import _ from 'lodash'; import { fromNode, } from 'bluebird'; import npm from 'npm'; import npmLicense from 'license-checker'; export default function licenses(grunt) { grunt.registerTask('licenses', 'Checks dependency licenses', async function () { const config = this.options(); const done = this.async(); const result = {}; const options = { start: process.cwd(), json: true }; const checkQueueLength = 2; function getLicenses(dependency) { if (config.overrides[]) { return config.overrides[]; } if (dependency && dependency.licenses) { return _.flatten([dependency.licenses]); } } function processPackage(dependency) { const pkgInfo = Object.assign({}, dependency); pkgInfo.licenses = getLicenses(dependency); pkgInfo.valid = (function () { if (_.intersection(pkgInfo.licenses, config.licenses).length > 0) { return true; } return false; }()); return pkgInfo; } const allDependencies = await fromNode(cb => { npmLicense.init(options, result => { cb(undefined, result); }); }); // Only check production NPM dependencies, not dev await fromNode(cb => npm.load({production: true}, cb)); const npmList = await fromNode(cb => { npm.commands.list([], true, (a, b, npmList) => cb(undefined, npmList)); }); // Recurse npm --production --json ls output, create array of dependency // objects, each with a name prop formatted as 'package@version' and a // path prop leading back to the root dependency. function getDependencies(dependencies, path, list = []) { Object.keys(dependencies).forEach(name => { const dependency = dependencies[name]; const newPath = path ? `${path} -> ${dependency.from}` : dependency.from; list.push({ path: newPath, name: name + '@' + dependency.version }); if (dependency.dependencies) { getDependencies(dependency.dependencies, newPath, list); } }); return list; }; const productionDependencies = {}; getDependencies(npmList.dependencies).forEach(dependency => { productionDependencies[] = Object.assign({}, allDependencies[], dependency); }); const licenseStats =, processPackage); const invalidLicenses = licenseStats.filter(pkg => !pkg.valid); if (!grunt.option('only-invalid')) { grunt.log.debug(JSON.stringify(licenseStats, null, 2)); } if (invalidLicenses.length) { grunt.log.debug(JSON.stringify(invalidLicenses, null, 2)); `Non-confirming licenses:\n ${_.pluck(invalidLicenses, 'path').join('\n')}`, invalidLicenses.length ); } done(); }); };