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"parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.getExceptionListItem", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getExceptionListItem", "description": [], "signature": [ "({ itemId, id, namespaceType, }: ", "GetExceptionListItemOptions", ") => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; comments: ({ comment: string; created_at: string; created_by: string; id: string; } & { updated_at?: string | undefined; updated_by?: string | undefined; })[]; created_at: string; created_by: string; description: string; entries: ({ field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; } | { field: string; list: { id: string; type: \"boolean\" | \"date\" | \"keyword\" | \"text\" | \"long\" | \"double\" | \"ip\" | \"date_nanos\" | \"geo_point\" | \"geo_shape\" | \"binary\" | \"short\" | \"date_range\" | \"ip_range\" | \"shape\" | \"float\" | \"half_float\" | 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"x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 87 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.getExceptionListItem.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "{\n itemId,\n id,\n namespaceType,\n }", "description": [], "signature": [ "GetExceptionListItemOptions" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 87 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.createEndpointList", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "createEndpointList", "description": [ "\nThis creates an agnostic space endpoint list if it does not exist. This tries to be\nas fast as possible by ignoring conflict errors and not returning the contents of the\nlist if it already exists." ], "signature": [ "() => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; created_at: string; created_by: string; description: string; id: string; immutable: boolean; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"endpoint\" | \"detection\" | \"endpoint_events\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; version: number; } | null>" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 102 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [], "returnComment": [ "ExceptionListSchema if it created the endpoint list, otherwise null if it already exists" ] }, { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.createTrustedAppsList", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "createTrustedAppsList", "description": [ "\nCreate the Trusted Apps Agnostic list if it does not yet exist (`null` is returned if it does exist)" ], "signature": [ "() => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; created_at: string; created_by: string; description: string; id: string; immutable: boolean; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"endpoint\" | \"detection\" | \"endpoint_events\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; version: number; } | null>" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 114 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.createEndpointEventFiltersList", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "createEndpointEventFiltersList", "description": [ "\nCreate the Endpoint Event Filters Agnostic list if it does not yet exist (`null` is returned if it does exist)" ], "signature": [ "() => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; created_at: string; created_by: string; description: string; id: string; immutable: boolean; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"endpoint\" | \"detection\" | \"endpoint_events\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; version: number; } | null>" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 126 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.createEndpointListItem", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "createEndpointListItem", "description": [ "\nThis is the same as \"createListItem\" except it applies specifically to the agnostic endpoint list and will\nauto-call the \"createEndpointList\" for you so that you have the best chance of the agnostic endpoint\nbeing there and existing before the item is inserted into the agnostic endpoint list." ], "signature": [ "({ comments, description, entries, itemId, meta, name, osTypes, tags, type, }: ", "CreateEndpointListItemOptions", ") => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; 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type: \"exists\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; })[]; field: string; type: \"nested\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"wildcard\"; value: string; })[]; id: string; item_id: string; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"simple\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; }>" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 140 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.createEndpointListItem.