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/action_factory_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 25 }, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "id": "def-public.BaseActionFactoryContext", "type": "Interface", "label": "BaseActionFactoryContext", "description": [ "\nAction factory context passed into ActionFactories' CollectConfig, getDisplayName, getIconType" ], "tags": [], "children": [ { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.BaseActionFactoryContext.triggers", "type": "Array", "label": "triggers", "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/types.ts", "lineNumber": 16 }, "signature": [ "string[]" ] } ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/types.ts", "lineNumber": 15 }, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition", "type": "Interface", "label": "DrilldownDefinition", "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition", "text": "DrilldownDefinition" }, " extends Partial<", { "pluginId": "kibanaUtils", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibKibanaUtilsPluginApi", "section": "def-common.PersistableState", "text": "PersistableState" }, "<", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-common.SerializedEvent", "text": "SerializedEvent" }, ">>" ], "description": [ "\nThis is a convenience interface to register a drilldown. Drilldown has\nability to collect configuration from user. Once drilldown is executed it\nreceives the collected information together with the context of the\nuser's interaction.\n\n`Config` is a serializable object containing the configuration that the\ndrilldown is able to collect using UI.\n\n`ExecutionContext` is an object created in response to user's interaction\nand provided to the `execute` function of the drilldown. This object contains\ninformation about the action user performed." ], "tags": [], "children": [ { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.id", "type": "string", "label": "id", "description": [ "\nGlobally unique identifier for this drilldown." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 40 } }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.isBeta", "type": "CompoundType", "label": "isBeta", "description": [ "\nIs this action factory not GA?\nAdds a beta badge on a list item representing this ActionFactory" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 46 }, "signature": [ "boolean | undefined" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.minimalLicense", "type": "CompoundType", "label": "minimalLicense", "description": [ "\nMinimal license level\nEmpty means no restrictions" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 52 }, "signature": [ "\"basic\" | \"standard\" | \"gold\" | \"platinum\" | \"enterprise\" | \"trial\" | undefined" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.licenseFeatureName", "type": "string", "label": "licenseFeatureName", "description": [ "\nRequired when `minimalLicense` is used.\nIs a user-facing string. Has to be unique. Doesn't need i18n.\nThe feature's name will be displayed to Cloud end-users when they're billed based on their feature usage." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 59 }, "signature": [ "string | undefined" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.order", "type": "number", "label": "order", "description": [ "\nDetermines the display order of the drilldowns in the flyout picker.\nHigher numbers are displayed first." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 65 }, "signature": [ "number | undefined" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.createConfig", "type": "Function", "label": "createConfig", "description": [ "\nFunction that returns default config for this drilldown." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 70 }, "signature": [ "(context: FactoryContext) => Config" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.CollectConfig", "type": "Function", "label": "CollectConfig", "description": [ "\n`UiComponent` that collections config for this drilldown. You can create\na React component and transform it `UiComponent` using `uiToReactComponent`\nhelper from `kibana_utils` plugin.\n\n```tsx\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { uiToReactComponent } from 'src/plugins/kibana_utils';\nimport { CollectConfigProps } from 'src/plugins/kibana_utils/public';\n\ntype Props = CollectConfigProps;\n\nconst ReactCollectConfig: React.FC = () => {\n return
Collecting config...'
