[[getting-started]] = Getting Started [partintro] -- Now that you have Kibana <>, you can step through this tutorial to get fast hands-on experience with key Kibana functionality. By the end of this tutorial, you will have: * Loaded a sample data set into your Elasticsearch installation * Defined at least one index pattern * Used the <> functionality to explore your data * Set up some <> to graphically represent your data * Assembled visualizations into a <> The material in this section assumes you have a working Kibana install connected to a working Elasticsearch install. Video tutorials are also available: * https://www.elastic.co/blog/kibana-4-video-tutorials-part-1[High-level Kibana introduction, pie charts] * https://www.elastic.co/blog/kibana-4-video-tutorials-part-2[Data discovery, bar charts, and line charts] * https://www.elastic.co/blog/kibana-4-video-tutorials-part-3[Tile maps] * https://www.elastic.co/blog/kibana-4-video-tutorials-part-4[Embedding Kibana visualizations] -- include::getting-started/tutorial-load-dataset.asciidoc[] include::getting-started/tutorial-define-index.asciidoc[] include::getting-started/tutorial-discovering.asciidoc[] include::getting-started/tutorial-visualizing.asciidoc[] include::getting-started/tutorial-dashboard.asciidoc[] include::getting-started/wrapping-up.asciidoc[]