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This tries to be\nas fast as possible by ignoring conflict errors and not returning the contents of the\nlist if it already exists." ], "label": "createEndpointList", "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 90, "link": "https://github.com/elastic/kibana/tree/masterx-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts#L90" }, "tags": [], "returnComment": [ "ExceptionListSchema if it created the endpoint list, otherwise null if it already exists" ] }, { "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.createTrustedAppsList", "type": "Function", "children": [], "signature": [ "() => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; created_at: string; created_by: string; description: string; id: string; immutable: boolean; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"endpoint\" | \"detection\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; version: number; } | null>" ], "description": [ "\nCreate the Trusted Apps Agnostic list if it does not yet exist (`null` is returned if it does exist)" ], "label": "createTrustedAppsList", "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 102, "link": "https://github.com/elastic/kibana/tree/masterx-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts#L102" }, "tags": [], "returnComment": [] }, { "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.createEndpointListItem", "type": "Function", "children": [ { "type": "Object", "label": "{\n comments,\n description,\n entries,\n itemId,\n meta,\n name,\n osTypes,\n tags,\n type,\n }", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ { "pluginId": "lists", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibListsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.CreateEndpointListItemOptions", "text": "CreateEndpointListItemOptions" } ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 116, "link": "https://github.com/elastic/kibana/tree/masterx-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts#L116" } } ], "signature": [ "({ comments, description, entries, itemId, meta, name, osTypes, tags, type, }: ", { "pluginId": "lists", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibListsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.CreateEndpointListItemOptions", "text": "CreateEndpointListItemOptions" }, ") => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; 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type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"exists\"; })[]; field: string; type: \"nested\"; })[]; id: string; item_id: string; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"simple\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; }>" ], "description": [ "\nThis is the same as \"createListItem\" except it applies specifically to the agnostic endpoint list and will\nauto-call the \"createEndpointList\" for you so that you have the best chance of the agnostic endpoint\nbeing there and existing before the item is inserted into the agnostic endpoint list." ], "label": "createEndpointListItem", "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 116, "link": "https://github.com/elastic/kibana/tree/masterx-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts#L116" }, "tags": [], "returnComment": [] }, { "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.updateEndpointListItem", "type": "Function", "children": [ { "type": "Object", "label": "{\n _version,\n comments,\n description,\n entries,\n id,\n itemId,\n meta,\n name,\n osTypes,\n tags,\n type,\n }", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ { "pluginId": "lists", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibListsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.UpdateEndpointListItemOptions", "text": "UpdateEndpointListItemOptions" } ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 152, "link": "https://github.com/elastic/kibana/tree/masterx-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts#L152" } } ], "signature": [ "({ _version, comments, description, entries, id, itemId, meta, name, osTypes, tags, type, }: ", { "pluginId": "lists", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibListsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.UpdateEndpointListItemOptions", "text": "UpdateEndpointListItemOptions" }, ") => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; 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type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"exists\"; })[]; field: string; type: \"nested\"; })[]; id: string; item_id: string; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"simple\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; } | null>" ], "description": [ "\nThis is the same as \"updateExceptionListItem\" except it applies specifically to the endpoint list and will\nauto-call the \"createEndpointList\" for you so that you have the best chance of the endpoint\nbeing there if it did not exist before. If the list did not exist before, then creating it here will still cause a\nreturn of null but at least the list exists again." ], "label": "updateEndpointListItem", "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 152, "link": "https://github.com/elastic/kibana/tree/masterx-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts#L152" }, "tags": [], "returnComment": [] }, { "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.getEndpointListItem", "type": "Function", "children": [ { "type": "Object", "label": "{\n itemId,\n id,\n }", "isRequired": true, "signature": [ { "pluginId": "lists", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibListsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.GetEndpointListItemOptions", "text": "GetEndpointListItemOptions" } ], "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 188, "link": "https://github.com/elastic/kibana/tree/masterx-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts#L188" } } ], "signature": [ "({ itemId, id, }: ", { "pluginId": "lists", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibListsPluginApi", "section": "def-server.GetEndpointListItemOptions", "text": "GetEndpointListItemOptions" }, ") => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; 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If the list did not exist before, then creating it here should give you\na good guarantee that you will get an empty record set rather than null. I keep the null as the return value in\nthe off chance that you still might somehow not get into a race condition where the endpoint list does\nnot exist because someone deleted it in-between the initial create and then the find." ], "label": "findEndpointListItem", "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 464, "link": "https://github.com/elastic/kibana/tree/masterx-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts#L464" }, "tags": [], "returnComment": [] } ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 56, "link": "https://github.com/elastic/kibana/tree/masterx-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts#L56" }, "initialIsOpen": false } ], "functions": [], "interfaces": [ { "id": "def-server.CreateExceptionListItemOptions", "type": "Interface", "label": 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