[role="xpack"] [[upgrade-assistant-api]] == Upgrade assistant APIs Check the upgrade status of your {es} cluster and reindex indices that were created in the previous major version. The assistant helps you prepare for the next major version of {es}. The following upgrade assistant APIs are available: * <> to check the status of your cluster * <> to start a new reindex or resume a paused reindex * <> to start or resume multiple reindex tasks * <> to check the current reindex batch queue * <> to check the status of the reindex operation * <> to cancel reindexes that are waiting for the {es} reindex task to complete include::upgrade-assistant/status.asciidoc[] include::upgrade-assistant/reindexing.asciidoc[] include::upgrade-assistant/batch_reindexing.asciidoc[] include::upgrade-assistant/batch_queue.asciidoc[] include::upgrade-assistant/check_reindex_status.asciidoc[] include::upgrade-assistant/cancel_reindex.asciidoc[]