/* * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License * 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except * in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server * Side Public License, v 1. */ import { delay } from 'bluebird'; import expect from '@kbn/expect'; // @ts-ignore import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { getUrl } from '@kbn/test'; import { FtrService } from '../ftr_provider_context'; interface NavigateProps { appConfig: {}; ensureCurrentUrl: boolean; shouldLoginIfPrompted: boolean; useActualUrl: boolean; insertTimestamp: boolean; } export class CommonPageObject extends FtrService { private readonly log = this.ctx.getService('log'); private readonly config = this.ctx.getService('config'); private readonly browser = this.ctx.getService('browser'); private readonly retry = this.ctx.getService('retry'); private readonly find = this.ctx.getService('find'); private readonly globalNav = this.ctx.getService('globalNav'); private readonly testSubjects = this.ctx.getService('testSubjects'); private readonly loginPage = this.ctx.getPageObject('login'); private readonly defaultTryTimeout = this.config.get('timeouts.try'); private readonly defaultFindTimeout = this.config.get('timeouts.find'); /** * Logins to Kibana as default user and navigates to provided app * @param appUrl Kibana URL */ private async loginIfPrompted(appUrl: string, insertTimestamp: boolean) { // Disable the welcome screen. This is relevant for environments // which don't allow to use the yml setting, e.g. cloud production. // It is done here so it applies to logins but also to a login re-use. await this.browser.setLocalStorageItem('home:welcome:show', 'false'); let currentUrl = await this.browser.getCurrentUrl(); this.log.debug(`currentUrl = ${currentUrl}\n appUrl = ${appUrl}`); await this.testSubjects.find('kibanaChrome', 6 * this.defaultFindTimeout); // 60 sec waiting const loginPage = currentUrl.includes('/login'); const wantedLoginPage = appUrl.includes('/login') || appUrl.includes('/logout'); if (loginPage && !wantedLoginPage) { this.log.debug('Found login page'); if (this.config.get('security.disableTestUser')) { await this.loginPage.login( this.config.get('servers.kibana.username'), this.config.get('servers.kibana.password') ); } else { await this.loginPage.login('test_user', 'changeme'); } await this.find.byCssSelector( '[data-test-subj="kibanaChrome"] nav:not(.ng-hide)', 6 * this.defaultFindTimeout ); await this.browser.get(appUrl, insertTimestamp); currentUrl = await this.browser.getCurrentUrl(); this.log.debug(`Finished login process currentUrl = ${currentUrl}`); } return currentUrl; } private async navigate(navigateProps: NavigateProps) { const { appConfig, ensureCurrentUrl, shouldLoginIfPrompted, useActualUrl, insertTimestamp, } = navigateProps; const appUrl = getUrl.noAuth(this.config.get('servers.kibana'), appConfig); await this.retry.try(async () => { if (useActualUrl) { this.log.debug(`navigateToActualUrl ${appUrl}`); await this.browser.get(appUrl); } else { this.log.debug(`navigateToUrl ${appUrl}`); await this.browser.get(appUrl, insertTimestamp); } // accept alert if it pops up const alert = await this.browser.getAlert(); await alert?.accept(); const currentUrl = shouldLoginIfPrompted ? await this.loginIfPrompted(appUrl, insertTimestamp) : await this.browser.getCurrentUrl(); if (ensureCurrentUrl && !currentUrl.includes(appUrl)) { throw new Error(`expected ${currentUrl}.includes(${appUrl})`); } }); } /** * Navigates browser using the pathname from the appConfig and subUrl as the hash * @param appName As defined in the apps config, e.g. 'home' * @param subUrl The route after the hash (#), e.g. '/tutorial_directory/sampleData' * @param args additional arguments */ public async navigateToUrl( appName: string, subUrl?: string, { basePath = '', ensureCurrentUrl = true, shouldLoginIfPrompted = true, useActualUrl = false, insertTimestamp = true, shouldUseHashForSubUrl = true, } = {} ) { const appConfig: { pathname: string; hash?: string } = { pathname: `${basePath}${this.config.get(['apps', appName]).pathname}`, }; if (shouldUseHashForSubUrl) { appConfig.hash = useActualUrl ? subUrl : `/${appName}/${subUrl}`; } else { appConfig.pathname += `/${subUrl}`; } await this.navigate({ appConfig, ensureCurrentUrl, shouldLoginIfPrompted, useActualUrl, insertTimestamp, }); } /** * Navigates browser using the pathname from the appConfig and subUrl as the extended path. * This was added to be able to test an application that uses browser history over hash history. * @param appName As defined in the apps config, e.g. 