;\n};\n\nexport const CollectConfig = uiToReactComponent(ReactCollectConfig);\n```" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 91 }, "signature": [ { "pluginId": "kibanaUtils", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibKibanaUtilsPluginApi", "section": "def-common.UiComponent", "text": "UiComponent" }, "<", { "pluginId": "kibanaUtils", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibKibanaUtilsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.CollectConfigProps", "text": "CollectConfigProps" }, ">" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.isConfigValid", "type": "Function", "label": "isConfigValid", "description": [ "\nA validator function for the config object. Should always return a boolean\ngiven any input." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 97 }, "signature": [ "(config: Config, context: FactoryContext) => boolean" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.euiIcon", "type": "string", "label": "euiIcon", "description": [ "\nName of EUI icon to display when showing this drilldown to user." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 102 }, "signature": [ "string | undefined" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.getDisplayName", "type": "Function", "label": "getDisplayName", "description": [ "\nShould return an internationalized name of the drilldown, which will be\ndisplayed to the user." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 108 }, "signature": [ "() => string" ] }, { "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.isCompatible", "type": "Function", "label": "isCompatible", "signature": [ "((config: Config, context: ExecutionContext | ", { "pluginId": "uiActions", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.ActionExecutionContext", "text": "ActionExecutionContext" }, ") => Promise) | undefined" ], "description": [ "\nisCompatible during execution\nCould be used to prevent drilldown from execution" ], "children": [ { "type": "Uncategorized", "label": "config", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "Config" ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 115 } }, { "type": "CompoundType", "label": "context", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "ExecutionContext | ", { "pluginId": "uiActions", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.ActionExecutionContext", "text": "ActionExecutionContext" }, "" ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 116 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 114 } }, { "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.execute", "type": "Function", "label": "execute", "signature": [ "(config: Config, context: ExecutionContext | ", { "pluginId": "uiActions", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.ActionExecutionContext", "text": "ActionExecutionContext" }, ") => void" ], "description": [ "\nImplements the \"navigation\" action of the drilldown. This happens when\nuser clicks something in the UI that executes a trigger to which this\ndrilldown was attached.\n" ], "children": [ { "type": "Uncategorized", "label": "config", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "Config" ], "description": [ "Config object that user configured this drilldown with." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 129 } }, { "type": "CompoundType", "label": "context", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "ExecutionContext | ", { "pluginId": "uiActions", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.ActionExecutionContext", "text": "ActionExecutionContext" }, "" ], "description": [ "Object that represents context in which the underlying\n`UIAction` of this drilldown is being executed in." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 130 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 128 } }, { "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.getHref", "type": "Function", "label": "getHref", "signature": [ "((config: Config, context: ExecutionContext | ", { "pluginId": "uiActions", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.ActionExecutionContext", "text": "ActionExecutionContext" }, ") => Promise) | undefined" ], "description": [ "\nA link where drilldown should navigate on middle click or Ctrl + click." ], "children": [ { "type": "Uncategorized", "label": "config", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "Config" ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 137 } }, { "type": "CompoundType", "label": "context", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ "ExecutionContext | ", { "pluginId": "uiActions", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.ActionExecutionContext", "text": "ActionExecutionContext" }, "" ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 138 } } ], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 136 } }, { "id": "def-public.DrilldownDefinition.supportedTriggers", "type": "Function", "label": "supportedTriggers", "signature": [ "() => string[]" ], "description": [ "\nList of triggers supported by this drilldown type\nThis is used in trigger picker when configuring drilldown" ], "children": [], "tags": [], "returnComment": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 145 } } ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_definition.ts", "lineNumber": 32 }, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManagerParams", "type": "Interface", "label": "DynamicActionManagerParams", "description": [], "tags": [], "children": [ { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManagerParams.storage", "type": "Object", "label": "storage", "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 33 }, "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.ActionStorage", "text": "ActionStorage" } ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManagerParams.uiActions", "type": "Object", "label": "uiActions", "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 34 }, "signature": [ "Pick<", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.StartContract", "text": "StartContract" }, ", \"attachAction\" | \"detachAction\" | \"registerAction\" | \"unregisterAction\" | \"hasAction\" | \"getActionFactory\" | \"hasActionFactory\">" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManagerParams.isCompatible", "type": "Function", "label": "isCompatible", "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 