[[development-documentation]] === Documentation during development Docs should be written during development and accompany PRs when relevant. There are multiple types of documentation, and different places to add each. [float] ==== Developer services documentation Documentation about specific services a plugin offers should be encapsulated in: * README.asciidoc at the base of the plugin folder. * Typescript comments for all public services. [float] ==== End user documentation Documentation about user facing features should be written in http://asciidoc.org/[asciidoc] at {kib-repo}/tree/master/docs[https://github.com/elastic/kibana/tree/master/docs] To build the docs, you must clone the https://github.com/elastic/docs[elastic/docs] repo as a sibling of your {kib} repo. Follow the instructions in that project's README for getting the docs tooling set up. **To build the docs:** ```bash node scripts/docs.js --open ``` [float] ==== General developer documentation and guidelines General developer guildlines and documentation, like this right here, should be written in http://asciidoc.org/[asciidoc] at {kib-repo}/tree/master/docs/developer[https://github.com/elastic/kibana/tree/master/docs/developer]