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"@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.enumeration.$2", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "originalEnum", "description": [ "Typescript enum" ], "signature": [ "Record" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/enumeration/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [ "Codec" ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.NonEmptyArray", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "NonEmptyArray", "description": [], "signature": [ "(codec: C, name?: string) => ", "Type", "<", "TypeOf", "[], ", "TypeOf", "[], unknown>" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/non_empty_array/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.NonEmptyArray.$1", "type": "Uncategorized", "tags": [], "label": "codec", "description": [], "signature": [ "C" ], "path": 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"@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.IsoDateStringC", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "IsoDateStringC", "description": [], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/iso_date_string/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.NonEmptyOrNullableStringArray", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "NonEmptyOrNullableStringArray", "description": [], "signature": [ "string[]" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/non_empty_or_nullable_string_array/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.NonEmptyOrNullableStringArrayDecoded", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "NonEmptyOrNullableStringArrayDecoded", "description": [], "signature": [ "string[]" ], "path": 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"packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/string_to_positive_number/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.UUIDC", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "UUIDC", "description": [], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/uuid/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.Version", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "Version", "description": [], "signature": [ "number" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/version/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.VersionOrUndefined", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "VersionOrUndefined", "description": [], "signature": [ "number | undefined" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/version/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false } ], "objects": [ { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.DefaultBooleanFalse", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "DefaultBooleanFalse", "description": [ "\nTypes the DefaultBooleanFalse as:\n - If null or undefined, then a default false will be set" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/default_boolean_false/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.DefaultBooleanTrue", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "DefaultBooleanTrue", "description": [ "\nTypes the DefaultBooleanTrue as:\n - If null or undefined, then a default true will be set" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/default_boolean_true/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false 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"parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.DefaultStringBooleanFalse", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "DefaultStringBooleanFalse", "description": [ "\nTypes the DefaultStringBooleanFalse as:\n - If a string this will convert the string to a boolean\n - If null or undefined, then a default false will be set" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/default_string_boolean_false/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.DefaultUuid", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "DefaultUuid", "description": [ "\nTypes the DefaultUuid as:\n - If null or undefined, then a default string uuid.v4() will be\n created otherwise it will be checked just against an empty string" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/default_uuid/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.DefaultVersionNumber", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "DefaultVersionNumber", "description": [ "\nTypes the DefaultVersionNumber as:\n - If null or undefined, then a default of the number 1 will be used" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/default_version_number/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.EmptyStringArray", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "EmptyStringArray", "description": [ "\nTypes the EmptyStringArray as:\n - A value that can be undefined, or null (which will be turned into an empty array)\n - A comma separated string that can turn into an array by splitting on it\n - Example input converted to output: undefined -> []\n - Example input converted to output: null -> []\n - Example input converted to output: \"a,b,c\" -> [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/empty_string_array/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.IsoDateString", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "IsoDateString", "description": [ "\nTypes the IsoDateString as:\n - A string that is an ISOString" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/iso_date_string/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.nonEmptyOrNullableStringArray", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "nonEmptyOrNullableStringArray", "description": [ "\nTypes the nonEmptyOrNullableStringArray as:\n - An array of non empty strings of length 1 or greater\n - This differs from NonEmptyStringArray in that both input and output are type array\n" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/non_empty_or_nullable_string_array/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.NonEmptyString", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "NonEmptyString", "description": [ "\nTypes the NonEmptyString as:\n - A string that is not empty" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/non_empty_string/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.NonEmptyStringArray", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "NonEmptyStringArray", "description": [ "\nTypes the NonEmptyStringArray as:\n - A string that is not empty (which will be turned into an array of size 1)\n - A comma separated string that can turn into an array by splitting on it\n - Example input converted to output: \"a,b,c\" -> [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/non_empty_string_array/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.OnlyFalseAllowed", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "OnlyFalseAllowed", "description": [ "\nTypes the OnlyFalseAllowed as:\n - If null or undefined, then a default false will be set\n - If true is sent in then this will return an error\n - If false is sent in then this will allow it only false" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/only_false_allowed/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.operator", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "operator", "description": [], "signature": [ "KeyofC", "<{ equals: null; }>" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/operator/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.operatorIncluded", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "operatorIncluded", "description": [], "signature": [ "KeyofC", "<{ included: null; }>" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/operator/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.PositiveInteger", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "PositiveInteger", "description": [ "\nTypes the positive integer are:\n - Natural Number (positive integer and not a float),\n - zero or greater" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/positive_integer/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.PositiveIntegerGreaterThanZero", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "PositiveIntegerGreaterThanZero", "description": [ "\nTypes the positive integer greater than zero is:\n - Natural Number (positive integer and not a float),\n - 1 or greater" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/positive_integer_greater_than_zero/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.StringToPositiveNumber", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "StringToPositiveNumber", "description": [ "\nTypes the StrongToPositiveNumber as:\n - If a string this converts the string into a number\n - Ensures it is a number (and not NaN)\n - Ensures it is positive number" ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/string_to_positive_number/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.UUID", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "UUID", "description": [ "\nTypes the risk score as:\n - Natural Number (positive integer and not a float),\n - Between the values [0 and 100] inclusive." ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/uuid/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.version", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "version", "description": [ "\nNote this is just a positive number, but we use it as a type here which is still ok.\nThis type was originally from \"x-pack/plugins/security_solution/common/detection_engine/schemas/common/schemas.ts\"\nbut is moved here to make things more portable. No unit tests, but see PositiveIntegerGreaterThanZero integer for unit tests." ], "signature": [ "Type", "" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/version/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-types", "id": "def-common.versionOrUndefined", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "versionOrUndefined", "description": [], "signature": [ "UnionC", "<[", "Type", ", ", "UndefinedC", "]>" ], "path": "packages/kbn-securitysolution-io-ts-types/src/version/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false } ] } }