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}" ], "path": "node_modules/utility-types/dist/mapped-types.d.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.AugmentedRequired", "type": "Type", "tags": [ "desc" ], "label": "AugmentedRequired", "description": [ "\nRequired" ], "signature": [ "Pick> & Required>" ], "path": "node_modules/utility-types/dist/mapped-types.d.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.Class", "type": "Type", "tags": [ "desc", "see" ], "label": "Class", "description": [ "\nClass" ], "signature": [ "new (...args: any[]) => T" ], "path": "node_modules/utility-types/dist/utility-types.d.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.Ensure", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "Ensure", "description": [ "\nEnsures T is of type X." ], "signature": [ "T extends X ? T : never" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.JsonValue", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "JsonValue", "description": [], "signature": [ "string | number | boolean | ", { "pluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibKbnUtilityTypesPluginApi", "section": "def-server.JsonArray", "text": "JsonArray" }, " | ", { "pluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibKbnUtilityTypesPluginApi", "section": "def-server.JsonObject", "text": "JsonObject" }, " | null" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/serializable/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.MaybePromise", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "MaybePromise", "description": [ "\nA type that may or may not be a `Promise`." ], "signature": [ "T | Promise" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.MethodKeysOf", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "MethodKeysOf", "description": [ "\nReturns public method names" ], "signature": [ "{ [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never; }[keyof T]" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.Optional", "type": "Type", "tags": [ "desc" ], "label": "Optional", "description": [ "\nOptional" ], "signature": [ "Pick> & Partial>" ], "path": "node_modules/utility-types/dist/mapped-types.d.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.PublicContract", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "PublicContract", "description": [ "\nReturns an object with public keys only." ], "signature": [ "{ [P in keyof T]: T[P]; }" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.PublicKeys", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "PublicKeys", "description": [ "\nReturns public keys of an object." ], "signature": [ "keyof T" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.PublicMethodsOf", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "PublicMethodsOf", "description": [ "\n Returns an object with public methods only." ], "signature": [ "{ [P in ", { "pluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibKbnUtilityTypesPluginApi", "section": "def-server.MethodKeysOf", "text": "MethodKeysOf" }, "]: T[P]; }" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.RecursiveReadonly", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "RecursiveReadonly", "description": [], "signature": [ "T extends (...args: any) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? ", { "pluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibKbnUtilityTypesPluginApi", "section": "def-server.RecursiveReadonlyArray", "text": "RecursiveReadonlyArray" }, " : T extends object ? Readonly<{ [K in keyof T]: ", { "pluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibKbnUtilityTypesPluginApi", "section": "def-server.RecursiveReadonly", "text": "RecursiveReadonly" }, "; }> : T" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.Serializable", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "Serializable", "description": [], "signature": [ "string | number | boolean | ", { "pluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibKbnUtilityTypesPluginApi", "section": "def-server.SerializableRecord", "text": "SerializableRecord" }, " | ", "SerializableArray", " | null | undefined" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/serializable/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.ShallowPromise", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "ShallowPromise", "description": [ "\nConverts a type to a `Promise`, unless it is already a `Promise`. Useful when proxying the return value of a possibly async function." ], "signature": [ "T extends Promise ? Promise : Promise" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.UnionToIntersection", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "UnionToIntersection", "description": [ "\nUtility type for converting a union of types into an intersection.\n\nThis is a bit of \"black magic\" that will interpret a Union type as an Intersection\ntype. This is necessary in the case of distinguishing one collection from\nanother." ], "signature": [ "(U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends (k: infer I) => void ? I : never" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.UnwrapObservable", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "UnwrapObservable", "description": [ "\nReturns wrapped type of an observable." ], "signature": [ "T extends ", { "pluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "scope": "server", "docId": "kibKbnUtilityTypesPluginApi", "section": "def-server.ObservableLike", "text": "ObservableLike" }, " ? U : never" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.UnwrapPromise", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "UnwrapPromise", "description": [ "\nReturns wrapped type of a `Promise`." ], "signature": [ "T extends Promise ? U : never" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.UnwrapPromiseOrReturn", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "UnwrapPromiseOrReturn", "description": [ "\nReturns wrapped type of a promise, or returns type as is, if it is not a promise." ], "signature": [ "T extends Promise ? U : T" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.Values", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "Values", "description": [ "\nReturns types or array or object values." ], "signature": [ "T extends any[] ? T[number] : T extends object ? T[keyof T] : never" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false }, { "parentPluginId": "@kbn/utility-types", "id": "def-server.Writable", "type": "Type", "tags": [], "label": "Writable", "description": [ "\n Makes an object with readonly properties mutable." ], "signature": [ "{ -readonly [K in keyof T]: T[K]; }" ], "path": "packages/kbn-utility-types/src/index.ts", "deprecated": false, "initialIsOpen": false } ], "objects": [] }, "common": { "classes": [], "functions": [], "interfaces": [], "enums": [], "misc": [], "objects": [] } }