/** Wraps the main/important part of a job, executes it, and then publishes a comment to GitHub with the status. It will check for the existence of GHPRB env variables before doing any actual PR work, so it can be used to wrap code that is executed in both PR and non-PR contexts. Inside the comment, it will hide a JSON blob containing build data (status, etc). Then, the next time it posts a comment, it will: 1. Read the previous comment and parse the json 2. Create a new comment, add a summary of up to 5 previous builds to it, and append this build's data to the hidden JSON 3. Delete the old comment So, there is only ever one build status comment on a PR at any given time, the most recent one. */ def withDefaultPrComments(closure) { catchErrors { // kibanaPipeline.notifyOnError() needs to know if comments are enabled, so lets track it with a global // isPr() just ensures this functionality is skipped for non-PR builds buildState.set('PR_COMMENTS_ENABLED', isPr()) catchErrors { closure() } sendComment(true) } } def sendComment(isFinal = false) { if (!buildState.get('PR_COMMENTS_ENABLED')) { return } def status = buildUtils.getBuildStatus() if (status == "ABORTED") { return } def lastComment = getLatestBuildComment() def info = getLatestBuildInfo(lastComment) ?: [:] info.builds = (info.builds ?: []).takeRight(5) // Rotate out old builds // If two builds are running at the same time, the first one should not post a comment after the second one if (info.number && info.number.toInteger() > env.BUILD_NUMBER.toInteger()) { return } def shouldUpdateComment = !!info.builds.find { it.number == env.BUILD_NUMBER } def message = getNextCommentMessage(info, isFinal) if (shouldUpdateComment) { updateComment(lastComment.id, message) } else { createComment(message) if (lastComment && lastComment.user.login == 'kibanamachine') { deleteComment(lastComment.id) } } } // Checks whether or not this currently executing build was triggered via a PR in the elastic/kibana repo def isPr() { return !!(env.ghprbPullId && env.ghprbPullLink && env.ghprbPullLink =~ /\/elastic\/kibana\//) } def isTrackedBranchPr() { return isPr() && (env.ghprbTargetBranch == 'master' || env.ghprbTargetBranch == '6.8' || env.ghprbTargetBranch =~ /[7-8]\.[x0-9]+/) } def getLatestBuildComment() { return getComments() .reverse() .find { (it.user.login == 'elasticmachine' || it.user.login == 'kibanamachine') && it.body =~ // if (!matches || !matches[0]) { return null } return toJSON(matches[0][1].trim()) } def getLatestBuildInfo() { return getLatestBuildInfo(getLatestBuildComment()) } def getLatestBuildInfo(comment) { return comment ? getBuildInfoFromComment(comment.body) : null } def getHistoryText(builds) { if (!builds || builds.size() < 1) { return "" } def list = builds .reverse() .collect { build -> if (build.status == "SUCCESS") { return "* :green_heart: [Build #${build.number}](${build.url}) succeeded ${build.commit}" } else if(build.status == "UNSTABLE") { return "* :yellow_heart: [Build #${build.number}](${build.url}) was flaky ${build.commit}" } else { return "* :broken_heart: [Build #${build.number}](${build.url}) failed ${build.commit}" } } .join("\n") return "### History\n${list}" } def getTestFailuresMessage() { def failures = testUtils.getFailures() if (!failures) { return "" } def messages = [] messages << "---\n\n### [Test Failures](${env.BUILD_URL}testReport)" failures.take(3).each { failure -> messages << """
${failure.fullDisplayName} [Link to Jenkins](${failure.url}) """ if (failure.stdOut) { messages << "\n#### Standard Out\n```\n${failure.stdOut}\n```" } if (failure.stdErr) { messages << "\n#### Standard Error\n```\n${failure.stdErr}\n```" } if (failure.stacktrace) { messages << "\n#### Stack Trace\n```\n${failure.stacktrace}\n```" } messages << "
\n\n---" } if (failures.size() > 3) { messages << "and ${failures.size() - 3} more failures, only showing the first 3." } return messages.join("\n") } def getBuildStatusIncludingMetrics() { def status = buildUtils.getBuildStatus() if (status == 'SUCCESS' && shouldCheckCiMetricSuccess() && !ciStats.getMetricsSuccess()) { return 'FAILURE' } return status } def getNextCommentMessage(previousCommentInfo = [:], isFinal = false) { def info = previousCommentInfo ?: [:] info.builds = previousCommentInfo.builds ?: [] // When we update an in-progress comment, we need to remove the old version from the history info.builds = info.builds.findAll { it.number != env.BUILD_NUMBER } def messages = [] def status = isFinal ? getBuildStatusIncludingMetrics() : buildUtils.getBuildStatus() def storybooksUrl = buildState.get('storybooksUrl') def storybooksMessage = storybooksUrl ? "* [Storybooks Preview](${storybooksUrl})" : "* Storybooks