/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { pageObjects } from './page_objects'; import { services } from './services'; export default async function ({ readConfigFile }) { const commonConfig = await readConfigFile(require.resolve('../common/config')); return { testFiles: [ require.resolve('./apps/bundles'), require.resolve('./apps/console'), require.resolve('./apps/context'), require.resolve('./apps/dashboard'), require.resolve('./apps/discover'), require.resolve('./apps/getting_started'), require.resolve('./apps/home'), require.resolve('./apps/management'), require.resolve('./apps/saved_objects_management'), require.resolve('./apps/status_page'), require.resolve('./apps/timelion'), require.resolve('./apps/visualize'), ], pageObjects, services, servers: commonConfig.get('servers'), esTestCluster: commonConfig.get('esTestCluster'), kbnTestServer: { ...commonConfig.get('kbnTestServer'), serverArgs: [ ...commonConfig.get('kbnTestServer.serverArgs'), '--oss', '--telemetry.optIn=false', ], }, uiSettings: { defaults: { 'accessibility:disableAnimations': true, 'dateFormat:tz': 'UTC', }, }, apps: { kibana: { pathname: '/app/kibana', }, status_page: { pathname: '/status', }, discover: { pathname: '/app/discover', hash: '/', }, context: { pathname: '/app/discover', hash: '/context', }, visualize: { pathname: '/app/visualize', hash: '/', }, dashboard: { pathname: '/app/dashboards', hash: '/list', }, management: { pathname: '/app/management', }, /** @obsolete "management" should be instead of "settings" **/ settings: { pathname: '/app/management', }, timelion: { pathname: '/app/timelion', }, console: { pathname: '/app/dev_tools', hash: '/console', }, home: { pathname: '/app/home', hash: '/', }, }, junit: { reportName: 'Chrome UI Functional Tests', }, browser: { type: 'chrome', }, security: { roles: { test_logstash_reader: { elasticsearch: { cluster: [], indices: [ { names: ['logstash*'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'], field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] }, }, ], run_as: [], }, kibana: [], }, test_shakespeare_reader: { elasticsearch: { cluster: [], indices: [ { names: ['shakes*'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'], field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] }, }, ], run_as: [], }, kibana: [], }, test_testhuge_reader: { elasticsearch: { cluster: [], indices: [ { names: ['testhuge*'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'], field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] }, }, ], run_as: [], }, kibana: [], }, test_alias_reader: { elasticsearch: { cluster: [], indices: [ { names: ['alias*'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'], field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] }, }, ], run_as: [], }, kibana: [], }, //for sample data - can remove but not add sample data.( not ml)- for ml use built in role. kibana_sample_admin: { elasticsearch: { cluster: [], indices: [ { names: ['kibana_sample*'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata', 'manage', 'create_index', 'index'], field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] }, }, ], run_as: [], }, kibana: [], }, kibana_date_nanos: { elasticsearch: { cluster: [], indices: [ { names: ['date-nanos'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'], field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] }, }, ], run_as: [], }, kibana: [], }, kibana_date_nanos_custom: { elasticsearch: { cluster: [], indices: [ { names: ['date_nanos_custom_timestamp'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'], field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] }, }, ], run_as: [], }, kibana: [], }, kibana_date_nanos_mixed: { elasticsearch: { cluster: [], indices: [ { names: ['date_nanos_mixed', 'timestamp-*'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'], field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] }, }, ], run_as: [], }, kibana: [], }, kibana_large_strings: { elasticsearch: { cluster: [], indices: [ { names: ['testlargestring'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'], field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] }, }, ], run_as: [], }, kibana: [], }, long_window_logstash: { elasticsearch: { cluster: [], indices: [ { names: ['long-window-logstash-*'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'], field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] }, }, ], run_as: [], }, kibana: [], }, animals: { elasticsearch: { cluster: [], indices: [ { names: ['animals-*', 'dogbreeds'], privileges: ['read', 'view_index_metadata'], field_security: { grant: ['*'], except: [] }, }, ], run_as: [], }, kibana: [], }, }, defaultRoles: ['test_logstash_reader', 'kibana_admin'], }, }; }