[[index-patterns]] === Create an index pattern {kib} requires an index pattern to access the {es} data that you want to explore. An index pattern selects the data to use and allows you to define properties of the fields. An index pattern can point to one or more indices, {ref}/data-streams.html[data stream], or {ref}/alias.html[index aliases]. For example, an index pattern can point to your log data from yesterday, or all indices that contain your data. [float] [[index-patterns-read-only-access]] === Required permissions * Access to *Index Patterns* requires the <> `Index Pattern Management`. * To create an index pattern, you must have the <> `view_index_metadata`. * If a read-only indicator appears in {kib}, you have insufficient privileges to create or save index patterns. The buttons to create new index patterns or save existing index patterns are not visible. For more information, refer to <>. [float] [[settings-create-pattern]] === Create an index pattern If you collected data using one of the {kib} <>, uploaded a file, or added sample data, you get an index pattern for free, and can start exploring your data. If you loaded your own data, follow these steps to create an index pattern. . Open the main menu, then click to *Stack Management > Index Patterns*. . Click *Create index pattern*. + [role="screenshot"] image:management/index-patterns/images/create-index-pattern.png["Create index pattern"] . Start typing in the *Index pattern* field, and {kib} looks for the names of indices, data streams, and aliases that match your input. + ** To match multiple sources, use a wildcard (*). For example, `filebeat-*` matches `filebeat-apache-a`, `filebeat-apache-b`, and so on. + ** To match multiple single sources, enter their names, separated with a comma. Do not include a space after the comma. `filebeat-a,filebeat-b` matches two indices, but not match `filebeat-c`. + ** To exclude a source, use a minus sign (-), for example, `-test3`. . If {kib} detects an index with a timestamp, expand the *Timestamp field* menu, and then select the default field for filtering your data by time. + ** If your index doesn’t have time-based data, choose *I don’t want to use the time filter*. + ** If you don’t set a default time field, you can't use global time filters on your dashboards. This is useful if you have multiple time fields and want to create dashboards that combine visualizations based on different timestamps. . Click *Create index pattern*. + [[reload-fields]] {kib} is now configured to use your {es} data. When a new field is added to an index, the index pattern field list is updated the next time the index pattern is loaded, for example, when you load the page or move between {kib} apps. . Select this index pattern when you search and visualize your data. [float] [[rollup-index-pattern]] ==== Create an index pattern for rolled up data An index pattern can match one rollup index. For a combination rollup index pattern with both raw and rolled up data, use the standard notation: ```ts rollup_logstash,kibana_sample_data_logs ``` For an example, refer to <>. [float] [[management-cross-cluster-search]] ==== Create an index pattern that searches across clusters If your {es} clusters are configured for {ref}/modules-cross-cluster-search.html[{ccs}], you can create an index pattern to search across the clusters of your choosing. Use the same syntax that you use in a raw {ccs} request in {es}: ```ts : ``` To query {ls} indices across two {es} clusters that you set up for {ccs}, named `cluster_one` and `cluster_two`: ```ts cluster_one:logstash-*,cluster_two:logstash-* ``` Use wildcards in your cluster names to match any number of clusters. To search {ls} indices across clusters named `cluster_foo`, `cluster_bar`, and so on: ```ts cluster_*:logstash-* ``` To query across all {es} clusters that have been configured for {ccs}, use a standalone wildcard for your cluster name: ```ts *:logstash-* ``` To match indices starting with `logstash-`, but exclude those starting with `logstash-old`, from all clusters having a name starting with `cluster_`: ```ts `cluster_*:logstash-*,cluster_*:-logstash-old*` ``` To exclude a cluster having a name starting with `cluster_`: ```ts `cluster_*:logstash-*,cluster_one:-*` ``` Once you configure an index pattern to use the {ccs} syntax, all searches and aggregations using that index pattern in {kib} take advantage of {ccs}. [float] [[delete-index-pattern]] === Delete index patterns When you delete an index pattern, you cannot recover the associated field formatters, runtime fields, source filters, and field popularity data. Deleting an index pattern does not remove any indices or data documents from {es}. WARNING: Deleting an index pattern breaks all visualizations, saved searches, and other saved objects that reference the index pattern. . Open the main menu, then click *Stack Management > Index Patterns*. . Click the index pattern to delete. . Delete (image:management/index-patterns/images/delete.png[Delete icon]) the index pattern.