[[breaking-changes-8.0]] == Breaking changes in 8.0 ++++ 8.0 ++++ This section discusses the changes that you need to be aware of when migrating your application to Kibana 8.0. coming[8.0.0] See also <> and <>. * <> * <> //NOTE: The notable-breaking-changes tagged regions are re-used in the //Installation and Upgrade Guide [float] [[breaking_80_index_pattern_changes]] === Index pattern changes [float] ==== Removed support for time-based internal index patterns *Details:* Time-based interval index patterns were deprecated in 5.x. In 6.x, you could no longer create time-based interval index patterns, but they continued to function as expected. Support for these index patterns has been removed in 8.0. *Impact:* You must migrate your time_based index patterns to a wildcard pattern, for example, `logstash-*`. [float] [[breaking_80_setting_changes]] === Settings changes // tag::notable-breaking-changes[] [float] ==== Legacy browsers are now rejected by default *Details:* `csp.strict` is now enabled by default, so Kibana will fail to load for older, legacy browsers that do not enforce basic Content Security Policy protections - notably Internet Explorer 11. *Impact:* To allow Kibana to function for these legacy browsers, set `csp.strict: false`. Since this is about enforcing a security protocol, we *strongly discourage* disabling `csp.strict` unless it is critical that you support Internet Explorer 11. [float] ==== Default logging timezone is now the system's timezone *Details:* In prior releases the timezone used in logs defaulted to UTC. We now use the host machine's timezone by default. *Impact:* To restore the previous behavior, in kibana.yml set `logging.timezone: UTC`. [float] ==== Responses are never logged by default *Details:* Previously responses would be logged if either `logging.json` was true, `logging.dest` was specified, or a `TTY` was detected. *Impact:* To restore the previous behavior, in kibana.yml set `logging.events.response=*`. [float] ==== `xpack.security.authProviders` is no longer valid *Details:* The deprecated `xpack.security.authProviders` setting in the `kibana.yml` file has been removed. *Impact:* Use `xpack.security.authc.providers` instead. [float] ==== `xpack.security.authc.saml.realm` is now mandatory when using the SAML authentication provider *Details:* Previously Kibana was choosing the appropriate Elasticsearch SAML realm automatically using the `Assertion Consumer Service` URL that it derived from the actual server address. Starting in 8.0.0, the Elasticsearch SAML realm name that Kibana will use should be specified explicitly. *Impact:* Always define `xpack.security.authc.saml.realm` when using the SAML authentication provider. [float] ==== `xpack.security.public` is no longer valid *Details:* The deprecated `xpack.security.public` setting in the `kibana.yml` file has been removed. *Impact:* Define `xpack.security.authc.saml.realm` when using the SAML authentication provider instead. [float] === `optimize` directory is now in the `data` folder *Details:* Generated bundles have moved to the configured `path.data` folder. *Impact:* Any workflow that involved manually clearing generated bundles will have to be updated with the new path. // end::notable-breaking-changes[]