[role="xpack"] [[fleet-settings-kb]] === {fleet} settings in {kib} ++++ {fleet} settings ++++ [NOTE] ==== In {ecloud}, {fleet} flags are already configured. ==== You can configure `xpack.fleet` settings in your `kibana.yml`. By default, {fleet} is enabled. To use {fleet}, you also need to configure {kib} and {es} hosts. See the {fleet-guide}/index.html[{fleet}] docs for more information. [[general-fleet-settings-kb]] ==== General {fleet} settings [cols="2*<"] |=== | `xpack.fleet.agents.enabled` {ess-icon} | Set to `true` (default) to enable {fleet}. |=== [[fleet-data-visualizer-settings]] ==== {package-manager} settings [cols="2*<"] |=== | `xpack.fleet.registryUrl` | The address to use to reach the {package-manager} registry. | `xpack.fleet.registryProxyUrl` | The proxy address to use to reach the {package-manager} registry. |=== ==== {fleet} settings [cols="2*<"] |=== | `xpack.fleet.agents.fleet_server.hosts` | Hostnames used by {agent} for accessing {fleet-server}. | `xpack.fleet.agents.elasticsearch.hosts` | Hostnames used by {agent} for accessing {es}. | `xpack.fleet.agents.elasticsearch.ca_sha256` | Hash pin used for certificate verification. The pin is a base64-encoded string of the SHA-256 fingerprint. |=== ==== Preconfiguration settings (for advanced use cases) Use these settings to pre-define integrations and agent policies that you want {fleet} to load up by default. [cols="2*