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "{\n comments,\n description,\n entries,\n itemId,\n meta,\n name,\n osTypes,\n tags,\n type,\n }", "description": [], "signature": [ "CreateEndpointListItemOptions" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 140 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.updateEndpointListItem", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "updateEndpointListItem", "description": [ "\nThis is the same as \"updateExceptionListItem\" except it applies specifically to the endpoint list and will\nauto-call the \"createEndpointList\" for you so that you have the best chance of the endpoint\nbeing there if it did not exist before. If the list did not exist before, then creating it here will still cause a\nreturn of null but at least the list exists again." ], "signature": [ "({ _version, comments, description, entries, id, itemId, meta, name, osTypes, tags, type, }: ", "UpdateEndpointListItemOptions", ") => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; comments: ({ comment: string; created_at: string; created_by: string; id: string; } & { updated_at?: string | undefined; updated_by?: string | undefined; })[]; created_at: string; created_by: string; description: string; entries: ({ field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; } | { field: string; list: { id: string; type: \"boolean\" | \"date\" | \"keyword\" | \"text\" | \"long\" | \"double\" | \"ip\" | \"date_nanos\" | \"geo_point\" | \"geo_shape\" | \"binary\" | \"short\" | \"date_range\" | \"ip_range\" | \"shape\" | \"float\" | \"half_float\" | \"integer\" | \"byte\" | \"long_range\" | \"integer_range\" | \"float_range\" | \"double_range\"; }; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"list\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"exists\"; } | { entries: ({ field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"exists\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; })[]; field: string; type: \"nested\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"wildcard\"; value: string; })[]; id: string; item_id: string; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"simple\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; } | null>" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 176 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.updateEndpointListItem.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "{\n _version,\n comments,\n description,\n entries,\n id,\n itemId,\n meta,\n name,\n osTypes,\n tags,\n type,\n }", "description": [], "signature": [ "UpdateEndpointListItemOptions" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 176 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.getEndpointListItem", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "getEndpointListItem", "description": [ "\nThis is the same as \"getExceptionListItem\" except it applies specifically to the endpoint list." ], "signature": [ "({ itemId, id, }: ", "GetEndpointListItemOptions", ") => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; comments: ({ comment: string; created_at: string; created_by: string; id: string; } & { updated_at?: string | undefined; updated_by?: string | undefined; })[]; created_at: string; created_by: string; description: string; entries: ({ field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; } | { field: string; list: { id: string; type: \"boolean\" | \"date\" | \"keyword\" | \"text\" | \"long\" | \"double\" | \"ip\" | \"date_nanos\" | \"geo_point\" | \"geo_shape\" | \"binary\" | \"short\" | \"date_range\" | \"ip_range\" | \"shape\" | \"float\" | \"half_float\" | \"integer\" | \"byte\" | \"long_range\" | \"integer_range\" | \"float_range\" | \"double_range\"; }; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"list\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"exists\"; } | { entries: ({ field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"exists\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; })[]; field: string; type: \"nested\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"wildcard\"; value: string; })[]; id: string; item_id: string; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"simple\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; } | null>" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 212 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.getEndpointListItem.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "{\n itemId,\n id,\n }", "description": [], "signature": [ "GetEndpointListItemOptions" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 212 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.createExceptionList", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "createExceptionList", "description": [], "signature": [ "({ description, immutable, listId, meta, name, namespaceType, tags, type, version, }: ", "CreateExceptionListOptions", ") => Promise<{ _version: string | undefined; 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comments: ({ comment: string; created_at: string; created_by: string; id: string; } & { updated_at?: string | undefined; updated_by?: string | undefined; })[]; created_at: string; created_by: string; description: string; entries: ({ field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; } | { field: string; list: { id: string; type: \"boolean\" | \"date\" | \"keyword\" | \"text\" | \"long\" | \"double\" | \"ip\" | \"date_nanos\" | \"geo_point\" | \"geo_shape\" | \"binary\" | \"short\" | \"date_range\" | \"ip_range\" | \"shape\" | \"float\" | \"half_float\" | \"integer\" | \"byte\" | \"long_range\" | \"integer_range\" | \"float_range\" | \"double_range\"; }; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"list\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"exists\"; } | { entries: ({ field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; 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comments: ({ comment: string; created_at: string; created_by: string; id: string; } & { updated_at?: string | undefined; updated_by?: string | undefined; })[]; created_at: string; created_by: string; description: string; entries: ({ field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; } | { field: string; list: { id: string; type: \"boolean\" | \"date\" | \"keyword\" | \"text\" | \"long\" | \"double\" | \"ip\" | \"date_nanos\" | \"geo_point\" | \"geo_shape\" | \"binary\" | \"short\" | \"date_range\" | \"ip_range\" | \"shape\" | \"float\" | \"half_float\" | \"integer\" | \"byte\" | \"long_range\" | \"integer_range\" | \"float_range\" | \"double_range\"; }; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"list\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"exists\"; } | { entries: ({ field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"exists\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; })[]; field: string; type: \"nested\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"wildcard\"; value: string; })[]; id: string; item_id: string; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"simple\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; }[]; page: number; per_page: number; total: number; } | null>" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 442 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.findValueListExceptionListItems.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "{\n perPage,\n page,\n sortField,\n sortOrder,\n valueListId,\n }", "description": [], "signature": [ "FindValueListExceptionListsItems" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 442 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.findExceptionList", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "findExceptionList", "description": [], "signature": [ "({ filter, perPage, page, sortField, sortOrder, namespaceType, }: ", "FindExceptionListOptions", ") => Promise<{ data: { _version: string | undefined; created_at: string; created_by: string; description: string; id: string; immutable: boolean; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"endpoint\" | \"detection\" | \"endpoint_events\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; version: number; }[]; page: number; per_page: number; total: number; }>" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 460 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.findExceptionList.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "{\n filter,\n perPage,\n page,\n sortField,\n sortOrder,\n namespaceType,\n }", "description": [], "signature": [ "FindExceptionListOptions" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 460 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] }, { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.findEndpointListItem", "type": "Function", "tags": [], "label": "findEndpointListItem", "description": [ "\nThis is the same as \"findExceptionList\" except it applies specifically to the endpoint list and will\nauto-call the \"createEndpointList\" for you so that you have the best chance of the endpoint\nbeing there if it did not exist before. If the list did not exist before, then creating it here should give you\na good guarantee that you will get an empty record set rather than null. I keep the null as the return value in\nthe off chance that you still might somehow not get into a race condition where the endpoint list does\nnot exist because someone deleted it in-between the initial create and then the find." ], "signature": [ "({ filter, perPage, page, sortField, sortOrder, }: ", "FindEndpointListItemOptions", ") => Promise<{ data: { _version: string | undefined; comments: ({ comment: string; created_at: string; created_by: string; id: string; } & { updated_at?: string | undefined; updated_by?: string | undefined; })[]; created_at: string; created_by: string; description: string; entries: ({ field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; } | { field: string; list: { id: string; type: \"boolean\" | \"date\" | \"keyword\" | \"text\" | \"long\" | \"double\" | \"ip\" | \"date_nanos\" | \"geo_point\" | \"geo_shape\" | \"binary\" | \"short\" | \"date_range\" | \"ip_range\" | \"shape\" | \"float\" | \"half_float\" | \"integer\" | \"byte\" | \"long_range\" | \"integer_range\" | \"float_range\" | \"double_range\"; }; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"list\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"exists\"; } | { entries: ({ field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"exists\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match\"; value: string; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"match_any\"; value: string[]; })[]; field: string; type: \"nested\"; } | { field: string; operator: \"excluded\" | \"included\"; type: \"wildcard\"; value: string; })[]; id: string; item_id: string; list_id: string; meta: object | undefined; name: string; namespace_type: \"single\" | \"agnostic\"; os_types: (\"windows\" | \"linux\" | \"macos\")[]; tags: string[]; tie_breaker_id: string; type: \"simple\"; updated_at: string; updated_by: string; }[]; page: number; per_page: number; total: number; } | null>" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 488 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ExceptionListClient.findEndpointListItem.$1", "type": "Object", "tags": [], "label": "{\n filter,\n perPage,\n page,\n sortField,\n sortOrder,\n }", "description": [], "signature": [ "FindEndpointListItemOptions" ], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/exception_lists/exception_list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 488 }, "deprecated": false, "isRequired": true } ], "returnComment": [] } ], "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "lists", "id": "def-server.ListClient", "type": "Class", "tags": [], "label": "ListClient", "description": [], "source": { "path": "x-pack/plugins/lists/server/services/lists/list_client.ts", "lineNumber": 79 }, "deprecated": false, "children": [ { 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