44 }, "signature": [ "(context: C) => Promise" ] } ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 32 }, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "id": "def-public.UrlDrilldownGlobalScope", "type": "Interface", "label": "UrlDrilldownGlobalScope", "description": [ "\nGlobal static variables like, for example, `kibanaUrl`\nSuch variables won’t change depending on a place where url drilldown is used." ], "tags": [], "children": [ { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.UrlDrilldownGlobalScope.kibanaUrl", "type": "string", "label": "kibanaUrl", "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/url_drilldown/types.ts", "lineNumber": 38 } } ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/url_drilldown/types.ts", "lineNumber": 37 }, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "id": "def-public.UrlDrilldownScope", "type": "Interface", "label": "UrlDrilldownScope", "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.UrlDrilldownScope", "text": "UrlDrilldownScope" }, " extends ", { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.UrlDrilldownGlobalScope", "text": "UrlDrilldownGlobalScope" } ], "description": [ "\nURL drilldown has 3 sources for variables: global, context and event variables" ], "tags": [], "children": [ { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.UrlDrilldownScope.context", "type": "Uncategorized", "label": "context", "description": [ "\nDynamic variables that are differ depending on where drilldown is created and used,\nFor example: variables extracted from embeddable panel" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/url_drilldown/types.ts", "lineNumber": 25 }, "signature": [ "ContextScope | undefined" ] }, { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.UrlDrilldownScope.event", "type": "Uncategorized", "label": "event", "description": [ "\nVariables extracted from trigger context" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/url_drilldown/types.ts", "lineNumber": 30 }, "signature": [ "EventScope | undefined" ] } ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/url_drilldown/types.ts", "lineNumber": 17 }, "initialIsOpen": false } ], "enums": [], "misc": [ { "id": "def-public.BaseActionConfig", "type": "Type", "label": "BaseActionConfig", "tags": [], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/common/types.ts", "lineNumber": 10 }, "signature": [ "{ [key: string]: ", { "pluginId": "kibanaUtils", "scope": "common", "docId": "kibKibanaUtilsPluginApi", "section": "def-common.Serializable", "text": "Serializable" }, "; }" ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionManagerState", "type": "Type", "label": "DynamicActionManagerState", "tags": [], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/dynamic_actions/dynamic_action_manager.ts", "lineNumber": 30 }, "signature": [ "State" ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "id": "def-public.DynamicActionsState", "type": "Type", "label": "DynamicActionsState", "tags": [], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/common/types.ts", "lineNumber": 27 }, "signature": [ "{ events: SerializedEvent[]; }" ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "id": "def-public.SerializedAction", "type": "Type", "label": "SerializedAction", "tags": [], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/common/types.ts", "lineNumber": 12 }, "signature": [ "{ readonly factoryId: string; readonly name: string; readonly config: Config; }" ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "id": "def-public.SerializedEvent", "type": "Type", "label": "SerializedEvent", "tags": [], "description": [ "\nSerialized representation of a triggers-action pair, used to persist in storage." ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/common/types.ts", "lineNumber": 21 }, "signature": [ "{ eventId: string; triggers: string[]; action: SerializedAction; }" ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "id": "def-public.UrlDrilldownConfig", "type": "Type", "label": "UrlDrilldownConfig", "tags": [], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/url_drilldown/types.ts", "lineNumber": 8 }, "signature": [ "{ url: { format?: 'handlebars_v1'; template: string;}; openInNewTab: boolean; encodeUrl?: boolean | undefined; }" ], "initialIsOpen": false } ], "objects": [], "setup": { "id": "def-public.SetupContract", "type": "Interface", "label": "SetupContract", "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.SetupContract", "text": "SetupContract" }, " extends Pick<", { "pluginId": "uiActions", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.UiActionsService", "text": "UiActionsService" }, ", \"addTriggerAction\" | \"attachAction\" | \"detachAction\" | \"registerAction\" | \"registerTrigger\" | \"unregisterAction\">,Pick<", "UiActionsServiceEnhancements", ", \"registerDrilldown\">" ], "description": [], "tags": [], "children": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 45 }, "lifecycle": "setup", "initialIsOpen": true }, "start": { "id": "def-public.StartContract", "type": "Interface", "label": "StartContract", "signature": [ { "pluginId": "uiActionsEnhanced", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsEnhancedPluginApi", "section": "def-public.StartContract", "text": "StartContract" }, " extends Pick<", { "pluginId": "uiActions", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.UiActionsService", "text": "UiActionsService" }, ", ", "MethodKeysOf", "<", { "pluginId": "uiActions", "scope": "public", "docId": "kibUiActionsPluginApi", "section": "def-public.UiActionsService", "text": "UiActionsService" }, ">>,Pick<", "UiActionsServiceEnhancements" ], "description": [], "tags": [], "children": [ { "tags": [], "id": "def-public.StartContract.FlyoutManageDrilldowns", "type": "Function", "label": "FlyoutManageDrilldowns", "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 60 }, "signature": [ "React.FC>" ] } ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/ui_actions_enhanced/public/plugin.ts", "lineNumber": 49 }, "lifecycle": "start", 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