'home' * @param subUrl The route after the appUrl, e.g. '/tutorial_directory/sampleData' * @param args additional arguments */ public async navigateToUrlWithBrowserHistory( appName: string, subUrl?: string, search?: string, { basePath = '', ensureCurrentUrl = true, shouldLoginIfPrompted = true, useActualUrl = true, insertTimestamp = true, } = {} ) { const appConfig = { // subUrl following the basePath, assumes no hashes. Ex: 'app/endpoint/management' pathname: `${basePath}${this.config.get(['apps', appName]).pathname}${subUrl}`, search, }; await this.navigate({ appConfig, ensureCurrentUrl, shouldLoginIfPrompted, useActualUrl, insertTimestamp, }); } /** * Navigates browser using only the pathname from the appConfig * @param appName As defined in the apps config, e.g. 'kibana' * @param hash The route after the hash (#), e.g. 'management/kibana/settings' * @param args additional arguments */ async navigateToActualUrl( appName: string, hash?: string, { basePath = '', ensureCurrentUrl = true, shouldLoginIfPrompted = true } = {} ) { await this.navigateToUrl(appName, hash, { basePath, ensureCurrentUrl, shouldLoginIfPrompted, useActualUrl: true, }); } async sleep(sleepMilliseconds: number) { this.log.debug(`... sleep(${sleepMilliseconds}) start`); await delay(sleepMilliseconds); this.log.debug(`... sleep(${sleepMilliseconds}) end`); } async navigateToApp( appName: string, { basePath = '', shouldLoginIfPrompted = true, hash = '', insertTimestamp = true } = {} ) { let appUrl: string; if (this.config.has(['apps', appName])) { // Legacy applications const appConfig = this.config.get(['apps', appName]); appUrl = getUrl.noAuth(this.config.get('servers.kibana'), { pathname: `${basePath}${appConfig.pathname}`, hash: hash || appConfig.hash, }); } else { appUrl = getUrl.noAuth(this.config.get('servers.kibana'), { pathname: `${basePath}/app/${appName}`, hash, }); } this.log.debug('navigating to ' + appName + ' url: ' + appUrl); await this.retry.tryForTime(this.defaultTryTimeout * 2, async () => { let lastUrl = await this.retry.try(async () => { // since we're using hash URLs, always reload first to force re-render this.log.debug('navigate to: ' + appUrl); await this.browser.get(appUrl, insertTimestamp); // accept alert if it pops up const alert = await this.browser.getAlert(); await alert?.accept(); await this.sleep(700); this.log.debug('returned from get, calling refresh'); await this.browser.refresh(); let currentUrl = shouldLoginIfPrompted ? await this.loginIfPrompted(appUrl, insertTimestamp) : await this.browser.getCurrentUrl(); if (currentUrl.includes('app/kibana')) { await this.testSubjects.find('kibanaChrome'); } currentUrl = (await this.browser.getCurrentUrl()).replace(/\/\/\w+:\w+@/, '//'); const navSuccessful = currentUrl .replace(':80/', '/') .replace(':443/', '/') .startsWith(appUrl); if (!navSuccessful) { const msg = `App failed to load: ${appName} in ${this.defaultFindTimeout}ms appUrl=${appUrl} currentUrl=${currentUrl}`; this.log.debug(msg); throw new Error(msg); } return currentUrl; }); await this.retry.tryForTime(this.defaultFindTimeout, async () => { await this.sleep(501); const currentUrl = await this.browser.getCurrentUrl(); this.log.debug('in navigateTo url = ' + currentUrl); if (lastUrl !== currentUrl) { lastUrl = currentUrl; throw new Error('URL changed, waiting for it to settle'); } }); }); } async waitUntilUrlIncludes(path: string) { await this.retry.try(async () => { const url = await this.browser.getCurrentUrl(); if (!url.includes(path)) { throw new Error('Url not found'); } }); } async getSharedItemTitleAndDescription() { const cssSelector = '[data-shared-item][data-title][data-description]'; const element = await this.find.byCssSelector(cssSelector); return { title: await element.getAttribute('data-title'), description: await element.getAttribute('data-description'), }; } async getSharedItemContainers() { const cssSelector = '[data-shared-items-container]'; return this.find.allByCssSelector(cssSelector); } async ensureModalOverlayHidden() { return this.retry.try(async () => { const shown = await this.testSubjects.exists('confirmModalTitleText'); if (shown) { throw new Error('Modal overlay is showing'); } }); } async clickConfirmOnModal(ensureHidden = true) { this.log.debug('Clicking modal confirm'); // make sure this data-test-subj 'confirmModalTitleText' exists because we're going to wait for it to be gone later await this.testSubjects.exists('confirmModalTitleText'); await this.testSubjects.click('confirmModalConfirmButton'); if (ensureHidden) { await