[[install-uptime]] == Install Uptime The easiest way to get started with Elastic Uptime is by using our hosted {es} Service on Elastic Cloud. The {es} Service is available on both AWS and GCP, and automatically configures {es} and {kib}. [float] === Hosted Elasticsearch Service Skip managing your own {es} and {kib} instance by using our https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service[hosted {es} Service] on Elastic Cloud. https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service/signup[Try out the {es} Service for free], then jump straight to <>. [float] [[before-installation]] === Install the stack yourself If you'd rather install the stack yourself, first see the https://www.elastic.co/support/matrix[Elastic Support Matrix] for information about supported operating systems and product compatibility. Then, follow the steps below. * <> * <> * <> [[install-elasticsearch]] === Step 1: Install Elasticsearch Install an Elasticsearch cluster, start it up, and make sure it's running. . Verify that your system meets the https://www.elastic.co/support/matrix#matrix_jvm[minimum JVM requirements] for {es}. . {stack-gs}/get-started-elastic-stack.html#install-elasticsearch[Install Elasticsearch]. . {stack-gs}/get-started-elastic-stack.html#_make_sure_elasticsearch_is_up_and_running[Make sure elasticsearch is up and running]. [[install-kibana]] === Step 2: Install Kibana Install Kibana, start it up, and open up the web interface: . {stack-gs}/get-started-elastic-stack.html#install-kibana[Install Kibana]. . {stack-gs}/get-started-elastic-stack.html#_launch_the_kibana_web_interface[Launch the Kibana Web Interface]. [[install-heartbeat]] === Step 3: Install and configure Heartbeat Uptime requires the setup of monitors in Heartbeat. These monitors provide the data you'll be visualizing in the {kibana-ref}/xpack-uptime.html[Uptime UI]. See the *Setup Instructions* in Kibana for instructions on installing and configuring Heartbeat. Additional information is available in {heartbeat-ref}/heartbeat-configuration.html[Configure Heartbeat]. [role="screenshot"] image::images/uptime-setup.png[Installation instructions on the Uptime page in Kibana] [float] ==== Important considerations * Make sure you're using the same major versions of Heartbeat and Kibana. * Index patterns tell Kibana which Elasticsearch indices you want to explore. The Uptime UI requires a +heartbeat-{short-version}*+ index pattern. If you have configured a different index pattern, you can use {ref}/indices-aliases.html[index aliases] to ensure data is recognized by the UI. After you install and configure Heartbeat, the {kibana-ref}/xpack-uptime.html[Uptime UI] will automatically populate with the Heartbeat monitors.