[[api]] = REST API [partintro] -- Some {kib} features are provided via a REST API, which is ideal for creating an integration with {kib}, or automating certain aspects of configuring and deploying {kib}. Each API is experimental and can include breaking changes in any version of {kib}, or might have been entirely removed from {kib}. //// Each API has one of the following labels: * *Stable* APIs should be safe to use extensively in production. Any breaking changes to these APIs should only occur in major versions and will be clearly documented in the breaking changes documentation for that release. * *Beta* APIs are on track to become stable, permanent features of {kib}. Caution should be exercised in their use since it is possible we'd have to make a breaking change to these APIs in a minor version, but we'll avoid this wherever possible. * *Experimental* APIs are just that - an experiment. An experimental API might have breaking changes in any version of {kib}, or it might even be removed entirely. If a label is missing from an API, it is considered `experimental`. //// NOTE: You cannot access the APIs via the Console in {kib}. [float] == APIs * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> -- include::{kib-repo-dir}/api/features.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/api/spaces-management.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/api/role-management.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/api/saved-objects.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/api/dashboard-import.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/api/logstash-configuration-management.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/api/url-shortening.asciidoc[] include::{kib-repo-dir}/api/upgrade-assistant.asciidoc[]