not built" if (!isFinal) { storybooksMessage = storybooksUrl ? storybooksMessage : "* Storybooks not built yet" def failuresPart = status != 'SUCCESS' ? ', with failures' : '' messages << """ ## :hourglass_flowing_sand: Build in-progress${failuresPart} * [continuous-integration/kibana-ci/pull-request](${env.BUILD_URL}) * Commit: ${getCommitHash()} ${storybooksMessage} * This comment will update when the build is complete """ } else if (status == 'SUCCESS') { messages << """ ## :green_heart: Build Succeeded * [continuous-integration/kibana-ci/pull-request](${env.BUILD_URL}) * Commit: ${getCommitHash()} ${storybooksMessage} ${getDocsChangesLink()} """ } else if(status == 'UNSTABLE') { def message = """ ## :yellow_heart: Build succeeded, but was flaky * [continuous-integration/kibana-ci/pull-request](${env.BUILD_URL}) * Commit: ${getCommitHash()} ${storybooksMessage} ${getDocsChangesLink()} """.stripIndent() def failures = retryable.getFlakyFailures() if (failures && failures.size() > 0) { def list = failures.collect { " * ${it.label}" }.join("\n") message += "* Flaky suites:\n${list}" } messages << message } else { messages << """ ## :broken_heart: Build Failed * [continuous-integration/kibana-ci/pull-request](${env.BUILD_URL}) * Commit: ${getCommitHash()} ${storybooksMessage} * [Pipeline Steps](${env.BUILD_URL}flowGraphTable) (look for red circles / failed steps) * [Interpreting CI Failures](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/interpreting-ci-failures.html) ${getDocsChangesLink()} """ } if (status != 'SUCCESS' && status != 'UNSTABLE') { try { def steps = getFailedSteps() if (steps?.size() > 0) { def list = steps.collect { "* [${it.displayName}](${it.logs})" }.join("\n") messages << "### Failed CI Steps\n${list}" } } catch (ex) { buildUtils.printStacktrace(ex) print "Error retrieving failed pipeline steps for PR comment, will skip this section" } } messages << getTestFailuresMessage() catchErrors { if (isFinal && isTrackedBranchPr()) { messages << ciStats.getMetricsReport() } } if (info.builds && info.builds.size() > 0) { messages << getHistoryText(info.builds) } messages << "To update your PR or re-run it, just comment with:\n`@elasticmachine merge upstream`" catchErrors { def assignees = getAssignees() if (assignees) { messages << "cc " + assignees.collect { "@${it}"}.join(" ") } } info.builds << [ status: status, url: env.BUILD_URL, number: env.BUILD_NUMBER, commit: getCommitHash() ] messages << """ """ return messages .findAll { !!it } // No blank strings .collect { it.stripIndent().trim() } // This just allows us to indent various strings above, but leaves them un-indented in the comment .join("\n\n") } def createComment(message) { if (!isPr()) { error "Trying to post a GitHub PR comment on a non-PR or non-elastic PR build" } withGithubCredentials { return githubApi.post("repos/elastic/kibana/issues/${env.ghprbPullId}/comments", [ body: message ]) } } def getComments() { withGithubCredentials { return githubIssues.getComments(env.ghprbPullId) } } def updateComment(commentId, message) { if (!isPr()) { error "Trying to post a GitHub PR comment on a non-PR or non-elastic PR build" } withGithubCredentials { def path = "repos/elastic/kibana/issues/comments/${commentId}" def json = toJSON([ body: message ]).toString() def resp = githubApi([ path: path ], [ method: "POST", data: json, headers: [ "X-HTTP-Method-Override": "PATCH" ] ]) return toJSON(resp) } } def deleteComment(commentId) { withGithubCredentials { def path = "repos/elastic/kibana/issues/comments/${commentId}" return githubApi([ path: path ], [ method: "DELETE" ]) } } def getCommitHash() { return env.ghprbActualCommit } def getDocsChangesLink() { def url = "https://kibana_${env.ghprbPullId}.docs-preview.app.elstc.co/diff" try { // httpRequest throws on status codes >400 and failures def resp = httpRequest([ method: "GET", url: url ]) if (resp.contains("There aren't any differences!")) { return "" } return "* [Documentation Changes](${url})" } catch (ex) { print "Failed to reach ${url}" buildUtils.printStacktrace(ex) } return "" } def getFailedSteps() { return jenkinsApi.getFailedSteps()?.findAll { step -> step.displayName != 'Check out from version control' } } def shouldCheckCiMetricSuccess() { // disable ciMetrics success check when a PR is targetting a non-tracked branch if (buildState.has('checkoutInfo') && !buildState.get('checkoutInfo').targetsTrackedBranch) { return false } return true } def getPR() { withGithubCredentials { def path = "repos/elastic/kibana/pulls/${env.ghprbPullId}" return githubApi.get(path) } } def getAssignees() { def pr = getPR() if (!pr) { return [] } return pr.assignees.collect { it.login } }