// sass-lint:disable-block indentation, no-color-keywords // SASSTODO: Create this in EUI @mixin lnsOverflowShadowHorizontal { $hideHeight: $euiScrollBarCorner * 1.25; mask-image: linear-gradient( to right, transparentize($euiColorDanger, .9) 0%, transparentize($euiColorDanger, 0) $hideHeight, transparentize($euiColorDanger, 0) calc(100% - #{$hideHeight}), transparentize($euiColorDanger, .9) 100% ); } // Static styles for a draggable item @mixin lnsDraggable { @include euiSlightShadow; background: lightOrDarkTheme($euiColorEmptyShade, $euiColorLightestShade); border: $euiBorderWidthThin dashed transparent; cursor: grab; } // Static styles for a drop area @mixin lnsDroppable { border: $euiBorderWidthThin dashed $euiBorderColor; } // Hovering state for drag item and drop area @mixin lnsDragDropHover { &:hover { border: $euiBorderWidthThin dashed $euiColorMediumShade; } } // Style for drop area when there's an item being dragged @mixin lnsDroppableActive { background-color: transparentize($euiColorVis0, .9); } // Style for drop area while hovering with item @mixin lnsDroppableActiveHover { background-color: transparentize($euiColorVis0, .75); border: $euiBorderWidthThin dashed $euiColorVis0; } // Style for drop area that is not allowed for current item @mixin lnsDroppableNotAllowed { opacity: .5; }