this.ensureModalOverlayHidden(); } } async pressEnterKey() { await this.browser.pressKeys(this.browser.keys.ENTER); } async pressTabKey() { await this.browser.pressKeys(this.browser.keys.TAB); } // Pause the browser at a certain place for debugging // Not meant for usage in CI, only for dev-usage async pause() { return this.browser.pause(); } /** * Clicks cancel button on modal * @param overlayWillStay pass in true if your test will show multiple modals in succession */ async clickCancelOnModal(overlayWillStay = true) { this.log.debug('Clicking modal cancel'); await this.testSubjects.click('confirmModalCancelButton'); if (!overlayWillStay) { await this.ensureModalOverlayHidden(); } } async expectConfirmModalOpenState(state: boolean) { this.log.debug(`expectConfirmModalOpenState(${state})`); // we use retry here instead of a simple .exists() check because the modal // fades in/out, which takes time, and we really only care that at some point // the modal is either open or closed await this.retry.try(async () => { const actualState = await this.testSubjects.exists('confirmModalCancelButton'); expect(actualState).to.equal( state, state ? 'Confirm modal should be present' : 'Confirm modal should be hidden' ); }); } async isChromeVisible() { const globalNavShown = await this.globalNav.exists(); return globalNavShown; } async isChromeHidden() { const globalNavShown = await this.globalNav.exists(); return !globalNavShown; } async waitForTopNavToBeVisible() { await this.retry.try(async () => { const isNavVisible = await this.testSubjects.exists('top-nav'); if (!isNavVisible) { throw new Error('Local nav not visible yet'); } }); } async closeToast() { const toast = await this.find.byCssSelector('.euiToast', 6 * this.defaultFindTimeout); await toast.moveMouseTo(); const title = await (await this.find.byCssSelector('.euiToastHeader__title')).getVisibleText(); await this.find.clickByCssSelector('.euiToast__closeButton'); return title; } async closeToastIfExists() { const toastShown = await this.find.existsByCssSelector('.euiToast'); if (toastShown) { try { await this.find.clickByCssSelector('.euiToast__closeButton'); } catch (err) { // ignore errors, toast clear themselves after timeout } } } async clearAllToasts() { const toasts = await this.find.allByCssSelector('.euiToast'); for (const toastElement of toasts) { try { await toastElement.moveMouseTo(); const closeBtn = await toastElement.findByCssSelector('.euiToast__closeButton'); await closeBtn.click(); } catch (err) { // ignore errors, toast clear themselves after timeout } } } async getJsonBodyText() { if (await this.find.existsByCssSelector('a[id=rawdata-tab]', this.defaultFindTimeout)) { // Firefox has 3 tabs and requires navigation to see Raw output await this.find.clickByCssSelector('a[id=rawdata-tab]'); } const msgElements = await this.find.allByCssSelector('body pre'); if (msgElements.length > 0) { return await msgElements[0].getVisibleText(); } else { // Sometimes Firefox renders Timelion page without tabs and with div#json const jsonElement = await this.find.byCssSelector('body div#json'); return await jsonElement.getVisibleText(); } } async getBodyText() { const body = await this.find.byCssSelector('body'); return await body.getVisibleText(); } async waitForSaveModalToClose() { this.log.debug('Waiting for save modal to close'); await this.retry.try(async () => { if (await this.testSubjects.exists('savedObjectSaveModal')) { throw new Error('save modal still open'); } }); } async setFileInputPath(path: string) { this.log.debug(`Setting the path '${path}' on the file input`); const input = await this.find.byCssSelector('.euiFilePicker__input'); await input.type(path); } async scrollKibanaBodyTop() { await this.browser.setScrollToById('kibana-body', 0, 0); } /** * Dismiss Banner if available. */ async dismissBanner() { if (await this.testSubjects.exists('global-banner-item')) { const button = await this.find.byButtonText('Dismiss'); await button.click(); } } /** * Get visible text of the Welcome Banner */ async getWelcomeText() { return await this.testSubjects.getVisibleText('global-banner-item'); } /** * Clicks on an element, and validates that the desired effect has taken place * by confirming the existence of a validator */ async clickAndValidate( clickTarget: string, validator: string, isValidatorCssString: boolean = false, topOffset?: number ) { await this.testSubjects.click(clickTarget, undefined, topOffset); const validate = isValidatorCssString ? this.find.byCssSelector : this.testSubjects.exists; await validate(validator); } }