[[connect-to-elasticsearch]] == Add your data ++++ Add data ++++ To start working with your data in {kib}, use one of the many ingest options, available from the home page. You can collect data from an app or service, or upload a file that contains your data. If you're not ready to use your own data, add a sample data set and give {kib} a test drive. [role="screenshot"] image::images/addData_home_7.15.0.png[Built-in options for adding data to Kibana: Add data, Add Elastic Agent, Upload a file] [float] [[add-data-tutorial-kibana]] === Add data Want to ingest logs, metrics, security, or application data? Install and configure a Beats data shipper or other module to periodically collect the data and send it to {es}. You can then use the pre-built dashboards to explore and analyze the data. [role="screenshot"] image::images/add-data-tutorials.png[Add Data tutorials] [discrete] === Add Elastic Agent *Elastic Agent* is the next generation of data integration modules, offering a centralized way to set up your integrations. With *Fleet*, you can add and manage integrations for popular services and platforms, providing an easy way to collect your data, and manage {elastic-agent} installations in standalone or {fleet} mode. The integrations ship with dashboards and visualizations, so you can quickly get insights into your data, and {fleet} mode offers several advantages: * A central place to configure and monitor your {agents}. * An overview of the data ingest in your {es} cluster. * Multiple integrations to collect and transform data. [role="screenshot"] image::images/addData_fleet_7.15.0.png[Add data using Fleet] To get started, refer to {observability-guide}/ingest-logs-metrics-uptime.html[Ingest logs, metrics, and uptime data with {agent}]. [discrete] [[upload-data-kibana]] === Upload a file If you have a log file or delimited CSV, TSV, or JSON file, you can upload it, view its fields and metrics, and optionally import it into {es}. NOTE: This feature is not intended for use as part of a repeated production process, but rather for the initial exploration of your data. You can upload a file up to 100 MB. This value is configurable up to 1 GB in <>. To upload a file with geospatial data, refer to <>. [role="screenshot"] image::images/add-data-fv.png[Uploading a file in {kib}] The {stack-security-features} provide roles and privileges that control which users can upload files. To upload a file in {kib} and import it into an {es} index, you'll need: * `all` {kib} privileges for *Discover* * `manage_pipeline` or `manage_ingest_pipelines` cluster privilege * `create`, `create_index`, `manage`, and `read` index privileges for the index You can manage your roles, privileges, and spaces in **{stack-manage-app}** in {kib}. For more information, refer to <>. [discrete] === Additional options for loading your data If the {kib} ingest options don't work for you, you can index your data into Elasticsearch with {ref}/getting-started-index.html[REST APIs] or https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/index.html[client libraries]. After you add your data, you're required to create an <> to tell {kib} where to find the data. * To add data for Elastic Observability, refer to {observability-guide}/add-observability-data.html[Send data to Elasticsearch]. * To add data for Elastic Security, refer to https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/security/current/ingest-data.html[Ingest data to Elastic Security].