/* * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License. */ import { RESERVED_DIR_JEST_INTEGRATION_TESTS } from '../../../src/dev/constants'; import config from './config'; export default { ...config, testMatch: [ `**/${RESERVED_DIR_JEST_INTEGRATION_TESTS}/**/*.test.{js,ts,tsx}`, // Tests within `__jest__` directories should be treated as regular unit tests. `!**/__jest__/${RESERVED_DIR_JEST_INTEGRATION_TESTS}/**/*.test.{js,ts,tsx}`, ], testPathIgnorePatterns: config.testPathIgnorePatterns.filter( (pattern) => !pattern.includes(RESERVED_DIR_JEST_INTEGRATION_TESTS) ), reporters: [ 'default', ['/../src/dev/jest/junit_reporter.js', { reportName: 'Jest Integration Tests' }], ], setupFilesAfterEnv: [ '/../src/dev/jest/setup/after_env.integration.js' ] };