[[rule-type-]] === Include a short description of the rule type. [float] ==== Create the rule Fill in the <>, then select **. [float] ==== Define the conditions Define properties to detect the condition. //// Optional, include a screenshot [role="screenshot"] image::user/alerting/images/rule-types--conditions.png[Conditions for rule type] //// Condition1:: This is a condition the user must define. Condition2:: This is another condition the user must define. [float] ==== Add action variables <> to run when the rule condition is met. The following variables are specific to the rule. You can also specify <>. `context.variableA`:: A short description of the context variable defined by the rule type. `context.variableB`:: A short description of the context variable defined by the rule type with an example. Example: `this is what variableB outputs`. //// Optional, include a step-by-step example for creating this rule [float] ==== Example In this section, you will use the {kib} <> to setup and tune the conditions on an rule. For this example, we want to detect when . ////